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to my dearest interests, most solemnly to remonstrate and to protest against them.If such tribunals as these are called into action against me, by the false charges of friends turned enemies, of servants turned traitors, and acting as spies, by the foul conspiracy of such social and domestic treason, I can look to no security to my honour in the most spotless and most cau tious innocence.

and to leave the accused in the predicament of neither being able to look forward for protection to an acquittal of himself, nor for redress to the conviction of his accuser. That these and many other objections occur to such a mode of proceeding, in the case of a crime known to the laws of this country, appears to be quite obvious. But if Commissioners acting under such a power, or your Majesty's Privy Council, or any regular Magistrates, when they have satisfied By the contradiction and denial which in this themselves of the falsehood of the principal case I have been enabled to procure, of the most charge, and the absence of all legal and sub-important facts which have been sworn against stantive offence, are to be considered as empow- me by Mr. Cole and Mr. Bidgood-by the ob ered to proceed in the examination of the parti-servations and the reasonings which I have adculars of private life; to report upon the pro- dressed to your Majesty, I am confident, that to prieties of domestic conduct, and the decorumis those whose sense of justice will lead then to of private behaviour, and to pronounce their wade through this long detail, I shall have reopinion against the party, upon the evidence of moved the impressions which have been raised dissatisfied servants, whose veracity they are to against me.-But how am 1 to ensure a patient hold up as unimpeachable; and to do this with- attention to all this statement? How many will out permitting the persons, whose conduct is in- hear that the Lord Chancellor, the Lord Chief quired into, to suggest one word in explanation Justice of the King's Bench, the First Lord of or contradiction of the matter with which they the Treasury, and one of your Majesty's Princi ebarged: it would, I submit to your Majesty, pal Secretaries of State, have reported against prove such an attack upon the security and con- me, upon evidence which they have declared to fidence of domestic life, such a means of record-be unbiassed and unquestionable; who will ne ing, under the sanction of great names and high ver have the opportunity, or if they had the authority, the most malicious and foulest impu- opportunity, might not have the inclination, to tations, that no character could possibly be se- correct the error of that Report, by the examieure; and would do more to break in upon and nation of my statement.I feel, therefore, undermine the happiness and comfort of life, that by this proceeding, my character has rethan any proceeding which could be imagined. ceived essential injury. For a Princess of Wales The public in general, perhaps, may feel not to have been placed in a situation, in which it much interest in the establishment of such a was essential to her honour to request one gen. precedent in my case. They may think it to be tleman to swear, that he was not locked up at a course of proceeding, scarcely applicable to midnight in a room with her alone: and another, any private subject: yet, if once such a court of that he did not give her a lascivious salute, and honour, of decency, and of manners, was esta- never slept in her house, is to have been ac. blished, many subjects might occur, to which it tually degraded and disgraced.-I have been, might be thought advisable to extend its juris- Sire, placed in this situation, I have been diction, beyond the instance of a Princess of cruelly, your Majesty will permit me to say so, Wales. But should it be intended to be confined cruelly degraded into the necessity of making to me, your Majesty, I trust, will not be sur- such requests. A necessity which I never could prised to find that it does not reconcile me the have been exposed to, even under this Inquiry, better to it, should I learn myself to be the sin- if more attention had been given to the exami gle instance in your kingdom, who is exposed to nation of these malicious charges, and of the the scrutiny of so severe and formidable a tribu- evidence on which they rest. Much solici nal. So far, therefore, from giving that sanc- tude is felt, and justly so, as connected with this tion or consent to any fresh Inquiry, upon similar Inquiry, for the honour of your Majesty's illusprinciples, which I should seem to do, by re-trious Family. But surely a true regard to that quiring the renewal of these examinations, I honour should have restrained those who really must protest against it; protest against the nature felt for it, from casting such severe reflections of the proceeding, because its result cannot be on the character and virtue of the Princess of fair. I must protest, as long at least as it re- Wales.If, indeed, after the most diligent mains doubtful, against the legality of what has and anxious Inquiry, penetrating into every cir already passed, as well as the legality of its re- cumstance connected with the charge, searching petition. If the course be legal, I must submit every source from which information could be to the laws, however severe they may be; but I derived, and scrutinizing with all that acuteness trust new law is not to be found out, and applied into the credit and character of the witnesses, to my case. If I am guilty of crime, I know I which great experience, talent, and intelligence am amenable; I am most contented to continue could bring to such a subject; and above all, if, so, to the impartial laws of your Majesty's king- after giving me some opportunity of being heard, dom; and I fear no charge brought against me, the force of truth had, at length, compelled any in open day, under the public eye, before the persons to form, as reluctantly, and as unwill known tribunals of the country, administering ingly as they would, against their own daugh justice under those impartial and enlightened ters, the opinion that has been pronounced; no laws. But secret tribunals, created for the first regard, unquestionably, to my honour and chatime for me, to form and pronounce opinions racter, nor to that of your Majesty's Family, as, upon my conduct without hearing me; to re-in some degree, involved in mine, could have cord, in the evidence of the witnesses which justified the suppression of that opinion, if le they report, imputations against my character gally called for, in the course of official and pubupon ex parte examinations-till I am better re- lic duty. Whether such caution and reluctance conciled to the justice of their proceedings, I are really manifest in these proceedings, I must cannot fail to fear. And till I am better in-leave to less partial judgments than my own to formed as to their legality, I cannot fail in duty determine.In the full examination of these

Discounts. 4.

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proceedings, which justice to my own character | to admit, by my silence, the guilt which they has required of me, I have been compelled to imputed to me, or to enter into my defence, in make many observations, which, I fear, may contradiction to it-no longer at liberty to reprove offensive to persons in high power.-Your main silent, I, perhaps, have not known how, Majesty' will easily believe, when I solemnly with exact propriety, to limit my expressions. assure you, that I have been deeply sorry to -In happier days of my life, before my spirit yield to the necessity of so doing. This pro- had been yet at all lowered by my misfortunes, I ceeding manifests that I have enemies enough; should have been disposed to have met such a I could not wish unnecessarily to increase their charge with the contempt which, I trust, by number, or their weight. I trust, however, I this time, your Majesty thinks due to it; I have done it, I know it has been my purpose to should have been disposed to have defied my do it, in a manner as little offensive as the jus- enemies to the utmost, and to have scorned to tice due to myself would allow of; but I have answer to any thing but a legal charge, before a felt that I have been deeply injured; that I have competent tribunal: but in my present misforhad much to complain of; and that my silence tunes, such force of mind is gone. I ought, pernow would not be taken for forbearance, but haps, so far to be thankful to them for their would be ascribed to me as a confession of guilt. wholesome lessons of humility. I have, thereThe Report itself announced to me, that these fore, entered into this long detail, to endeavour things, which had been spoken to by the wit- to remove, at the first possible opportunity, any nesses, great improprieties and indecencies of unfavourable impressions; to rescue myself from conduct," necessarily occasioning most unfa- the dangers which the continuance of these sus◄ vourable interpretations, and deserving the most picions might occasion, and to preserve to me serious consideration, "must be credited till de- your Majesty's good opinion, in whose kindness, cidedly contradicted." The most satisfactory hitherto, I have found infinite consolation, and disproof of these circumstances (as the contra- to whose justice, under all circumstances, I can diction of the accused is always received with confidently appeal.--Under the impression of caution and distrust) rested in the proof of the these sentiments I throw myself at your Mafoul malice and falsehood of my accusers and jesty's feet. I know, that whatever sentiments their witnesses. The Report announced to of resentment; whatever wish for redress, by your Majesty that those witnesses, whom I felt the punishment of my false accusers, I ought to to be foul confederates in a base conspiracy feel, your Majesty, as the Father of a Stranger, against me, were not to be suspected of unfa- smarting under false accusation, as the Head of vourable bias, and their veracity, in the judg-your illustrious House dishonoured in me, and as ment of the Commissioners, not to be questioned. the great Guardian of the Laws of your KingUnder these circumstances, Sire, what dom, thus foully attempted to have been apcould I do? Could I forbear, in justice to my-plied to the purposes of injustice, will not fail to self, to announce to your Majesty the existence feel for me. At all events, I trust your Majesty of a conspiracy against my honour, and my sta- will restore me to the blessing of your Gracious tion in this country at least, if not against my Presence, and confirm to me, by your own life? Could I forbear to point out to your Ma- Gracious Words, your satisfactory conviction of jesty, how long this intended mischief had been my innocence.- -I am, Sire, with every sentimeditated against me? Could I forbear to point ment of gratitude and loyalty, your Majesty's out my doubts, at least, of the legality of the most affectionate and dutiful Daughter-in-law, Commission under which the proceeding had subject and servant, C. P. been had? or to point out the errors and inaccuracies, into which the great and able men who were named in this commission, under the hurry and pressure of their great official occupations, had fallen, in the execution of this duty? Could I forbear to state, and to urge, the great injustice and injury that had been done to my character and my honour, by opinions pronounced against me without hearing me? And if, in the execution of this great task, so essential to my honour, I have let drop any expressions which a colder and more cautious prudence would have checked, I appeal to your Majesty's warm heart and generous feelings, to suggest my excuse and to afford my pardon.What I have said I have said under the pressure of much misfortune, under the provocation of great and accumulated injustice. Oh! Sire, to be unfortunate, and scarce to feel at liberty to lament; to be cruelly used, and to feel it almost an offence and a duty to be silent is a hard lot; but use had, in some degree, inured me to it: but to find my misfortunes and my injuries imputed to me as faults; to be called to account upon a charge made against me by Lady Douglas, who was thought at first worthy of credit, although she had pledged her veracity to the fact, of my having admitted that I was myself the aggressor in every thing of which I had to complain, has subdued all power of patient bearing, and when I was called upon by the Commissioners, either

Montague House, 2d October, 1806.

The Deposition of Thomas Manby, Esquire, a Çag tain in the Royal Navy.

Having had read to me the following passage, from a Copy of the Deposition of Robert Bidgood, sworn the 6th of June last, before Lords Spencer and Grenville, viz." I was waiting one day "in the anti-room; Captain Manby had his hat "in his hand, and appeared to be going away; "he was a long time with the Princess, and, as "I stood on the steps, waiting, I looked into "the room in which they were, and, in the re "flection on the looking-glass, I saw them sa"Jute each other-I mean, that they kissed "each other's lips. Captain Manby then went

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away, I then observed the Princess have her "handkerchief in her hands, and wipe her eyes, "as if she was crying, and went into the draw. ❝ing-room."I do solemnly, and upon my oath, declare, that the said passage is a vile and wicked invention; that it is wholly and absolutely false; that it is impossible he ever could have seen, in the reflection of any glass, any such thing, as I never, upon any occasion, or in any situation, ever had the presumption to salute Her Royal Highness in any such manner, or to take any such liberty, or offer any such insult to her person. And having had read to me another passage, from the same Copy of the same Deposition, in which the said Robert Bid

good says "I suspected that Captain Manby slept frequently in the house; it was a subject "of conversation in the house. Hints were "given by the servants; and I believe that "others suspected it as well as myself."I solemnly swear, that such suspicion is wholly unfounded, and that I never did, at Montague House, Southend, Ramsgate, East Cliff, or any where else, ever sleep in any house occupied by, or belonging to, Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, and that there never did any thing pass between Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales and myself, that I should be in any degree unwilling that all the world should have seen.



Sworn at the Public Office, Hatton
Garden, London, the 22d day of
September, 1806, before me,


The Deposition of Thomas, Lawrence, of Greekstreet, Soho, in the County of Middlesex, Portrait Painter.

Having had read to me the following Extract from a Copy of a Deposition of William Cole, purporting to have been sworn before Lords Spencer and Grenville the 10th day of June, 1806, viz." Mr. Lawrence, the painter, "used to go to Montague House about the latter “end of 1801, when he was painting the Prin❝cess, and he has slept in the house two or "three nights together. I have often seen him "alone with the Princess at eleven or twelve "o'clock at night; he has been there as late as "one or two o'clock in the morning. One night "I saw him with the Princess in the blue room, "after the ladies had retired; sometime after"wards, when I supposed he was gone to his "bed-room, I went to see that all was safe, and "found the blue room door locked, and heard "a whispering in it, and then went away."I do solemnly, and upon my oath, depose, that having received the commands of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales to paint Her Royal Highness's portrait, and that of the Princess Charlotte; I attended for that purpose at Montague House, Blackheath, several times about the beginning of the year 1801, and having been informed that Sir William Beechey, upon a similar occasion, had slept in the house, for the greater convenience of executing his painting; and it having been intimated to me, that I might probably be allowed the same advantage, I signified my wish to avail myself of it; and accordingly I did sleep at Montague House several nights:-that frequently, when employed upon this painting, and occasionally, between the close of a day's sitting and the time of Her Royal Highness dressing for dinner, I have been alone in Her Royal Highness's presence; I have likewise been graciously admitted to Her Royal Highness's presence in the evenings, and remained there till twelve, one, and two o'clock; but, I do solemnly swear, I was never alone in the presence of Her Royal Highness in an evening, to the best of my recollection and belief, except in one single instance, and that for a short time, when I remained with Her Royal Highness in the blue-room, or drawing-room, as I remember, to answer some question which had been put to me, at the moment I was about to retire, together with the ladies in waiting, who had been previously present as well as myself; and, though I cannot recollect the parti

culars of the conversation which then took place, I do solemnly swear, that nothing passed be tween Her Royal Highness and myself, which I could have had the least objection for all the world to have seen and heard. And I do further, upon my oath, solemnly declare, that I never was alone in the presence of Her Royal Highness in any other place, or in any other way, than as above described; and that neither, upon the occasion last mentioned, nor upon any other, was I ever in the presence of Her Royal Highness, in any room whatever, with the door locked, bolted, or fastened, otherwise than in the common and usual manner, which leaves it in the power of any person on the outside of the door to open it.

(Signed) THOMAS LAWRENCE. Sworn at the Public Office, Hatton Garden, this 24th day of September, 1806, before me, (Signed)


The Deposition of Thomas Edmeades, of Greenwich, in the County of Kent, Surgeon. On Tuesday, May 20th, 1806, I waited upon Earl Moira, by his appointment, who, having introduced me to Mr. Connant, a Magistrate for Westminster, proceeded to mention a charge preferred against me, by one of the female servants of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, of my having said, that Her Royal Highness had been pregnant. His Lordship then asked me, if I had not bled Her Royal Highness; and whether, at that time, I did not mention to a servant, that I thought Her Royal Highness in the family way; and whether I did not also ask, at the same time, if the Prince had been down to Montague House. I answered, that it had never entered my mind that Her Royal Highness was in such a situation, and that, therefore, certainly, I never made the remark to any one; nor had I asked whether His Royal Highness had visited the house:-I said, that, at that time, a report, of the nature alluded to, was prevalent; but that I treated it as the infamous lie of the day. His Lordship adverted to the circumstance of Her Royal Highness's having taken a child into her house; and observed, how dreadful mistakes about succession to the throne were, and what confusion might be caused by any claim of this child: I observed, that I was aware of it; but repeated the assertion, that I had never thought of such a thing as was suggested, and therefore considered it impossible, in a manner, that I could have given it utterance. I observed, that I believed, in the first instance, Mr. Stikeman, the page, had mentioned this child to Her Royal Highness, and that it came from Deptford, where I went, when Her Royal Highness first took it, to see if any illness prevailed in the family. Mr. Connant observed, that he believed it was not an unusual thing for a medical man, when he ima gined that a Lady was pregnant, to mention his suspicion to some confidential domestic in the family:-I admitted the bare possibility, ✔ such had been my opinion; but remarked, that the if must have been removed, before I could have committed myself in so absurd a manner. -Lord Moira, in a very significant manner, with his hands behind him, his head over one shoulder, his eyes directed towards me, with a sort of smile, observed, "that he could not help thinking that there must be something in the servant's deposition" as if he did not give per

fect credit to what I had said. He observed, that the matter was then confined to the knowledge of a few; and that he had hoped, if there had been any foundation for the affidavit, I might have acknowledged it, that the affair might have been hushed. With respect to the minor question, I observed, that it was not probable that I should condescend to ask any such question, as that imputed to me, of a menial servant; and that I was not in the habit of conferring confidentially with servants. Mr. Connant cautioned me to be on my guard; as, that if it appeared, ou further investigation, I had made such inquiry, it might be very unpleasant to me, should it come under the consideration of the Privy Council. I said, that I considered the report as a malicious one; and was ready to make oath, before any Magistrate, that I had not, at any time, asserted, or even thought, that Her Royal Highness had ever been in a state of pregnancy since I had had the honour of attend. ing the household. Mr. Connant asked nie, whether, whilst I was bleeding Her Royal Highness or after I had performed the operation, I did not make some comment on the situation of Her Royal Highness, from the state of the blood; and whether I recommended the operation; I answered in the negative to both questions. I said, that Her Royal Highness had sent for me to bleed her, and that I did not then recollect on what account. I said, that I had bled Her Royal Highness twice; but did not remember the dates. I asked Lord Moira, whether he intended to proceed in the business, or whether I might consider it as at rest, that I might have an opportunity, if I thought necessary, of consulting my friends relative to the mode of conduct I ought to adopt; he said, that if the subject was moved any further, I should be ap. prized of it; and that, at present, it was in the hands of a few. I left them, and, in about an hour, on further consideration, wrote the note, of which the following is a copy, to which I never received any reply: "Mr. Edmeades presents his respectful compliments to Lord "Moira, and, on mature deliberation, after "leaving his Lordship, upon the conversation "which passed at Lord Moira's this morning, he "feels it necessary to advise with some friend, on the propriety of making the particulars of "that conversation known to Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales; as Mr. Edmeades "would be very sorry that Her Royal Highness "should consider him capable of such infamous "conduct as that imputed to him on the depo"sition of a servant, by Lord Moira, this "morning.

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"London, May 20, 1806."

I have been enabled to state the substance of my interview with Lord Moira and Mr. Connant with the more particularity, as I made memorandums of it, within a day or two afterwards. And I do further depose, that the Papers hereunto annexed, marked A. and B. are in the hand-writing of Samuel Gillain Mills, of Greenwich aforesaid, my Partner; and that he is at present, as I verily believe, upon his road from Wales, through Gloucester, to Bath.

(Signed) THOS. EDMEADES. Sworn at the Public Office, Hatton Garden, this 26th day of September, 1806.

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(A.) Memorandums of the Heads of Conversation be tween Lord Moira, Mr. Lowten, and himself. May 14, 1806.

May 13, 1806. I received a letter from Lord Moira, of which the following is an exact copy: St. James's-place, May 13, 1806. Sir,-A particular circumstance makes me desire to have the pleasure of seeing you, and, indeed, renders it indispensable that you should take the trouble of calling on me. As the trial in Westminster Hall occupies the latter hours of the day, I must beg you to be with me as early as nine o'clock to-morrow morning; in the mean time, it will be better that you should not apprize any one of my having requested you to converse with me.--I have the honour, Sir, to be your obedient servant,

To Mr. Mills.



This is the Paper A. referred to by the Affidavit of Thomas Edmeades, sworn before me this 26th September, 1806. THOMAS LEACH.


In consequence of the above letter, I waited. on his Lordship, exactly at nine o'clock. In less than five minutes I was admitted into his room, and by him received very politely. He began the conversation by stating, he wished to converse with me on a very delicate subject; that I might rely on his honour, that what passed was to be in perfect confidence; it was his duty to his Prince, as his Counsellor, to inquire into the subject, which he had known for some time; and the inquiry was due also to my character. He then stated, that a deposition had been made by a domestic of Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales, deposing, as a declaration made by me, that Her Royal Higlmess was pregnant, and that I made inquiries when interviews might have taken place with the Prince. I answered, that I never had declared the Princess to be with child, nor ever made the inquiries stated; that the declaration was an infamous falsehood. This being expressed with some warmth, his Lordship observed that I might have made the inquiries very innocently, conceiving that Her Royal Highness could not be in that situation but by the Prince. I repeated my assertion of the falsehood of the declaration, adding, that though the conversation was intended to be confidential, I felt my character strongly attacked by the declaration, therefore it was necessary that the declaration should be investigated; I had no doubt but the character I had so many years maintained, would make my assertion believed before the deposition of a domestic. I then requested to know, what date the declaration bore? Lordship said, he did not remember; but he had


desired the Solicitor to meet me, who would shew it me. I then observed, that I should in confidence communicate to his Lordship why I was desirous to know the date; I then stated to his Lordship, that soon after Her Royal Highness came to Blackheath, I attended her in an

illness, with Sir Francis Millman, in which I bled her twice. Soon after her recovery, she thought proper to form a regular medical appointment, and appointed myself and Mr. Edmeades to be Surgeons and Apothecaries to Her Royal Highness. On receiving my warrant for such appointment, I declined accepting the honour of being appointed Apothecary, being inconsistent with

was very satisfactory; said, I might go, and he should not want me any more.

(Signed) JONATHAN PARTRIDGE. Sworn at the County Court of Middlesex, in Fullwood's Rents, the 25th day of September, 1806, before me,


my character, being educated as Surgeon, and Royal Highness's servants waited upon them, as having had an honorary degree of Physic confer- I was in a dishabille. His Lordship asked me, red on me. Her Royal Highness condescended whether they went up stairs? and I told them to appoint me her Surgeon only. His Lordship that they did not. He asked me, how long they rang to know if Mr. Lowten was come; he was staid? and I said, as far as I recollected, they did in the next room. His Lordship left me for a not stay above an hour, or an hour and quarter; few minutes, returned, and introduced me to that they waited some little time for the carriMr. Lowten with much politeness, as Dr. Mills; age, which had gone to the public-house, and, repeating the assurance of what passed being till it came, they walked up and down altogether confidential. I asked Mr. Lowten the date of in the portico before the house. His Lordship, the declaration, that had been asserted to be in the course of what he said to me, said, it was a made by me? He said, in the year 1802. I subject of importance, and might be of consethen, with permision of his Lordship, gave the quence. His Lordship, finding that I had nothing history of my appointment, adding, since then more to say, told me I might go. Sometime I had never seen the Princess as a patient. Once afterwards his Lordship sent for me again, and she sent for me to bleed her; I was from home; asked me, if I was sure of what I said being all Mr. Edmeades went; nor had I visited any one that I could say respecting the Princess? I said, in the house, except one Mary, and that was in it was; and that I was ready to take my oath of a very bad case of surgery; I was not sure whe-it, if his Lordship thought proper. He said, it ther it was before or after my appointment. Mr. Lowten asked me the date of it; I told him I did not recollect. He observed, from the warmth of my expressing my contradiction to the deposition, that I saw it in a wrong light; that I might suppose, and very innocently, Her Royal Highness to be pregnant, and then the inquiries were as innocently made. I answered, that the idea of pregnancy never entered my head; that I The Deposition of Philip Krackeler, one of the Footnever attended Her Royal Highness in any sexual men of Her Royal Highness the Princess of complaint; whether she ever had any I never Wales, and Robert Eaglestone, Park-keeper to: knew. Mr. Lowten said, I might think so, from Her Royal Highness the Princess of Wales. her increase of size; I answered, no; I never did These Deponents say, that on or about the think her pregnant, therefore never could say it, 28th day of June last, as they were walking toand that the deposition was an infamous false-gether across Greenwich Park, they saw Robert hood. His Lordship then observed, that he perceived there must be a mistake, and that Mr. Edmeades was the person meant, whom he wished to see; I said, he was then at Oxford, and did not return before Saturday; his Lordship asked, if he came through London; 1 said, I could not tell.Finding nothing now arising from conversation, I asked to retire; his Lordship attended me out of the room with great politeness.When I came home, I sent his Lordship a letter, with the date of my warrant, April 10, 1801; he answered my letter, with thanks for my immediate attention, and wished to see Mr. Edmeades on Sunday morning. This letter came on the Saturday; early on the Sunday I sent Timothy, to let his Lordship know Mr. Edmeades would not return till Monday; on Tuesday I promised he should attend, which he did.The preceding Memorandum is an exact copy of what I made the day after I had seen Lord Moira.

(Signed) SAM. GILLAM MILLS. Croome Hill, Greenwich, Aug. 20, 1806. This is the paper marked B, referred to by the Affidavit of Thomas Edmeades, sworn before me this 26th Sept. 1806.


The Deposition of Jonathan Partridge, Porter to
Lord Eardley, at Belvidere.

Bidgood, one of the Pages of Her Royal Highness, walking in a direction as if he were going from the town of Greenwich, towards the house of Sir John Douglas, and which is a different road from that which leads to Montague House, and they at the same time perceived Lady Doug las walking in a direction to meet him. And this Deponent, Philip Krackeler, then desired the other Deponent to take notice, whether Lady, Douglas and Mr. Bidgood would speak to each other; and both of these Deponents observed, that when Lady Douglas and Mr. Bidgood met, they stopped, and conversed together for the space of about two or three minutes, whilst in view of these Deponents; but how much longer their conversation lasted these Deponents cannot say, as they, these Deponents, proceeded on their road which took them out of sight of Lady Douglas and Mr. Bidgood.

(Signed) PHILIP KRACKELER. ROBT. EAGLESTONE. Sworn at the Public Office, Hatton Garden, this 27th day of September, 1806, before me, (Signed)


To the King.

Sire,-I trust your Majesty, who knows my constant affection, loyalty, and duty, and the I remember being informed by Mr. Kenny, sure confidence with which I readily repose my Lord Eardley's Steward, now dead, that I was honour, my character, my happiness in your Mawanted by Lord Moira, in town; accordinglyjesty's hands, will not think me guilty of any I went with Mr. Kenny to Lord Moira's, in St. James's-place, on the King's Birth Day of 1804. His Lordship asked me, if I remembered the Princess coming to Belvidere some time before? I said, yes, and told him that there were two or three ladies, I think three, with Her Royal Highness, and a gentleman with them, who came on horseback; that they looked at the pictures in the house, had their luncheon there, and that Her

disrespectful or unduteous impatience, when I thus again address myself to your Royal grace and justice.—It is, Sire, nine weeks to-day, since my counsel presented to the Lord High Chancellor my letter to your Majesty, containing my observations, in vindication of my honour and innocence, upon the Report presented to your Majesty by the Commissioners, who had been appointed to examine into my conduct.

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