Obrazy na stronie

To fing thofe honours you deserve to wear,
And add new luftre to her filver ftar.


Here noble SURREY felt the facred rage, SURREY, the GRANVILLE of a former age: Matchlefs his pen, victorious was his lance, Bold in the lifts, and graceful in the dance : In the fame fhades the Cupids tun'd his lyre, To the fame notes, of love, and foft defire : Fair Geraldine, bright object of his vow, Then fill'd the groves, as heav'nly Mira now. Oh would't thou fing what heroes Windfor



What kings first breath'd upon her winding fhore, Or raife old warriors, whofe ador'd remains

In weeping vaults her hallow'd earth contains!


VER. 288. ber filver ftar.] All the lines that follow were not added to the poem till the year 1710. What immediately followed this, and made the conclufion, were thefe,

My humble Mufe in unambitious ftrains

Paints the green forefts and the flow'ry plains;
Where I obfcurely pafs my careless days,
Pleas'd in the filent fhade with empty praise,
Enough for me that to the lift'ning fwains
Firft in these fields I fung the fylvan strains.


VER. 289. Here noble Surrey] Henry Howard, Earl of Surrey, one of the first refiners of the English poetry; who flourish'd in the time of Henry VIII,


With Edward's acts adorn the fhining page, Stretch his long triumphs down thro' ev'ry age, Draw monarchs chain'd, and Creffi's glorious field,

The li'ies blazing on the regal fhield:

Then, from her roofs when Verrio's colours fall,305 And leave inanimate the naked wall,

Still in thy fong fhould vanquish'd France appear, And bleed for ever under Britain's fpear.


Let fofter ftrains ill-fated Henry mourn,
And palms eternal flourish round his urn.
Here o'er the Martyr- King the marble weeps,
And, faft befide him, once-fear'd Edward sleeps:
Whom not th' extended Albion could contain,
From old Belerium to the northern main,

The grave unites; where ev'n the Great find reft,
And blended lie th' oppreffor and th' oppreft! 316
Make facred Charles's tomb for ever known,
(Obfcure the place, and un-infcrib'd the ftone)


VER. 305. Originally thus in the MS.

When Brafs decays, when Trophies lie o'er-thrown,
And mould'ring into duft drops the proud flone.


VER. 301. Edward's acts] Edward III. born here.
VER. 309. Henry mourn,] Henry VI.

VER. 312. once-fear'd Edward fleeps :] Edward IV,

Oh fact accurs'd! what tears has Albion shed,

Heav'ns, what new wounds! and how her old have


She faw her fons with purple deaths expire,

Her facred domes involv'd in rolling fire,

A dreadful feries of inteftine wars,

Inglorious triumphs and difhonest scars,



At length great ANNA faid-" Let Difcord ceafe !”
She faid, the world obey'd, and all was Peace!
In that bleft moment from his oozy bed
Old father Thames advanc'd his rev'rend head.
His treffes drop'd with dews, and o'er the stream
His fhining horns diffus'd a golden gleam:


VER. 319. Originally thus in the MS.
Oh fact accurft! oh facrilegious brood,
Sworn to Rebellion, principled in blood!

Since that dire morn what tears has Albion fhed!
Gods! what new wounds, etc.

VER. 325. Thus in the MS.

Till Anna rofe and bade the Furies cease;

Let there be peace-she said, and all was Peace.

Between Verse 328 and 329, originally stood these lines:
From shore to fhore exulting fhouts he heard,
O'er all his banks a lambent light appear'd,

With sparkling flames heav'n's glowing concave fhone,
Fictitious ftars, and glories not her own.
He faw, and gently rofe above the stream;

His fhining horns diffuse a golden gleam :
With pearl and gold his tow'ry front was dreft,
The tributes of the diftant Eaft and Weft,


Grav'd on his urn appear'd the moon, that guides
His fwelling waters, and alternate tides;

The figur'd ftreams in waves of filver roll'd,
And on her banks Augusta rose in gold.


Around his throne the fea-born brothers flood, 335
Who fwell with tributary urns his flood!
Firft the fam'd authors of his ancient name,
The winding Ifis and the fruitful Tame :
The Kennet fwift, for filver eels renown'd;
The Loddon flow, with verdant alders crown'd;
Cole, whofe dark ftreams his flow'ry iflands lave;
And chalky Wey, that rolls a milky wave:
The blue, tranfparent Vandalis appears;
The gulphy Lee his fedgy treffes rears;


And fullen Mole, that hides his diving flood; 345
And filent Darent, ftain'd with Danish blood.
High in the midft, upon his urn reclin'd,
(His fea-green mantle waving with the wind)
The God appear'd: he turn'd his azure eyes
Where Windfor-domes and pompous turrets rife;
Then bow'd and fpoke; the winds forget to roar,
And the hush'd waves glide foftly to the shore.
Hail, facred Peace! hail long-expected days,
That Thames's glory to the stars shall raise!
Tho' Tyber's ftreams immortal Rome behold,
Tho' foaming Hermus fwells with tides of gold,
From heav'n itself tho' fev'n-fold Nilus flows,
And harvests on a hundred realms beftows;


Thefe now no more fhall be the Muse's themes,
Loft in my fame, as in the fea their streams.
Let Volga's banks with iron fquadrons shine,
And groves of lances glitter on the Rhine,
Let barb'rous Ganges arm a fervile train;
Be mine the bleffings of a peaceful reign.
No more my fons fhall die with British blood
Red Iber's fands, or Ifter's foaming flood:
Safe on my fhore each unmolefted fwain



Shall tend the flocks, or reap the bearded grain; The fhady empire fhall retain no trace

Of war or blood, but in the fylvan chace;


The trumpet fleep, while chearful horns are blown,
And arms employ'd on birds and beafts alone.
Behold! th' afcending Villa's on my fide,
Project long fhadows o'er the crystal tide.
Behold! Augufta's glitt'ring fpires increase,
And Temples rife, the beauteous works of Peace.
I fee, I fee, where two fair cities bend
Their ample bow, a new Whitehall ascend!


VER. 361. Originally thus in the MS.

Let Venice boaft her Tow'rs amidst the Main,
Where the rough Adrian fwells and roars in vain;
Here not a Town, but fpacious Realm fhall have
A fure foundation on the rolling wave.


VER. 376. And Temples rife,] The fifty new Churches.


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