| John Walker - 1799 - Liczba stron: 438
...adopt the falling inflexion with considerable force, in the csefura of the laft line but one. EXAMPLE. One fcience only will one genius fit, So vaft is art,...bounded to peculiar arts, But oft in thofe confin'd to (ingle parts ; . Like kings we lofe the conquefts gain'd before, By vain ambition ftill to make them... | |
| John Walker - 1801 - Liczba stron: 422
...caesura of the last line but one, EXAMPLE. One science only will one genius fit, So vast is art, so narrow human wit ; Not only bounded to peculiar arts, But oft in those confin'd to single parts ; Like kings, we lose the conquests gain'd before By vain ambition,... | |
| Hester Lynch Piozzi - 1801 - Liczba stron: 1008
...certain ; and I have heard that lits-pharos, Bofpharns, had the fame meaning in Greek. One fiience only will one genius fit, So vaft is art, fo narrow human wit.Leibnitz, on the contrary, feemcxl defirous to- drive ten fcicnccs in hand, like Nero's horles... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1804 - Liczba stron: 498
...warm imagination pl;iy, The memory's fo'ft figures melt away, One fcicnce only will one genius ft ; Co So vaft is art, fo narrow human wit: Not only bounded to peculiar arts, But oft in thofcconfinM to Jingle partj. Like Kings, vri lo!e :!:; conquslb gain'tl before, By vain ambition Itill... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1804 - Liczba stron: 236
...play, The memory's soft figures melt away. One science only will one genius fit ; 6t So vast is art, so narrow human wit : Not only bounded to peculiar arts, But oft' in those confin'd to single parts. Like kings we lose the conquests gain'd before, By vain ambition still... | |
| Great Britain - 1804 - Liczba stron: 492
...imagination piay, The memory's foft figures melt away, One fciencc only wit! one genius fit; Co So va.'i is art, fo narrow human wit: Not only bounded to peculiar arts, Rut oft in thof.- conib'd to finjb part?. Like King?, we lofe the conqueils gaia'db:for--, l"?y vain... | |
| Elegant extracts - 1805 - Liczba stron: 1050
...pby, The memory's lott figures melt aw ,y, One fcience'only will one genius rit; So vaft is art, to narrow human wit : Not only bounded to peculiar arts, But oft in thole conriu'd to angle parts. Like Kings, we lole the concueit gam'd before, By vain ambition It ill... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1806 - Liczba stron: 558
...be remembered is principally its being aflbciated with other Where beams of warm imagination play, The memory's foft figures melt away. One fcience only will one genius fit ; 60 So vaft is art, fo narrow human wit: Not NOTES, ' ether ideas by the ageney of the imagination.... | |
| Alexander Pope, William Lisle Bowles - 1806 - Liczba stron: 550
...be remembered is principally its being affociated with other Where beams of warm imagination play, The memory's foft figures melt away. One fcience only will one genius fit ; 60 So vaft is art, fo narrow human wit : Not NOTES. • other ideas by the ageney of the imagination.... | |
| Joseph Warton - 1806 - Liczba stron: 422
...eminently distinguished this philosopher. 6. One science only will one genitfs fit ; So vast is art, so narrow human wit. Not only bounded to peculiar arts, But oft in those confin'd to single parts.f When Tully attempted poetry, he became as ridiculous as Bolingbroke... | |
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