1805 F 2 Feb. 2 Feb, 19 Apr, 1 Feb. 10 Feb, 27 Apr, 14 May 23 June 2June 13 25 Dec, 1 1806 E 6 May 15 May 25 June 5 26 Nov, 30 1807 D 25 Feb, 11 Mar, 29 May 7 May 17 May 28 27 Nov, 29 1808 C B 14 Mar, 2 Apr, 17 May 26 June 5 June 1624 Nov. 27 1809 A 5 Jan. 29 Feb, 15 Apr, 2 May 11 May 21 June 127 Dec, 3 1810 G 6 Feb. 18 Mar, 7 Apr, 22 May 31 June 10 June 21 24 Dec, 2 1811 F 7 Feb. 10 Feb, 27 Apr, 14 May 23 June 2June 13 25 Dec, 1 1812 EDS Jan. 26 Feb, 12 Mar, 29 May 14 Mar, 3 Apr, 18 May 6 Feb, 23 Apr, 10 May 22 Feb, 8 Mar, 26 May 1813 C 9 Feb. 1814 B 10 Feb. 19 May 1815 A 11 Jan. 4 May 7 May 17 May 28 27 27 June 6 June 17 24 29 June 925 14 May 25 28 Nov, 29 Nov, 27 Dec, 3 1816 G F 12 Feb. 1817 E 13 Feb. 11 Feb, 28 Apr, 14 May 23 June 2June 13 25 Dec, 1 25 June 5 26 Nov, 30 1818 D 14 Jan. 18 Feb, 4 Mar, 22 Apr, 30 May 10 May 21 28 Nov, 29 1819 C 15 Feb. 1820 BA 16 Jan. 7 Feb, 24 Apr, 11 May 20 May 30 June 10 25 Nov, 28 30 Feb, 16 Apr, 2 May 11 May 21 June 127 Dec, 3 1821 G 17 Feb. 18 Mar, 7 Apr, 22 May 31 June 10 June 21 24 Dec, 2 1822 F18 Feb. 3 Feb, 20 Apr, 7 May 1823 E 19 Jan. 26 Feb, 12 Mar, 30 May 1824 DC 1 Feb. 15 Mar, 3 Apr, 18 May 1825 B 2 Jan, 30 Feb, 16 Apr, 3 May 1826 A 3 Jan. 22 Feb, Mar, 26 May 1827 G 4 Feb, 11 Feb, 28 Apr, 15 May 1828 FE 5 Feb, 3 Feb, 20 Apr, 6 May 1829 D 6 Feb, 15 Mar. 4 Apr, 19 May 1830 C 7 Feb, 7 Feb, 24 Apr, 11 May 1831 B 8 Jan, 30 Feb, 16 Apr, 3 May [1832 A G 9 Feb, 19 Mar, 7 Apr, 22 May 16 May 26 June 626 Dec. 1 SMay 18 May 29 27 Nov, 30 27 June 6 June 17 24 Nov, 28 12 May 21 June 226 Nov, 27 4 May 14 May 25 28 Dec, 3 21 June 3 June 14 25 Dec, 2 15 May 25 June 5 26 Nov, 30 28 June 7 June 18 24 Nov, 29 20 May 30 June 10 25 Nov, 28 12 May 22 June 226 Nov, 27 31 June 10 June 2124 Dec, 2 ABBREVIATIONS in the CALENDAR explained. Ab. stands for Abbot. Bishop. C. for Confessor. Church. M. for Martyr. for Pope. Pr. for Priest. for Virgins. Ap. for Apostle. B. for Dr. for Doctor of the M. M. for Martyrs. P. V. for Virgin V. V. THE CALENDAR. N. B. To find the office of the day, look for the day of the month in the Calendar; and if you find the day to be of a saint, of whom no notice is taken in the Particular offices of the saints, you must take it out of the Common. JANUARY hath XXXI Days. A CIRCUMCISION of our Lord, D. 2 Cl. C 3Octave of S. John the Apostle, d. E5 Octave of S. Tho. of Canterbury, d. Vigil of the F 6 EPIPHANY of our Lord, D. 1 Cl. with an Octave. F13 The Octave of the Epiphany, D. G14S. Hilary, B & C. sem. S. Felix, Pr. & M. C17S. Anthony, Ab. d. D18 Chair of St. Peter at Rome, D. S. Prisca, V. & M. E19S. Wolstan, B. & C. d. SS. Marius, Martha, &c. M. M. F20SS. Fabian & Sebastian, M. M. d. G21S. Agnes, V. & M. d. A 22 SS. Vincent & Anastasius, M. M. sem. B23 S. Raymond, C. sem. S. Emerentiana, V. & M. C24S. Timothy, B. & M. sem. D25 Conversion of S. Paul, D. E26S. Polycarp, B. & M. sem. F27S. John Chrysostome, B. C. & Dr. d. G28S. Agnes's Apparition. A29S. Francis of Sales, B. & C. d. B30S. Martina, V. & M. sem. C31S. Peter Nolasco, C. d. FEBRUARY hath XXVIII Days. D 1S. Ignatius, B. & M. sem. E 2 Purification of the B. V. Mary, D. 2 Cl. G 4S. Andrew Corsini, B. & C. d. A 5S. Agatha, V. & M. d. G11 ¡A 12 B 13 C14S. Valentine, Pr. & M. D15 SS. Faustinus & Jovita, M. M. A26 N.B. In Leap Years February hath 29 Days; B27 and the Feast of St. Matthias is kept on the 25th. C 28 MARCH hath XXXI Days. ID 1S. David, B. & C. d. E 2S. Chad, B. & C. d. F 3 4S. Casimir, C. sem. & S. Lucius, P. & M. A 5 B 6 C7S. Tho. of Aquino, Dr. & C. d. SS. Perpetua & Felicitas, M. M. D 8S. Felix, B. & C. d. E 9S. Frances, Widow, d. B13 C14 D15 E16 MARCH hath XXXI Days. F17S. Patrick, B. & C. sem. A19 S. Joseph, C. D. 2 Cl. B20S. Cuthbert, B. & C. d. of obligation in the Bishopric of Durham. C21 S. Benedict, Ab. d. D22 F 24 G25 ANNUNCIATION of the B. V. Mary, D. 2 Cl, A 26 B 27 C 28 D29 N.B. On Friday in Passion-Week is said the E 30 Office of the seven Dolors of the B. V. Mary, D. IF 31 G 1 APRIL hath XXX Days. A 2S. Francis of Paula, C. d. F 7 G8 A 9 C11S. Leo the Great, P. C. & Dr. d. E13 S. Hermenegild, M. sem. APRIL hath XXX Days. G22 SS. Soter & Caius, P. P. & M. M. sem. A23 S. George, M. Patron of England, D. 1 Cl. with an Octave. B24S. Fidelis of Sigmaringa, M. d. C25 S. Mark, Evangelist, D. 2 Cl. Abstinence. E27 F28 S. Vitalis, M. G29 S. Peter, M. d. A30 The Octave of S. George, d. MAY hath XXXI Days. B 1 SS. Philip and James, App. D. 2 Cl. C 2S. Athanasius, B. C. & Dr. d. D 3The Finding of the Holy Cross, D. 2 Cl. SS. Alexander, &c. M. M. Š. Juvenal, B. & C. E 4S. Monica, Widow, d. F 5 Catharine of Sienna, V. d. G 6S. John before the Latin Gate, D. A 7S. Stanislaus, B. & M. d. B 8 Apparition of S. Michael, D. C 9S. Gregory Nazianzen, B. C. & Dr. d. D10S. Antoninus, B. & C. sem. Gordianus & Epimachus, M. M. E11S. Pius, P. d. F12 SS. Nereus, Achilleus, Domitilla, Pancratius, M. M. sem. G13 A14S. Boniface, M. C16S. Ubaldus, B. & C. sem. D17 S. Paschal Baylon, C. d. E 18S. Venantius, M. sem. F19S. Dunstan, B. & C. d. S. Pudentiana, V. G20S. Bernardine, C. sem. A21 S. Peter Celestin, P. & C. d. B22 C23 E 25 S. Aldelm, B. & C. d. S. Urban, P. & M. |