LATIN PRIMER: (Very fully and elegantly exemplified from the Latin Poets) By which the Learner may in a short Time be taught to read the Teaching the Classic Way of writing Latin, with regard to the DESCRIPTION OF THE LATIN VERSE, And of many Kinds of Composition in Verse. A summary Account of TERENCE'S METRES; and a more minute one With a Table designed to give a ready and perfect Knowledge REV. RICHARD LYNE, RECTOR OF LITTLE PETHERICK; AND LATE MASTER OF THE PRINTED FOR GEO. B. WHITTAKER, AVE-MARIA-LANE. THE peculiar object of Part I. of this Book is, by various expedients, to secure the child's own good will and attention to the proper mode of learning and for this purpose all difficulties, though not all occasions of exertion, have been carefully obviated for him. BOOL LIBR Printed by R. Gilbert, St. John's-square, London. Memoriæ HENRICI KIRKE WHITE, de Nottingamia, et nuper de Coll. Div. Joan. in Acad. Cantab. hanc octavam imprimis et omnes in posteris editiones (cujus usui præcipue illustris et in cœlis tandem beatus (The First Edition.) R. L. VIRGILIO SUO S. OLIM, mi Virgili, sic jubeat Deus! tute ipse hune librum sis forsan lecturus. Tibi ergo præ omnibus inscriptum volo. Nam et tui gratia composui: et ut scriptores fere, quos ambiunt, dedicationibus aucupantur, sie te pater. Una enim sola excepta, omnium mihi tum curæ tum gaudii participe, et cui me quotidie et in horas devinctiorem habeo; illa sola excepta, quis est, nisi tu es, cum quo gratiam me potius inire decet? Et a quo plus expectationis habere possim, quam de te, dulcissime infantule, qui nunc e cunabulis, matrem risu cognoscens, et ipse subridens amabiliter, parenti pectus tacitum novis pertentas gaudiis; et qui mecum venturis annis, si posthac pariter hujus vitæ tranemus æquor, adeo es UNUM futurus, ut uter sit pater vel filius, "Mire sagaces falleret hospites "Discrimen obscurum." HOR. Imo etiam, iisdem studiis, tum disciplina, Christi scilicet, et amore connexi (sie me spes lactat) et pater et filius nobis invicem erimus, et amicus, et frater. |