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the present year, have failed to a considerable extent, and that a deficiency in the crop of potatoes is also apprehended in some parts of the United Kingdom; and whereas, if the importation, for home consump

pease, and beans, be not immediately permitted, there is great cause to fear that much distress may ensue to all classes of His Majesty's subjects:

Whereas by the laws now in force for regulating the importation of corn -oats and oatmeal may be import-thon, of oats and oatmeal, and of rye, ed into the United Kingdom, and into the Isle of Man, for home consumption, under and subject to the regulations of the several statutes in that case made and provided, when- And whereas, under the Acts ever the average price of oats (to be aforesaid, no foreign grain of the ascertained in the manner therein above description, whatever may be prescribed) shall be at or above the the respective average prices of the price of twenty-seven shillings per same, can be admitted to entry, for quarter, and pease may in like man- home consumption, till after the fifner be imported, whenever the price teenth day of November in the preshall be at or above fifty-three shil- sent year, when the next quarterly lings per quarter; and whereas by a average, by which the admission of certain Act of Parliament, made and such grain is regulated, will be made passed in the third year of his pre-up, according to the provisions of sent Majesty's reign, intituled, "An Act to amend the Laws relating to the Importation of Corn," it is enacted, that whenever foreign corn, meal, or flour, shall be admissible under the provisions of an Act, passed in the fifty-fifth year of the reign of his late Majesty, King George the Third, intituled, "An Act to amend the Law now in force for regulating the importation of Corn," or under the provisions of the said Act, passed in the third year of the reign of his present Majesty, there shall be levied and paid certain duties therein specified upon all such foreign corn, meal or flour, when admitted for home consumption: and whereas by the weekly returns of purchases and sales of corn, made by the several inspectors of Corn Returns in the cities and towns of England and Wales, to the Receiver of Corn Returns, it appears that the average price of oats, and also the average price of pease at the present time exceed the before-mentioned prices of twenty-seven shillings and fifty-three shillings per quarter: and whereas, from information which hath this day been laid before His Majesty, it appears that the price of oats, as well as that of pease, is still rising, and that the crop of oats, and also the crops of pease and beans, of

the said Acts: His Majesty, with the advice of his Privy Council, doth order, and it is hereby accordingly ordered, that foreign oats and oatmeal, rye, peas, and beans, whether warehoused or otherwise, shall and may, from the date hereof, be permitted to be entered in the ports of the United Kingdom, and of the Isle of Man, for home consumption, provided the parties making entry of any such foreign oats, oatmeal, rye, pease, or beans, do give bond, with sufficient sureties, to the satisfaction of the Commissioners of His Majesty's Customs, for the payment of any duties, not exceeding in amount the duties hereinafter mentioned, in case Parliament shall authorize the levy and receipt thereof, that is to say,-Oats, per quarter, 2s. ; oatmeal, per boll, 28. 2d.; rye, pease, and beans, per quarter, Ss. 6d.

And His Majesty, by and with the advice aforesaid, doth hereby further order, and it is accordingly ordered, that such permission to enter oats and oatmeal, rye, pease, and beans, for home consumption, on the conditions aforesaid, shall continue in force from the date hereof, until the expiration of forty days, to be reckoned from the day of the next meeting of Parliament, unless the Parliament shall previously to the

expiration of the said forty days | ARE. Let us see, then, how free make provision to the contrary: and and bow happy we are. How glothe Right Hon. the Lords Commis-riously we live!

sioners of His Majesty's Treasury are to give the necessary directions herein accordingly.




The following articles, describing the state of various persons in England and Scotland, will be quite sufficient to define the true character of the above boast. Dr. BLACK has frequently, and very recently, told the people of Spain, that if they had upheld the Cortes, they would have been as free and as happy as WE


Sturminster (Dorset) Petty Sessions,

August 21.

This Magisterial division comprises twenty-six parishes, the population of which is, for the most part, agricultural; and three-fourths, at least are labourers. The following is the copy of the printed scale by which the Magistrates regulate the allowance to paupers claiming relief; and this forms, in fact, a scale by which the farmer, in all ordinary cases, regulates the price of labour; taking care, in general, that his payment does not exceed that which the Magistrates would order, in case application was made to them for relief.

Scale in the Sturminster Division for regulating the Allowance of Parochial Relief to the Poor, according to the Price of Bread, where there are two or more messing together in one family :4

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The earnings of a woman, having | three children under nine years of age, not to be taken into account; and the house rent, if paid by the pauper, is to be added to the above scale.



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ceive from their earnings and the parish 8s. 4d. per week; and giving. them no beer, a very small portion of neat, and sufficient vegetables and bread, the cost of food alone has been more than double this allow If parishes where fuel is not sup- ance. If fed on a sufficiency of plied to the poor, on moderate terms, bread and water only, the cost would the Magistrates will make an addi- exceed 12s. per week; to say nothing tional allowance to the paupers. for washing, clothing or fuel. The A gentleman in this neighbour-condition of such a population may hood has lately made an experiment, easily be conceived, where the allow to ascertain the cost of maintaining ance for the support of five women five boys, under 14 years of age, who or boys, or girls, above fourteen years would, of course, according to the of age, is 8s. 4d. per week. As conscale, be entitled, at this time, to re- sumers of meat, cheese, butter, and


all other clothing than that which is absolutely necessary to cover them, they are thrown out of the market; and all tradesmen who heretofore depended on their consumption for a livelihood, must feel the loss of their demand, and find themselves under the necessity of becoming labourers themselves, or of charging a higher profit to those who form the next class of their customers. Upon then again, the pressure of poor-rates is inevitable, and they dare not complain to those upon whose influence and expenditure they altogether depend for their own means of support. If the condition of the labourer, at those periods, be compared with his condition at present, it will be seen that the change has deteriorated his condition amazingly, and that he can have no beneficial interest in the advanced rent of land, and consequent price of produce, but the very reverse.

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liamentary Reform; who was imprisoned many Weeks, for WANT OF BAIL, before his Trial; who has now TWO YEARS OF HIS IMPRISONMENT UNEXPIRED;

and who, when Imprisoned, had a Wife and four helpless Children.


Kensington, 15th August, 1822. CASTLEREAGH HAS CUT HIS OWN THROAT, AND IS DEAD! Let that sound reach you in the depth of your dungeon; and let it carry consolation to your suffering soul! Of all the victims, you have suffered most. We are told of the poignant grief of Lady Castlereagh; and, while he must be a brute indeed, who does not feel for her, what must he be, who does not feel for your wife and your four helpless children, actually torn from you when you were first thrown into the dismal cells!

AGREEABLY to recent notification, I here insert my remarks on the However, we shall have time Inquest on the body of Castle- to say more of your case hereafter. reagh. The remarks were con- Let me, at present, address you veyed to the public in the form of on the subject of Castlereagh. I a Letter to JOSEPH SWANN of am about to insert the Report of STOCKPORT. There wants a neat the Inquest on his body; but, I and concise history of the LIFE will first state to you certain matAND DEATH OF CASTLE-ters, which ought to be rememREAGH, than which nothing bered, and which will pass away, could be more usefully instruc- unless we, at once, put them on tive. It ought to be read by every record. The mover of Six-Acts man, who aims at getting public cut his throat last Monday mornpower and money into his hands; ing about seven o'clock. The and, it ought to be read by every COURIER of that night gave an king upon the face of the earth. account of his death; but stated At present I shall content myself it to have arisen from gout in the with republishing my Letter to JOSEPH SWANN.

stomach. Now, mind, the writer must have told this lie wilfully, or he must purposely have been misTO JOSEPH SWANN, informed. A design, therefore, Who was sentenced by the Magis- must, at one time, have existed traves of Che hire to FOUR Somewhere to smother the truth. YEARS AND A HALF imprison- A cut throat is, however, no ment in Chester Gaol, for such easy thing to smother, and selling Pamphlets and bring especially, where there is a house present at a Meeting for Par- full of servants, all with tongues



in their mouths. Therefore, the Londonderry was empannelled, to COURIER'S lie was, the next day, inquire into the cause of the death abandoned; and the truth, as to of the above Noble Lord. The Coroner was Mr. JOSEPH CARTTAR, of the deed itself, came out. Deptford. The inquest was held at fore, however, we quit this lie of the house of the deceased Lord, and the COURIER, let us again remark, to the credit of the individuals who that it must have been intentional. were appointed to superintend the NORTH CRAY, a little village in arrangements attendant upon this Kent, where the throat was cut, is melancholy occasion, not the slightest only about two hours' ride from attempt was made to keep the proceedings secret. Directions were London. A King's Messenger given to the domestics to admit every was in the house at the time, as person who desired to be present at is, I believe, the case constantly, the inquest. The jury having been with the Ministers who are Secretaries of State. At any rate there were stables full of horses; and you must know, that, at the Office of Castlereagh at Whitehall, the COURIER Would have some account, true or false. If, therefore, he got the true account, the lie was his own; and yet, seeing what risk he ran of almost instant detection, it appears rather strange, that he should have hatched the lie. I shall now, before I offer you further remarks the subject, upon insert the Report of the proceedings at the Inquest, requesting you and all the Reformers to read them with scrupulous attention. You will find (a thing quite new) the Coroner (if the report be true) laying down the doctrine, that self-murder must of necessity imply insanity in him who commits it; you will find many other things worthy of strict attention; and, therefore, if, only for this once, you can but get light sufficient to read by, and obtain the favour of being permitted to read, pray read this Report attentively, and then have the goodness to listen to the remarks that I shall make.

Held at North Cray, Tuesday,

13th August, 1822.

This day, at a few minutes before three o'clock, a jury of the most respectable inhabitants in the vicinity of the estate of the late Marquis of

The Coroner addressed them in nearly the following terms:-Upon no former occasion in the performance of his duty had his feelings been so excited as by the present unfortunate event. He was indeed so much affected that they must perceive he could hardly express himself as he wished. Upon this account he trusted they would excuse any trifling errors which he night commit in the exercise of his duty. The gentlemen of the jury were summoned and sworn to inquire into the causes of the death of a nobleman, who stood perhaps as high in the public estimation as any man in the country. That his Lordship had met his death under particular circumstances, they doubtless must have learned. But it was his duty to inform them that they must remove from their minds all impressions which should not be borne out by the evidence. The gentlemen whom he addressed being neighbours of the deceased, were better able to form a just estimate of his character than he was. As a public man, it was impossible for him to weigh his character in any scales that he could hold. In private life he believed the world would admit that a


amiable man could not be found. Whether the important duties of the great office which he held pressed upon his mind, and conduced to the melancholy event which they had assembled to investigate, was a circumstance which in all probability never could be discovered. He understood that his Lordship had for

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not longer occupy the time and at-
tention of the jury than to express
his pleasure at seeing so respectable
a body of gentlemen, and to add a
hope that they would acquit them-
selves of their important duty to the
satisfaction of the public, as well as
of their own consciences. He must
apologize for saying a few words
more. The body was lying up stairs,
and in the room adjoining to that in

sent was, and from thence it had
been found impossible to remove
her. To picture to the imagination.
any thing like the state of that noble
lady's mind, was altogether impos-
sible. The partition which divided
the room in which the body lay from
that which the Marchioness at pre-
sent occupied was so thin, that the
least noise being made in the former
could not fail to be heard in the lat-
ter. The forms of law, however,

some time past been so unwell as to require the assistance of a medical attendant. This gentleman would be examined on the inquest, and would doubtless be competent to describe the disease and affliction under which his Lordship laboured. That the dreadful blow which deprived the noble Lord of life was inflicted by his own hand, he believed the jury, when they came to hear the evidence, could not doubt. He un-which it lay, the Marchioness at prederstood it would be proved that no person in the house, except his Lordship, could have committed the act. When the jury should examine the situation of the body, and hear the evidence that would be submitted to them, he was convinced that they would be perfectly unanimous in that part of their verdict which went to declare the manner in which the deceased met his death. He felt that it was a matter of delicacy to allude to the other part of the ver-required that the jury should view dict, and he would not presume to the body, and judge from the exteranticipate what it might be; but he nal marks which it might exhibit, of trusted the result would be that the causes which had produced which all good men desired. If the death: he, therefore, had only to facts which he had heard were request that the gentlemen would be proved in evidence, he thought no as silent as possible. He was almost man could doubt that at the time afraid that the creaking of their he committed the rash act his Lord-shoes might be the means of exciting ship was labouring under a mental ideas which would wound the feeldelusion. If, however, it should un-ings of the unhappy Marchioness. fortunately appear that there was He was sure, under these circumnot sufficient evidence to prove what stances, the jury would do every were generally considered the indi-thing in their power to prevent the cations of a disordered mind, he least noise, and he might observe, trusted that the jury would pay some that it would be desirable to abstain attention to his (the Coroner's) hum-from talking in the room where the ble opinion, which was, that no man body lay, because any conversation could be in his proper senses at the must certainly be heard through the moment he committed so rash an almost, he might say, paper partition. act as self-murder. His opinion was After the jury had satisfied themin consonance with every moral sen-selves by viewing the body, they timent, and of the information which would return to execute the remainthe wisest of men had given to the ing part of their duty. world. The Bible declared that a man clung to nothing so strongly as his own life. He therefore viewed it as an axiom, and an abstract principle, that a man must necessarily be out of his mind at the moment of destroying himself. The jury, of course, would not adopt his opin.on | upon this point, unless it were in unison with their own. He would

During this address of the Coroner, the domestics of the unfortunate Marquis, who were in the room, for the most part, shed tears; indeed, the love which the servants of his Lordship bore towards, him was, we will not say surprising (for kind and honourable treatment from a gentleman to those persons who are dependent upon him, must ever

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