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they came to be examined, proved to be without value." The second sentence is as follows: "As regards the main proposals we have in view, it is futile to talk of receding; " and the third, with reference to arrangements for the settlement of the land question by some plan for the purchase and sale of Irish estates, declares that any such plan known to Mr Gladstone "absolutely and essentially requires as a vital condition the institution of a real Irish Government able to speak and act for Ireland, "without which," says the speaker, “ I do not see how to stir a step towards the adoption of such a plan."

thing that can wound," that they "shall say nothing that can wound and nothing that can embarrass them." Mr Gladstone even goes further in this after-dinner oration, for he declares that he desires his friends to regard the Liberal Unionists as they "regarded them two years ago," and to repent of any words which they may have used "which seem at variance with such a declaration." All this Gladstonian honey is, of course, intended to catch such Unionist flies as may be weak enough to put their trustful feet within its reach. If there be such, however, and if they should be inclined to forget the scornful vituperation From the above quotations, which was hurled at their heads Liberal Unionists will see that when there was a chance that it Mr Gladstone adheres to that promight injure them, they will do prosal for a separate Parliament well to read Mr. Gladstone's and separate Government for Irespeech several times over, as in- land which was rejected last year; deed all Mr Gladstone's speeches and that if they should allow themmust be read, by those who de- selves to be cajoled into the belief sire to discover their real drift that he intends to make any such and meaning, or rather the several concessions as would bridge over drifts and meanings which are the gulf of principle which really usually discernible to the care- divides them, not only will they ful reader. In this instance, have deceived themselves, but Mr among all the civilities addressed Gladstone will be able to point to to Liberal Unionists, coupled with this speech as a proof that they the hope expressed that "a variety have done so with their eyes open, of points" may be discovered upon and they will have only their own which improvements may be credulity to blame for the awkward made" in the Home Rule proposals position in which they will have of last year-improvements, of been landed. It is easy enough to course, which would tend to con- talk about the bills of last year ciliate the Unionists-there are being "dead and buried "; but it is three sentences pregnant with palpable to the most casual obmeaning, to which the attention server that their principle—that of of the reader should be directed. the division of the power and ParThe first is, that there "could be liament of the empire-is as much no greater misfortune than that" alive as ever, and that if this were the Unionists and Gladstonians not the case, Mr Gladstone would should pretend-not falsely, but at once lose the support of the conscientiously-pretend and pro- Parnellites. fess" that they had made an agreement, when in point of fact" they had "only agreed upon certain forms of words which, when



To obtain that support he has already done much, and as far as one can judge of the future by the past, he is more likely to bid higher for its retention than

to risk its loss by receding from last year's demands. Upon the probability of the contentment and pacification of Ireland being obtained by concessions to these demands, it is well to note Mr. Bright's letter to a Birmingham Home-Ruler on March the 15th. Mr. Bright avows his continued sympathy for for Ireland and the Irish; and with respect to Mr. Parnell and his Nationalist colleagues, he thus expresses himself: "I am asked why I cannot trust those leaders. I do trust them most entirely. I have seen their course for seven years past, and have heard and read their speeches. I believe in those speeches, and see in them only hatred to England and disloyalty to the Crown, and I am unwilling to intrust to their tender mercies any portion of the population now under the government of the Imperial Parliament." If we contrast the calm, sensible tone of this letter with the wild ravings of the Pall Mall Gazette' and the intemperate nonsense of Gladstonian orators upon provincial platforms, and, alas! even in the House of Commons itself, we shall not have mnch difficulty in discovering where the truth is to be found, and which is the right path for patriots to follow.

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Let it, morevover, be ever borne in mind that in calling upon Unionists, whether Conservative or Liberal, to band themselves together and stand shoulder to shoulder against the common enemies of the empire, we ask no one to sacrifice his opinion and convictions upon any of the grave political and social questions which await solution in the future. We only seek to have it recognised and accepted, that the crisis is so grave, and the danger to the empire so real and serious, that everything

else must be postponed until that crisis has been passed and that danger trodden under foot. We freely admit that the Radical Unionist, who anxiously desires reforms in Church and State, the furtherance of which may have been his principal object and interest in political life, has a greater demand made upon him than that which is made upon his Conservative fellow-worker in the Unionist cause. But he is asked to abandon no opinion and to surrender no principle. On the contrary, if he has confidence in his own ideas and theories, he should feel that he is far more likely to disseminate the one and obtain the adoption of the other by being brought into contact and alliance with men who, recognising his honest loyalty to the empire in the hour of its peril, will in the future regard him and his opinions with increased consideration and respect. Conservative Unionists may hope, on the other hand, that their alliance with the more moderate of their heretofore political opponents may show the latter how small and unimportant are the differences which have as yet prevented them from a thorough and perfect combination, and that such a desirable event may yet be the outcome of the present condition of affairs.

We are by no means insensible of the difficulties which lie in the way of even such an alliance as that which at the present moment happily exists between the different sections of politicians who constitute the Unionist party. As Mr Chamberlain justly observed in a recent speech at Birmingham, it is almost impossible to persuade Tories to vote for Radicals, or Radicals for Tories; and the abstentions from going to the poll on this account lost many seats to the Unionist cause at the last general

election. The ties of party are immensely, nay, absurdly strong in England, so that men will constantly submit to very great sacrifices of personal opinion sooner than incur the reproach of disloyalty to their party by refusing to follow the policy of its leaders. But when, as in the present case, those leaders are divided, and the question of policy is one which vitally affects the very existence of the United Kingdom, something even stronger than party ties should awake in the breast of every Briton who is worthy of the name. There would be no greater mistake than to suppose that the contest was finally decided at the election of 1886. Those who were defeated have too much at stake to accept as final the verdict which was then recorded. Every effort will be made to obtain the reversal of that verdict; and to defeat such efforts loyal men must be firm, resolute, and united.

Our opponents are never weary of telling us that they are as much for the Union as we are, but that it is a real union of heart and soul which they desire. And yet, with these professions in his mouth, Mr Gladstone, with strange inconsistency, takes every opportunity of pointing out to the several nationalities of which the United Kingdom is composed, that they have separate and divided interests, and that it is England which is unduly outweighing and overbearing the opinions of Scotland, Ireland, and Wales. One would have imagined that a statesman who really desired a union of heart and soul between the people of these islands, would have rather loved to dwell upon the interests which they possess in common, and the many reasons which exist for such a union. Mr Gladstone, however, prefers to take a contrary course, and, not content

with trying to set by the ears the four recognised nationalities within the kingdom, his last effort has been to set up an additional nationality, and to persuade the great country of York that she, too, has some interest separate and apart from that of the rest of England. Yorkshire, forsooth, returned a majority of Gladstonians as her representatives at the last election, and therefore, according to Mr Gladstone, Yorkshire has in some inscrutable manner been wronged by the fact that collective England happily returned a majority of Unionists. This, however, is only one more example of the mischief which would arise from the adoption of Mr Gladstone's views. Everywhere they tend to division and disunion. Carry them out to their legitimate conclusions, and we must have a separate Parliament and Government in every county, if not indeed in every hundred or wapentake, or even in every parish of a county. It is indeed the idea of self-government gone mad, which seems to have taken possession of this eminent statesman's brain. Self-government is doubtless in itself an admirable thing, but, like other admirable things, it may be spoiled by overdoing; and that every part of a country should govern itself, irrespective and independently of the other parts, is, of course, a state of things incompatible with the existence of that country in the shape of a great and united empire. To common-citizenship in such an empire Mr Gladstone apparently attaches no value, or if he values it at all, it is as something quite secondary and inferior to the possession of a distinct and separate nationality, however helpless and unimportant the latter may chance to be. But it is in the aggregate of nationalities, closely united by common bonds

of interest, of affection and loyalty, that we Unionists find the strength and glory of the country which we love.

been restrained if it had not been abused to an extent which rendered its restraint a matter of necessity But in spite of obstruction, of waste of time, and of the delay of useful legislation, we have such confidence in the goodness of our cause that we do not for a moment doubt its triumph over every obstacle which the ingenuity of faction can devise. Lord Salisbury's Government has received its mission from the country, and that mission will be duly fulfilled. The first two months of the year may not have seen all that work accomplished

could have desired; but they have at least proved to the Government that public opinion is upon the side of patriotism and loyalty, and that in a resolute determination to repress disorder in Ireland, to uphold the authority of the Crown, and to vindicate the majesty of the law, they will receive the cordial and unflinching support of the Unionist majority in the British Parliament.

In our eyes, the nationality of every one of Queen Victoria's subjects is to be respected, but the nationality of the United Empire is an object of still greater respect and admiration. It is for this that Unionists contend, and it is this which they intend to preserve. Nor will we be diverted from our purpose by all the arts which unscrupulous faction may employ to embarrass or defeat our efforts. When our adver- which loyal and patriotic men saries declare that many useful legislative measures are impeded, and many desirable reforms are delayed, because "Ireland blocks the way," we reply that it is not Ireland, but the mischievous and ill-considered legislation which the objectors themselves have proposed for Ireland, which is "blocking the way," even after its emphatic rejection by the constituencies at the general election. When these men affect to regret the waste of time which has brought the House of Commons into contempt, we answer that it is upon their own shoulders that the responsibility rests; and that the conduct of the Parnellite obstructives in the Imperial Parliament, in which they figure as a minority, has amply justified that decision of the electorate which has refused to establish them as a majority in a separate Parliament at Dublin. More time may yet be wasted, for not even the closure " can entirely put an end to the exuberant verbosity which finds its way into popular assemblies such as the House of Commons, and obstruction will die hard-being, in fact, an evil which has sprung from that freedom of debate which is in itself good, and which would never have


P.S. It is impossible to close our review of these two. months without one word in reference to the new Secretary for Ireland, and the treatment to which he has been already subjected by those Nationalists who they Nationalists who are so anxious to prove their fitness for the discharge of legislative functions. Mr Balfour, quitting the congenial duties of Secretary for Scotland, for which he had already evinced an aptitude and ability which promised a great success, promptly responded to the call of duty, and stepped into the post rendered vacant by the unfortunate illness of Sir Michael Hicks Beach. In the first answers which he returned to the questions asked by Parnellite members, Mr. Balfour displayed a calm courage and determination

which at once aroused the wrath of those parliamentary bullies who are striving to overawe the House of Commons by their vulgar braggadocio. Accordingly, on the night of Friday the 18th of March, when Mr Dillon had succeeded in dragging the case of Father Keller before an unwilling House, Mr Balfour was contradicted, interrupted, and subjected to insulting language which would have disgraced Billingsgate. We grieve to say that it was not only Irish Parnellites who took part in this shameful behaviour. Perhaps no better could have been expected of Mr Labouchere, who has never shown the slightest respect for the dignity and character of parliament; but the citizens of York can hardly be proud of the part played by their representative, Mr Lockwood. This gentleman, owning to "the very small experience of the House which he possessed," took upon himself to lecture Mr Balfour upon the way in which he had

chosen to deal with the question," accused him, forsooth, of "want of respect" to Mr Dillon, and of approaching the subject "in a dictatorial spirit." This impudent attack probably had no effect upon Mr Balfour, but certainly did not reflect anything but discredit upon its author. It was both wanton and unnecessary, besides being most ungenerous, when we consider that it was made upon a man who had only filled his present office for some three days, and in whose speech there was really nothing which could in the least justify Mr Lockwood's bitterness. Nor was it on Friday only that Mr Balfour was treated in a manner so

conspicuously unfair as to call for notice. On Monday the 21st, the Irish and their Radical allies forced the House of Commons to sit through the whole night and far into Tuesday. The discussion was upon the Estimates, and had there been a real wish to discuss an Irish question, opportunity could have been found therein. But these honest and kindly opponents waited until Mr Balfour, after a long sitting, had gone to bed, and then, raising a discussion which could lead to nothing, insisted upon his presence, and refused to go on with the business until he had been sent for. Mr Balfour is not believed to be strong, and it appears to be the desire and intention of the genial Nationalists to wear him out. We trust and believe, however, that they are reckoning without their host. Even after the long sitting on Monday, and the lack of time to make any preparation for Tuesday's debate, his reply to the laboured invective of Mr J. Morley was spirited, pointed, and full of vigour. Mr Balfour has given evidence that he has a brave heart and determined spirit, and will not be daunted by the unworthy course taken by men who are unable to cope with him by fair and legitimate argument. For ourselves we are proud of our fellowcountryman, and confident that the public opinion of Great Britain will applaud his bold tone and courageous bearing, whilst all loyal men will uphold and support him and his colleagues in their resolution to enforce obedience to the law in every part of her Majesty's dominions.

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