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Liverpool, July 25.-The after-grass and pasture lands in this district are in a promising state of great improvement, from the refreshing showers of rain during the past week, and such will, no doubt, prove beneficial to the late planted Potatoes. This day's market, although tolerably well attended, was not productive of much business. Oats, which were very scarce, were at a small advance. Wheats, principally of the foreign, and other articles of the trade, were at a small decline in value from the prices of last Tuesday.

Imported into Liverpool from the 18th to 24th July, 1826, inclusive :Wheat, 13,351; Oats, 6,079; and Malt, 470 quarters. Flour, 100 sacks, per 280 lbs. Oatmeal, 98 packs, per 240 lbs. American Flour, 144 barrels.

Guildford, July 29.-Wheat, new, for mealing, 137. to 187. 10s. per load. Barley, SOS. to 35s. 6d.; Oats, 28s. to 34s.; Beans, 50s. to 54s.; and Pease, grey, 50s. to 56s. per quarter.

day was exceedingly large, Red sold from 47s. to 54s.; Oats, 228. to 27s. Beans,

Norwich, July 29.-The supply of Wheat to much more than equal to the demand. White to 58s. Barley, 32s.; but little to sell. 39s. to 42s. Pease, 40s. to 43s. per quarter; and Flour, 44s. to 45s. per sack.

Bristol, July 29.-The supplies of Corn, &c. to the markets here are short. Present prices about as below:-Wheat from 6s. to 8s; Barley, Ss. 3d. to 3s. 9d.; Oats, 2s. 6d. to 3s. 9d.; Beans, 5s. 6d. to 7s.; and Malt, 5s. 3d. to 8s. per bushel, Imperial. Flour, Seconds, 35s. to 49s. per sack.

Ipswich, July 29.-The commencement of harvest made our market very thin to-day, yet the sale of every thing was very dull and lower. Prices, as follows:-Wheat, 54s. to 61s.; Barley, SOs. to 32s.; Beans, 44s. to 46s.; and Pease, 48s. per qr.

Wisbech, July 29.-There was but little doing in the Corn trade here to-day. Wheat, from the promising appearance of the crops, and fine weather, declined from 3s. to 4s. per quarter. Oats, (of which some new were offered,) and Beans, maintain their prices. Red Wheat, 50s. to 54s.; White ditto, 54s. to 56s.; Oats, 24s. to 28s.; and Beans, 44s. to 47s. per quarter.

Manchester, July 29.-The favourable weather for securing harvest, which is now become pretty general, and the continued depressed state of trade in this district, have caused an extremely limited business to be done this week, the demand being entirely confined to such as purchase for immediate consumption. To-day we had a slender attendance at the Corn Exchange; and but few of the samples shown were disposed of. Wheat is in more plentiful supply, and heavy sale, at a reduction of 3d. per bushel, even for the finest qualities. The increased consumption of Oats, with the unfavourable reports of the new crops, have caused holders to demand an advance of 2d. per 45 lbs., but this is very reluctantly complied with. All other articles remain as last week, with the exception of fresh Flour, which is readily disposed of at a trifling improvement in value.

Newcastle-on-Tyne, July 29.—An advance in price last week, and the very fine weather since, induced the farmers to supply the market very liberally this morning with Wheat, and the millers availed themselves of the circumstance to effect a reduction in the prices, equal to last week's advance, of 2s. per quarter. Grinding Barley continues in demand at fully last week's prices. A few samples of New Oats were at market this morning.


Norwich Castle Meadow, July 29.-We had a short supply of Cattle intended for slaughter this day, and those very inferior in quality; price of the best of them 8s. per stone of 14lbs. sinking offal. The supply of Store Stock was large, and but few of them disposed of. Scots sold from 4s. to 4s. 3d. per stone, when fat; Short Horns, Ss. 6d. We had more Homebreds shown to-day than usual, and but few of them sold at lower prices. Of Sheep and Lambs the supply was liberal, and the sale unusually Hat. Shearlings selling from 24s. to S1s.; fat ones to 40s.; Lambs, 12s. to 16s., and one superior lot, nearly fat, to 18s. 6d. Pigs very low, fat ones to 6s. 6d. per stone.-Meat, Beef, 7d. to 9d.; Veal, 5d. to 8d.; Mutton, 6d. to 74d.; and Pork, 6d. to 74d. per pound.

AVERAGE PRICE OF CORN, sold in the Maritime Counties of England and Wales, for the Week ended July 22,.

S. d.


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* The London Average is always that of the Week preceding.



VOL. 59.-No. 7.] LONDON, SATURDAY, AUG. 12, 1826. [Price 6d.

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"Go to now, ye rich men, weep and howl, for your miseries that shall come upon you. Your riches are corrupted, and your garments are "moth-eaten.-Your gold and silver is cankered; and the rust of them "shall be a witness against you, and shall eat your flesh as it were fire. : "Ye have heaped treasure together for the last days.—Behold, the hire of "the labourers who have reaped down your fields, which is of you kept “back by fraud, crieth: and the cries of them which have reaped are "entered into the ears of the Lord of sabaoth.-Ye have lived in pleasure "on the earth, and been wanton; ye have nourished your hearts, as in a "day of slaughter.-Ye have condemned and killed the just; and he doth "not resist you."-SAINT JAMES'S EPISTLE, Chap. v. verses from 1 to 6.



"dark ages," long before Sir ROBERT PEEL, and spinning jen

Kensington, 9th August, 1826. THE Letter which I am about to insert, though it applies imme-nies, and long before "WHAT'S diately to Lancashire, contains a pretty true description of the state of the manufacturers in every part of the kingdom. My MOTTO is well worth reading, by the master manufacturers. St. JAMES talks of reaping, he having (poor unenlightened soul!) lived in the

WATT" and weaving by steam, were heard or dreamt of. There seem to have been some pretty hard-hearted fellows in St. James's time: they, it seems, knew how to keep back the wages by fraud; but, alas! how would St. James have stared, if he had been told of


Printed and Published by WILLIAM COBBETT, No. 183, Fleet-street.

weaving for a penny a yard; if have prepared the way for a he had been told of the badger- great deal more. As it is, I shall

shops; if he had been told of the fires at the mills; if he had been told of the deductions from the wages on account of the wages not being laid out at the master's own shop; and, when he was talking about nourishing of hearts as in a day of slaughter, what would he have said to an affair like that of the hell-hole on the 16th of August? Nevertheless, my motto must not be extended to all the master manufacturers. There are some that do not merit it; and God knows there ought to be; otherwise the whole race would assuredly be destroyed by fire and brimstone.

The writer of the following letter is a gentleman by no means disposed to exaggerate; and he understands the matter perfectly well. He asked me a question, at the close of his letter, which I shall make a point of answering, when I have inserted the letter. The reader will perceive that he tells me, that a great portion of the people express their sorrow at my not having been returned for Preston, since they believe that I should have effected something, tending to lessen their sufferings. Something I certainly should have effected instantly; and I should

do what I am able for them; and let them recollect, that it is by no means impossible that I may be in parliament now, before this day twelvemonth. With this preface I insert the letter, which I look upon as a true account of the state of the poor; and, indeed, of the working classes in general, in the manufacturing parts of the kingdom.

Royton, near Oldham, Lancashire,
July 31, 1826.

DEAR SIR.I doubt not but you will recollect, that, both at Preston, and afterwards at the Albion Hotel, Manchester, in conversations that I had with you, speaking from personal knowledge, that a residence in the very midst of the cotton manufactures of Lancashire had given me, I gave it as my most decided opinion, that those manufactures would get worse than they then were, and that consequently there would be a very considerable addition to the misery and distress of the people in these Populous and extensive districts. Although it is but a short time since these conversations took place, yet it has been quite long enough to prove the truth of these opinions. Since that time, several very extensive establishments have been shut up,

whilst a great many others, who were then working, what is called foll time, have reduced their hours of working, some to two, some to three, and some to four days a week; and this too, you will observe, in many instances, with reduced wages during the time they are working: so that the poor creatures are suffering every way. The condition of the poor weavers, in particular, and the great

mass of the labouring population. relief for the present accumulating generally, in this part of the country, distresses. is miserable in the extreme. Wa You have heard a good deal said have, at different times, heard and about the hand-loom weavers and read much of the destitute condition of the power-leom weavers. Hitherto, the poor Irish; but if they now are in it has been, that the power-loom a more distressed condition than the weavers have been able to earn a great mass of the population in this little more than the hand-loom part of the country, they are in a weavers, and have been a little better dreadfully suffering state indeed. employed by their masters, because What makes the matter worse, too, of the reduced prices arising from is, that all hope of improvement using the power-loom, at which, in under the present system is fast dy-comparison with those masters who ing away. Some masters have, until employed the hand-loom weavers, now, been in some degree sanguine, they could afford to sell their goods. that the present would be but a tem- Now, however, such is the increased porary depression, and that in a short depression in the trade, that the time all would be well again. This power-loom masters are obliged, in feeling appears now pretty generally some instances, to suspend their to be giving way amongst those who works almost entirely; and, in most have, until now, been foolish enough instances, to reduce their time of to cling to it; and the gloominess of working to about three or four days despair is consequently fast suc- a week. A few of the masters, ceeding to the exhilaration of hope. however, having either less prudence, In this state of things, every body is or more extended. means than the asking the questions, "What is to be others, yet run their works the full done?" "What is to become of us?" time: this, however, is not likely The newspapers in the neighbour-long to continue, as goods keep hood have all sorts of schemes- sinking in price, if sales are effected some recommending one thing, some at all, every market-day. another, while a great portion of the There is, to be sure, in all this dispeople are not backward in express tress and difficulty, the land, as you ing their indignation and grief that observe, to go to; but the difficulty of you are not returned for the Borough obtaining the Poor-rates is very great, of PRESTON, Since they very well and in some instances next to impossiknow that no effort on your part ble. The inconvenience and distress would have been spared, to have ef- arising from this source is very serifected an amelioration of their tre-ous. Query: Does Mr. STURGES mendous sufferings. What must be BOURNE'S law, authorizing the apdone in the course of the ensuing pointnient of select vestries, throw winter, I know not. I expect no- any additional difficulties in the way of thing in the way of relief from Go-obtaining relief from the Poor-rates? vernment. The extreme of starva- This is a question frequently asked. tion is an evil of such frightful mag- I shall feel myself greatly obliged by nitude, that it is not very likely the your explanation of it. people will patiently submit to it. I suppose this, too, is the opinion of the authorities here, as the country is being filled with soldiers. The mili

I am, most respectfully,

Now, in answer to the question,

tary, however, will neither fill the at the close of this letter, I have bellies of the hungry people, nor pay

GES BOURNE, about vestries, has

the interest of the National Debt. to observe, that the Bill of STURHowever, I believe that the fear meant to be inspired by the presence of the military, is meant to be all the only altered the law, in order to

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