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The Six Sacramental Articles.



The Office of Holy Communion.


The Offices of Baptism and Confirmation.


Of late years there has been an unwonted stir in the so-called "Religious World"; and religious topics have been debated with much heat and acrimony, the dogmatic insistance of the disputants being, as always, in an inverse ratio to their knowledge of the subject in hand.

To these zealous polemics, the Church has proved a fruitful theme of vehement discussion, and constant object of virulent attack,-" some crying one thing, and some another," as in the Ephesian mob of old; "the more part," of course, understanding neither what they say nor whereof they affirm."

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Why Roman and Dissenting propagandists should be bitterly opposed to the spread of Church Principles, we can see at a glance, their "Craft is in danger." But why any considerable section of the Clergy should side with them, would be hard to comprehend, had no record been kept of the "Great Rebellion," or Cromwellian Revolution in Church and State, when the Nonconformist fashion of religious thought and practice was set, by the establishment of Dissenting fanatics in the vacant places of the 7000 ejected Clergy, especially at the great centres of population. Those high souled disciples of Calvin and Cromwell, dignifying themselves with the imposing titles of "The Godly," "The Pure," "The Evangelical Party," &c., shewed the strength of what they humorously

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