Obrazy na stronie

advantage is it to any citizen of Buda or Vienna to equip an archduke and trumpet him forth to Milan? Extent of territory never firade a nation the happier, unless on its own natal soil, giving it room for enterprise and industry. On the contrary, it always hath helped its ruler to become more arbitrary. Supposing you were governed by the wisest, instead of the weakest, in the universe, could he render you more prosperous by sending you from your peaceful homes | to scare away order from others? Hungarians! is not Hungary wide enough for you? Austrians! hath Heaven appointed you to control much greater, much more numerous, much more warlike nations than you ever were; Hungary for instance, and Lombardy? Be contented to enjoy a closer union with Moravia, and (if she will listen to it) with Bohemia. Leave to Hungary what she will take, whether you will or no, Stiria, Illyria, and Croatia. You are not a maritime power, and you never can be, for you are without a seaboard; but Hungarian generosity will open to you the Adriatic as freely as the Danube. Be moderate, while moderation can profit you, and you will soon cease to smart under the wounds of war, and to struggle under the

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Princess. The lands and palaces of the king of Naples would pay off the heaviest the remainder is barely sufficient to serve as a keystone to consolidate our interests. There are

more will be required of them than cooperation with the other states of Germany against Russia. A force no greater than the peace establishment will secure the independence and integrity of Poland. Nay, if Germany sends only 150,000 men, Hungary 40,000, Italy 40,000, France 40,000, Russia will break down under them, and Moscow be again her capital. Great states are great curses, both to others and to themselves. One such, however, is necessary to the equipoise of the political world. Poland is the natural barrier of civilization against barbarism, of freedom against despotism. No potentate able to coerce the progress of nations must anywhere exist. All that ever was Poland must again be Poland and much more. Power, predominant power, is necessary to her for the advantage of Europe. She must be looked up to as an impregnable out work protecting the nascent liberties of the world.

"King. Russia is rich and warlike, and hard to manage.

"Princess. Her Cossacks might nearly all be detached from her by other means than arms. Her empire will split and splinter into the infinitesimals of which its vast shapeless body is composed. The south breathes against it and it dissolves."

The Marquis d'Azeglio's pamphlet is an indignant and impassioned protest against recent Austrian atrocities in Lombardy, a narrative of the frivolous pretences that were held to have justified the massacres and bloodshed in Milan, and a deliberate assertion on behalf of the patriotic Italian party that nothing but the recog nition of their nationality and the independence of the Lombardo Venetian provinces will now save the Austrian empire from dissolution. The

far-sighted men in England who would not glad-change in M. d'Azeglio's tone since he last wrote ly see the great debt of that country very much


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is a significant intimation of the altered condition of affairs. It is to be ascribed, says M. Prandi, "to the outrageous proceedings whereby, during the interval between the two publications, Austria contrived to fire every Italian bosom with irrepressible indignation." M. Prandi dedicates ter of eulogist of the Austrian police; prefixing the pamphlet to Lord Brougham in his characa spirited preface which is not less worthy of attention than the narrative and comment of d'Azeglio. — British Quarterly Review.

Translated for the Daguerreotype.


Nineteen centuries have now elapsed since Jugurtha, the Numidian, defended himself against the attack of the Romans, and his deeds still live in our memory. During the last fifteen years Ald-el-Kadir has been re-enacting the

same scene, in resisting an army of a hundred thousand men.

Abdallah, now named Abd-el-Kadir, was born in the year 1808, and is descended from the family Eddin. His father, Mahi Eddin, a

priest who dwelt near Maskara, was celebrated the God of Muhamed, raised the standard of throughout the country for his profound learning, the Prophet, and declared a holy war against and for the enlightened enthusiasm of his opin- the French. From the summits of the mosques ions on religious subjects. the priests were no longer summoning the people to prayer, but encouraging them to take up arms, and Abd-el-Kadir himself was required to place himself at the head of his warriors, and undertake the defence of Islamism.

As a boy Abdallah was remarkable for the eager attention with which he received the instructions of his father, and in his eleventh year was found worthy to accompany him on a pilgrimage to Mecca. In spite of his under age he bore with great fortitude the privations to which the caravans are subjected, and took part in all the prayers and religious exercises of the faithful. The caravan was on the point of setting out on its return to Oran, when Mahi Eddin died, and the boy was with difficulty persuaded to leave the lonely grave of his father. An aged priest of Cairo was struck by this filial affection, and took him home with him and caused him to be carefully instructed in the doctrines and usages of his religion, and encouraged the full development of his extraordinary abilities. It was during this period that the young man arrived at the conclusion that it might be possible to maintain among the nations of the East the religion and the customs which Muhamed had introduced by the sword, but that for this purpose it would be necessary that these rulers should be the only persons holding direct intercourse with the more civilized nations. He was at the same time warmly in favor of progress and civilization, but he thought that progressive reforms must be guided by the hand of the ruler and not be produced by intercourse with foreigners. Mehemed Ali from that time became his model, and he studied attentively every new improvement introduced by that prince, whether it was in politics or in the army and navy, in commerce or in agriculture. In the year 1829 he abandoned his studies, and made a second pilgrimage to the grave of the prophet; on his return he joined a caravan which was about to journey to Fez, and in the year 1830 he appeared once more in his native place. Here the recollection of his ancestors, his two pilgrimages, his modest behaviour, his wise counsels, and his noble features and commanding appearance, all concurred to procure for him a unanimous election as temporal and spiritual chief of his tribe; and at the same time he assumed the name Abd-el-Ka lir (the commander). Towards the close of the year 1830, a courier arrived at Maskara with the intelligence that Algiers had fallen into the hands of the French, and was already occupied by French troops. Shortly afterwards Abd-el-Kadir learned that a holy league was being formed, and that Sidi Sali, Ben Aissa, and Ben Zamoun, three chieftains of the eastern tribes, together with Ben Mezrag and Bey Titeteny had, in the name of

But this coalition was broken up before it had completed its preparations for war; and instead of uniting for a common attack upon their enemies, single tribes sallied forth and were easily defeated by the French generals.

Great discouragement reigned among the Arabs in consequence of this failure: in the neighbourhood of the cities a few skirmishes still took place, and a few wandering hordes traversed the country and plundered where they could find an opportunity, but there was no real leader. Mysterious rumors, however, began to circulate among the people, which had for their subjects the counsels and the wishes of the Kadir of Maskara. Suddenly, on the 28th of September, 1832, Abd-el-Kadir was, by the unanimous vote of the heads of the holy league, elected Emir or Sultan of the Arabs. This unanimity was generally acknowledged to be the work of Allah, and the Emir received the title of Sidi Medinnah, “the holy Great One." From that day he was considered the liberator of Africa, and the avenger of insulted Islamism.

His preparations were speedily commenced and energetically pursued. Messengers were sent to the sheiks who had not yet submitted to his authority; a secret agent was despatched to Gibraltar, and another, a Jew, to London. The holy war was proclaimed; old men, women and children were conveyed into the interior, and the troops assembled in the neighbourhood of Tikedem, where the Emir had established his first head-quarters; the supplies purchased in England were conveyed to Gibraltar, and thence carried to different points on the coast in small vessels which were there hired for the purpose; and workshops were established in which mortars and cannon were cast, and the percussion guns collected from various quarters were adapted to flint and steel, since for want of caps they were useless in their original form.

With the aid of some deserters from the French army the Emir collected three battalions of infantry, to whom he gave a uniform consisting of a brown woollen jacket with colored stripes, and a hood. The only distinction of the officers consisted in a small iron shield worn on the breast upon which were engraved the words: "Patience in command is the key of divine aid."

The plan of campaign was very simple. The French were in possession of the coast from Calle

to Mirs-el-Kadir, the harbor of Oran, but towards the South their conquests did not extend beyond Milianah, a small town at the foot of the lesser Atlas. It was the intention of Abd-elKadir to attack from the interior the whole line of this territory at once, with an overpowering multitude of undisciplined soldiers; and thus to compel the French to concentrate their forces in Algiers and then he intended to lay siege to that city with all the forces at his command, and thus to make an end of French dominion upon the soil of Africa. This plan appears very feasible, but there was a great obstacle to its success in the fact that the towns on the coast did not hold communication with each other through the interior, but by means of steamboats with Algiers, or directly with France.

A proclamation which the Emir issued at this time deserves to be recorded; it was addressed to his warlike tribes, and very greatly inflamed their zcal:

"I testify," he says, "that there is no God but Allah; I testify that Muhamed is his prophet; I testify that I am his messenger. His angel Modhi has himself delivered to me the Zuphalgar, and that holy sword will be carried before me, I command you who are faithful to take up arms; let us enjoy the fruit of the palm only on the march; let us hasten over the mountains and drive these Christians from the soil which they have defiled. They are condemned to die by our swords; a curse upon them and upon their | sacrilegious religion! I will go before you in the battle; only those who are weak in faith can be reached by the bullets of the enemies. In the middle of Algiers we will all give thanks and glory to Allah, and to his prophet."

The towns of Medeah, Milianah, and Blidah were first attacked; and at the same time the Emir seized upon the harbors of Arzen and Mostaganem; the forts in the interior were set on fire.

Provisions could only be conveyed from one place to another under a strong guard; for all the roads were rendered insecure. Two hundred wounded soldiers, who left Medeah under escort of a detachment of cavalry, fell into the hands of the Khabyls, from whose saddlebows their heads were soon seen suspended; nightly fires proclaimed where the Arab riders. had paid their dreaded visits. One Sunday, as the inhabitants of Algiers were celebrating a festival, the thunder of artillery was heard at about five o'clock in the evening; from the governor's house troops of cavalry could be seen hastening along the coast; the rappel was beaten, and troops were sent off with all possible dispatch. But when they arrived at Rasanta they found the whole place in flames, and the bodies of its defenders, for not one had escaped, bore

witness to the fierceness of the combat; the Arabs had in the mean while disappeared.

Milianah was invested so closely that famine with all its horrors soon made its appearance; the garrison, cut off from the capital, and completely exhausted, could no longer fight, and on the 26th of February, 1834, General Desmichels who commanded in Oran, concluded a treaty with the Emir, giving to both parties equal rights. The Emir accepted a present of a hundred pistols and five hundred pounds of powder, and thus ended the first holy war.

But the boundaries had been left undecided; and although the treaty was favorable to Abdel-Kadir, inasmuch as the French as well as the Arabs had now recognized him as sultan, be soon began to devise means for a renewal of the war, and in the meanwhile sent an embassy to Constantinople, in the hope that Ahmed, the natural defender of Islamism, would embrace his cause, and thus carry the war into Europe. France also was dissatisfied with the conduct of General Desmichels, and sent large reinforcements to Algiers.

Abd-el-Kadir accordingly once more reared the standard of the Prophet, and 80,000 horsemen assembled around it. He fell unexpectedly upon Milianah and Medeah, which received him as a liberator, and then hastened toward the capi al, hoping to annihilate the French. Ten leagues from Oran he encountered the army of General Trezel: a fierce battle ensued in a narrow way, between steep wooded hills, and the swampy banks of the river Makta. The Arab horsemen broke through the ranks of their enemies and scattered death around them; only a small portion of the French army escaped to Arzew, while the Arabs erected a pyramid of the heads of the slain, as a terrible trophy, before the tent of their commander.

Towards the end of the year 1835 a large French army, well provided with artillery, marched against Maskara, which had for some time been the head quarters of the Emir. As they approached the town they found the deepest silence: Maskara was changed into a heap of ash


The Emir had quitted it, but had first set it in flames, and had caused all the inhabitants who were unable to follow him to be put to the sword.

The French regained Medeah and Milianah, and attacked Abd-el-Kadir so suddenly in Tlemcen with a detachment of cavalry, that he had barely time to throw himself upon an unsaddled horse and to take refuge among the tribe of the Haddars. But soon he was again at the head of six thousand horsemen, and besieged the French garrison in Tlemcen so closely, that they were in the greatest danger of being captured; the sea was so stormy that for a time it was impossi

ble for the ships to land their troops, and the garrison of Algiers was too weak to be able to send any assistance. Fortunately, however, General Bugeaud was sent from France, and succeeded in spite of all difficulties in landing at the head of five thousand soldiers.

From this time Abd-el-Kadir changed his tactics; unable to cope with his enemies in the open field, he yet continued the war with the greatest fury; with four thousand horsemen he threw himself into the midst of the European settlements. The rapidity of his movements made him unassailable; no camp, no fort, no outpost could arrest him; within an hour all was burnt, destroyed, strangled. The next day the same scene would be reenacted at a distance of thirty leagues; where there was yesterday a colony of industrious laborers, to-day there are but a few blackened ruins and forty mutilated corpses, to show that the Arabs have passed by. And even to this day it may be seen how the French took vengeance for these cruelties; in the forest Caressas the bleached bones of three entire tribes are still scattered on the ground.

The army of the Emir now amounted to thirty thousand men, against whom General Bugeaud advanced with all the forces at his command. A terrible conflict took place on the banks of the Sikak; the two armies were engaged hand to hand, and the issue appeared yet doubtful, when on a sudden the Arabs disappeared, and the French found themselves in sudden possession of the field of battle, which presented so horrible an aspect, that even the soldiers shuddered to behold it. Abd-el-Kadir found that he had no aid to hope for from Constantinople, for the Sultan declared his intention of remaining neutral; insubordination began to appear among his Arabs; and the blow which he had received was so severe that he was compelled to seek a cessation of the warfare. In an interview with Marshal Bugeaud he concluded a treaty of peace, by which he recognized the French dominion, and ceded to France Algiers, Sahel, Mititja, Oran, and Bona, as well as the towns lying be-peror, the Emir, and a few of their followers tween those along the coast. As sultan of the Arabs he retained the remainder of the country, but undertook to furnish a yearly contribution to the French garrison of sixty thousand measures of wheat, and five thousand oxen.

This treaty, which was in fact a supplement to the first, excited universal indignation in France; no sooner had it been proclaimed, when it was broken, since the Duke of Orleans and his brother took possession of the town of Constantineh. The Emir once more took the field, and, with not more than three battalions of regular troops, and six thousand horsemen, encountered the enemy at Qued Lalleg; fortune again favored the French, and they gained a complete victory.

At last the Emir took refuge in the Morocco and persuaded the Emperor Abd-el-Rhaman to assist him with an army of a hundred and fifty thousand men, under the command of his two sons. General Bugeaud advanced to meet them with thirteen thousand hastily assembled troops, and the celebrated battle of Isly was the result. Three days afterwards the two sons of the Em

arrived at Taza; the princes were in a deplorable condition; for six-and-thirty hours they had not dismounted from their horses.

Subsequently to that period Abd-el-Kadir had his head-quarters in the city of Taza, with the permission of the Emperor, over whom he pos sessed great influence; and thence he conducted his operations, although on a small scale, with energy, firmness, and bravery, until, at last, his resources were exhausted, and finding himself surrounded on all sides, he again trusted to the word of a Frenchman, and again found himself deceived; he surrendered on condition of being carried to Egypt and there set at liberty, and he lingers a captive in a dungeon of France. - Telegraph.


secured here, prepare these discourses for their public utterance. Mr. Emerson's popularity as a metaphysical orator in the United States had greatly excited our expectation and curiosity, and we have been for some time anxiously awaiting his advent in the midst of that busy

Last Tuesday Mr. Emerson delivered, at the Portman-square Literary and Scientific Institution, the Inauguration Lecture of his course on "The Mind and Manners of the Nineteenth Century." The entire course is advertised to consist of six lectures. The eloquent lecturer has just returned from Paris, whither, notwith-hive whereof we are, as we trust, not the most standing its revolutionary condition, he had retired from the bustle of London, that he might there, in the seclusion which was not to be

idle of the diligent swarm that would improve the hours as they shine. At present, though in the summer months, the hours, viewed in their

physical aspect, are not remarkably "shining," for the delivery of ontological discourses, even though by an Emerson; the time is not the most auspicious. Nevertheless, to be released from the agitation of politics, and for a while permitted to listen to a few thoughtful words on the subject of thought, from an eminently thoughtful man, was of itself calculated to beget a mental state of serenity closely allied to that religious peace of soul which the world can no more take away than it can give. Others, eminent in politics and letters, had evidently been of the same opinion: on entering the theatre of the institution, our eye recognized noblemen, members of Parliament, poets, critics, and withal a considerable bevy of ladies fairamongst the latter Mrs. Cowden Clarke, and among the former Mr. Thomas Carlyle - all assembled in silent deference to the transatlantic transcendentalist.

Precisely at four o'clock the lecturer glided in, and suddenly appeared at the reading desk. Tall, thin his features aquiline, his eye piercing and fixed; the effect, as he stood quietly before his audience, was at first somewhat startling, and then nobly impressive. Having placed his manuscript on the desk with nervous rapidity, and paused, the lecturer then quickly, and as it were with a flash of action, turned over the first leaf, whispering at the same time, "Gentlemen and ladies." The initial sentences were next pronounced in a low tone-a few words at a time, hesitatingly, as if then extemporaneously meditated, and not, as they really were, premeditated and forewritten. Time was thus given for the audience to meditate them too. Meanwhile the meaning, as it were, was dragged up from under the veil and covering of the expression, and ever and a on a particular phrase was so emphatically italicised as to command attention. There was, however, nothing like acquired elocution-no regular intonation -in fact, none of the usual oratorical artifices -but, for the most part, a shapeless delivery, (only varied by certain nervous twitches and angular movements of the hand and arms, curious to see and even smile at,) and calling for much cooperation on the part of the auditor to help out its short-comings. Along with all this there was an eminent bonhommie, earnestness, and sincerity which bespoke sympathy and respect nay, more, secured veneration. The argument of the first lecture was entitled 'Powers and Laws of Thought," and its general aim was to celebrate (we use the word advisedly) its importance and significance. The intellect was in itself an object of the highest moment, and its claims of the noblest order. Whether regarded as speculative or practical, they were

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equally valid and real. Its highest value was not always found in its mere business-of-life applications, nor even in those subtle directions of it towards the actual which men of wit preferred. Earnest intellects were the best con- the witty the worst. He had found that the witty men in this town were incapable of meditating a truth, were indisposed for conversation on equal terms, and dealt with it merely as a medium for frothy remarking and bad joking. They seemed to consider that they had earned, as writers, a special privilege to become unprofitable talkers. Such men, however, affected popularity; let them learn that earnest and severe thought had always, of literary commodities, been the most marketable. The customers for Bibles, Korans, Prayer Books, and treatises on the immortality of the soul, exceed in number those for all other sorts of books together. The speculative thinker dreamed day by day and brooded over the same truths, satisfied with them, loving them for their own sake, without much intending any actual realization of them. He recognized their specific grandeur, delighted in their inherent beauty. He thought it quite as good to feel the influence of the stars raining down upon him from the sky, as to contemplate a tub or a table on the ground. Truths in the mind also were powers out of the mind; and such was the harmony existing throughout all the sciences, that to study one thoroughly was to be possessed of the principles of all. Charles Fourier, by the study of music, was enabled to apply its results to the whole body of science, and, in renaming all the facts and principles belonging to each, so as to bring them within the comprehension of his own system, he had thus originated a nomenclature which required an encyclopædia for its interpretation. In the same way an individual represented a nation. Every Englishman was an entire House of Commons in himself. He would invariably end a series of propositions with making a motion. More valuable than it were the propositions themselves, if rightly understood. They disciplined and exercised the mind, and thereby made it strong to do and suffer. The moral operation was the greatest; it tended to the mind's health.

Mr. Emerson next condemned what he called the pathological school of poetry and fiction. All the highest exertions of the mind were the most sane. Shakspeare and Dante were poets who were felt to inherit both reason and fancy. Peculiar respect was always paid to intellects of that rank. No government authority ever thought of interfering with their creations. But let a German critic propose to analyze what they had compounded, and straight the instinct of governments will rightly spy a danger, in the inferior

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