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dence, by his unspeakable and invisible grace, that is fulfilled which he spake, 'Behold, I am with you unto the end of the world.' But as concerning his flesh which he took in his incarnation; as touching that which was born of the Virgin; as concerning that which was apprehended by the Jews, and crucified upon a tree, and taken down from the cross, wrapped in linen clothes, and buried, and rose again, and appeared after his resurrection; as concerning that flesh, he said, Ye shall not ever have me with you.' Why so? For, as concerning his flesh, he was conversant with his disciples forty days; and, they accompanying, seeing, and not following him, he went up into heaven, and is not here. By the presence of his divine majesty, he did not depart; as concerning the presence of his divine majesty, we have Christ ever with us: but, as concerning the presence of his flesh, he said truly to his disciples, Ye shall not ever have me with you.' For, as concerning the presence of his flesh, the church had him but a few days: now it holdeth him by faith, though it see him not."


Thus much St Augustine speaketh, repeating one thing so often; and all to declare and teach how we should understand the manner of Christ's being here with us, which is by his grace, by his providence, and by his divine nature; and how he is absent by his natural body which was born of the Virgin Mary, died, and rose for us, and is ascended into heaven, and there sitteth, as it is in the articles of our faith, on the right hand of God, and thence, (and from none other place, saith St Augustine) he shall come on the latter day, to judge the quick and the dead. At the which day, the righteous shall then lift up their heads and the light of God's truth shall so shine, that falsehood and errors shall be put unto perpetual confusion. Righteousness shall have the upper hand, and truth that day shall bear away the victory; and all the enemies thereof be quite overthrown, to be trodden under foot for evermore. O Lord, Lord, I beseech thee, hasten this day. Then shalt thou be glorified with the glory due unto thy holy name and unto thy divine majesty; and we shall sing unto thee, in all joy and felicity, laud and praise for evermore. Amen.

Here now would I make an end: for methinks St Augus


tine is in this matter so full and plain, and of that authority, that it should not need, after this his declaration, being so firmly grounded upon God's word, and so well agreeing with other ancient authors, to bring in for the confirmation of this matter any more. And yet I said, I would allege three of the Latin church, to testify the truth in this cause. Now, therefore, the last of all shall be Gelasius, which was a bishop of Rome; but one that was bishop of that sec, before the wicked usurpation and tyranny thereof spread abroad and burst out into all the world. For this man was before Bonifacius, yea, and Gregory the First, in whose days both corruption of doctrine and tyrannical usurpation did chiefly grow, and had the upper hand.


Gelasius, in an epistle of the two natures of Christ, (contra Eutychen,) writeth thus: "The sacraments of the body and blood of Christ, which we receive, are godly things, whereby, and by the same, we are made partakers of the divine nature; and yet, nevertheless, the substance or nature of the bread and wine doth not depart or go away'." Note these words, I beseech you; and consider, whether any thing can be more plainly spoken, than these words against the error of transubstantiation; which is the ground and bitter root, whereupon spring all the horrible errors before rehearsed.

Wherefore, sceing that the falsehood hereof doth appear so manifestly and by so many ways, so plainly, so clearly, and so fully, that no man needeth to be deceived, but he that will not see, or will not understand; let us all that do love the truth embrace it, and forsake the falsehood. For he that loveth the truth is of God: and the lack of the love thereof is the cause why God suffereth men to fall into errors, and to perish therein; yea, and, as St Paul saith, why he sendeth unto them illusions, that they believe lies, unto

[Certe sacramenta, quæ sumimus, corporis et sanguinis Christi, divina res est; propter quod et per eadem, divinæ efficimur consortes naturæ et tamen esse non desinit substantia vel natura panis et vini; et certe imago et similitudo corporis et sanguinis Christi in actione mysteriorum celebrantur. Gelasii Op. adv. Eutych. et Nest. de duab. Christ. Natur. in Bibliotheca Patrum, Colon. 1618. Sec. v. Part I. p. 671. ED.]

their own condemnation: "because (saith he) they loved not the truth."

This truth, no doubt, is God's word: for Christ himself saith unto his Father, "Thy word is truth." The love John xvii. and light whereof Almighty God our heavenly Father give us, and lighten it in our hearts by his holy Spirit, through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Vincet Veritas.










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