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"Cranmer. I remember there was two Pryn"ters of my sayde booke, but where the same not " was put in, I cannot tella."

It is impossible to say, to which sentence in the Sermon on the Lord's Supper Dr. Martin alluded; for though we find the words, "we receyve trewly "the bodye and bloud," and "we eat his veray


bodye," yet the word "reallye" does not occur throughout the whole of it: and if the reader will look to all the places, which appear to favour the doctrine of the real presence, he will find it almost impossible for the word not to have been inserted. Cranmer, it is true, does not actually deny the insertion: but his words may mean, that if it was made, it was without his knowledge; and certainly no copy of the Catechism has as yet been produced, which contains the negative. It has been stated, that one of the Bodleian copies appears evidently to be a different edition from the others; but the negative does not occur in it; and the passage, to which Gardiner alluded, as quoted at p. xix. is not altered. This copy contains no list of errata: but in the other copies, the word not is ordered to be inserted in the place which corresponds to page 139, line 1, of this edition, where it is evidently wanted: but we can hardly suppose Dr. Martin to have confounded the two places. Strype has certainly gone too far, when he said, "In a second edition the word not was inserted

a Fox, Acts and Monuments, vol. II. p. 1877.

" in a certain place of the book, to alter the doc"trine of the real presence, which was asserted in "the first edition b." He appears to have taken this from the dialogue with Dr. Martin, in which nothing is said of a second edition; and upon the whole there is great reason to conclude, that the charge was altogether unfounded.

It will have been seen from Cranmer's answer to Gardiner concerning the picture, that the subjects of the plates in the English Catechism are not always the same with those in the Latin. Fac-similes of all of them have been engraved for the present edition: and it will be seen, that the subjects in many instances are totally different, though there is a sufficient resemblance in some of them to shew, that the artist employed by Cranmer had the German engravings before him. The latter are much more rude in their execution and design than the plates in the English Catechism: and the superiority is easily accounted for, when it is known that the English engravings

b Memorials of Cranmer, p. 396.

• It is not impossible, that Dr. Martin may have remembered a passage in Gardiner's Answer to Cranmer's book upon the Sacrament, in which, after criticising Cranmer's version of a passage in Theodoret, he says, "I wene the "Printer left out a (not) and should have sayd, not changed " into the godly substance." p. 125. Cranmer denies that he or his printer had made this omission, p. 322; and since the doctrine of transubstantiation formed the subject of dispute, Dr. Martin may have confounded Cranmer's Defence of the Sacrament with his Catechism.

were made from designs of Holbein. The name of this distinguished painter will be seen at length in the plate to p. 173, and his initials H H appear in two other places: on the book at the foot of the altar in p.132; and on the pedestal of the table in p. 161d. It might be thought from the extract given above, that Cranmer did not set any very high value upon the art of painting: but Holbein was at this time in England, where he had been residing several years; and a Catechism set forth by the Archbishop was not an unlikely subject to exercise his pencil. A series of engravings very similar to these may be seen in a work called Icones Catecheseos Christianæ, &c. ab Hieronymo Osio, Viteberga, 1565.

The English Catechism, as printed in the present edition, was intended to be a faithful copy of the original one of 1548: and with a carefulness, which will be understood and appreciated by the typographical antiquary, not only was it wished, that the peculiar orthography should be preserved, but even the errors of the press. When those directions were given, it was not known, that the different copies presented such extraordinary variations. The errors, which have been preserved, are therefore only the errors of a particular copy, and perhaps it would have been better not to have preserved them at all. A list of them is given at

d In this last instance the engraver has neglected to copy the initials.

• He died in London of the plague in 1554.

the end of the Catechism, which is taken from the original edition; to which is subjoined a second list of such errata, as have been discovered in printing the book, but which were not noticed in the original edition.

In printing the Latin Catechism, the same scrupulous accuracy has not been observed. The punctuation has been repeatedly altered, and all palpable errors of the press have been corrected. It was however thought desirable to retain the peculiar orthography of many of the words, which though most absurdly incorrect, and by no means uniform, was evidently the result of intention, and may serve to characterize the German Latinity of that day. The Latin translations of Luther's Catechisms contain many specimens of the same orthography.

It is due to the memory of the late Bishop of Oxford to state, that the publication of these two Catechisms was owing to his intimate acquaintance with the writings of our Reformers, and to his desire of reprinting a series of works connected with the history and formation of our Liturgy. They were considered by him to be an appropriate sequel to the "Formularies of Faith," which were put forth under his direction in 1825; as well as of importance in marking the change which was effected in Cranmer's opinions concerning the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper. Nearly the whole of the volume was printed at the time of his death, which took place May 31st, 1829: and that sudden and melancholy event will account for the deficiencies of this preface, which would otherwise have had the advantage of that deep research and those ample stores of information, which can now only live in our memories and our regrets.

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