purpose of taking the Melpomene English frigate, which blockaded the island. Capt. Dandolo had not been 12 hours at sea, when he descried the English pendant, and observing that the British commander (Capt. Parker) did not run away, he prudently thought it high time he should do so; the wind, however, became unfavourable for his return to Corfu, but he put into Paro, a small island about to leagues from Corfu; the Melpomene followed, and threatened to destroy both the vessels and the town, if they did not surrender immediately; at length a capitulation was concluded, by which the three ships were delivered up, but the crews were not detained as prisoners. About the same time, another expedition sailed from Zara to take Capt. Campbell, of the Unite, who like the celebrated French chevalier Forbin, in former times, has become the terror of the Adriatic. This force consisted of two large brigs and a schooner: they thought, that from the number of prizes the frigate had sent to Malta, she could not be half manned. After a short cruize in quest of her, they fell in with her off the island of Melado. The Commodore immediately began firing, but the frigate retained her fire until she ranged alongside within pistol shot, when she poured in so destructive a fire, that the brig struck. The other brig attempted to escape, and ran on a small island, when about half her crew landed by leap ing from her bowsprit ; but the rest with her Captain (Duodo), were made prisoners. The schooner escaped to An cona. The Comet sloop, Capt. Daly, has taken the Sylphe French national brig, (commanded by M. L. Maria Clement, capitaine de frigat, and a member of the legion of honour) mounting sixteen 26 pound carronades and two long nines, with 98 men. When first seen by the Comet, she was in company with another brig of the same force, and a corvette. In the face of so superior a force, Capt. D. thought it most prudent to continue his course under all sail, as by al tering it they might be inclined to chase him. This so far intimidated them, that they tacked and made all sail from the Comet, and the corvette having much outsailed her consorts, tacked and stood to the southward. Capt. D. then made all sail in chase of the brigs, the head. most of which tacked and passed to windward, about a guns-sbot distance. The remaining brig hoisted French.co. lours, was soon brought within pistolshot, and after an action of 20 minutes struck. Her second lieutenant, a midshipman, and five men, were killed ins the action, and two midshipmen and three seamen severely wounded. The Comet had not a man hurt. The Sylphe is a very fine vessel, 300 tons burthen, copper-bottomed and fastened, an excellent sailer, and fit for his Majesty's service. CONVENTION OF CINTRA. We mentioned in our last, that thismeasure had met with very general re-t probation. Among the public bodies who have been the loudest in expressing their dissatisfaction, the Common Coun cil of the city of London have taken the lead. On the 5th October, at a very full meeting of the Council, an address and petition to the King, was voted. It was presented on the 12th by the Lord Mayor, attended by a number of the Aldermen, the Sheriffs, and Common Councilmen. The petition is couched in strong terms, and is as follows: "Most gracious Sovereign-We, your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the Lord Mayor, Aldermen, and Commons of the City of London, in Common Council assembled, most hum bly approach your Majesty with renew ed assurances of attachment to your Majesty's most sacred person and Govern ment, and veneration for the free prin ciples of the British Constitution, to express to your Majesty our grief and astonishment at the extraordinary and disgraceful convention lately entered · into by the Commander of your Majes ty's Forces in Portugal, and the Commander of the French army in Lisbon. The circumstances attending this afflic ting event cannot be contemplated in British minds without the most painful emotions; and all ranks of your Majes ty's subjects seem to have felt the ut most concern and indignation at a treaty so humiliating and degrading to this country and its allies. After a signal victory, gained by the valour and dis cipline of British troops, by which the enemy appears to have been cut off from all means of succour or escape, we have the the sad mortification of seeing the laurels so nobly acquired torn from the brows of our brave soldiers, and terms grant. ed to the enemy disgraceful to the British name, and injurious to the best interests of the British nation.-Besides the restitution of the Russian fleet upon a definitive treaty of peace with that power, and the sending back to their country, without exchange, so large a number of Russian sailors, by this ignominious convention, British fleets are to Convey to France the French army and its plunder, where they will be at liberty immediately to recommence their active operations against us or our allies. The guarantee and safe conveyance of abeir plunder cannot but prove highly irritating to the pillaged inhabitants, o ver whom they have tyrannized, and for whose deliverance and protection the British army was sent, and the full recognition of the title and dignity of Emperor of France, while all mention of the Government of Portugal is omitted, must be considered as highly disrespectful to the legitimate authority of hat country. We, therefore, humbly pray your Majesty, in justice to the outraged feelings of a brave, injured, and indignant people, whose blood and treasure have been thus expended, as well as to retrieve the wounded honour of their country, and to remove from its character so foul a stain in the eyes of Europe, that your Majesty will be graciously pleased immediately to institute such an inquiry into this dishonourable and unprecedented transaction, as will lead to the discovery and punishment of those, by whose misconduct and incapacity the cause of the country and its allies has been so shamefully sacrificed. We beg to assure your Majesty of our unalterable fidelity and earnest desire to co-operate in every measure conducive to the peace, honour, and se curity of your Majesty's dominions." The King's Answer." I am fully sensible of your loyalty and attachment to my person and Government. I give credit to the motives which have dic. tated your petition and address, but I must remind you, that it is inconsistent with the principles of British justice to pronounce judgment without previous investigation. I should have hoped that recent occurrences would have convinced you that I am at all times ready to institute inquiries an occasions in which the character of the country, or the honour of my arms, is concerned; and that the interposition of the City of London could not be necessary for inducing me to direct an inquiry to be made into a transaction which bas disappointed the hopes and expectations of the nation." His Majesty's answer (which was read by Lord Hawkesbury) has given great offence to the citizens of London, who at another meeting of the Common Council, on the 27th October, passed some strong resolutions; expressing their right on all occasions when they think proper to address the throne,—their concern that they should have met with reprehension in exercising this undoubted right, and "that whoever advised his Majesty to put so unfavourable and unwarrantable a construction on their late petition, has abused the confidence of his Sovereign, and is equally an enemy to his Majesty and the just rights of his people." DREADFUL FIRE IN LONDON. On Tuesday morning September 10. happened one of the most dreadful fires that has for many years past afflicted this great metropolis, and by which that vast and superb edifice, Covent Garden Theatre, was reduced to a heap of ashes, with a number of houses in its vicinity! How the fire originated is unknown, as the housekeeper saw all safe, as he thought, after the performance of the preceding evening. The flames were first discovered about four o'clock in the morning, and had then acquired too great a force to be stopped by the fire engines, which soon arrived in great numbers. About seven o'clock, the fal ling in of the roof with a dreadful crash announced the destruction of the inte rior of the building. The engines continued to play with unceasing activity upon the ruins, in order to save as much as possible of the surrounding buildings, and unfortunately some of the fremen, with their characteristic intrepidity, pushed an engine into one of the pas sages, when the archway above fell in, and buried above 16 of them in the ruins. Several others were killed by the falling ruins, and several volunteers who attended were scalded or scorched to death. Many dead bodies were dug out of the ruins, and many others carried of off to the nearest hospitals, dreadfully scorched and mangled. The Coroners' Inquest was held on nineteen of the bodies. The number of dead is supposed to exceed 20, and a great number wounded, the recovery of many of whom is doubtful. The number of houses burnt down, chiefly in Bow-street, is about 12, and several others are irreparably injured. Several fatal accidents happened in them and in the streets, occasioned by the infamous activity of swarms of pick-pockets. Nothing belonging to the Theatre is saved, excepting a few damaged scenes and the account books. The loss is estimated at upwards of L. 150,000. Only L. 50,000 was in sured. The performers have lost all their wardrobes and valuables, and, according to the usage of the Theatre, their salaries cease, until the performances can be resumed; upwards of 200 other persons employed about the Theatre, with their families, are thrown out of bread. The performances, however, were resumed on Monday Oct. 3. in the Opera House, which Mr Taylor hand. somely offered; and Mr Sheridan, with like liberality, has made an offer of whatever may be requisite from the wardrobes and scenic repositories of Drury Lane. Among the irreparable losses of property at the theatre are Handel's celebrated organ, valued at 1000 guineas, a bequest from him to the theatre, which was never heard but at the oratorios, and much M.S. music of that great composer, and of Dr Arne and others, which was never printed, and of which there are no copies. Mr Ware lost a violin worth 3ool, it had not been left a night in the theatre for two years be fore. IRELAND. TRIAL OF MAJOR CAMPBELL. On the 4th of August last, at the Armagh assizes, Alexander Campbell, brevet Major in the army, and Captain in the 21st foot, was tried for the murder of Captain Boyd, of the same regiment, by shooting him with a pistol bullet. George Adams, surgeon in the 21st regiment, stated that in June 1807 they were quartered in the barracks at Armagh. On the 23d of said month, the regiment was inspected by General Ker; after the inspection, the General' and officers dined toge ther; about eight o'clock all the officers left the mess, except Major C. Capt. B. witness, and Lieut. Hall. A conversation then commenced by Major C. stating, that Gen. Ker corrected him that day about a particular mode of giving a word of command, when he conceived he gave it right; he mentioned how he gave it, and how the General corrected him. Capt. Boyd remarked, "Neither was correct, according to Dundas, which is the King's order." (This ob servation, witness stated, was made in the usual mode of conversation.)-Major C. said," it might not be according to the King's order, but still he conceived it was not incorrect." Capt. B. still insisted," it was not correct, according to the King's order."-They argued this some time, till Capt. B. said," he knew it as well as any man;" Major C. replied," he doubted that much." Capt. Boyd at length said " he knew it better than him, let him take that as he liked." Major Campbell then got up and said, " Then, Captain Boyd, do you say I am wrong?" Captain B. replied," I do-I know I am right according to the King's order." Major C. then quitted the room. Captain B. remained after him for some time; he left the room before witness or Lieut. Hall.-Witness and Hall went out together a short time after; they went to a second mess room, and there Capt. Boyd came up and spoke to them. They then went out together, and witness left Captain Boyd at Lieutenant Dewar's. In about twenty minutes after, he was called on to visit Captain Boyd; he went and found him sitting on a chair vomiting; he examined his wound, and conceived it a very dangerous one; a ball had penetrated at the extremity of the four false ribs, and lodged in the cavity of the belly; he survived it but eighteen hours; he staid with him till he died, during which time he got gradually worse till his dissolution. On his cross-examination, he stated there was something irritating in Captain Boyd's manner of making the observation alluded to; so much so, that he conceived Major Campbell could not, consistent with his feelings, pass it o ver; but if a candid explanation had taken place, he does not conceive the melancholy affair would have occurred. John Hoey stated, that he is mess-waiter of the 31st regiment, and was so then. He remembers the night this affair took place; knew Major Campbell and Captain Boyd; he saw Major C. that night in a room where he was washing glasses; Maj. Campbell had quitted the mess-room about ten or fifteen minutes; as Major C. was coming up stairs, Captain Boyd was leaving the niess-room, and they met on the stair-head; both went into the mess waiter's room, and there remained ten or fifteen minutes, when they Lieut. Hall, hefore the affair took place.— The defence set up was merely and exclusively as to the character of the prisoner for humanity, peaceable conduct, and proper behaviour; to this several officers of rank were produced, who vouched for it to the fullest extent, namely, Colonel Paterson, of the 21st regiment, General Camp. bell, Gen. Graham Stirling, Capt. Macpherson, Capt. Menzies, Col. Grey, and manyļothers whom it was thought unneces-" sary to produce. they separated. The Prisoner, in about twenty minutes, came again to witness, and desired him to go to Captain Boyd, and tell him a gentleman wished to speak to him if he pleased; he accordingly went in search of Captain Boyd; he found him on the pa rade ground; he delivered the message, and Captain B. accompanied him to the messroom; no one was there, and witness pointed to a little room off it, as the room the gentleman was in; he then went to the mess kitchen, and in eight or ten minutes, he heard the report of a shot; thought no thing of it till he heard another; he then went to the mess-room, and there saw Captain Boyd and Lieutenants Hall and Macpherson; Capt. Boyd was sitting on a chair vomiting: Major Campbell was gone, but in about ten or twelve minutes he came to the room where witness was washing some glasses: Major C. asked for candles; he got a pair, and brought them into the small room; Major C. shewed the witness the corners of the room in which each person stood, which distance measured seven paces; he never saw Major Campbell after till a week ago, though witness never quit-officer, and several respectable private ted the regiment, and retained his employ ment. John Mcpherson stated, that he is Lieut. in said regiment; knew Major Campbell and Capt. Boyd; recollects the day of the duel; on the evening of that day, going up stairs about nine o'clock, he heard, as he thought, Major Campbell say " On the words of a dying man is every thing fair?" He got up, before Captain Boyd replied; he said- Campbell, you have hurried me -you're a bad man.' Witness was in coloured cloaths, and Major C. did not know him, but said again" Boyd, before this stranger and Lieutenant Hall, was every thing fair?" Caprain E. replied “ O no, Campbell, you know I wanted you to wait and have friends." Major C. then said Good God, will you mention before these gentlemen, was not every thing fair? did not you say you were ready?" Captain B. answered Yes;" but in a moment after and Ma said, "Campbell, you're a bad man." Capt. John Greenhill proved that Major C. had time to cool after the altercation took place; inasmuch as he went home, drank tea with his family, and gave him a box to leave with The learned Judge charged the Jury in a most able manner, recapitulated the evidence, and explained the law on the subject most fully and clearly. The Jury re tired, and in about an hour brought in a verdict Guilty of Murder; but recommended him to mercy, on the score of character. He was sentenced to be executed on Monday the 8th, but respited. Notwithstanding strong memorials were presented to the Lord Lieutenant both by the Grand and Petty Juries of Armagh, in behalf of this unfortunate applications, the Royal mercy was peremptorily refused. The fatal sentence of the law was carried into effect at Armagh, on Wednesday, August 24th, at 12 o'clock. From the moment of His conviction, the Major evinced the most heartfelt grief for the fatal catastrophe, and at the place of execution his behaviour was composed and resigned. His body was delivered to his friends, and next day was carried through Belfast to be conveyed to Scotland. He was privately interred on the 30th in the church-yard of Ayr, the native place of his disconsolate widow. The unfortunate catastrophe which produced such an awful result to Major Campbell, it is to be hoped, will not fail of leaving a lesson to mankind of salutary influence. Both of the parties were gentlemen, eminent in their profession, of high character and honour, who had long lived on terms of mutual friendship and esteem. The unfortunate irritation of a moment at once deprived society of one, of the best of men, and left a widow and infant family to mourn their irreparable loss. Retribution of the most awful kind has fallen to the lot of the other, and his amiable wife and infant family are also involved in all the distress which the human mind can con Scottish Chronicle. COURT OF SESSION. Thursday, Oct. 20. the Lords of Corner and Session met in the Inner Parliament House, in virtue of the powers committed to them by the Act of Parliament, passed last session, to take into consideration such alterations as appeared to them necessary to be adopted on the meeting of the Court in November, in consequence of its division into two Chambers. The Right Hon. Robert Blair presented his Majesty's letter, appointing him Lord President of the Court, in room of Sir Ilay Campbell resigned; together with his Majesty's warrant for dividing the Court into two chambers. Their Lordships met again on the 11th of Nov. to take into consideration what farther regulations may be necessary for conducting the proceedings before the two Courts. The following is an account of the division and arrangement, and also the substance of the regulations which have been enacted by their Lordships, to be observed at the meeting of the Court: SECOND DIVISION. 1. Lord President, Mess. Geo. Jeffrey,.....John Kermack James Rose,...... John Balvaird Both divisions of the Court are to the usual hour. meet on the usual sederunt days, and at chamber or division, are to attend weekTwo Lords Ordinary, one from each ly in the Outer House, by rotation, and according to seniority. The Lords Or. dinary are not to come out to the Outer turday after their week; in other reHouse as formerly upon the third Saspects their hand rolls are to continue the same. During the time of Session, the Lords naries upon the Bills, the Ordinary for Ordinary for the week are to be Ordithe first chamber officiating for the first three days, and the Ordinary for the second chamber officiating for the last tion, and during the Christmas holidays, three days of the week. In the vacaonly one Ordinary, as at present, is to act. Two distinct sets of rolls, one for each chamber, are to be kept and issued by the keeper of the Outer-house rolls. The Tiend Court consists of the whole Lord Justice Clerk Lords, and in future is to sit only once a fortnight, on Wednesday; and, unless very important business occurs, none of the two chambers of the Court of Session are to meet on the same day the Tiend Court sits. 2. Lord Polkemmet 3. Lord Glenlee 5. Lord Cullen 7. Lord Hermand 6. Lord Robertson 3. Ld. Woodhouselee 7. Lord Newton ness On Saturday Nov. 12. being the first day of the Winter Session, the two divisions of the Court met in their respective chambers for the dispatch of busiThe first division occupies the former Inner-house, and the second the new Exchequer Court, which has been fitted up in a very elegant manner, until the court-house building for it is finished. Two additional benches have been erected in the Outer house for the accommodation of the Lords Ordinary of the second chamber, and for their Lordships calling their hand-rolls. The Lord Justice Clerk presided in the Second Chamber, and addressed the Cours |