| Friedrich Zander - 1834 - Liczba stron: 490
...WRIGHT, MA, late Head Master oí Sutton Coldfield School HELLENICA ; OR, A HISTORY OF GREECE IN GREEK, as related by Diodorus and Thucydides ; being a First...Book, with explanatory Notes, Critical and Historical. Third Edition, with a Vocabulary. I2mo. 3*. 6uf. "A good plan well executed." — GUARDIAN, A HELP... | |
| 1862 - Liczba stron: 786
...Additions. By JOHN E. B MAY-IK, MA Fcp. Svo. cloth, 5s. IELLENICA; or, a History of Greece in Greek, as related by Diodorus and Thucydides, being a First...Book, with Explanatory Notes, Critical and Historical. ByJ. WRIGHT, MA of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Head Master of Sutton Coldfield Grammar School.... | |
| William Walton, Charles Frederick Mackenzie - 1854 - Liczba stron: 266
...Translator of Dante. Crown Svo. Books I.— VI. 5*. WRIGHT.— Hellenica ; or, a History of Greece in Greek, as related by Diodorus and Thucydides, being a First...Book, with Explanatory Notes, Critical and Historical. By J.WRIGHT, MA, of Trinity College, Cambridge, and Head-Master of Sutton Coldfleld Grammar School.... | |
| Richard Chenevix Trench (abp. of Dublin.) - 1855 - Liczba stron: 296
...School, limo, cloth, 3». 6d. V* This book is already in use in Rugby and other Schools. WRIGHT.— A Help to Latin Grammar ; or, the Form and Use of Words in Latin. With Progressive Exercises. J J. WRIGHT, MA Crown 8vo. cloth, 4s. Ы. THE JOUENAL OF CLASSICAL AND SACRED PHILOLOGY. No. r.for... | |
| Thomas Rawson Birks - 1855 - Liczba stron: 236
...School. I2mo. cloth, 3a. 6d. *»* This book is already in use in Rugby and other Schools. WRIGHT.— A Help to Latin Grammar; or, the Form and Use of Words in Latin. With Progressive Exercises. By J. WRIGHT, MA Crown 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. THE JOURNAL OP CLASSICAL AND SACRED PHILOLOGY. No. V. for... | |
| Isaac Todhunter - 1855 - Liczba stron: 332
...School. )2mo. cloth, 3s. 6d. *»* This book is already in use in Rugby and other Schools. WRIGHT.— A Help to Latin Grammar; or, the Form and Use of Words in Latin. With Progressive Exercises. By J. WRIGHT, MA Crown 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. THE JOURNAL CLASSICAL: AND SACRED PHILOLOGY. No. r. for... | |
| Julius Charles Hare - 1855 - Liczba stron: 536
...School. ]2ino. cloth, 3i. <i./. •. ' This book is already in use in Rugby and other Schools. WRIGHT.— A Help to Latin Grammar; or, the Form and Use of Words in Latin. With Progressive Exercises. By J. WRIOHT, MA Crown 8vo. cloth, 4i. 6d. THE JOURNAL or CLASSICAL AND SACRED PHILOLOGY. No. V. for... | |
| John Frederick Denison Maurice - 1855 - Liczba stron: 374
...School. )2mo. cloth, Ss. 6d. ' ,' This book is already in use in Rugby and other Schools. WEIGHT.— A Help to Latin Grammar; or, the Form and Use of Words in Latin. With Progressive Exercises. By 3. WRIGHT, MA Crown 8vo. cloth, 4». 6d. THE JOURNAL or CLASSICAL AND SACEED PHILOLOGY. No. r. for... | |
| Brooke Foss Westcott - 1855 - Liczba stron: 642
...School. I2mo. cloth, 3i. M. •»* This book ii already in use in Rugby and other School). WEIGHT.— A Help to Latin Grammar; or, the Form and Use of Words in Latin. With Progressive Exercises. By J. WRIGHT, MA Crown 8vo. cloth, 4«. M. THE JOURNAL Of CLASSICAL AND SACRED PHILOLOGY. Ko. V. for... | |
| Henry Mackenzie - 1855 - Liczba stron: 298
...School. 12mo. cloth, 3s. Sd. "»* This book is already in use in Rugby and other Schools. WEIGHT.— A Help to Latin Grammar; or, the Form and Use of Words in Latin. With Progressive Exercises. By J. WRIGHT, MA Crown 8vo. cloth, 4s. 6d. THE JOURNAL •» CLASSICAL AND SACRED PHILOLOGY. No. V.... | |
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