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" Glides through the pathways ; she knows all their notes. That gentle Maid ! and oft a moment's space, What time the moon was lost behind a cloud, Hath heard a pause of silence... "
The National Magazine: Devoted to Literature, Art, and Religion - Strona 212
pod redakcją - 1856
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The Every-day Book: Or Everlasting Calendar of Popular Amusements, Sports ...

William Hone - 1826 - Liczba stron: 902
...eyes both bright and full, Glist'ning, while many a glow-worm in the shade Lights up her love-torch. . Oft, a moment's space, What time the moon was lost...a pause of silence : till the moon Emerging, hath awaken'd earth and sky With one sensation, and those wakeful birds Have all burst forth in choral minstrelsy,...
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The Every Day Book, Or, A Guide to the Year: Describing the Popular ..., Tom 1

William Hone - 1826 - Liczba stron: 882
...eyes both bright and full Glist'ning, while many a glow-worm in the shade Lights up her love-torch. Oft, a moment's space, What time the moon was lost...heard a pause of silence : till the moon Emerging, ham awaken 'd earth and sky With one sensation, and those wakeful birds Have all burst forth in choral...
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The Poetical Works of S.T. Coleridge: Including the Dramas of Wallenstein ...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1828 - Liczba stron: 374
...than Nature in the grove Glides through the pathways; she knows all their notes, That gentle Maid ! and oft a moment's space, What time the Moon was lost...burst forth in Choral minstrelsy, As if some sudden Gale had swept at once An hundred airy harps ! And she hath watched Many a Nightingale perched giddily...
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The British poets of the nineteenth century, including the select works of ...

British poets - 1828 - Liczba stron: 838
...dedicate To something more than Nature in the(fM>"' Glides thro' the pathways; she knows tU 298 299 What time the Moon was lost behind a cloud, Hath heard a pause of silence; till the Moon Emerging, hath awaken'd earth and sky With one sensation, and these wakeful birds Bare all burst forth in choral minstrelsy,...
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The Poetical Works of Coleridge, Shelley, and Keats: Complete in One ..., Tom 1

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1829 - Liczba stron: 575 the grove) r.lidc* through the pathway«; she knows all 1 1 ici r notes, • Thai gentle Maid '. d blue awaken' d earth and sky With one sensation, and these wakeful lurds Пате all burst forth in choral...
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The Every-day Book and Table Book: Or, Everlasting Calendar of ..., Tom 1

William Hone - 1830 - Liczba stron: 878
...glow-wonn in the shade < :,. ,.i «( ,fc Lights up her love-torch. - . , - -°K' f m°m,e?U,3 sPfe» What time the moon was lost behind a cloud. Hath heard a pause of silence : till the moon Emerging, hatn awaken'd earth and sky With one sensation, and those wakeful birds Have all burst forth in choral...
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The Juvenile forget me not, ed. by mrs. S.C. Hall

Anna Maria Hall - 1835 - Liczba stron: 268
...bright, bright eyes, their eyes both bright and full, Glistening ." With the poet, I may also add — " And oft a moment's space. What time the moon was lost...a pause of silence ; till the moon, Emerging, hath awaken'd earth and skj With one sensation, and these wakeful birds Have all burst forth in choral minstrelsy,...
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The Every-day Book and Table Book: Or, Everlasting Calandar of Popular ...

William Hone - 1835 - Liczba stron: 876
...eyes both bright and full, (ilisl'ning, while many a glow-worm in the shade Lights up her love-torch. Oft, a moment's space, What time the moon was lost behind a cluud. Hath heard a pause of silence : till the moon Emerging, hath awaken 'd earth and sky With one...
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The Young Lady's Book of Elegant Poetry: Comprising Selections from the ...

Author of The young man's own book - 1836 - Liczba stron: 336
...than nature in the grove) Glides thro' the pathways ; she knows all their notes, That gentle Maid ! and oft a moment's space, What time the Moon was lost...birds Have all burst forth in choral minstrelsy, As If one quick and sudden gale had swept An hundred airy harps ! And she hath watch'd Many a Nightingale...
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The Poetical and Dramatic Works of Samuel Taylor Coleridge: With a Life of ...

Samuel Taylor Coleridge - 1836 - Liczba stron: 496
...than nature in the grove) Glides through the pathways ; she knows all their notes, That gentle maid ! and oft, a moment's space. What time the moon was...hath awakened earth and sky With one sensation, and those wakeful birds Have all burst forth with choral minstrelsy, As if one quick and sudden gale had...
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