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sented to him, and his Worship presided, and evinced throughout the proceedings of the day, which assumed a very interesting, and, we may add, important character,

On taking the Chair, at about half-past one o'clock, the Mayor briefly stated the object of the Meeting, as expressed in the requisition which had been presented to him, and said he would be happy to hear any.gentleman who had any suggestion or proposition to offer.

not deem it presumption in me, I would beg them to read the SECOND NUMBER OF THE POOR MAN'S FRIEND, which is just published; for, though do not presume to be able to un-a polite and courteous demeanour, proderstand the state of Ireland so and a zeal and anxiety for the well as they, as to the arguments motion of the great object in view, and the authorities in favour of which were highly creditable to Poor-Laws, I may possess some him, and were duly appreciated information which they do not. by the highly respectable assemIt is, to be sure, a most monstrous blage of persons present. thing, that Ireland should have remained all this time without Poor-Laws; but now the evil seems to have arrived at its last stage, and I fancy that most men are satisfied, that if the absentees of Ireland be suffered to continue to draw away the vitals of the country, some dreadful convulsion must take place. For my own After a pause of a few minutes, Mr. WILLIAM Crawford, jun., part, this is with me an object of a million times as much import-asked if there had not been some ance as the thing called Catholic Resolutions prepared by gentleEmancipation. Mr. RONAYNE's men, who had met for the purpose view of the matter is the true of making arrangements for the view; and if the measure should Meeting. be finally adopted, he will be one of the persons, to whom the people of Ireland will be indebted for the greatest good that they have ever yet received from this Government of England.




Rt. Rev. DR. MURPHY rose and said, that every one knew why, and for what, they had assembled, and they had better come to the subject at once, and not keep the gentlemen who were present from their business. It was well known that distress to a great degree existed in Cork, arising from the very high price of provisions. There were, no doubt, minor causes, but this was the principal On Tuesday last a Meeting was one. Some weeks ago, when the held at the Mansion-House, for weavers met and paraded the the purpose of taking into con- streets, a Committee was formed sideration the distressed state of for the purpose of taking their the poor of this City, and of adopt-case into consideration, and aiding ing measures for their prompt re-them, as much as possible, with lief. The Meeting was convened the limited means which were by the Mayor, in conformity to a then available. These consisted requisition which had been pre-of a sum of 3007., which had lain

over, the unappropriated balancerity, and where, if deserving, they of a former public subscription, and could be sure of food. In the a sum of about 1207, which had last resolution, the Mayor was rebeen subscribed by individuals on quested to apply to His Majesty the late occasion. This sum had and the Lord Lieutenant, reprebeen disbursed by the Committee senting the distressed. state of his to the best advantage, in their fellow-citizens, and praying the judgment; but it was evident that most serious consideration of Goit was inadequate for any pur-vernment to the subject. His poses of general relief. Distress Lordship had no doubt, from the existed to a great extent, and kind and generous manner in would exist through the winter which those high quarters had months, till April or May next, acted in cases of similar applicaand they should now look before tions, that any communication them and see what they had to from his Worship would receive provide against. A few gentlemen the greatest attention. He then had met on the day before, and read the Resolutions. they considered it expedient and necessary that a subscription should be entered into. How to apply it may be a difficult matter, but those who had considered the subject thought it best to be enabled to say to those who wanted food-There it is for you, or there "That the poor inhabitants of is what will procure it for you." the City and Liberties are sufUpon this impression and convic-fering severely at present, from tion, they had drawn up a few" the high price of food, and that Resolutions, which he would read" it is expedient to enter into a to the Meeting. The first re-"general subscription for their garded the existing distress, and “relief."


The Venerable Archdeacon THOMPSON seconded them, suggesting, at the same time, that they should be put seriatim, from the Chair. This was accordingly done, and the first was as follows:

not go far enough, and was defective in accounting for the distress which prevailed, inasmuch as it attributed it only to the high price of provisions, and omitted to notice the general want of employment. (Hear, kear.)- He recommended that this should be introduced into the Resolution.

the necessity of raising a sub- Mr. JAMES LANE said, that, sin scription to relieve it. Then came his opinion, this Resolution did the appointment of a Committee to manage whatever funds might be obtained, and to submit to the citizens at large the plan of a Mendicity Institution. There were Mendicity Institutions in Dublin, Kilkenny, and elsewhere, which were of very considerable service. Some gentlemen were likewise of opinion that Cork should not be without one. For his own part he saw no reason why we should not have an establishment of the kind. It would be highly desirable to have a place whither we could refer every claimant on our cha

Mr. FITZGIBBON. .-Then another question arises, and that is, what is the cause of the want of employment?(Hear, hear.)There is a necessary connexion between cause and effect, and unless this Meeting state what, in

their opinion, is the cause, they several persons of wealth and will not do that which the public station gave nothing! It is to expects from them. (Hear, hear.) relieve the poor from the burden The Rev. Dr. QUARRY said, he of supporting the poor-which would agree with the gentleman ought to fall on every body in prowho spoke last, if, on inquiring portion to his means, and his stake into, and ascertaining the cause, in the country-that I wish for it was in the power of that Meet-Poor-Laws; and therefore I shall take the sense of the meeting on ing to remove it. the subject.

Mr. JAMES LANE contended, that to embrace this proposition just now would be going beyond the object for which the Meeting was called, which was to enter into a subscription to relieve the existing distress.

Mr. FITZGIBBON replied that as yet no one could say it was in the power of the meeting, or not in its power, to remove the cause, for they had not agreed what the cause was. (Hear, hear.) If, on ascertaining it, it was found that they could remove it, there could Mr. FITZGIBBON maintained be no doubt they would do so; but even supposing it was not in that, by the very word of the their power, surely it was abso-requisition, the subject which he lutely necessary, for the purposes had introduced was quite pertifor which they were assembled, nent. to inquire whether the distress Dr. MURPHY said, he was himwas only temporary, or likely to self favourable to a modified syscontinue. I for one, Sir, am of tem of Poor-Laws. (Hear, hear.) opinion, that the cause is of a But before any step could be permanent nature, and, there- taken towards such a measure, fore, I would suggest a per-something must be done to relieve manent remedy. Casual cha- the great distress which stared rity or contributions, such as are them in the face. (Hear.) But proposed to-day, are evanescent he wished to know whether the in their nature, and quite inade-proposition, whatever shape it quate to the wants of our commu- might assume, relative to the nity. These wants can only be Poor Laws, might not emanate met by a modified System of from the Mendicity Association, Poor-Laws, which shall reach the which one of the resolutions reAbsentee Proprietor, the wealthy commended, or from a meeting Churchman, aye, and the wealthy which might be subsequently resident Layman, too, of whom called, as he was sure the prewe have many that scarcely ever sent, or any other Chief Magiscome forward to contribute to any trate, would, if a Requisition recharitable or benevolent object spectably signed were presented Are not our poor chiefly supported to him, call a Meeting for so imby the middling classes? Look portant a subject.-(Hear, hear.) at the subscription list of 1822, and see how many of those who contributed from 1 to 31. must have abridged their moderate comforts to afford these sums, while

Mr. FITZGIBBON explained, and repeated his views.

Mr. B. J. HACKETT Concurred in all that had been advanced in support of the introduction of a

modified system of Poor-Laws ten. Mr. H. concluded by exinto Ireland, and he expressed pressing his entire willingness to some surprise at hearing it urged, contribute to a fund for immediate when the subject under consider-purposes, with which object Mr. ation was, how they could best Fitzgibbon's proposition was not relieve the existing distress, that incompatible.

Mr. FITZGIBBON deduced from the arguments of Mr. Lane, the greater necessity for the introduction of Poor-Laws, and he expressed his opinion that Government was favourable to that, or any other measure that would tend to ameliorate the condition of the people.

they should not apply themselves Mr. JAMES LANE still thought to guard against a recurrence of they were departing from the obit, as far as that was possible, un-ject of the meeting. There were der the present system-(Hear.) Poor-Laws in England, he said, it was quite plain, he said, that and yet there was great distress there was a reluctance on the part in that country, from the want of of the opulent classes of society employment for its manufacturers. in this country to contribute to the In fact, if there was an abundant relief of the poor and destitute; harvest, and that it were to comand it was as evident that even mence on the next day, there this meeting was a forced, and would still be great distress, arisnot a voluntary one. The im-ing from the cause he had stated. pression that such was the fact had gone abroad, too, and had produced a correspondent feeling. There could be no doubt that what had been said of the support of the poor falling on the middle orders was quite true; for though there were some individuals whose names were always to be found on every charity and Mr. W. PARKER of Passage, subscription list, these were com- next came forward. He said that paratively few, while many, who a great number of able labourers were able to contribute, never did would be soon coming into the $0. It was for these reasons, and city; there was no employment because it must be conceded, even for them in the country in conseby those who, if they ever felt for, quence of the wretched state of at least never contributed to re- the crops. The citizens should lieve distress, that the poor must be prepared then to receive them. be. supported, that he was an The rural labourers had been advocate for the Poor-Laws.-deprived of one source of occupa(Hear, hear.) A legislative tion by the Grand Jury refusing enactment would make every man all Road Presentments. With a in Ireland contribute to the sup-view to alleviate the difficulties port of his fellow-creatures, than arising from the present state of which nothing could be more just things, he should propose the or reasonable. If a compulsory adoption of two resolutions, which poor rate be not established in he then read.-They were for this country, all those evils will praying the Lord Lieutenant to inevitably follow which have deso-adopt means for giving employlated every land where the poor ment to the poor, especially in have been abandoned and forgot- the repairs of roads. They em

bodied also a request, that his country required immediate and Excellency should recommend to anxious consideration; and though Government the establishment of Parliament was not sitting, the serural asylums. vere, the general, and increasing

Mr. JAMES DALY remarked that distress, rendered it incumbent on Mr. Parker's resolutions were them to petition the King to condoubtless very good, but there vene Parliament, were it only for was not the least use in pressing the single purpose of considering them on the meeting, as Govern- that distress, and adopting the ment would require security for best means to relieve it. Famine, any sum it may advance, and nakedness, and disease meet us at there was none to give. The re- every turn-wretchedness, in a solutions were then withdrawn. thousand varied and indescribable Dr. MURPHY repeated that he forms, is swarming before us, and was friendly to Poor-Laws, and is it to be supposed that such thought the matter so important, subscription as we expect to raise that it demanded a separate meet-will meet and remove it? No, no, ing to consider it. They should,-wide and general distress rehowever, remember, as manifest-quires as general a remedy, and ing the difficulties with which the you who oppose the poor rates, subject was beset, that notwith- what better do you propose? You standing the millions that were all agree as to the usefulness of collected in England, they were the principle-you differ as to found inadequate to the relief of the distress, and that the Church, and even the King, were obliged to be appealed to for assistance.

Mr. BOYLE What would it be without them, my Lord?

Dr. MURPHY.-I admit it-I only mention these facts to show that the subject is one of great difficulty, and that this meeting is not the place to discuss it.

Mr. WM. CRAWFORD, jun., also expressed himself favourable to the introduction of a system of Poor-Laws into Ireland, which would provide for the relief of the really distressed, and not give a premium on idleness. (Hear, hear:) He thought, however, that Parliament was the place where the measure could be discussed, and not in a public meeting, where it may lead to irritation.

the propriety of present discussion. But you err. Whatever means of relief you apply must be immediately applied. Things, bad as they are now, are not yet come to the worst-about next spring the misery will assume its most appalling form-you should be prepared beforehand to meet the exigency. Doctor Murphy, for whose opinion none can possibly entertain a higher respect than I, has made opposition.

(Here the Right Rev. Dr. Murphy quickly interrupted Mr. Daly, and assured him he was much mistaken. He (the Doctor) was by all means favourable to a Poor rate.)(Hear, hear.)

Mr. DALY was happy to be thus corrected. But some person had urged the abuses of the Poor Rate system-abuses do not arMr. JAMES DALY thought the gue inutility. What would Engmeeting fully competent to peti-land be now, were she without tion Parliament. The state of the them? They may be liable to

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