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the year ensuing, with power to fill up va- | lowing is one of its luminous and nervous cancies:paragraphs: *

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Resolved-That the cordial thanks of this meeting be presented to the Rev. J. Blundell, for his services as Secretary, and that he be requested to continue them during the ensuing year.

The several resolutions were passed with appropriate observations from the different speakers; the meeting, though not large, was harmonious; a good feeling seemed prevalent; and our prayer, in reference to the future, is, "Make us glad according to the days wherein thou hast afflicted us, and the years wherein we have seen evil: let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children; and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish thou the work of our hands upon us, yea, the work of our hands, establish thou it."

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"As Protestant Dissenters we have learned, and as Protestant Dissenting Ministers we teach, that a practice which is not warranted by the Holy Scriptures, and much more one that is in opposition to them, can derive no religious authority or sanction whatsoever from antiquity or custom; but we cannot refrain from observing, with regard to the practice in question, that it is of recent origin, and peculiar to England, a land of Protestants; and further, that we know of no similar abuse of a Christian rite in any one of the churches of Christendom. To our own nation belongs the unhappy distinction of desecrating the solemn ordinance of the Lord's Supper, by applying it to secular and political uses; and this humbling consideration should surely arouse both our patriotic and our Christian zeal, to roll away the reproach from our beloved country."

The instructions supplied by the communication from the "Committee for directing the application," &c. include important suggestions, and forms of petition composed in temperate and constitutional language, which we trust will be judiciously imitated in all the petitions which may be presented to Parliament. As it respects petitions, they say, their more zealous friends against the use of "The Committee again earnestly caution any intemperate or offensive expression in their petitions. The Committee will thank and respectably as possible, and then to you to get petitions signed as numerously

transmit them, either to such Members of the Houses of Lords and Commons as you may have an opportunity of personally interesting in our behalf, (which will be the most eligible mode,) or to Mr. Smith, the Chairman of the Committee."

The directions also as to the manner of forwarding petitions deserves particular attentiou.

In relation to the same subject, we quote the last resolutious in the paper transmitted to us from the "Committee for the proteotion of religious liberty," &c. "That they also entreat that all congregations who have deferred their petitions, will cause petitions to be prepared and forwarded without farther delay; and they assure them if they need any information, or desire to transmit their petitions through this Society, that at the office of John Wilks, Esq. Finsbury Place, petitions will be received and infor

We regret that our limits will not allow us to present these valuable papers to our readers in their entire form. This, however, is not of so much importance, as we believe the sources from which they ema-mation supplied. nate will give them a very extensive, if not a universal circulation.

"The address of the General body of Protestant Dissenting Ministers," &c. is a most able performance, and cannot, we think, be heard or read attentively, without making a powerful impression. The fol

We are also requested to insert that Thomas Hayter, Esq. of Brixton has consented to become Treasurer to that Institution, instead of the much lamented Treasurer deceased, to him or the secretaries, annual contributions or donations may in future be sent.


(From a Correspondent.)

You are doubtless acquainted, through the medium of the public papers, with the failure of a prosecution at the Berks quarter sessions, held at Abingdon, Oct. 16, against the disturbers of religious worship at Charney, a village about seven miles from Wantage. The decision of the Magistrates, that there was a flaw in the indictment, inasmuch as no copy of registration was in possession of the Clerk of the County Sessions, has caused great uneasiness in this neighbourhood.

The impression is, that no places of religious worship, registered since the act of 52 Geo. III. are safe from interruption. In fact, such an idea prevails among the persecutors themselves, and they continue to threaten, not interruption only, but death; for their ruffian-like language is "Go who will to preach, they'll beat their brains out!" You will understand, Sir, that in reference to the register, the certificate of its registration was produced in Court, signed by the ecclesiastical registrar of Salisbury; and is not this all that are required of Dissenters to produce? Living, as we do, fifty or sixty miles from Salisbury, to which place there is no regular conveyance of any kind from hence, must we necessarily journey thence to bring up the bishop's registrar, to prove the certificate of which we are already in possession, whenever our religious assemblies may be disturbed? Or, if it be the duty of the registrar to certify to the county clerk that such places have been registered, are we to be nonsuited, and exposed to every insult, through his neglect of duty? If so, it is high time that our ministers and societies, of all denominations of Dissenters and Methodists in London, who live near the seat of the Legislature, should endeavour to obtain some new enactment, that shall release us from such disabilities. Little do Christians in London know what their brethren in some parts of the country endure, through want of faithfulness and impartiality in county magistrates, many of them bigoted parish priests; nor can we hope for much improvement, until the repeal of the odious Test Act shall place on the bench more men of religion and intellect.

The Wesleyan minister has just been with the writer, saying that the poor old man in whose house the outrage in question was committed, (and who was nearly killed by the throwing of stones, when kneeling in prayer with his wife at their bed side,) called on him this morning, bitterly lamenting that the parish officers would neither give him money nor work, unless he sold his little cottage, and that he was gone off to Lamborne, to Mr. Burls, a respectable cir

cuit steward, to offer to sell it him; that, though forced to leave it himself, some one might possess it who would continue the worship of God in the place. The suffering veteran had part of his house beaten down, every window broken, and which even now are not repaired, through fear of further damage, and himself and poor old wife exposed to the chilling night air while in bed, having no other defence than a curtain drawn across the shattered casement. While they were assembled in one room for the worship of God, the little provision made for the minister, before his walk home at night, of seven miles, was stolen in another. One fellow came in with a blackened face, stopped the preacher, and d-d the congregation.

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One man coming to the meeting, was struck in the side by a stone, and in the eye by a rotten egg, and afterwards knocked down by the rioters. A woman was struck in her side by a stone, in her way from the service, and after her return home, six panes of glass were broken by stones thrown at her windows. Mr. Flint, the minister, and Mr. Allen, a local preacher, were obliged to escape with the greatest haste, amidst stones and brickbats. Of their escape the rioters were ignorant, and kept pelting the poor cot for hours after; and wheelbarrows full of stones were wheeled away the next morning, some of which were given to a neighbour, to help build a stable. Nor, Sir, was this the only outrage; there had been three or four before, nearly of equal atrocity, and the Gospel is now driven from the place, as no minister can make his appearance in the village. Not that the ministers of this neighbourhood are intimidated through fear of personal danger-no; they "count not their lives dear unto themselves, so that they may finish their course with joy, and the ministry they have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify of the Gospel of the grace of God;" but, without further protection, they have no safety for their hearers, nor any hope of meeting peaceably for the worship of God. Wantage.

W. G.

P. S. It has been said that the attorney for the prosecution was negligent in procuring documents, but all concerned freely exonerate him; for even the able counsellor himself did not expect the objection that led to the acquittal of the defendants, and strongly protested against it.

Whether the Society of Deputies, or the Protestant Society, have undertaken to set this matter to rights, we cannot say; but there can be uo doubt it will be taken up, and prosecuted with vigour. A most gross outrage has been committed upon the privi

afterwards the Rev. Wm. Hartley was ordained pastor. He had been a member at Wainsgate, and had received some instructions from Dr. Fawcett. Mr. H.'s ministry was attended with much success, the con

leges of Protestant Dissenters, which if the laws, as they exist at present, will not punish, we feel confident a respectful application to his Majesty's Government will lead to instant and effectual relief. We should not have expected that any magis-gregation increased, and many were baptrates could have come to such a decision, tized. He removed in 1779, and was sucviz. that the neglect of a public registrar, cecded in the same year by the Rev. J. duly to enter the transaction of which a certi- Hindle, who had studied under Dr. Fawcett, ficate was granted, should invalidate the and is said to have been a very eloquent and claims of the Dissenters to protection from popular preacher. It was soon found necesbrutal outrage, and exonerate their cruel sary to enlarge the chape!, and for ten years persecutors from liability to punishment. Mr. H. continued to preach to overflowing EDITORS. congregations; but being unhappily of an irritable disposition, a mere trifle discom

HISTORY OF THE BAPTIST CHURCH AT Posed him, and ne abandoned his post in


As there is no document in the possession of the church at Halifax, containing a regular detail of its rise and progress, it is difficalt to furnish historical data with absolute exactness. From the records of neighbouring churches, and the biographies which have been consulted, it appears that this interest commenced about the year 1755; but by what particular instrumentality the first members were collected, the writer of this article cannot ascertain. Mr. Crabtree, of Bradford, was, at the time referred to, commencing his ministerial career; and as there is mention, in the Memoir published by the Rev. I. Mann, of Mr. C.'s having baptized some persons at Halifax, it is reasonable to suppose that he was a means of forming the Baptist interest in that place. The Rev. C. Bamford was the first pastor. He was a member of the church at Bacup, and commenced his ministry at Halifax sometime in 1755. He removed in 1760, and was pastor of the churches at Acerington, Tottlebank, Heybarn, and Polemoor, successively; at the last of which places he died, full of years and in the midst of usefulness.

Mr. Bamford was succeeded by the Rev. J. Wood, who had been a minister amongst the Independents at Wakefield, but, changing his views on the subject of baptism, he accepted an invitation from the church at Halifax, and was ordained August 6, 1760. The cause at that time was low, and the worship was conducted in a room. In 1762 Mr. Wood was concerned in the purchase of land for the erection of a chapel. During his ministry, Sandemanianism obtained amongst the members to such an extent, that the church was thrown into confusion, and twenty members were excluded. These events led to Mr. Wood's removal. He afterwards settled at Salendine Nook, where he died. In Dr. Fawcett's Memoirs honourable mention is made of his talents and character. In the year 1772, a "church covenant" was formed, and immediately

1789. He finally settled at Manchester, after frequent removals, and there, for the first time, his talents failed to attract. This was too much for a man of his temperament. He yielded to despondency, and at last sunk under excessive anxiety.

Mr. Hindle was succeeded in the ministry at Halifax by the Rev. J. Cherry, late of Wellington, Somerset. His continuance, however, was of short duration. A considerable number, more remarkable for their captiousness than their piety, evinced dissatisfaction with the ministry. Party spirit ran high, discontent raged, and Mr. Cherry at last yielded to the opposition, in 1790.

It is impossible to refer to that period without the deepest regret. The congregation had previously been in a most flourishing condition, including some of the most respectable families in the town; but during the above mentioned disputes, numbers forsook the place, never to return, whilst discord and desertion took place of peace and prosperity. The interest has never since acquired its former strength, and can scarcely be said to have redeemed its former character. In 1792, the covenant already referred to was renewed, in presence of Mr. Crabtree, Mr. Hartley, and Dr. Fawcett; and in the following December Mr. Hartley resumed the pastoral charge. He removed again in 1795, and was succeeded by the Rev. Mr. Wade, who had been pastor of the church at Accrington. He relinquished his charge in 1799, and removed to Hull, where he continued, as pastor of the church at Salthouse-lane, until age and infirmities obliged him to submit to superannuation. He is still living. Soon after Mr. W.'s departure, the church invited the Rev. Wm. Ackroyd, at that time a member at Hebden Bridge, to the pastoral office. He commenced his ministry in 1800, and presided over the church nearly twenty-five years. He resigned his charge January 1825, and died on the 30th of April, 1826.

A short time before Mr. A:'s resignation, an attempt was made to establish a separate Baptist interest at Halifax. Some indivi


duals, members with the Independents, having embraced the seatiments of the Baptists, united with a few others who had no connection with the old interest, and hired a room, in which they carried on public worship regularly. They were subsequently formed into a church, Dr. Steadman and other ministers assisting. Providence seemed to favour this effort. The Sabbath services, conducted by neighbouring ministers and students from Bradford, were well attended, and hopes were entertained of increasing and lengthened prosperity. On the resignation of Mr. Ackroyd, the Rev. C. Thompson, then studying at Bradford, was invited to supply the vacant pulpit. The church at that time numbered only twenty members, and the congregation was very inconsiderable. Indications of returning prosperity, however, became manifest, and the mourners over Zion's desolation began to hope for better days. Mr. Thompson frequently supplied, and ultimately yielding to the solicitations of the people, and encouraged by the opening prospects, accepted the pastoral office. He was ordained August 3, 1826, Fifty-six have been added to the church in little more than two years, a proportionaté increase having taken place in the congregation.

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The Southern Association met Sept. 4 and 5, 1827, at Meeting-house-alley, Portsea. Tuesday evening, Mr. Fletcher prayed, and Mr. Whitewood preached, from 1 Pet. i. 17.

Wednesday morning, seven o'clock, Mr. Cakebread prayed, and Mr. Draper preached, from 2 Thes. ii. 13.-Half-past teu, Mr. Morris prayed, and read a portion of Scripture; and Mr. Russell preached, from Ps. cxxvi. 5.; after which the Association retired for business.

Wednesday evening, Mr. Neave prayed. Mr. Bulgin preached, and Mr. Miall concluded the services with prayer.

The next Association is to be held at

Thus has God visited his people. His presence and energy have gladdened many hearts, and have excited anticipations of Newport, on the Tuesday and Wednesday extended and protracted blessings. One in the week after Whitsun-week. The breconsiderable disadvantage, however, attends thren Morris and Neave, are requested to this interest. The chapel is badly situated, preach the latter, on the best means of and in its internal accommodation is wretch-promoting a revival of religion, especially edly inconvenient. Thus a damp is cast on in the associated churches.



the zeal of the minister and people, for as all the other places of worship in the town are spacious, some even splendid, it is vain to hope that many will be found willing to sacrifice their personal comfort under such circumstances. Add to this, in the absence of convenience at the chapel, it has been found necessary to administer baptism in exceedingly impure water, at the distance On Wednesday, Nov. 28, 1827, the Rev. of a mile and a half from the town. These E. Probert was ordained over the Baptist things have presented, in not a few ascer- Church at Eastcombs, Gloucestershire. Mr. tained cases, insuperable objections to a Webly of Avening began in prayer. Mr permanent connection with the interest. The White of Cirencester described the nature friends of the place would provide better of a Gospel church, asked the usual quesaccommodation, but limited resources for- tions and received the confession of faith. bid the attempt. Oh, that some of our Mr. Hawkins of Stroud, the former pastor, wealthier brethren and churches would but offered the Ordination prayer; Mr. Fry of the erection of a chapel! an event Coleford delivered an impressive charge which, as far as human foresight can deter- from Acts xx. 28. and Mr. Cousins of Kingmine, would most effectually advance the stauley concluded in prayer. In the evenBaptist interest in this large and respectable ing Mr. Francis of Uley, began in prayer. town. There is at present an extensive and Mr. Fry, in consequence of the disappointfavourable excitement, and land most eligibly ment of a minister in the neighbourhood, situated may be procured. Should the pre-judiciously addressed the people from Phil. sent opportunity be sacrificed, the cause ii. 29, and Mr. Deane of Chalford concluded may finally sink. Our Independent brethren in prayer the very interesting services of are laudably zealous in patronizing infant or the day.



Though the day was very unfavourable, the attendance was considerable, and the people present appeared deeply interested in the services of the day.

A few serious individuals resident in this

On Tuesday, Oct. 16, 1827, the Rev. John Dore, late of Redruth, Cornwall, was publicly recognised as the pastor over the Particular Baptist church at Wimborne, Dorset. The Rev. Samuel Spink (Inde- dark village and its vicinity, commenced pendent minister of the town) commenced this infant cause at Michaelmas, 1826, by the service by reading the Scriptures and having stated preaching in a carpenter's prayer; the Rev. James Hoby, of Wey-shop, which soon proving too small to conmouth, delivered the introductory address tain the increasing number of hearers, in and prayed; after which two sermons were the spring a large barn was kindly lent preached, one by the Rev. Sam. Bulgin, of during the summer months, by a gentleman Poole, on the nature and importance of the of the Independent denomination. But as ministerial office, from 1 Tim. iii. 1.; anthe barn could not be retained any longer other by the Rev. James Millard, of Ly- than till harvest, the friends were under the mington, on the duty and privileges of the necessity either of abandoning the cause, members of churches. from Phil, ii. 1-4. and dispersing the congregation, or of erectIn the evening the Rev. Henry Gill reading a place wherein to meet. After serious the Scriptures and prayed; the Rev. James Hoby delivered a discourse on the nature of the kingdom of Christ, from Ps. ii. 6; and the Rev. W. Davis (Independent minister of Dorchester) concluded in prayer. The services of the day were well attended, and highly interesting.


deliberation, united with earnest prayer, they resolved to adopt the latter mode of proceeding; and now a large and attentive congregation is collected, and the prospects are of an encouraging nature. Although the most strenuous exertions have been made by the friends at Langley to defray the expences which have been incurred, a part of the debt still remains, for the reduction of which an appeal will be made to the generosity of the Christian public.

On Tuesday, Jan. 1, 1828, seven persons were organised into a church of the Particular Baptist denomination, hy the Rev. J. Wilkinson, of Saffron Walden.

On Wednesday, October 17, 1827. Mr. B. Williams, of Trosuant, was ordained pastor of the Baptist church at Goitre, Monmouthshire. Brother W. Williams, introduced the services of the day by reading the Scriptures and prayer. Brother D. Phillips, of Caerleon, delivered the introductory discourse, asked the usual questions, received the confession of faith, and offered up the Ordination prayer. Brother D. Roberts, of Trosnant, Mr. Williams's pastor, delivered the charge from 1 Tim. iv. 16. M. R. Brother J. Michael, of Sion ohapel, address-E. ed the church from 1 Thess. v. 13. and E. C. concluded the interesting services of the morning in prayer.

Three other services were held in connection with the above, in which brethren W. Thomas, Blaenau; J. Lewis, Llanwenarth; D. Lewis, Penuel; W. Richards, Penyrheol; and M. Lewis, Chapel-y-ffin; were engaged.



Widows relieved from the profits of this work, Dec. 21, 1827 :S. J........

M. B.

£4 J. F.


E. A.

M. J.


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H. N.




The Baptist Missionary Prayer-meeting Salters' Hall Chapel on the first Monday in recently instituted in London, to be held at the month, for the spread of the Gospel, will be held on the 4th inst. at half-past six o'clock, when it is hoped that the Rev. Isaiah Birt will deliver the address.

Errata. The following Welsh Baptist Churches were inadvertently omitted in the

On Tuesday, Oct. 9, 1827, a very plain, but neat meeting-house, 34 feet long by 26 feet wide, belonging to the Particular Bap-list at p. 28:tist denomination, was opened in this place,.


on which occasion three sermons were preach- Kerry
ed; that in the morning by the Rev. J. Rhyd-felen
Meakin, of Cottenham, Cambridgeshire, Llandrinio..
from Isa. liv. 17; that in the afternoon by Wespry...
the Rev. T. Sutton, of the same place, from
Isa. xvi. and part of the 4th verse; that in
the evening by the Rev. T. Watts, of Oak-
ington, Cambridgeshire, from Ps. xxxv. 27.

John Jones.

Joseph Ashford. CARMARTHENSHIRE. Waun-chun-da.... Lewis Lewis. RADNORSHIRE.

Maes-yr-helem.... Abraham Evans.

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