Obrazy na stronie

my body but of holl & p'fytt memory maks this my last will & testament in this man' & forme folowing ffyrst I bequyth my soull to almyghty god my maker & Redem' & my body to be buryed in the p'ishe church of mytfurthe wt my duties app'ten'g to the lawe also I gyve to my dovght' Isabell brovne a bovll of wheat when it com'es of the grovnd Also I mak my executrix of all my good movabl and vnmovabl to vse at her discretion my wieffe margett whome I think is most profitable for my children And eu'y one of my children yt is to say gawe' mytfurth annas & margett to haue ther childs portion as it will fall; and to be obidient to ther mother and for the bettr p'formance of the p'myss' I mak sup'visors to se this my last will be fullfylled my sone in lawe Rob't brovne Ric' mytfurth wytnesse Xp'ofer watson clark John boveik preyshe clark John atkynson & Edward Robynson wt other moo.

INVENTORY. iiij oxene iiij ij kye & iij strycks iiij ij nags xls. The inseight ger xiijs. iiij. Plowghs & waine wt other therto appte xiij iiij. vj shepe xiijs. iiijd. Gese and swyne vj3. viija. The corne of the ground soven v1. vj3. viijd. S'm xvij'. xiij3. iiijd.



In the name of God Amen I Richerd harbottell of Chest' in the streat gent. 7 Sep. 16 Elizab. To Elener hedworth a chyne of golde for a token to Jane hedworth one tablett of golde for a token to marmaduke hedworth my sonne in law the gold ring wth the stone in yt that I weare one my fingr to John hedworth & arthur hedworth to eyther of them a brutche of golde to my brothers in law John and

Rowland Lawson

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THE INVENTORYE of the goodes and Cattelles layt Richard harbotles of Chester in the Street gentilman 24 Sep. 1574. Inter alia Tables of playntrye one Sware Cupborde

one flanders chyste bandyd wth Iron, one great chiste of wayne skotte, one chyste of playntre one Syluer Salte duble gite iiij xij Sylu' Spones endyde with postles v'. vij other Sylur Spones xxx. v gownes, a Cloake, ij Jacketts, ij dubletts, ij payre of hose, a payre of Russett bretches xx iiij hecklesij cordede bedds j Skones A Satten gowne for a man, a velvytt bonytt, a kyrtyll tawnye veluytt, a kyrtyll Reed darsaye ij paire fore sleves velvytt, j payre of Reed fore sleves of darsaye iij'. vj. viija — jspanyshe lether gyrkyn

iij yards myllen fostchen xvijs vj-iij peces of whytte cloth xvj yards, iiij yards Russet, iij yards more Russett xxvjs viij Hangyngs for A woman's bedde that travelles vjs viij-vij payre of duble Sheets xlvjs viijd-wole in a chiste j stone d', vijs. [&c. &c.]



In the nam' of god Ame' the xviijth day of Aprill in the yere of or Lord Jhu Christe 1574 & in the syxtenth yere of the reigne of o' sov'aigne Lady Elizabeth by the grace of god quen of England ffraunce and Ireland defendo' of the faithe &c. I Thomas Hebborne nighe Chillingh'm in the Countie of Northumb'land esquier syck in body & hole of mynde & of good & p'fett memorie lawde & praise be unto Almyghty god make this my p'sent testament and last will in man' & forme folow' That is to say ffurst and princypally I gyve and bequethe my soulle unto Almighty god my maker and redemer & to or blessed Lady his moste gloryous mother & to all the holy companye of heaven trustinge and faithfully beleve that throughe the merytts of Christ moste pressious passion All my synnes be clerely forgyven my body to be buryed wthin the church of Sent peter th'appostle in Chillangh'm where I am a p'rshon' in myne It'm I will gyve and bequethe to Bele hebborne my daughtor Twenty pounds of good & lawfull mony of England for her p'te and porc'on as childs p'te of all my goods & cattalls So that neither she nor none other for her shall in any wise trouble or sute my executor underwrittyn for any other p'te of my goods but except bequest as a full contentac'on of her p'te whiche I will shalbe unto her or her assignes and by my said executo being my eldest sonne and heire at or wthin one moneth after the day of hir mariage provyded alwey that yf my said executor can not pay the same sum of xx' at the day aforsaid at one inteir payment Then I will that the same myne executor shall lymytt and appointe the said Bele my daughter to take levey and receyve the said some of xx' out of all my lands and rents


1 The Hebburnes were, for many generations, Lords of Hebburne, in Northumberland. The chief portion of their estate now belongs to the Earl of Tankerville, who has included within his park the remains of their castle. Their arms were argent, three great iron pans sable blazing with fire, in allusion to the chief beacon of the East Marches, stationed upon Ros-hill, a portion of their


where she shall or may best be answered the some to her to be payed in man' and forme folowinge That is to say at the ij usual feasts of pentecost and saint Martyn in Wynter at either of the said feast iij vjs viijd. The furst day of payment thereof to begyn the furst of the forsaid feasts or termes next after the mariage of the said Bele my daughter and so to contynue from feast to feast terme to terme and yere to yere untill the said some of xx1 be fully satysfied contented and paied wthout fraude or gile any thinge abovesaid not wth standing Also I will gyve and bequethe to Rauf hebborne my sone for his p'te and porcion of all my goods and cattalls as childes p'te so that neither he nor none other for hym shall in any wise at any tyme hereafter molest or trouble my said executo' by clayminge any of my goods or cattalls but to take this my bequest in full contentac'on for his p'te and porc'on of the same One Annuall or yerely rente of forty shillings sterlinge by yere to be taken levyed and receayved out of all my lands and rents wth th'apptences in Slynglay wthin the bishoprick of Durham The first day of payment thereof to begyn at the first usuall terme or feast of penticoste and Saint Martyn in Wynter whiche shall happen or fortune next after my disceas Also I will that the said Annuall or yerely rente of xl3. by yere shalbe at the forsaid ij usuall termes yerely due and payable unto the forsaid Rauf my sonne or his assignes at either of the said two feasts xx. accordinge unto the effect tenure and trewe meanyinge of this my p'sent testament and last will Imedyatly from and after my disceas duringe and untill it shall pleas god that the said Rauf my sonne shalbe p'vyded of yerely lyvinge by interteynment or otherwise to the value of vj'. xiij. iiij. by yere And then I will that the said Annuytye of xls shall wholly remayne and returne agayn unto my sonne and heire & this my bequest therof unto my said sonne Rauf to be utterly voyde It'm I will gyve and bequethe unto Robert hebborne my sonne for his parte and porcion of all goods & cattalls as chyldes p'te so that neither he nor none other for him shall in any wise at any tyme herafter molest or trouble my said executor by claymyinge any of my goods and cattalls and to take this my bequest in full contentat'on for his p'te and porc'on of the same One annuall or yerely rent of forty shillings sterlinge by yere to be taken leveyed and receyved out of my lands rents and other effectts wth th'apptenances that I have in Newton by the Sea in the Countie of Northumb'land aforsaid The first day of payment therof to begyn at the first usuall terme or feaste of Pentecost and Seint Martyn in Wynter whiche shall happen or fortune next after my desceas Also I will that the said yerely rent of xls.

by yere shalbe at the forsaid ij usuall termes yerely due and payable unto the forsaid Rob't hebborne my sonne or his assignes at either of the said ij feasts xx3 accordinge unto the effect tenure and trewe meaning of this my p'sent testament and last will Imedyatly from and after my disceas duringe and untill it shall pleas god that the same Rob't my sonne shalbe proyvyded of yerely lyving by interteynment or otherwise to the value of vj xiijs iiij. And then I will that the said annuyty of xl shall wholly remayne and retorne ageyn unto my sonne & heire and and this my bequest therof unto my said sonn R'bt to be utterly voyd And yf the said ij seve'll yerely rents or either of them be behynde u'paid in p'te or in all of or after any terme or feast of payment in which they ought to be paied accordinge to the effect hereof by the space of one monthe That then it shalbe leiful to the said Rauf Hebborne and Robert and oither of them or there assignes for there own xls. into suche lands as afore is specified and to them lymyted and appoynted to enter and distrayne and the distres there so take' lafully to lede dryve beare and cary away and wth them or either of them for there owne p'tes to wth holde untill the said sev'all yerely rents or either of them wth the therof yf any be fully satisfied contented and paid It'm I will that Myghell hebborne my sonne and heire shall stand and be charged and chargeable wh Rauf hebborne and Robert hebborne his brothers for mete drynk and loddinge in my Mansion hows of hebborne orells where, from the day of my deceas duringe and untill they & either of them shall com to xxiiij yeres of age orells be otherwise p'vided by s'uice or interteynment & Also I will that the said Mighall shall fynde my syster Elsabethe mete drynk and clothe Lyn & Wollende from the day of my desceas duringe her lif naturall yf she will remayne wth hym It'm I will that Edward hebborne my bastard sonne shall occupie the ten'te in hebborne in his occupac'on rentt free so longe as it pleasethe my sonne and heire and no longer And when it shall pleas my sonne and here to discharge hym therof then to appoynte hym where he may take and recayve xx. sterlinge yerely in some other place of my Land where it shalbe thoughte most convenyent by the sup'vyso's of my will and to have and receyve the same in suche man' and forme as my ij childer Rauf and Rob't have and receyve there bequests And to the disposission of all the resydue of my goods cattalls and detts whatsoev' they be after my detts paied, the costs of my buryinge done & this my p'sent testament and last will in all things fullfylled I wholly gyve and bequethe all the same unto Myghell hebborne my sonne and heire who of this my p'sent testament and Last will

I make and ordeyn my sole executo' And sup'vyso's of the same I make and ordeyne Sr Thom's Gray of horton and S Rauff Gray of Chilling'm Knights George Mustyance of Barmor and Rauff Gray of heaton gentlemen to see this my will fulfilled according to the effect therof to the hon' of god the health of my soull and the lawdable comendac'on of the world These Witnesses John Gray vicar of Chelling'hm govuane Machell Rob't Slaytter. [Pr. in 1574.]



In dei Noi'e Amen. I Maister frances armorar of Bellford gentillman w'in the compthe of northumberland beyng weik in my body bot hoill in my spreit and perfyt of my reme'brance makes this my last will and testament to wit my soule to almythe god my bones to be bewreit in the queir of bellford churche w one Inuetorie of all my goodes mowable and vnmowable I haif p'ntlie and my dewes to the churche my executor$ harie armorar of Essyntonn marke armorar and Jhone armorar all my sonnes. My superwysors Mr Thomas foster of Edderston M harie hagarstonn of hagarstonn maid and writting the. 1.6. day of July a'no 1574 befoir thes records James Svnbowrne of belford John walkar thair george geffray thair Thomas bell thair and Jhone dods. wt heris dyurs. Item in the first I confesse me to have ten skoir and aucht scheip yownger and Elder Item sixteen hed of nowlt yowngar and Elder Item xix drawyn vxin. Item xij hair ... wt one bowke. Item two maires Item four hayfwes of bees wt thair meres Item the Implementes wtin my hows to wit xiiij pewder deblars w' two sassars two pottiswt one brew caldrone two wessyng bassynges of bress. fouir candelsteckes of bress five pewder poittes two Pan'es two speittes one pair of raxes of yron. thee fedder beddes. two oursee cowerlettes wt one carpyng cloth. nyne cwsheons. ten plads sewin pair of leyning schettes four blancattes one whylt one bowrd cloth aucht syluir spownes one syluir salt. two sten of woll. one new tyke of one fedder bed. — two long waynes and two schort. wt the gair belonging thairto pair of plewyrines. one cradell of gless. six standing beddes. one cowmpter. one longsaddell. two crowkes. one pair of


1 The Armorers, of Belford, were a numerous and respectable family. The above will, singular in its arrangements, and peculiar in its phraseology, affords but a poor specimen of the Curate of Belford's literary attainments.

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