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(*As touching children, Jesus saith; "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not, for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, whoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.")

We desire to depart, and to be with Christ, which is far better: we shall never taste death; and we shall attain unto the resurrection of the dead; for the body, which we shall put off, this grain of corruptibility, shall put on incorruption: our flesh shall rest in hope.

The Father and the Son, who quicken whom they will, and the Spirit of him who raised up Jesus from the dead, will also quicken this body, because the Spirit of God. hath dwelt in it.

Glory be to Him who is the Resurrection and the Life! He was dead, and behold He liveth for evermore! And he that believeth in Him, though he were dead, yet shall

he live..

Glory be to Him in the church which waiteth for Him, and in that which is around Him; for ever and ever, Amen.

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The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with us all.


* To be used only at the burial of a child.




I. Of the WORD of GOD.

T. 119. HOLY Lord, :||:

Holy and almighty Lord!

Thou who, as the great Creator,
By all creatures art ador'd;
Source of universal nature!
And to man, redeem'd by Jesus' blood,
Gracious God! :||:

2 Thanks and praise, :||:
Lord our God, be ever thine,
That thy word to us is given,
Teaching us, with pow'r divine,
That the Lord of earth and heaven,
Everlasting life for us to gain,
Once was slain. :||:

3 Day nor night :||:

Never let us hold our peace;
In his blood-bought congregation
Never shall his praises cease;
God, as man, made an oblation,
Suffer'd, bled & dy'd, my soul for thee,
Joyful be! :||:

4 Lord our God, :||:
May thy precious, saving word,
Till our race is here completed,
Light unto our path afford !
And, when in thy presence seated,
We to thee will render, for thy grace,
Ceaseless praise. :||:

2.* T. 22.

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Directs to Jesus and his blood,
And teacheth us the will of God.

2 As fallen creatures could not bear
The awful voice of God to hear,
By men the Spirit of the Lord
Reveal'd God's holy cov'nant word.

3 This sacred word exposeth sin,
Convinceth us that we're unclean;
Points out the wretched, fallen state
Of all mankind, both small and great.

4 It also shews God's boundless grace Toward the fallen human race, Eternal life to ev'ry one

Who turns to Jesus Christ his Son.

5 This gospel cheers the poor in heart, And heav'nly riches doth impart ; Sets forth the myst'ry of the cross, And that Christ's blood aton'd for us':

6 It gathers God's elected flock,
Grounds them on JesusChrist the rock,
Serves to instruct us and reprove,
Confirms our hope, inflames our love;

7 Preserves believers in the faith
Of Christ and his atoning death;
Prompts us to do God's holy will,
And leads us safe to Salem's hill.

8 Receive our cordial thanks, O Lord,
For granting us thy holy word;
O may we thereby guided be,
Till we in heav'n shall dwell with thee!

3.* T. 84.

DEAREST Jesus! we are here,
By thy word to gain instruction;
Grant to us an open ear,
And thy Spirit's manuduction;
That we, freed from things terrestrial,
May aspire to joys celestial.

2 Reason gives no saving light
Unto fallen human nature;
But thy Spirit clears our sight,
Makes the sinner a new creature ;
And by his divine emotion,
Prompts our hearts to true devotion.
3 Holy Ghost, eternal God,
We now humbly ask the favor:
Shed in all our hearts abroad
The great love of God our Saviour:
Bless our pray'r and meditation,
And accept our supplication.

4. T. 106.

SPIRIT of truth, essential God, Who didst the saints of old inspire, Shed in their hearts thy love abroad, And touch their lips with sacred fire: Thou Guide divine, who dost impart The truth to man, instruct each heart!

2 Most holy and almighty Lord, Whose presence fills both earth and heav'n,

May we believe thy written word,
Which was by inspiration giv'n:
Thou only canst thyself explain,
As truth divine, to fallen man.

3 Come, thou divine Interpreter,
Our sloth and ignorance thou know'st:
Ah, teach us humbly to revere
The Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
For all the mercy, truth and grace,
We in the holy scriptures trace.

5. T. 22.

'TWAS by an order from the Lord, The ancient prophets spoke his word; His Spirit did their tongues inspire, And warm'd their hearts with heav'nly fire.

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LORD Jesus, with thy children stay
Till dawn of thy eternal day;
And let thy glorious gospel light,
Till then, dispel the gloom of night.
2 In these degen'rate evil days
We pray for constancy and grace,
Thatwekeep pure, most gracious Lord,
Thy holy sacraments and word.

3 Thy sacred word is all our boast;
In this thy church can boldly trust:
This doth alone to bliss direct;
All other doctrines we reject.

4 Lord, from such teachers us preserve
Who from the holy scriptures swerve,
And by false doctrines would deceive
Those who thee love and thee believe.

5 The cause and glory, Lord, are thine;
Thy word is pure, and truth divine:
Assist us to rely on thee,
And keep us thine eternally.

7.* T. 16.

FROM the doctrines I'll ne'er waver,
In the holy scriptures stor❜d;
O what sweetness do I savor
In each sacred cov'nant-word!
2 And if I myself examine
While the book I 'fore me hold,
To each truth my heart saith Amen,
One the other doth unfold.

3 Speak, O Lord, thy servant heareth
With deep awe attentively;
What thy holy word declareth
Shall my rule and practice be.

8. T. 22. FAIN would I, dear Redeemer, learn, Fain what is excellent discern; Thy will would search, my duty know; O let thy word the secret show!

2 Sigh after sigh to thee I send,
That I thy word may comprehend,
That word, which learnt&understood,
Affords the soul a lasting food.

3 Let human arts make others wise,
My learning from the cross shall rise;
Thy wounds, thy passion, death and
Is all the knowledgethat Icrave. [grave,
4 With pity view me at thy feet,
To be instructed, Lord, I wait;
Here will I lie, nor wish to rise
Till by thy cross I am made wise.

9. T. 22.

O HOW I love thy holy word,
Thy gracious covenant, O Lord!
It guides me in the peaceful way;
I'll think upon it all the day.

2 What are the mines ofshining wealth, The strength of youth, the bloom of health!

What are alljoys com par'd with those Thine everlasting word bestows! 10. T. 14.

JESUS, thy word is my delight;
There grace and truth are seen:
Ah, could I study day and night,
And meditate therein!

2 The gospel, as a polish'd glass,
Thy glory lets us see;
And by beholding there thy face
We're render'd like to thee.

3 O Lamb of God, the book unseal,
And to our hearts explain;
Let all its life and spirit feel,
And heav'nly wisdom gain.

4 That thou for us didst live and die,
Make known to us, dear Lord;
To us the promises apply,
Contained in thy word.

11. T. 97.

HERE in thy presence we appear, Lord Jesus Christ, thy word to hear; Our wand'ring thoughts and hearts incline

With thirst t'imbibe thy word divine; That all our minds drawn from this earth to thee,

May love thee more, and serve thee faithfully.

2 God Holy Spirit, now impart
Thy unction to each longing heart;
Us with thy heav'nly light and fire,
To sing, to pray, and preach inspire;
Thus blest,in spirit and in truth shallwe
Give praise unto the Father, Son, and

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II. Of the Fall and Corruption of Man, and his
Redemption by Christ.

16.* T. 212.
WHEN Adam fell, the frame entire
Of nature was infected; [dire,
The source, whence came the poison
Was not to be corrected,

But by God's grace, which saves our


From mis'ry and destruction;
The fatal lust, indulg'd at first,
Brought death as its production.

2 By one man's guilt we were enslav'd
To sin, death, and the devil;
But by another's grace are sav'd,
Through faith, from all this evil :
And as we all, by Adam's fall,

Were sentenc'd to perdition;
So for us hath Christ by his death
Regained life's fruition.

3 Since God bestow'd his only Son
On his rebellious creature,
To save our souls, whichwere undone,
And free our sinful nature
From shame and guilt,byhis blood spilt,
His death and resurrection ;
Do not delay! make sure, this day,
Thy calling and election.

4 I send my cries unto the Lord,
My heart implores this favor,
To grant me of his living word
A never-failing savor; [claim
That sin and shame may lose their
To hinder my salvation:
In Christ the scope of all my hope,

I fear no condemnation.

5 His word's a lamp unto my feet;

My soul's best information; My surest guide and path to meet Eternal consolation; This light where-e'er it doth appear,

Revealeth Christ our Saviour Unto the lost, who firmly trust In him alone for ever.

17.* T. 132.

OUR whole salvation doth depend
On God's free grace and spirit;

All our best works can ne'er defend
A boast in our own merit :
Derived is our righteousness
From Christ and his atoning grace;
He is our Mediator.

2 Who can maintain the bold conceit,
That fallen man is able
T'observe, by means of nat'ral light,
The first and second table!
The Lord a feigned work abhors;
Mere flesh increaseth but the curse
Of our entail'd corruption.

3 Thelawcry'd, "justice mustbe done, Or man doom'd to damnation ;" But Mercy sent th' eternal Son,

Who purchas'd our salvation, Fulfill'd the law in its extent, And gave its wrath a thorough vent, Το spare the sons of Adam.

4 Christ, having all the law fulfill'd,

Through his blest cross and passion, Is now the Rock whereon we build

Our faith and whole salvation: We call him Lord our Righteousness, Whose death hath purchas'd life and

And ransom'd us for ever. [grace, 5 The law reveal'd sin's sinfulness, Enhanc'd the accusation; The gospel tenders saving grace, To sinners consolation, Bids all lay hold on Jesus' cross; The law could ne'er retrieve our loss,

Ev'n with our best performance. 6 True faith by Jesus in us wrought, By works is manifested; That faith is empty, which is not By works of love attested: Yet faith alone us justifies; Love to our neighbor but implies, We are sincere believers.

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