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presented at the altar of this cathedral-church of the metropolis, as the most public teftimony of DEVOUT and HUMBLE gratitude to the Supreme Difpofer of Events, are not the trophies of a fingle victory over one enemy, but of a series of victories equally brilliant and important over the three nations of Europe most distinguished for their maritime power.---Our naval strength, raised to an height unknown at any former period, not only exceeds that of every rival neighbour, but has compelled each, in his turn, to fubmit to our fuperiority."*

Bowing with reverential awe to the grand religious and philofophical conclufion, that an invisible and incomprehenfible Power, the first and fole cause of all things, existing from eternity, filling immensity, and infinite in all perfections, does not difdain, from the fublime elevation of his heavenly throne, to caft his view upon this lower world, and account it no derogation from his ineffable dignity to contemplate the miserable contentions of the frail and erring race of man,---surely fo tranfcendently-excellent a Being muft regard with displeasure whatever has a tendency to difturb the moral order, happiness, and harmony, of his creation ;---and wars of pride, ambition, and revenge, whether fuccessful or unsuccessful, muft equally excite the divine anger and indignation,--more especially when they profanely and impudently affume the name of Wars of Justice, neceflity,

The paffionate defire of the court, and of the clergy connected with the court, to represent the present war as a war of religion is very remarkable. The caufe of religion, it has been well obferved, is a modern motive of war, invented by the christian priesthood refining upon the Heathen. The extreme calloufnefs of the higher order of the clergy, in general, to the miseries of mankind, is indeed a striking feature of the profession. Wholly abforbed in the exalted feelings of devotion, they rise far fuperior to thofe of humanity. Who can forget that, to the very latest period of the American contest, the venerable Shipley only, of the twenty-fix English bishops, gave his vote against the court: and that the liberal and enlightened Watfon alone in the present times, half fearful and half ashamed, ventured an opinion against the French crufade?

ceffity, and religion---with vain and gaudy pageantry invoking his Almighty name, and boasting the sanction of his facred and supreme authority.

"Can I be flatter'd with thy cringing bows,
Thy folemn chatterings, and fantastic vows?
Are my eyes charm'd thy vestments to behold,
Glaring in gems, and gay in woven gold?

Unthinking wretch ! how could'st thou hope to please
A GOD, a SPIRIT, with fuch toys as these !"



Seffion of Parliament 1797-8. Seceffion of the Majority of the Members in Oppofition. Debates on the Addrefs. Papers relative to the Negotiation at Lifle laid before Parliament. Conduct of Minifters approved. Warlike Ardor of the Nation revives. Reftrictions upon the Bank continued. Annual Statement of Finance. Triple affeffment impofed. Defective Plan for the Redemption of the Land-Tax. Voluntary Contributions to the War. Invafion threatened by France. Vigorous Preparations for the National Defence. Duel between Mr. Pitt and Mr. Tierney. Motion of Mr. Wilberforce for the Abolition of the Slave-Trade. Addrefs to the Throne moved by the Duke of Bedford. Debates on the State of Ireland. Twelve Regiments of English Militia fent to Ireland. Patriotic Spirit difplayed by the British Nation. Affairs of Ireland inveftigated. Irish Catholics engage in a criminal Intercourfe with France. Dreadful Situation of the Kingdom. Conciliatory Propofition of the Earl of Moira. Progress of the Irish Confpiracy. Trial of Arthur O'Connor. Arreft of the Irish Directory. Rebellion in Ireland. Rebels defeated at New Ross---And at Enniscorthy. Earl Cornwallis appointed Chief Governor. Rebellion fuppreffed in the South. Extreme Bigotry of the Irish Catholics. Rebellion fuppreffed in the North. Civil and Judicial Proceedings. French Force lands in the Bay of Killala. Rebellion in the Weft---Suppreffed by Lord Cornwallis. Surrender of the

French. Naval Victory gained by Sir J. B. Warren on the Coaft of Ulfter. Mifcellaneous Transactions on the Continent. Infurrection at Rome. Death of General Duphot. Subverfion of the Papal Government. Re-eftablishment of the Roman Republic. Affairs in Switzerland-Hoftile Demands of the French Directory-Invasion of the French under General Brune-Patriotic Refiance of the Democratic Cantons-


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Cantons---Reduction of Switzerland by the French. State of Affairs in France. Election of Treilhard as a Member of the Directory. Incapacity and Oppression of the Directorial Government. Affairs of Holland-Partial Change in the Government. Difaftrous Expedition of the English, under General Coote, to Offend. Inland of Minorca captured. Port-au-Prince, in St. Domingo, evacuated by the Englifb. Domeftic Occurrences. Mr. Fox ftruck out of the Lift of Privy Counsellors. Profecution of Mr. Gilbert Wakefield. Invafion of Egypt under General Buonaparte. Victory of the Pyramids. Capture of Grand Cairo. Total Defeat of the French Fleet by Admiral Nelfon at Aboukir.-Extraor dinary Effects refulting from that Event. Proceedings of the Congress at Raftadt. Revival of the War in Germany and in Italy. Neapolitan Army enters Rome. Defeat of the Neapolitans. Capua furrenders to the French. Naples taken by Storm. Subverfion of the Regal Government. Treaty between Great Britain and Ruffia. Wife Conduct of the King of Pruffia.

THE parliament met on the 2d of November, 1797

His majesty expreffed his confidence," that the papers laid before the two houfes would prove, to them and to the world, that every step had been taken on his part which could tend to accelerate the conclusion of peace: and that the long delay and final rupture of the negotiation are folely to be afcribed to the evafive conduct, the unwarrantable pretenfions, and the inordinate ambition of those with whom we have to contend; and, above all, to their inveAt the conterate animofity against these kingdoms."

clufion of the speech, however, his majesty, after exhorting the two houses to the most animated exertions, declared "that he retained an ardent defire for the conclufion of peace, on fafe and honorable terms."

When the king's fpeech came to be taken into consideration by the commons, the house prefented a fingular and melancholy appearance-the benches of oppofition being


in a manner deferted. Wearied and difgufted with attending, year after year, merely to be out-voted in the house, and reviled with every expreffion of contumely and reproach by the minifterial hirelings out of the house, as the secret enemies of their country, who, from the most culpable motives, were employed in counter-acting the efforts of a wife and beneficent government in a crifis of public danger, -feeing no profpect of awakening the nation to that deep and just sense of their condition which was neceffary in order to render them lafting and essential service,—they determined, with few exceptions, to withdraw from the conteft, and, fince their counsel was rejected, not to persist in a fatiguing, inceffant, and fruitless oppofition. Upon these grounds was the nation deprived of the benefit derivable from the clear understanding and accurate judgment of a GREY, of the impreffive and animated effufions of a WHITBREAD, of the keen penetration and brilliant eloquence of a SHERIDAN, and, above all, from the majestic and commanding genius of a Fox.

The addrefs moved by Mr. Wilbraham Bootle did not, however, pafs altogether unnoticed. Mr. Bryan Edwards, a name well known, and highly respected in the political and literary world, obferved" that the prefent war had been at tended with a waste of wealth and prodigality of blood not to be paralleled in the hiftory of human depravity. Two hundred millions of money had been the expenditure of four years, and not lefs than two hundred thousand the lives that have been loft. And what profpect did the king's speech hold out to us? Was it indemnity for the past, and security for the future? No; it menaced us with more carnage, more fighs, more tears, and perhaps, deeper, of mothers, widows, and children. But had no efforts, it might be afked, been made to obtain peace? No, none suitable to the occafion, none founded in fincerity, and breathing the genuine fpirit of concord. The terms," he said, "which the French would have granted at the first mission of lord Malmesbury

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