Front cover image for Book smart your essential list for becoming a literary genius in 365 days

Book smart your essential list for becoming a literary genius in 365 days

Outlines a month-by-month reading plan that tackles the compelling popular books. This book provides highlights on key themes and characters, advice on how to approach reading, and historical notes that provide valuable context.
eBook, English, c2008
McGraw-Hill, New York, c2008
1 online resource
9780071594318, 0071594310
JAN: Because They Are There: Towering Works to Read in TranslationFEB: Footprints on the Sands of Time: Notable BiographiesMAR: The Good Life: Young Men on a QuestAPRIL: Top Girls: Strong Women, Admirarbly So and OtherwiseMAY: Jury Duty: Crimes of Various SortsJUNE: Expand Your Horizons: Books with Varied VenuesJULY: Stranger in a Strange Land: Unaccustomed Places, Real and FanciedAUG: Lighten Up: A Good Belly LaughSEPT: Back in the Day: Some Great 18th Century WorksOCT: Growing Up: the Pains and PleasuresNOV: War and Peace: On the Battlefield and Back HomeDEC: The Glittering Prizes: Winners of Major Awards