The Works of HoraceAmerican Book Company, 1906 - 325 |
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Strona 56
Horace Theodore Alois Buckley. derful manner . Thee the benign protection of Jupiter , shin- ing with friendly aspect , rescued from the baleful influence of impious Saturn , and retarded the wings of precipitate des- tiny , at the time ...
Horace Theodore Alois Buckley. derful manner . Thee the benign protection of Jupiter , shin- ing with friendly aspect , rescued from the baleful influence of impious Saturn , and retarded the wings of precipitate des- tiny , at the time ...
Strona 68
... manner , than if ( after he had quitted the tedious business of his clients , by determining their suit ) he was only going to the Venafrian plains , or the Lacedæmonian Ta- rentum . ODE VI . TO THE ROMANS . THOU shalt atone , O Roman ...
... manner , than if ( after he had quitted the tedious business of his clients , by determining their suit ) he was only going to the Venafrian plains , or the Lacedæmonian Ta- rentum . ODE VI . TO THE ROMANS . THOU shalt atone , O Roman ...
Strona 79
... manner of writing very usual in Horace . Secondly , Afr cæ is governed both of imperio and sorte . Fulgens imperio Africæ is a paraphrase for the proconsul of Africa , and sors Africæ sig- nifies the proconsulship or government of that ...
... manner of writing very usual in Horace . Secondly , Afr cæ is governed both of imperio and sorte . Fulgens imperio Africæ is a paraphrase for the proconsul of Africa , and sors Africæ sig- nifies the proconsulship or government of that ...
Strona 86
... manner ; and [ so do ] the rough Getæ , whose uncircumscribed acres produce fruits and corn free to all , nor is a longer than annual tillage agreeable , and a successor relieves him who has accomplished his labor by an equal right ...
... manner ; and [ so do ] the rough Getæ , whose uncircumscribed acres produce fruits and corn free to all , nor is a longer than annual tillage agreeable , and a successor relieves him who has accomplished his labor by an equal right ...
Strona 89
... manner Iäpyx , [ seemingly ] serene , is guilty . Let the wives and children of our enemies feel the blind tumults of the rising south , and the roaring of the blackened sea , and the shores trembling with its lash . Thus too Europa ...
... manner Iäpyx , [ seemingly ] serene , is guilty . Let the wives and children of our enemies feel the blind tumults of the rising south , and the roaring of the blackened sea , and the shores trembling with its lash . Thus too Europa ...
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admire agreeable ancient ANTHON Apollo Aristippus arms Augustus Bacchus battle of Actium beauty called Campus Martius celebrated character chorus Cicero comedy consul CRUQ Dacier death delight dread DUBL earth Ennius EPISTLE expression father Faunus favor festival fortune FRAN genius give gods Grecian Greek happy hath honor Horace HURD imitation impious Italy Julius Cæsar Jupiter kind king labor Latin laugh laws lest live Lucanian lyre M'CAUL Mæcenas manner master means mind muse nature never obliged Octavius ORELLI Parthians person Pirithous play poet poetry prætor praise quæ rage rich river Roman Rome sacred SATIRE says senate sesterces signifies sing slaves Stertinius Telephus temple thee thing thou Thracian Tiberius tion TORR tragedy Trojan Troy turn twelve tables Venus verses Virgil virtue WATSON whence wind wine wise words write youth