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Alios aliis fudiis duci: fe lyrici vai gloriam ambire, untry
Macenatis judicio obtinendan

AECENAS atavis edite reeees,

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Sunt quos curriculo pulverem
Collegiffe juvat; metaque fervidis

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Evitata rotis, palmaque nobilis
Terrarum dominos evehit* ad Deo
Hunc, fi mobilium + turba Quiritiu
Certat tergeminis tollere honoribus;
fi proprio condidit horreo



MR Evehere. Bentl.








Men have various attachments: Horace's tafle is for Lyric poetry, for the Juccess of which be depends upon the pa tronage of


MECENAS, defcended from royal ancestors, O both

m rotection my darling honour! There are fome, who delight is to have collected Olympic duft in the char races and whom the goal nicely avoided by glowing wheels, and the noble palm, exalts to the Gods— the governors of the world.

This man f an affembly of the capricious Roman commonalty be bent to raise him to the higheft dignities; another, if he hath ftored up in his own granary what

*Hath imported vast quantities of corn from Africa.

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Quidquid de Libycis verritur eis;
Gaudentem patrios findere
Agros, Attalicis conditionibus
Nunquam dimoveas,trabe Cypria
Myrtoum pavidus naut fecet mare.
Luctantem Icariis fluctible Afum
Mercator metuens, otiun et oppidi
Laudat rura fui: mox reficit rates
Quaffas, inocilis pauperiem pati.
Eft qui nec vet pocula Maffici,
Nec partem folie demere de die
Spernit, nunc viridi membra fub arbuto
Stratus au unc ad aquæ lene caput facræ.
.Multos caftra juvant, et lituo tubæ

Permiftus fonitus, bellaque matribus

Deteftata. Manet füb Jove frigido
Venator, teneræ conjugis immemor :
Seu vifa eft catulis cerva fidelibus,
Seu rupit teretes Marfus aper plagas.
Me* doctarum ederæ præmia frontium
Dîs mifcent peris: me gelidum nemus,
Nympharumque leves cum Satyris chori
Secernunt populo; fi neque tibias
Euterpe cohibet, nec Polyhymnia -
Lesböum refugit tendere barbiton.
Quod fi me lyricis vatibus inferes †,
Sublimi feriam fidera vertice.

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Te. Hare.

+ Infernge fuavi Baxt.

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foever is fwept from the Lybian threshing-floors: a third, as his delight is to plough his patrimonial fields, you could never tempt, with all the wealth of Attalus, to become a timorous failor and cross the Myrtoan fea in a Cyprian bark. The merchant, dreading the fouth-west wind contending with the Icarian waves, commends tranquillity and the rural retirement of his village: but danger over, and incapable of being taught to bear poverty, he refits his shattered Weffel. There is another, whofe highest indulgence is in cupa of old Maffic, and in breaking the day, one while

at cafe under the green-Arbutus, another at the placid head of fome facred stream.

The camp, and the found of the mingled confused with that of the clarion, and wars detefted by mothers, rejoice many.

The huntfman, unmindful of his tender spouse, remains in the cold air, whether a hart is held in view by his faithful hounds, or a Marfian boar has broken the cir cling toils.,



Ivy, the reward of learned brows, equals Me (in happinefs) to the Gods above the cool grove, and the light dances of Nymphs and Satyrs, diftinguith Me from the crowd; if neither Euterpe withholds her pipe, nor Polyhymia difdains to tune the Lesbian lyre. But, if you will rank me among the Lyric poets, I fhall tower to the stars with my exalted head.

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