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" God a true, proper, and propitiatory sacrifice for the living and the dead : and that in the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist there is truly, really, and substantially the Body and Blood, together with the Soul and Divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ... "
A Preservative Against Popery, in Several Select Discourses Upon the ... - Strona 35
autor: Edmund Gibson - 1848
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Christian Researches in Syria and the Holy Land in MDCCCXXIII and MDCCCXXIV ...

William Jowett, Joseph Greaves - 1825 - Liczba stron: 550
...profess that in the Mass is offered to God a true, proper, and propitious sacrifice for the Living and the Dead : and that, in the most holy Sacrament...Divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ; and that there is made the change of the whole substance of the bread into the body and the whole substance of the wine...
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The Book of the Roman-Catholic Church: In a Series of Letters Addressed to ...

Charles Butler - 1825 - Liczba stron: 372
...true, proper, and propitiatory sacrifice " for the living and the dead ; and that in the *' most Jholy sacrament of the eucharist there is " truly, really,...divinity of our Lord " Jesus Christ ; and that there is made a conversion " of the whole substance of the bread into the " body, and of the whole substance...
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The Book of the Roman-Catholic Church: In a Series of Letters Addressed to ...

Charles Butler - 1825 - Liczba stron: 788
...proper, and propitiatory sacrifice " for the living and the dead; and that in the " most holy sacrifice of the eucharist there is truly, " really, and substantially...divinity of our Lord " Jesus Christ; and that there is made a conversion " of the whole substance of the bread into the " body, and of the whole substance...
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The Book of the Roman-Catholic Church: In a Series of Letters Addressed to ...

Charles Butler - 1825 - Liczba stron: 376
...likewise, that in the mass is offered " to God a true, proper, and propitiatory sacrifice " for the living and the dead ; and that in the " most holy " truly, really, and substantially the body and bloodj " together with the soul and divinity of our Lord " Jesus Christ ; and that there is made a...
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The Quarterly Musical Magazine and Review, Tom 7

1825 - Liczba stron: 590
...sacrifice for the living and the dead ; and that in the sacrament of the altar are contained the real body and blood, together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ, and that there is a real conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the body, and of the whole of Ihe wine into...
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An apology for the Church of England, tr. and illustr. with notes by S ...

John Jewel (bp. of Salisbury.) - 1825 - Liczba stron: 536
...proper and propitiatory Sacri" fice for the living and the dead; and that in " the Most Holy Sacrifice of the Eucharist " there is truly, really, and substantially the Body " and Blood, together with the Soul and Divi" nity of our Lord Jesus Christ; and that there " is made a Conversion of the whole Substance "...
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Lambeth and the Vatican: Or, Anecdotes of the Church of Rome, of the ..., Tom 1

1825 - Liczba stron: 322
...English Catholicks, from the Reformation, to the year 1730. " 12th — That in the most holy sacra" ment of the eucharist, there is truly, really, " and substantially, the body and blood, together "with the soul and the divinity of our Lord " Jesus Christ. 13th. — That in this sacrament " there is by the omnipotence...
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Popery and the popish question

George Croly - 1825 - Liczba stron: 160
...propitiatory sacrifice for the quick and dead; that in the Eucharist there is really and tub' stantially the body and blood, together with the soul and divinity of our Lord Jesus Christ ! * This article contains two features. First, of the Mass. I would not speak irreverently of things...
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A History of the Penal Laws Against the Irish Catholics: From the Year 1689 ...

Sir Henry Parnell - 1825 - Liczba stron: 192
...and sacred promises, truly meritorious of eternal life. 7. It is an article of the Catholic faith, that in the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, there is truly and really contained the body of Christ, which was delivered for us, and his blood which was shed for...
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Brief remarks on 'The declaration of the Catholic bishops, the vicars ...

Philip Allwood - 1826 - Liczba stron: 110
...likewise, that in the Mass is offered to God a true, " 'proper, and propitiatory sacrifice for the living and the dead; and " ' that, in the most Holy Sacrament...divinity, of our Lord Jesus Christ; and that there is made a " 'conversion of the whole substance of the bread into the body, and of " ' the whole substance...
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