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Lectures on Jonas, delivered in York in 1594, I came across the following passage, which, if not quoted before, may prove interesting to some of the readers of "N. & Q." In Lecture XXVII. (p. 355, ed. 1597,) he says:

"And it may be the sin of Samaria, the sin of this land and age of ours (perhaps the mother of our atheism) to commit idolatry with such books; that, instead of the

writings of Moses, and the Prophets and Evangelists,

which were wont to lie in our windows as the principal ornaments, and to sit in the uppermost rooms as the best guests in our houses, now we have Arcadia, and the Faëry Queen, and Orlando Furioso." BENJ. EASY.

ANCIENT HUMOUR. -I send you the accompanying specimen of ancient humour, as a subject occasionally introduced into the pages of "N. & Q." It is taken from Parkhurst's Lexicon, on the word χλωρός

"Laertius relates that Diogenes, the Cynic, being asked, Διατί τὸ χρυσίον χλωρόν ἐστιν - " Why gold looked pale?' answered, Because it had so many people lying

in wait for it.'

Islip, Oxford.


WILLIAM HARBORNE. - Our first ambassador to Turkey, who set free the English captives, and opened to his countrymen the passage into the Red Sea and the Euphrates, ought to have found a place in our biographical dictionaries.

William Harborne appears to have been a native of Great Yarmouth, and was probably the son of a person of the same name who was one of the bailiffs of that town in 1556. He himself was one of the bailiffs in 1572. In 1575 he was elected a burgess in parliament for that place in the room of John Bacon, deceased; but by a very irregular proceeding his election was rescinded, and Edward Bacon was returned.

It is said that, in 1579, he and Mustapha Beg, a Turkish bassa, concluded a treaty of commerce between England and Turkey.

He was appointed the queen's ambassador to Turkey Nov. 20, 1582, and took his departure from Constantinople Aug. 3, 1588. On his return to England, he settled at Mundham, in Norfolk. Dying Sept. 9, 1617, he was buried at that place, where there is a monument to his memory, whereon are these lines :

"Reader, the dust inclos'd beneath this pile,
A life unspotted liv'd, devoid of ev'ry guile.
Plain in his manners, sincere to his friend,
A pattern of virtue with honesty combin'd,
Shewn thro' e'ery action while here on earth,
"Till unerring fate had stopt his breath."

The materials for his biography appear to be considerable. We may refer to Nash's "Lenten Stuffe" (Harl. Miscell. ed. Park, vi. 156, 167); Hackman's Cat. of Tanner MSS., 950, 1107, col. 3; Harl. MS. 6993, art. 2; Lansd. MS. 42, art. 15; 57, art. 23; 61, art. 32; 64, art. 82; 65,

art. 29; 67, art. 106; 84, art. 4; 86, art. 8, 73; 112, art. 25; 775, fo. 177, 194. Hakluyt's Voyages, 4to, ed. ii. 275-279, 285-295, 298-306, 316318, 426, seq.; Purchas his Pilgrimes, ii. 1642; Manship & Palmer's Yarmouth, i. 36, 73, 86, 87, 106, 123, 186, 224, 283; ii. 199, 301, 302; Ellis's Letters, 1st Ser. iii. 83, 84; Blomefield's Norfolk, v. 57; x. 171; xi. 268; Lemon's Cal. Dom. St. Pap. 697; and Birch's Elizabeth, i. 36.



LONGEVITY OF THE RAVEN, ETC. - The following anecdote reminds one of George Cruikshank's well-known caricature. It is extracted from a letter of Boursault to the Duc de Langres*:

"La femme d'un Cordonnier, à qui son mary avoit commandé de luy acheter une Linote, étant un jour sur le Quay de la Mégisserie, y trouva une de ses Commères. Quel sujet, luy dit-elle, vous oblige à venir icy? L'Envie d'acheter un Oiseau, luy répondit la Commère. J'y suis pour la même chose, luy repliqua-t-elle; et je veux acheter une Linote. Et moy, luy repartit l'autre, je cherche un Corbeau. Et fy, ma Commère, dit la femme du Cordonnier, vous cherchez là un vilain Oiseau. Il est vray qu'il n'est guères beau, luy répondit elle, mais on dit qu'il vit sept ou huit cens Ans, et je voulons voir, mon mary et moy, si cela est vray... La commune opinion," adds Boursault, "est qu'il n'y a point d'animal qui vive si long-tems que le Corbeau. Voicy, Monseigneur, ce qu'on dit des Animaux que je vais nommer. On dit que trois belettes vivent l'âge d'un chien; trois chiens l'âge d'un cheval; trois chevaux l'âge d'un homme; trois hommes l'âge d'un cerf: trois cerfs l'âge d'un Corbeau; et trois Corbeaux un temps innombrable."


H. S. G.

"Fortunately it was then the fashion for men about town to cultivate the society of men of letters, and his (Bolingbroke's) intimacy with Dryden is illustrated by an anecdote in the Lives of the Poets. On one occasion, when St. John was sitting with the poet, a visitor was announced. This,' said Dryden, is Tonson. You will take care not to depart before he goes away, for I have not completed the sheet which I promised him; and if you leave me unprotected, I must suffer all that rudeness to which his resentment can prompt his tongue. Johnson must have feit a peculiar pleasure in telling the story, for this was the self-same Tonson whom he beat (or as some said, knocked down with a folio) for his impertinence."-Edinburgh Review, Oct. 1863, p. 407, Art. on "Macknight's Life of Bolingbroke."

The above is something more than a slip of the pen in substituting "Tonson" for Osborne. Chronology would show that a bookseller old enough to have bullied Dryden could not have been young enough to be knocked down by Johnson. Moreover, two pages before telling the story, Johnson says:

"By discoursing with the late amiable Mr. Tonson, I could not find that any memorial of the transactions between his predecessor and Dryden had been preserved, except the following papers."-Vol. i. p. 354.

* Lettres Nouvelles de M. Boursault, 1698, p. 352-3.

My copy has "David Garrick's" autograph.


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H. S. G.

ABBOT WHITING'S SHOEING-HORN. - Abbot Whiting's watch has recently been spoken of in your numbers. His shoeing-horn is still in existIt was sold at the auction at Neville-Holt, when the furniture, library, antiquities, &c., were dispersed. The purchaser was the Rev. John Dent of Hallaton. The fact of its having belonged to the last abbot of Glastonbury was not known to the auctioneer, until I made him acquainted with the history, as I had received it, many years before, from the late venerable Cosmus Neville.


Thimbleby Rectory, Horncastle.



An Elucidation of the Unity of God, 1815, and The Remonstrance of a Unitarian, addressed to the Bishop of St. David's [Burgess], 1818, are attributed to the same author in the Catalogues of the Bodleian Library, the Library of the British Museum, and the Library of the University of Cambridge, and also in Darling's Cyclopædia Bibliographica. From a memoir of Juliana E. Gifford (Christian Reformer, N. s. xiv. 729), it appears that the first work was by her father, and the other by her brother, James. Her father is described in that Memoir as Capt. James Gifford, of Girton, in Cambridgeshire, the friend of the Rev. Theophilus Lindsey, Mrs. Rayner Tyrwhitt, Fysh Palmer, and other well known Unitarians. We subjoin the titlepage, advertisement, and dedication of the first-mentioned work:

"An Elucidation of the Unity of God, deduced from Scripture and Reason, addressed to Christians of all Denominations. Fifth edition, enlarged. To which is subjoined, a Letter from the Author, to his Grace the Archbishop of Canterbury. Third edition, with additions. Lond. 8vo, 1815."

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"Girton, Cambridgeshire, July 25, 1787."

The letter to the Archbishop has this title,

"A Letter from the Author to his Grace John Lord Archbishop of Canterbury. Third edition, with additions."

It is signed "James Gifford," and bears date Jan. 27, 1785. The author refers in the Letter to his endeavour to elucidate the unity of God. An Elucidation of the Unity of God must therefore have first appeared in or before 1785, and it seems to us that the Dedication to the Unitarians of

Montrose was not in the first edition, or that at a subsequent period a fresh date was affixed thereto. It is to be regretted that there is no date to the Advertisement.

We are desirous of ascertaining-1. When Capt. James Gifford died? 2. Whether he was in the

army or navy? 3. What are the dates of the four previous editions of the Elucidation, and the two previous editions of the Letter to the Archbishop of Canterbury? 4. Whether the enlargement and additions to these works were made by the author or an editor?

James Gifford, the author of the Remonstrance of a Unitarian, who styles himself on the titlepage Captain R.N., subsequently attained the rank of Rear Admiral, and died Sept. 20, 1853. There is a brief memoir of him in the Gent. Mag., N. S. xli. 648, but no allusion is therein made to the Remonstrance, which we may observe occasioned replies by the Rev. John Garbett, B.A., 1818, and by a Trinitarian, 1822.



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Who are the authors of the following books? 1. The Spanish Libertines, 1709? 2. The Spaniard, or Don Zara del Fogo, 1719? 3. Poems by Melanter, 1854? R. INGLIS.


SOUTH AMERICA." - Wanted, the place of burial, proof of death, and description of tomb, of the above person; who died in South America about A.D. 1837. There is a description of the tomb in a volume of Travels in South America, supposed to be by Laing. Query, The book, and the

author's name?

Freshford, near Bath.


THE AMMERGAU MYSTERY: SHAKSPEARE AND PLATO. - In Lectures on the History of the Jewish Church, by A. P. Stanley, I find the following allusions, which are beyond the limits of my information:

1. "The celebrated Ammergau Mystery." [What is this?]

2. "Sometimes there has been an anticipation of some future epoch in the pregnant sayings of eminent philosophers or poets: as for example, the intimation of the discovery of America by Seneca; or of Shakspeare by Plato; or of the Reformation by Dante."

The first and third instances I know; but can any of your readers refer me to the passage in Plato to which the second refers? EDEN WARWICK. Birmingham.

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GUAGE. - Is there any foundation for the following story, which I find in the "Epistle Dedicatory" of Barnaby] R[ich]'s translation of Herodotus (London, 1584)?

"The lyke happened to Solimus, Prince of the Turkes, whose ancestours, hating stories, he caused the actes of Cæsar to be drawne into his mother tongue, and by his example, subdued a great parte of Asia and Africa."

St. Paul, Minnesota.


"CODEX VATICANUS." - In the London, or rather Leipsic, reprint of the Codex Vaticanus, 1859, I find at 1 Tim. iv. 8, a various reading of πάντας instead of πάντα, as it stands in every other critical edition to which I have access. Is this correct, or is it only another unacknowledged erratum in a most inaccurate book?

navian descent. At present I cannot tell in what direction to look. I shall feel obliged if any one can give me the requisite information. R. S. T.

THE DAFT HIGHLAND LAIRD: KAY'S "EDINBURGH PORTRAITS." - In the first volume of this book various portraits are depicted, and anecdotes related regarding this worthy. He seems to have been a favourite subject with Kay, and one of his earliest noted characters.

I wish to put a Query, not regarding the laird himself, but with reference to his sticks. At Kay (vol. i. p. 5), allusion is made to his carving head-portraits on the top of sticks, exhibiting a new one every day of the year. As this was expected of him, the question-" Wha hae ye up the day, laird?"- was frequently asked. Can any of your correspondents inform me, if many of the sticks exist? And if so, any means of knowing the likenesses? S. WMSON.



OLD DAMASK PATTERNS. Some old damask has been shown to me, the design on which is so curious, that I am anxious to know when and where it probably made; and if it has any value beyond that of any other tablecloth of equal fineness of texture. I subjoin a description, in the hope that some reader of "N. & Q." may kindly enlighten me.

The material is about an inch more than threequarters of a yard wide (the old Flemish ell, I presume); so that two breadths have been joined to make the requisite width for an ordinary small modern tablecloth. The hem at the top and bottom is made with what is called "hem-stitch," as ladies' pockethandkerchiefs are done.

The design consists of pictures of scenes in the history of our first parents. Of these there are three, one above another, as follows:


At the bottom of the cloth, is "The Creation of Eve." By Adam's side stands a figure, robed and crowned; holding in one hand an orb, and in the other an article of indefinite shape, but apparently comprising a a cross. Above these figures are the conventional representations of the and moon, birds flying in pairs, and, overhead, something which may be a basket of sexagonal shape, or an ornamental building. Spaces are occupied by a pair of birds, somewhat like ducks; a pair of stags couching, a pair of rabbits, and various vegetable productions-among which, is the trefoil leaf. Over all, is the legend: "Crescite et multiplicamini et replete terrâ."

The next scene is, C. W. BINGHAM.

DANISH AND NORWEGIAN HERALDRY. - Can any of your correspondents inform me if there be any work accessible to an English reader on the heraldry of Scandinavia? What I want is to find out the arms of several families of Scandi

is, "The Temptation." In the centre of this picture is the tree of the knowledge of good and evil; with the serpent, humanheaded, twined about its trunk. Eve stands on one side, and offers an apple to Adam, who is placed on the other. There are no accessories, the branches of the tree filling up much space.


The last and uppermost subject is Expulsion from Paradise." Adam and Eve, side by side, hurry before the angel; who, with wings extended, and uplifted sword, drives them out.

Each breadth of damask contains the pattern twice over, one being the reverse of the other; and in addition, at the edges, so much of it is again repeated as is required to fill up the breadth.

The drawing of the figures is rude, but so spirited, that I would inquire if the original drawings may not have been the work of some good artist?-possibly, well-known pictures; and the rudeness in some measure arising from the transfer to a woven material?


DE LA TOUR D'AUVERGNE. - In a recent notice d'Auvergne it is stated,

of the Prince de la Tour that" to this branch, in 1816, Louis XVIII. confided the keeping of the heart of the first grenadier of France." This was Theophilus de la Tour d'Auvergne, said to have been an illegitimate descendant of that house, and whose sword was entrusted by M. Kerkansie to the safe keeping of Garibaldi. Where can I learn the correctness of the statement of the "heart," and any further particulars of the "grenadier"? And what connection is M. K. that the sword came into his posH. W. session?

ALLUSION TO ELOISA. - Margaret Fuller Ossoli, in her Woman in the Nineteenth Century, edit. 1862, p. 77, says,

"There was an article published five or six years ago in one of the English Reviews, where the writer, in doing full justice to Eloisa, shows his bitter regret that she lives not now to love him, who might have known better how to prize her love than did the egotistical Abelard."

The above quoted work was first published in 1844. To what does the authoress refer?


are recorded, or state what they were? Are they entered in the books of the heralds in London?



JOHN HARRISON, inventor of the time-keeper, at his house, in Red Lion Square, March 24, 1776. Where buried? Is there any inscription C. J. D. INGLEDEW. to his memory?

LORD HERVEY'S PAMPHLETS. - Since Professor Phillimore has set Lord Hervey on high as an authority for his history of the first half of the eighteenth century, we want to know a little about his lordship's writings. The fair fame of princes is our common concern, and some of us think that both the learned professor and Lord Hervey are very unreliable impugners of their fair fame. The following are titles of two political pamphlets at


to Lord Hervey; where are they to be

1. "A Letter from a Country Gentleman to his Friend in London concerning two Collections of Letters and Messages, lately published, between the King, Queen, Prince, and Princess."

2. "An Examination of the Facts and Reasonings on a Pamphlet intitled 'A Letter from an M.P. to his Friend in the Country, on the Motion to address his Majesty to settle 100,000l. per annum on the Prince of Wales, 1739."" The events here referred to are amongst the most weighty court events of the time.


CASPAR HOCHFEDER, OR HOCHFEDERS. - What is known of this printer? And what books did he print besides the curious Epistola Rabbi Samuelis Israhelite Missa ad R. Ysaac, &c., 4to, Nuremberg, 1498, described by Dibdin, Bib. Spens., iii. 486? I have somewhere seen a note that he printed Thomæ à Kempis Opera Omnia, Nuremberg, 1494, folio; and also some of the Treatises of St. Ephrem, in Latin folio, undated, but circa 1495. Are either of these books noticed by T. B. J.

EPITAPHS. - Where are the following epitaphs bibliographers?


"Hoc est nescire, sine Christo plurima scire;

Si Christum bene scis, satis est si cætera nescis." Which I thus translate:

"Not knowing Christ, our knowledge all is vain;
But knowing Christ, that knowledge all is gain."

"Nisi Mors mortis morti mortem morte dederit,
Eternæ janua vitæ clausa fuerit."

"Unless by death the Death of Death a death to Death had given,

For ever had been closed to man the sacred gate of


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JESTS. -I have nearly completed for publication by Mr. Macmillan, a collection of English Jests; and being desirous to make the work as complete as possible, I shall be glad to receive any "good thing" which may be thought worthy of embalming. MARK LEMON.

31, Bedford Street, Covent Garden.

THE MULBERRIES: A SHAKSPEARIAN CLUB. At the thirty-fourth anniversary of the Shakspearian Club at Stratford-on-Avon, on April 23, 1858, the President, Mr. J. B. Buckstone, of the Haymarket Theatre, in the course of his address, gave the following interesting account of a Shakspearian club and publication:

"On emerging from boyhood, and while vet a young actor, I was one of the first members of a Shakspearian club, called The Mulberries. It was not then a very prominent one, as its meetings were held at a certain house of entertainment in Vinegar Yard, Drury Lane. The club assembled there once a-week; they dined together on Shakspeare's birthday; and in the mulberry season there was another dinner and a mulberry feast, at which the chairman sat enthroned under a canopy of

mulberry branches, with the fruit on them; Shaksperian

songs were sung; members would read original papers or poems relating only to Shakspeare; and, as many artists belonged to this club, they would exhibit sketches of some event connected with our poet's life; and I once had the honour of submitting a paper to be read, called Shakspeare's drinking bout,' an imaginary story, illustrating the traditionary event, when the chivalry of

Stratford went forth to carouse with

Piping Pebworth, dancing Marston,
Haunted Hilborough, hungry Grafton,
Dudging Exhall, Papist Wicksford,

Beggarly Broom, and drunken Bidford'

(laughter). All these papers and pictures were collected together in a book, which was called Mulberry Leaves;' and you will believe me, in spite of our lowly place of meeting, that the club was not intellectually insignificant, when amongst its members, then in their youth, were Douglas Jerrold, Laman Blanchard, the Landseers (Charles and Thomas), Frank Stone, Cattermole, Robert Keeley, Kenny Meadows, and subsequently, though at another and more important place of meeting, Macready, Talfourd (the Judge), Charles Dickens, John Forster, and many other celebrities (applause). You will very naturally wish to know what became of this club. Death thinned the number of its members; important pursuits

in life took some one way and some another, and, twenty years of much enjoyment, the club ceased to exist, and the Mulberry Leaves' disappeared, no one ever knew whither."

Are these "Mulberry Leaves" still in_exist



HENRY DE POMEROY. - Henry de Pomeroy, Lord of the Castle of Trematon, Cornwall, by deed, 12 Edw. III. (1339), released to Prince Edward, Duke of Cornwall, all his right, title, and interest in the said castle and manor of Trematon. In consequence whereof, King Edward III. granted him and his heirs an annuity of 401. per annum, to be paid out of the Exchequer.

To whom, and when, was this annuity last paid? INQUIRER.

PORTRAITS OF CROMWELL AND ROUSSEAU. In my brother's possession at Leek are two pictures, for which my father was more than once offered a very considerable sum of money, and whose probable painters' names are much desired. The one, evidently by a French artist, is an exquisitely finished portrait of Rousseau, and was given by the immortal Jean Jacques himself while residing at Wootton in 1766 to a great-aunt who lived in the neighbourhood, and for whom he had conceived a more than ordinary amount of regard.

He is represented in Polish or Cossack dress, being habited in a loose-flowing, light purplishbrown robe, the deeply furred fringe of which he holds with his ruffled right hand. A high fur cap completely conceals his hair, and a white cravat just peeps out from underneath the robe.

The face is nearly full, being about three-quarters turned; and the complexion dark olive. Furrowed brow and cheeks, thickly bushed eye brows, dark, deep-set hazel eyes, which abstractedly follow one from all points of view; and a thinlipped, sensuous mouth sum up its other characteristics.

Of the acquisition by the family of the other, a portrait of old Noll, and likewise Kit-cat size, there is no record. It is evidently contemporary with him, and is comparatively coarsely painted. He is in the armour of the period, but without casque; and from his thick, wavy, light-brown hair (hanging just below the neck), and slight moustache, it probably depicts him at the commencement of his public career. No hands or weapons are given, but on the right side the wall of a building is shown. The face is oval; the complexion florid and weatherbeaten; forehead lofty and pyramidal; eyes cold and inexpressive, the general aspect of the face being exceedingly stern, sad, and repellent, though calculated at once to arrest attention; nose thick and highbridged; jowl, placid and hanging; mouth small; lips thin; and chin protuberant, but utterly devoid of any hirsute appendage.

Thornbridge, Bakewell.


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