Obrazy na stronie

tion? To make out such necessity, you must make out that you have more mouths than the produce of the parish will feed? Do, then, JERRY, tell us, another time, a little about the quantity of food annually raised in four or five adjoining parishes; for, is it not something rather, damnable, JERRY, to talk of transporting Englishmen, on account of the excess of their numbers, when the fact is notorious, that their labour produces five or ten times as much food and raiment as they and their families consume!

world to the "EMIGRATION COM-rates ought to be called wages. MITTEE" fellows, and to JERRY But, at any rate, what has all this CURTKIS (one of the Members for to do with the necessity of emigra Sussex), who has been giving "evidence" before it. I shall find ont, when I can get to see the report, what this "EMIGRATION COMMITTEE" would be after! I remember, that, last winter, a young woman complained to one of the Police Justices, that the Overseers of some parish were going to transport her orphan brother to Canada, because he became chargeable to their parish! I remember also, that the Justice said, that the intention of the Overseers was "premature"; for that " the BILL had not yet passed"! This was rather an ugly story; and I However, to drop JERRY, for do think, that we shall find, that the present, the baseness, the foul, there have been, and are, some the stinking, the carrion baseness, pretty propositions before this of the fellows that call themselves "COMMITTEE." We shall see all" country gentlemen," is, that the about the matter, however, by-wretches, while railing against the and-by; and, when we get the poor and the poor-rates; while transporting project fairly before affecting to believe, that the poor us, shall we not then loudly pro- are wicked and lazy; while comclaim" the envy of surrounding plaining that the poor, the working nations and admiration of the people, are too numerous, and that world"! the country villages are too popuBut, what ignorance, impudence lous: the carrion baseness of these and insolence must those base wretches, is, that, while they are wretches have, who propose to thus bold with regard to the worktransport the labouring people, as ing and poor people, they never being too numerous, while the even whisper a word against penproduce, which is obtained by sioners, placemen, soldiers, partheir labour, is more than sufficient sons, fundholders, tax-gatherers, for three, four, or five, or even ten or tax-eaters! They say not a times their numbers! JERRY CUR- word against the prolific deadTEIS, who has, it seems, been a weight, to whom they GIVE A famous witness on this occasion, PREMIUM FOR BREEDING, says that the poor-rates, in many while they want to check the pocases, amount to as much as the pulation of labourers! They never rent. Well; and what then, say a word about the too great JERRY? The rent may be high populousness of the WEN; nor enough too, and the farmer may about that of Liverpool, Manchesafford to pay them both; for, a very ter, Cheltenham, and the like! large part of what you call poor-¡Oh! they are the most cowardly,

the very basest, the most scandalously base, reptiles that ever were warmed into life by the rays of the sun!

This Netheravon was formerly a great lordship, and in the parish there were three considerable mansion-houses, besides the one In taking my leave of this beau- near the church. These mansions tiful vale I have to express my are all down now; and it is cudeep shame, as an Englishman,rious enough to see the former at beholding the general extreme walled gardens become orchards, poverty of those who cause this together with other changes, all vale to produce such quantities of tending to prove the gradual decay food and raiment. This is, I ve-in all except what appertains rily believe it, the worst used la-merely to the land as a thing of bouring people upon the face of production for the distant market. the earth. Dogs and hogs and But, indeed, the people and the horses are treated with more civi- means of enjoyment must go away.. lity; and as to food and lodging, They are drawn away by the how gladly would the labourers taxes and the paper-money. How change with them! This state of are twenty thousand new houses things never can continue many to be, all at once, building in the years! By some means or other there must be an end to it; and my firm belief is, that that end will be dreadful. In the mean while I see, and I see it with pleasure, that the common people know that they are ill used; and that they cordially, most cordially, hate those who ill-treat them.

WEN, without people and food and raiment going from this valley towards the WEN? It must be so; and this unnatural, this dilapidating, this ruining and debasing work must go on, until that which produces it be destroyed.

When I came down to STRATFORD DEAN (29 in map), I wanted. During the day I crossed the to go across to LAVERSTOKE, river about fifteen or sixteen which lay to my left of Salisbury; times; and in such hot weather but just on the side of the road it was very pleasant to be so much here, at Stratford Dean, rises the amongst meadows and water. I ACCURSED HILL. It is very had been at NETHERÁVON (18) lofty. It was originally a hill in about eighteen years ago, where an irregular sort of sugar-loaf I had seen a great quantity of shape: but, it was so altered by hares. It is a place belonging to the Romans, or by somebody, that Mr. HICKS BEACH, or BEECH, the upper three-quarter parts of who was once a member of par- the hill now, when seen from a liament. I found the place altered distance, somewhat resemble three a good deal; out of repair; the cheeses, laid one upon another; gates rather rotten; and (a very the bottom one a great deal broader bad sign!) the roof of the dog- than the next, and the top one like kennel falling in! There is a a Stilton cheese, in proportion to church, at this village of NETHER-a Gloucester one. I resolved to AVON, large enough to hold a ride over this ACCURSED thousand or two of people, and the HILL. As I was going up a field whole parish contains only 350 towards it, I met a man going souls, men, women and children. home from work. I asked how he

got on. He said, very badly. I him here), the Judge, lives. asked him what was the cause of have not heard much about "JEMit. He said the hard times. MY" since he tried and condemn"What times," said I; "was there ed the two young men who had 66 ever a finer summer, a finer har- wounded the game-keepers of "vest, and is there not an old ASHTON SMITH and LORD PAL"wheat-rick in every farm-yard?" MERSTON. His Lordship (Pal"Ah!" said he, they make merston) is, I see, making a toler"it bad for poor people, for all able figure in the newspapers as a "that." "They?" said I," who share-man! I got into Salisbury is they?" He was silent. "Oh, about half-past seven o'clock, less "no! my friend," said I, "it is not tired than I recollect ever to have "they: it is that ACCURSED been after so long a ride; for, in"HILL that has robbed you of cluding my several crossings of the "the supper that you ought to find river and my deviations to look at "smoking on the table when you churches and farm-yards, and "gef home." I gave him the rick-yards, I think I must have price of a pot of beer, and on ridden nearly forty miles. went, leaving the poor dejected assemblage of skin and bone to wonder at my words.



The hill is very steep, and I dismounted and led my horse up. Being as near to the top as I could conveniently get, I stood a little while reflecting, not so much on the changes which that hill had seen, as on the changes, the terri- Ir appears to me, that the Mible changes, which, in all human nisters have taken their part; probability, it had yet to see, and that they are resolved, that the which it would have greatly helped to produce. It was impossible to main body of the people shall not stand on this accursed spot, with- complain of them. They are out swelling with indignation right. They will now, at any rate, against the base and plundering,

and murderous sons of corruption. especially if they follow up their I have often wished, and I, speak-blow, have the people with them. ing out loud, expressed the wish As to the Landowners, they have now; "May that man perish for

"ever and ever, who, having the a remedy always in their hands; "power, neglects to bring to jus- namely, NORFOLK PETI"tice the perjured, the suborn-TION; and, if they do not adopt ing, the insolent and perfidious



miscreants, who openly sell their it, they must, and they ought, to country's rights and their own lose their estates. Let them not "souls." hope to reduce the interest of the


I went to LAVER STOKE, where Debt without reform! "JEMMY BOROUGH" (as they call not be able to do it.

They will

The de

scendant of" John with the bright sword" talks of the Landowners "winning back the people" by letting in wheat with 15s. duty. Indeed! a pretty "winning way," upon my word! The Ministers can do a great deal more than this. There is no saving the estates without reducing the interest



[From the Morning Chronicle.]

"The Market here continues as dull as ever. begin to prevail generally with Gloomy feelings regard to the future. A melancholy prospect lies before the peo

of the Debt, or issuing Assignats. Either would overset the system completely. Neither can be done without total ruin to this present ple of this neighbourhood; food is

no longer distributed among the necessitous poor; and &000 fami

system. I am told that "the French reduced their Debt." lies, whose weekly earnings do not Yes; and so may you, my Lord Charleses; but, you mean to have the French sauce, I suppose; namely, an abolition of tithes, of titles, and of some other things that I need not name! That is the sauce that the French had to

their reduction. In short, there is but one way out of this difficulty; and that is, BY REFORM, which must come before this affair be settled; and, if it come not in a peaceable manner, the fault will not be that of the Reformers, who have now nothing to do but to stand by, and be ready! It must

exceed two shillings a head, are suddenly left destitute. Some of these, indeed, have claims upon the Poor's Rate: but the great majority have no refuge from hun shallow and heartless men to be ger and misery. Yet there are found, who affect to doubt that there is much distress; and I fear that representations to this pur-: port have been made in those quarters, in which it is of especial importance that the truth should be exactly known."

We are yet unable to announce will effect any improvement in the any such improvement of trade as circumstances of the working classes. The goods' market, for the last three or four weeks, has been more ani

be a beast indeed, who is impa-mated than it was during the sum

tient now!

mer months; but the demand has, a very few instances excepted, occasioned no advance of prices, nor has it encouraged the manufacturers to give out work to the unemployed weavers, who consequently continue in a state of melancholy destitution. Such as have a legal claim for pa

rochial relief, receive assistance as tion was received, and he had expe liberal as the circumstances of the rienced the heart-piercing thought, times will permit; and others, who that when what he had bestowed have not a strictly legal claim, but was expended, the objects of his who have long resided amongst us, bounty might perish with hunger. and borne good characters, are occa- He had seen this, and, for his own sionally relieved by our humane and sake, he wished that he had not seen active overseers. But there are it. How dreadful the experience of thousands, and tens of thousands, to that misery, the very sight of which whose assistance the law cannot, by is thus intolerable! Well might even the most liberal construction of Mr. Potter be overcome, when, in its beneficent spirit, be extended, and detailing one case of wretchedness, who are consequently enduring a the whole amount of suffering rushed distress, the intensity of which it is into his mind with overpowering impossible to imagine; for every effect. Well might hundreds of the variety of wretchedness which the assembly which he addressed burst most active imagination could com- into tears, when they thought how bine for the formation of one picture many instances had come within of exquisite misery, could not furnish their own knowledge, of misery such such a scene as may be beheld in as he so feelingly pictured. almost every cottage in the back What is to be the fate of these our streets of this town. A gentleman poverty-stricken fellow-creatures? from Suffolk, on Wednesday last, There is little probability of their went into some of the streets be- obtaining employment before next tween London-road and Ancoats, Spring; the fund raised by subscripwishing to behold with his own eyes tion for their relief is exhausted; the condition of the people whose they have no legal claim on the misery he was willing to believe was parish funds; and Winter, with all exaggerated. On his return from his its accumulated horrors, is approachmelancholy search, he told us with ing. Our conviction is, that if prompt an expression of horror, that he re-measures are not adopted, thousands gretted the indulgence of his curiosity. "I wish I had not gone," said he," the wretchedness was too great even to be seen." He had seen houses with no other furniture than a truck covered with straw, on which the heart-broken father sat, with a glazed eye and a death-like expres-saries of life to a starvation price, sion on his countenance, seemingly unconscious of the wailing of the half-naked children who lay around him. He had seen emaciated mothers, in whom even the extreme of wretchedness had not extinguished hope, nor slackened exertion, striying to soothe those foodless wailing children. He had seen the dull apathy of despairing man, and the "The Sub-Committee of Managerestless and exhausting exertion of woman hoping even against hope.ment have agreed upon the followHe had seen many human beings ing, as their Ninth Report:fated to a not distant destruction. "In conformity with your direcHe had seen the wild rapture of tions, your Sub-Committee discontithankfulness with which his dona-nued the distribution of provisions,

will die of absolute starvation. Is this then the time to talk about the danger of introducing the precedent of a government grant? And do not those incur a fearful responsibility, who delay for one single day, to repeal the laws which raise the neces

and who support a system of wasteful expenditure, while the people are in want of the means to purchase bread?

To the General Committee of Subscribers to the Fund for the Relief of the Necessitous Poor.

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