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rian church, whose flame, like the more sacred finely illustrated in the following passage of the fire of Horeb, sheds its lonely and awful bright- same letter. "One lesson has been very deeply ness over the woods and mountains of Malabar, imprinted on my heart by these few days. If and to assure us, (hear, Oh Israel!) in the same this man's innocent and useful life (for I have no treatise, and almost in the same page, that the doubt that the greater part of his life has been both Christians of India are the most despised and innocent and useful) offered so many painful rewretched of its inhabitants; that whoever takes up collections, and called forth such deep contrition, the cross, takes up the hatred of his own people, when in the hour of death he came to examine the contempt of Europeans, loss of goods, loss of every instance of omission or transgression, how employment, destitution, and often beggary; and careful must we be to improve every hour, and yet that it is interest alone, and a love of this world, every opportunity of grace, and so to remember which has induced, in any Hindu, even a tempo- God while we live, that we may not be afraid to rary profession of the gospel? think on him when dying! And, above all, how "And this is the professed apologist of the peo-blessed and necessary is the blood of Christ to us ple of India! My brethren, I have known the all, which was poor Stowe's only and effectual sharpness of censure, and I am not altogether with- comfort!" Any man might be proud of such an out experience in the suffering of undeserved and eulogy as he gave to the memory of his friend, injurious imputations. And, let the righteous which, indeed, he dwells upon in successive letters smite me friendly, I shall receive it (I trust in to Mrs. Heber, as if unable to abandon the subject. God) with gratitude. Let my enemy write a book, This lingering over the recollection of a deserving so he be my open enemy, I trust (through the object evinces the strength of his attachment, and same Divine aid) to bear it or to answer it. But the more powerfully because alluded to incidentwhatever reproofs I may deserve; to whatever cal- ally, and in a way which he could not have supumnies I may be subjected; may the mercy of posed would meet any other eyes than those for Heaven defend me from having a false friend for whose special perusal the letters were intended.* my vindicator!" In the same manner did he show the strength of his domestic feelings, when, a few days before the decease of Stowe, after indulging himself in a description of the beautiful scenery of the river in his journal, he suddenly, and, as if exultingly, remarks-" To-day I had the delight of hearing again from my wife, and this is worth all the scenery in the world!"

Soon after this he commenced his first visitation, accompanied by his friend and chaplain, the Rev. Martin Stowe, who had followed him from England. As it was late in the season before he could leave his family, which at first he intended should also accompany him, he was obliged to travel by water in preference to the then hazardous journey by land. He accordingly left Calcutta in a pinIt was understood between the Bishop and nace for Upper India, and ascended the Ganges Mrs. Heber, that they were to meet at Bogli poor, as high as Allahabad, upwards of six hundred a place on the river some distance above Dacca, miles from Calcutta; stopping at all the principal but the dangerous sickness of their children complaces, and particularly wherever any official duty pelled Mrs. Heber to remain at Calcutta, and this awaited him, or a congregation of Christians could feeling and sensitive man was doomed to be disapbe collected, however small; and though obliged pointed of the happy meeting he was anticipating, to preach, as was often the case, within the con- and to be deprived of the company of his beloved tracted rooms of a temporary Indian dwelling wife, in a journey which was yet to be extended house. At Dacca, he was called to the painful through a whole year! In a letter to her at this trial, for such his journal proves it to have been, period he says, "your joining me is out of the quesof parting with his friend Stowe; who, from im- tion ;" and adds, "I am strangely tempted to come prudent exposure, brought on himself a disease of to you. But I fear it might be a compromise of the climate, which in a few days destroyed his my duty and a distrust of God! I feel most gratelife. Bishop Heber, in giving an account, which ful indeed to him for the preservation of our invais pathetically descriptive of his loss, to Mrs. He- luable treasures." And having said this he went ber, mentions incidentally, what he had not other- on his way, in the path to which duty called. wise alluded to, that from the very beginning of From Allahabad he travelled on horseback, the journey they had prayed and read together with, as is usual, and even necessary in that coundaily, and that, on the last Sunday which he saw, try, a considerable suite, to Almorah in the Himathey had received the sacrament together; and laya mountains, and from thence across the counadds, "I trust I shall never forget the deep contri- try to Surat, where he embarked for Bombay; at tion and humility, the earnest prayer, or the ear

* His letter to Miss Stowe on the death of her brother is a nest faith in the mercies of Christ, with which he fine specimen of the manner in which a feeling and Christian commended himself to God." And his pious heart, though wounded, could pour consolation into a bosom habit of drawing instruction from every event, is more deeply wounded still.

duct made on my mind, was, that he felt as though every individual who attended the meeting conferred a personal favour on him."

which place he arrived on the 19th of April; and well as his majestic countenance and long white in a few days he had the delight of meeting his beard." family, who came thither by sea from Calcutta, An individual who was present at the meeting after an absence of more than ten months. On of a missionary association at Calcutta, at which the route from Allahabad to Surat, he visited Bishop Heber presided, at this time, remarked several small congregations of Christians; not a of him, "It was truly encouraging to witness the few of whom were native converts, concerning | kind spirit of Bishop Heber; there he was, some whom his journal contains many interesting anec- considerable time before the business of the evedotes. He visited also each of the native courts ning began: in fact, the impression which his conwhich lay in his route, but, as he asserts in one of his letters, never went out of his way for objects of curiosity. He found, nevertheless, sufficient employment to keep his attention fully awake, for In January, 1826, he again left Calcutta and he says, "In every ride which I have taken, and his family, "with a heavy heart," on a visit to the in every wilderness in which my tent has been churches in the Indian peninsula, and the now well pitched, I have as yet found enough to keep my known Syrian churches, of the Malabar coast. mind from sinking into the languor and apathy The following note in his journal, made while yet which have been regarded as natural to a tropical in the river, is interesting in its relation to his climate." character, "We proceeded to the Sandheads, and From Bombay he went with his family to Cey-dismissed the pilot. I was glad to learn from lon, where he remained several weeks, visiting the him, that a poor man who had once taken us up churches and performing the duties of his episco- the river, and got miserably drunk on that occapal office. He held a visitation of his clergy at sion, had been greatly impressed with some good Colombo, and addressed them: among those pre-advice I had given him, and had since remained a sent were two natives, one of whom was Chris-water drinker. I wish my good counsels were tian David, who had been ordained by Bishop always equally successful!" Heber himself, as before mentioned-the other During his stay at Madras he was gratified by had been educated at Cambridge, in England, and the attention shown him by the Armenians in that had married a respectable English woman; both city, and particularly with the presence, on one these were chaplains on the colonial establishment. occasion, when he held a Confirmation, of their While here he exerted himself much to procure Archbishop Athanasius and two other dignified the reestablishment of the general system of ecclesiastics, in his congregation. It is very evischools and religious instruction, which the Dutch dent from his journals, that a friendly and even government had originated while in possession of brotherly intercourse with the ancient churches of the island, and which he was anxious to restore. the East lay very near his heart, and that he availAnother object, which at the same time engrossed ed himself of every proper occasion to cultivate it. much of his attention, was a plan for furnishing At one of his visitations, at Calcutta, he invited facilities for literary and theological education to several of the principal Armenian ecclesiastics to the native catechists, or "proponents," so as gradu- meet his clergy at dinner at his own house; and ally to fit them for admission to holy orders, and he certainly excited in many of the members of make them the groundwork of a regular paro- that church a very high degree of respect for his chial clergy. To this end he suggested to some person and character. of the clergy, the translation of a few of the While at Madras he visited the Prince Azeem most popular English works into the Cingalese and Khan, uncle and guardian to the Nawab of the Tamul languages. At Candy he was waited on by Carnatic, accompanied by his clergy in their robes. a deputation of the Bhuddist priests, whom Mrs. They were received with as much state as this Heber describes as "dressed in long yellow robes, little court could muster; the prince being surwith the right arm and shoulder bare, and their rounded with a crowd of "Ullemah" or learned heads and eye-brows closely shaven." On his men. While the Bishop was conversing with the return to Calcutta, after an absence of about fif-prince, some of these learned men expressed to teen months, which had been consumed in this Mr. Robinson, the Bishop's chaplain, their astovisitation, he had the gratification of ordaining nishment that the Bishop was without a beard, obanother native christian, Abdul Museeh, whom serving, (the Bishop says, with much truth,) that he describes as a venerable old man, a native of learned men lost much dignity and authority there Lucknow, and an elegant Persian and Hindoos- by the effeminate custom of shaving. They also tanee scholar. "He greatly impressed us all," asked if the Bishop was the head of all the Engsays Bishop Heber, "with his deep apparent emo- lish church; and being told that he was the head tion, his fine voice and elegant pronunciation, as in India, but that there was in England another

clergyman superior to him, the question was re- the native congregations of these missions, their peated, "And does he not wear a beard?" numbers, their general order, their devout attendThe time he spent in Madras was about a fort-ance on the service of the church, exceeded every night, and in this space he preached eleven times, expectation he had formed; and that in their supbesides presiding at a large society meeting, giving port and revival he saw the fairest hope of extwo large dinner parties, (for he was habitually tending the Church of Christ. Never shall I forgiven to hospitality,) and receiving and paying get the warm expressions of his delight, when on "visits innumerable." Circumstances which suffi- Easter-day he gathered them around him as his ciently show his love of action, and his disposition children, as one family with ourselves, administerto fill up every moment of his time, with the duties ed to them the body and blood of our common Sabelonging to his station. viour, and blest them in their native tongue: and when in the evening of that day, he had seen before him no less than THIRTEEN HUNDRED* natives of those districts rescued from idolatry and superstition, and joining as with one heart and voice in the prayers and praises of our church,—I can never forget his exclamation, that he would gladly purchase that day with years of life!"

On leaving Madras he passed the spot where, tradition says, the apostle St. Thomas was martyred. Bishop Heber thought this tradition well founded, and noted in his journal that he left the spot behind with regret, and should visit it, if he returned to Madras, with a reverent, though, he hoped, not a superstitious interest and curiosity. He reached Tanjore on the 25th of March, and Bishop Heber arrived at Trichonopoly on the on the 26th (Easter Sunday) preached an eloquent 1st of April; on the following day (Sunday), he and impressive sermon on the resurrection, in the preached to a crowded audience, and in the evening church, which, at the request of the native mem-confirmed forty young persons, and the next mornbers of the congregation, he promised to have ing at 6 o'clock he repeated this rite for the benefit translated into the Tamul language and printed. of some native Christians. He returned home to In concluding the sermon, he in the most feeling breakfast; but, before sitting down, went into a manner impressed the duty of brotherly love upon cold bath, as he had done the two preceding days. all present, without regard to rank or colour. His attendant, thinking that he staid more than Divine service was performed the same evening in the usual time, entered the apartment, and found the Tamul language, when, to the agreeable sur- his body at the bottom of the water, with the face prise of all present, he pronounced the Apostolic downwards, and lifeless. The usual restoratives benediction in that language. On Monday he held were immediately but ineffectually tried. The a confirmation. In the evening divine service was spirit had returned to God who gave it. On exheld in the chapel in the mission garden. At the amination, it was discovered that a vessel had conclusion, he addressed the missionarics present burst upon the brain, in consequence, as the mein an affectionate and animated manner; observing dical attendants agreed, of the sudden plunge to them, that it was probably the last time that all into the cold water, while he was warm and expresent could expect to meet in this world; and hausted. His mortal remains were deposited on exhorted them to diligence and perseverance by the north side of the altar of St. John's church, the example of Schwartz, near whose remains he Trichonopoly. was then standing. On the 28th, attended by his chaplain, and several missionaries of the district, he paid a visit of ceremony to the Rajah of Tanjore. On the 29th and 30th he visited and inspected the mission school and premises. On the 31st he departed for Trichonopoly. Of the feelings which governed him during this brief visit, a glowing but evidently not exaggerated description, Though his death is thus to be imputed to an has been given by the chaplain who accompanied apparent accident, yet there was reason to believe him, Mr. Robinson. "The missions at Tanjore that his constitution, like that of his predecessor, and this place," (Madras,) says Mr. Robinson, gradually yielding to the effects of a tropical cli"awakened, in a most powerful degree, and beyond any thing he had previously seen, the affec⚫ Bishop Heber, in one of his letters, mentions the same tions of his heart; and to devise and arrange a number as being present on this occasion, and adds, "This plan for their revival and more extended prospe- however, is only in the city of Tanjore. There are scattered rity, was the object which occupied him for many congregations, to the number of many thousand Protestant days; and to the last hour of his life, his anxious Christians, in all the neighbouring cities and villages; and thoughts, his earnest prayers, and the concentrated the wicker-bound graves, each distinguished by a little cross of cane, of the poor people by the road side, are enough to energies of his mind. Again and again did he repeat to me that all which he had witnessed in

The melancholy intelligence of this overwhelming calamity was communicated, in the most cautious manner, to his amiable and accomplished but unfortunate widow, by Lord Combermere, her relative. Bishop Heber left two children only, both of whom were daughters. He died in the fortythird year of his age.

tell even the most careless traveller that the country is, in a great measure, Christian.”

mate, combined with active habits of exertion had commenced its work, and that his personal formed in a more temperate clime, and leading appearance had undergone no trifling change. Inhim to frequent, and somewhat too heedless an deed, it would seem to be but a waste of human exposure of his person, even at times and in cir- life and human talent, to place any competent cumstances in which he is obliged to admit in his person, of sufficient age, whose habits have been journals, that it was but a matter of ordinary pru- formed in Europe, in the oversight of such a diodence to leave his family behind, rather than to cese as British India, with Polynesia and Ausexpose them. When he first ascended the Ganges, tralasia, forms. And yet this was Bishop Heber's and before he had reached the termination of his lot.*

Of the extent and burthensome character of the business

voyage, Abdullah, a native convert, and faithful Of his death it has been beautifully said, that servant, whom he had first met in England, and “ His sun was in its meridian power; and its who had accompanied him to India, on one occa- warmth most genial when it was suddenly eclipsed, sion cautioned him tenderly against the exposure forever. He fell as the standard bearer of the to which his habits of exertion constantly led him, cross should ever wish to fall, by no lingering deconcluding with the remark, "This has caused cay, but in the firmness and vigour of his age, and your hair to turn so gray since your arrival in In- in the very act of combat and triumph. His Masdia;" a period less than a year. In Oude, when on his way to the Himalaya mountains, he was taken ill on the road, with the country fever, details of his office he gave the following account in a letter to brought on him, doubtless, by exposure to rain, his friend and successor at Hodnet, the Rev. J. J. Blunt. and various changes of the atmosphere, which he "I do not think, that, in the regular and ordinary functions had just before been compelled to endure on horse-of my diocese, there is more, or even so much to be done, as in any of the more extensive bishoprics of England; the small back. He was at this time without any com-number of the clergy must prevent this being the case. But panions but natives, and probably two days' ride on the other hand, every thing which is done must be done by from any physician. It pleased Providence to myself, both in its spirit and its details; and partly owing to bless the remedies which he used, as he admits, in the manner in which we are scattered, and partly to the geutter ignorance; and he was cheered during the neral habit of the country, all must be done in writing. Ques tions, which in England would not occupy more than five three or four days in which he lay, almost hope- minutes conversation, may here sometimes call for a letter less, in his palanquin, at the road side, by the af- of six or eight pages; and as nothing, or almost nothing, fectionate attentions, and kind consideration of his which concerns the interests or duties of the clergy, can be native servants. To such an extent did they settled without a reference to Government, I have, in fact, at least two sets of letters to write and receive, in every impor carry this last particular, that, if any noise was tant matter which comes before me. As visiter of Bishop's made, even accidentally, within his hearing, College, I receive almost every week six or seven sheets of several voices would softly urge "silence!" upon close writing on the subject. I am called on to give an opinion the involuntary offender. At this time he wrote on the architecture, expense, and details of every church to his mother and sister under the strong impres- which is built, or proposed to be built, in India; every appli sion of impending death. His natural buoyancy ringer, must pass through my hands, and be recommended in cation for salary of either clerk, sexton, schoolmaster, or bellof mind, and the ardour of his spirit, combined a letter to Government. I am literally the conductor of all with the novel character of the circumstances in the missions in the three presidencies; and what is most seriwhich he was placed, were probably the causes ous of all, I am obliged to act in almost every thing from my which made him thus thoughtless of himself. He own single judgment, and on my own single responsibility, without any more experienced person to consult, or any preknew, moreover, what extensive hopes of the recedent to guide me. I have, besides, not only the Indian generation of India had been made to rest upon clergy and the Indian government to correspond with, but the him he knew that he was looked to as a power-religious societies at home, whose agent I am, and to whom I ful instrument in the hand of God to this end; that must send occasional letters, the composition of each of which from his talents, his disposition, his personal habits, occupies me many days: while in the scarcity of clergy which his principles, and above all his almost enthusias-is, and must be felt here, I feel myself bound to preach, in some one or other of the churches or stations, no less frequent. tic devotion, likening him in all these respects to ly than when I was in England. the very chiefest of the apostles, much more than "All this, when one is stationary at Calcutta, may be done, he could reasonably expect to accomplish, was an- indeed, without difficulty: but my journeys throw me sadly ticipated. He had set before him, and never into arrears; and you may casily believe, therefore, not only that I am obliged to let slip many opportunities of writing to allowed to be absent from his mind, the maxim of my friends at home, but that my leisure for study amounts to his Divine Master,-I must work the works of little or nothing; and that even the native languages, in which him that sent me while it is day; the night cometh it has been my earnest desire to perfect myself, I am comwhen no man can work. There was one, howev-pelled to acquire very slowly, and by conversation more than er, who watched with an anxious eye over his by reading. With all this, however, in spite of the many disadvantages of climate and banishment, I am bound to welfare, from whom it could not be concealed that, confess that I like both my employments and my present before the attack which proved fatal to him, decay country."

ter came suddenly, and found him faithful in his known him long,* and who gave to his memory charge, and waiting for his appearing. His last the highest expressions of their praise.

hour was spent in his Lord's service, and in min- It has been determined to erect monuments to istering to the humblest of his flock. He had the memory of Bishop Heber at Calcutta, at Madscarcely put off the sacred robes with which he ras, and in St. Paul's cathedral, London, and at served at the altar of his God on earth, when he Oxford. Several scholarships have been founded was suddenly admitted to his sanctuary on high, in Bishop's College, near Calcutta, which, from and clothed with the garments of immortality." the same motive, are to bear his name. Immediately on the intelligence of his death, monument at Madras has been already erected. public meetings were called at Calcutta, at Mad• The chief justices of the three presidencies who were preras, and at Bombay, in which eulogies were pro- sent at these meetings, were by a singular coincidence his nounced upon his character, by those who had contemporaries at college.


Tributes to the memory of Bishop Heber.


Ir it be sad to speak of treasures gone,

Of sainted genius called too soon away,
Of light, from this world taken while it shone,
Yet kindling onward to the perfect day—
How shall our grief, if mournful these things be,
Flow forth, O guide and gifted friend! for thee?

Hath not thy voice been here amongst us heard?
And that deep soul of gentleness and power,
Have we not felt its breath in every word,

Wont from thy lip, as Hermon's dew, to shower?
Yes! in our hearts thy fervent thoughts have


Of heaven they were, and thither are returned.

How shall we mourn thee?-With a lofty trust,
Our life's immortal birthright from above!
With a glad faith, whose eye, to track the just,
Through shades and mysteries lifts a glance of

And yet can weep!-for Nature so deplores
The friend that leaves us, though for happier

And one high tone of triumph o'er thy bier,
One strain of solemn rapture be allowed!
Thou that, rejoicing on thy mid-career,

Not to decay, but unto death hast bowed!
In those bright regions of the rising sun,
Where Victory ne'er a crown like thine hath won.

Praise, for yet one more name, with power en-

To cheer and guide us onward as we press,
Yet one more image on the heart bestowed,
To dwell there-beautiful in holiness!
Thine! Heber, thine! whose memory from the

Shines as the star, which to the Saviour led.


How well I remember the day I first met thee!
'T was in scenes long forsaken, in moments
long fled,

Then little thought I that a WORLD would regret

And Europe and Asia both mourn for thee dead.

Ah! little I thought in those gay social hours, That around thy young head e'en the laurel would twine,

Still less that a crown of the amaranth's flowers, Enwreathed with the palm, would, O Heber! be thine.

We met in the world, and the light that shone round thee

Was the dangerous blaze of wit's meteor ray, But e'en then, though unseen, mercy's angel had found thee,

And the bright star of Bethlehem was marking thy way.

To the banks of the Isis, a far fitter dwelling,

Thy footsteps returned, and thy hand to its lyre, While thy heart with the bard's bright ambition was swelling,

But holy the theme was that wakened its fire.

Again in the world and with worldlings I met thee,
And then thou wert welcomed as Palestine's


They had scorned at the task which the Saviour had set thee,

The Christian's rough labour, the martyr's reward.

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