The Dramatic Works of William Shakspeare: With a Life of the Poet, and Notes, Original and SelectedHilliard, Gray,, 1837 |
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Strona 20
... thee . Ari . What shall I do ? say what ? what shall I do ? Pro . Go , make thyself like a nymph o ' the sea ; be subject To no sight but thine and mine ; invisible To every eyeball else . Go , take this shape , And hither come in't ...
... thee . Ari . What shall I do ? say what ? what shall I do ? Pro . Go , make thyself like a nymph o ' the sea ; be subject To no sight but thine and mine ; invisible To every eyeball else . Go , take this shape , And hither come in't ...
Strona 21
... thee , And showed thee all the qualities o ' the isle , The fresh springs , brine pits , barren place , and fertile ; Cursed be I that did so ! - All the charms Of Sycorax , toads , beetles , bats , light on you ! For I am all the ...
... thee , And showed thee all the qualities o ' the isle , The fresh springs , brine pits , barren place , and fertile ; Cursed be I that did so ! - All the charms Of Sycorax , toads , beetles , bats , light on you ! For I am all the ...
Strona 22
... thee , Took pains to make thee speak , taught thee each hour One thing or other ; when thou didst not , savage , Know thine own meaning , but wouldst gabble like A thing most brutish , I endowed thy purposes With words that made them ...
... thee , Took pains to make thee speak , taught thee each hour One thing or other ; when thou didst not , savage , Know thine own meaning , but wouldst gabble like A thing most brutish , I endowed thy purposes With words that made them ...
Strona 24
... thee Within two days for this . Fer . Most sure , the goddess On whom these airs attend ! -Vouchsafe , my prayer May ... thee ? Fer . A single thing , as I am now , that wonders To hear thee speak of Naples ; he does hear me ; And ...
... thee Within two days for this . Fer . Most sure , the goddess On whom these airs attend ! -Vouchsafe , my prayer May ... thee ? Fer . A single thing , as I am now , that wonders To hear thee speak of Naples ; he does hear me ; And ...
Strona 25
... thee , If now ' twere fit to do't : -At the first sight They have changed eyes ; -Delicate Ariel , [ Aside . I'll set thee free for this ! -A word , good sir ; I fear , you have done yourself some wrong : 2 a word . Mira . Why speaks my ...
... thee , If now ' twere fit to do't : -At the first sight They have changed eyes ; -Delicate Ariel , [ Aside . I'll set thee free for this ! -A word , good sir ; I fear , you have done yourself some wrong : 2 a word . Mira . Why speaks my ...
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actor ARIEL Blackfriars Blackfriars theatre Bridgewater House Burbage Caius Caliban daughter dost doth dramatic Duke Enter Exeunt Exit eyes Falstaff father fool Ford gentle gentlemen give hath hear heart heaven honor Host Illyria James Burbage Julia king knave knight lady Laun letter look Lord Ellesmere madam Malone Marry master Brook master doctor Milan Mira mistress Anne mistress Ford monster never Pist play Poet pray Prospero Proteus Quick Richard Burbage SCENE servant Shak Shakspeare Shakspeare's Shal Silvia Sir Hugh Sir John Sir John Falstaff Sir Proteus Slen speak Speed spirit Stratford Stratford upon Avon Susanna Hall sweet Sycorax tell theatre thee there's thou art thou hast Thurio Trin Trinculo unto Valentine wife William Shakspeare William Tuthill Windsor woman word