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WE have much pleasure in presenting to our Readers the First Volume of THE WORKING MAN'S FRIEND AND FAMILY INSTRUCTOR. The necessity for such a periodical had long been seen by us; and the great success that has attended it is a sufficient proof that we were not wrong in our estimate of what was wanted at the fireside of THE WORKING MAN, to improve his evening hour after his day of toil. Our object has been that of instruction rather than of mere amusement; we have preferred dealing with the realities of life more than with the creations of fancy. In this we have been guided by a sincere wish to store the minds of our readers with solid information; for, after all, it is mostly in proportion to the sound knowledge which a man possesses that he gets on in the world. In this path of usefulness we intend to proceed, and trust that, by the end of the year, wherever we shall have been read and our instructions followed, the domestic hearth of THE WORKING MAN will be improved and cheered in all the relations in which it may be viewed.

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Oranges! Three a Penny, 271.
Results of Reading and Thought,
30, 62, 190, 254.

Weekly Calendar, 28, 60, 93, 126,
156, 189, 222, 252, 287, 319,
351, 382, 411.


Advice to Boys, 214.

A Little More, 57.

Bishop and the Birds, The, 380.

Brave Boy, The, 280.

Decisive Answer, Advantage of,


Dr. Mather's Ambition, 57.

Drowning Boy, The, 380.

Fable for the Young, A, 214.

Fable for Young Females, A, 280.

Happy Tailor, The, 281.

Honour thy Father, 214.

Letter, How to write a, 125.

Little African Pleader, The, 57.

Little Frank, 215.

Looking Upwards, 214.

Master and Apprentice, The, 57.
Patty Primrose, 56.
Poor Boy and Wallet, The, 56.
Reading the Bible, 57.
River and Brook, The, 125.
Safest Place, The, 125.

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Yorkshire Nuts, 249.


Allegory, Instructive, 360.
Anecdote, Ominous, 159.
Angel and Fiend, 399.
Aphorisms, 218.
Audubon's Wife, 348.
Bacon, Lord, 157.

Beneficial Rule, A, 188.

Birmingham Coach, The, 278.
Bronze, Antiquity of, 313.

Business, Industry in, 282.

Children, Great and Little, 112.
Christianity, 174.

Coffin, Sir Isaac, 24.

Conscience, Exercise of, 31.

Cresses to Sell, 163.

Ox-cheek, various modes of cook- Dreaming for a Breakfast, 92.

ing, 213.
Ox-kidneys. 213.

Ox-tail, 213.

Ox-heart, 213.

Ox-liver, 213.

Pancakes, 182.

Paste for Pies, 121.

Man, Physical History of, 10, Pea Soup, 120.

Rainbows, 154.

Pepper and Spices, 88.
Pie, Meat, 89.

Potatoes, Mashed, 55.

School-room, The, 91, 123, 152, Potato Pudding, 55.

185, 220, 250, 317, 408.

Solar System, The, 222.

Sound, Diffusion of, 59.

Sound, Velocity of, 28.
Vegetable Reasoning, 124.

Water, Nature and Properties of,


Waves, Velocity and Size of, 188.


Apple Dumplings, 286.
Blackings, various, 379,
Buns, 218.
Cabbage Jelly, 286.
Cabbages, 286.

Cements, various, 151.

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Dreams, Interpretation of, 94.
Duel Avoided, A. 337.

Fanaticism and Philosophy, 167.

Improvement, Means of, 195.

Industry in Business, 282.
Keep Pushing, 284.
Keep Stirring, 397.
Kings at Arguments, 157.
Language, 103.

Lay it out in Mules, 12.
Loch-Lomond, 270.

Man's Last Friend, 52.
Man with one Garment, 22.
Mechanics, Rules for, 263.
Miner's Letter, A, 63.

Moral Strength, Citadel of, 99.
Oh, my Eye, 103.

Orator Henley, 407.

Out of your Inside, 52.

Pleasure, Sensual, 127.

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Slipping in Frosty Weather, To Red Man's Oratory, 12,

prevent, 183.

Soda Cake, 249.
Soup, Vegetable, 410.

Soup, very cheap, 410.
Tea Cakes, 249.

Tomato Ketchup, 55.

Unhealthiness of Women, 85.
Where is She? 61.
Whip Behind, 233.
Whisky Punch, 379.





[Devoted exclusively to Contributions from the Working Classes.]


A FEW weeks only have elapsed since we announced our intention of publishing a Supplementary Number once in every month, for the purpose of opening a suitable medium for the communications of Working Men. We did so with the knowledge that there were in that class men who accustomed themselves to habits of close thinking, and who, if they could be induced to commit their thoughts to paper, might render essential service not only to their "co-mates and brethren," but also to other classes of the community. We judged that many would readily avail themselves of such an opportunity of making known their grievances and their wants, and of setting avowed patriots and philanthropists right as to the most appropriate and efficient modes of relief. The result has proved that we were not mistaken. A large number of bona fide working men have availed themselves of the opportunity in a manner creditable to themselves, and, we may safely add, profitable to others. In one respect, we own we have been disappointed, but our disappointment has been of a very agreeable description. While some of the writers have confined themselves entirely to subjects intimately connected with their own circumstances and prospects, others—many others-have nobly soared to the higher regions of literature, and have proved that their powers were equal to sustain them in their flight. And it is evident, from the date of their productions, that the writers have "wit at will," some of them having reached us within a few days from the publication of our first announcement. From that period we have had fresh arrivals by every post, till the number has reached beyond two hundred. Our difficulty, therefore, has been, not to find sufficient materials for our First Supplement, but to make such a selection-to present such a sample-as shall ensure a large demand for the future. We now see our way perfectly clear to promise a succession of Monthly Supplements, filled exclusively with the productions of working men, such as will not fail to gratify all classes of readers, however varied their tastes.

The contributions now furnished, and the majority of those we have found time to examine, demonstrate what sober, industrious, thoughtful men are capable of effecting, notwithstanding the constant demand made upon their mental and physical powers. Many of the writers have expressed themselves, in no ordinary terms, grateful to us for having thus afforded them at once a pleasing relaxation, and an incentive to mental effort and to mental culture. We shall distribute our promised rewards with unfeigned pleasure, only regretting their inadequacy.

Owing to the great number of the communications, and some other difficulties which will, no doubt, be obvious to many, we have incurred much labour and great responsibility; but, having succeeded in preventing more than one "flower" from "wasting its sweetness in the desert air," and in rescuing more than one "gem" from "the dark caves of ocean," we feel ourselves abundantly recompensed; and if our readers think as we do, we shall resume our task with renewed vigour.


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