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Saucy Boy......]

Sir John Barley-brown.

Sir Peter Laurie bay....
Sir Tatton Sykes bay.... 15
bay... 25
Slane ....
Spanish Jack brown. 15
Speed the Plough brown.. 8

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The Groom's Fee, if not included, varies from a Guinea to Half-a-Crown. We are not answerable for all the Performances of, or Stock out by, Irish Horses,


The following were the recent quotations of wheat
in different foreign ports:-At Paris the finest quality
is quoted 41s., and Antwerp notes 42s. 9d. per qr.
as a top price. Polish wheat at Amsterdam brought
56s. per qr. The best quality on the spot at Ham-
burgh was held at 45s. The rate at Stettin was
40s. 6d., and at Berlin 41s. 6d. Ghirka and Polish
wheat at Odessa was still worth 43s. per qr. Low
Saidi wheat at Alexandria had sold at 27s. 9d.
Berdianski quality, at Leghorn, was held at 44s. per
qr. At Alessandria, in Piedmont, top price was
41s. for soft wheat. Barcelona quotations were
still as high as 52s. 8d. per qr. New York, by last
accounts, was firmer; the price of good red there
was 1 d. 25 c., equal to 43s. per qr.; Southern white
1 d. 30 c. to 1 d. 52 c., equal to 44s. 8d. to 52s.
per qr.

The month of March has exhibited extraordinary differences of temperature. The first fortnight was a continuation of the sternness with which February closed; but immediately afterwards a brilliant springtime commenced, with a warmth occasionally oppressive, and an almost entire absence of rain. Fieldwork was immediately resumed, and the sowing of Lent corn, which had been interrupted by the severe frost, has proceeded most favourably. Whatever damage was done to the wheat and other autumnsown corn by the cutting winds must soon be apparent, but as respects the principal grain very little harm has been yet reported beyond what might have been expected on exposed and light lands, from the want of a snow covering. The dryness of the whole season, and the general appearance of the plants, are favourable to future prospects. The uncertainty of politics at the outset of the month seemed a check upou business, but the renewed assurances of peace, followed by the most propitious weather, and a liberty to export wheat in the Papal States, have The first Monday commenced on a small supply combined, towards the month's close, to somewhat of foreign wheat, and a moderate one of English; reduce prices, and the value in the London market from the near counties, during the morning, the has receded about 4s. per qr. On all hands it is samples were but few. The weather was then exallowed that good stocks exist throughout the coun-tremely cold, and the condition being improved, it try; and if, with a steady importation from abroad, went off steadily at the prices of the previous week; farmers show an anxiety to sell, and overdo the there was also a fair retail demand for foreign. In markets at a time when the spririt of speculation is the country there were but slight changes: Hull, entirely wanting, there can be but one result, viz., Manchester, Birmingham, and Bristol were firm; Lina still lower range than what is now obtaining. One coln and Louth were 1s. dearer, but a few markets thing is however certain, that the reduction in value equally declined;Liverpool, being over-supplied with greatly increases consumption; and the largest im- French wheat, was 2d. per 70 lbs. cheaper. Friday's portations and lowest rates have invariably been fol- market there underwent no farther change, and the lowed by scarcity and dearness, and the safety of London trade remained quiet to the week's end. holding must be proportioned to the moderation of prices.

In the Baltic the season was commenced with empty garners, and the produce of 1857 in these quarters is consequently reported to be below an average; and should any drought occur this year in these fertile provinces, they may require an importation: while Spain continues in this position, and is likely to remain so till her new crop is gathered. Neither Odessa or the United States have yet shaped their course by the English markets, though doubtless supplies will


on thence for the chance of improvement here, but not at the rates suggested by interest or apprehension, for old wheat has become a scarcity both in the old world as well as the new one; and while it behoves us never to mistrust an overruling Providence, it is well to remember that the blade on the ground is not the sheaf in the barn. The importation from the Papal States is not permitted beyond the end of May, and should prices rise materially before then, would be suspended. In Southern Europe and Algeria the wheat crop at present looks well, but in the North some fears have been felt, as the consequence of the great changes and exposure.

The foreign importations into United Kingdom for the two months ending February 28th, 1858, were 606,394 qrs. of wheat, and 613,860 cwt. of flour.

The second Monday was still less liberally supplied from abroad, and what arrived was chiefly from Antwerp; of our own growth, the quantity was moderate. The morning's supply from Kent was good, from Essex insignificant; the business done was effected slowly, but there was a pretty general clearance, at full prices; foreign samples being unchanged. No particular change took place in subsequent country markets: Leeds and Hull were firm, but Birmingham scarcely obtained former rates; Liverpool had but a thin attendance both on the Tuesday's and Friday's market, and no alteration of quotations was noted.

The third Monday had an increased supply of foreign, with rather more English; the near counties also during the morning sent up rather more samples, and the weather having completely changed, with some appearance of permanence, there was less disposition to buy on the part of millers. Early in the morning at the Kentish stands some choice parcels were quitted at quite as good prices, but it was afterwards difficult to place without a small concession. The foreign trade was heavy without change. Several of the country markets responded to the London reports by accepting a decline of 1s.,


among them were Birmingham, Wakefield, and | Bristol, while Wolverhampton and Chelmsford quoted a fall of 1s. to 2s. No reports were cheerful, the majority merely indicating a heavy state of trade. French wheat was again rather cheaper at Liverpool on Tuesday, but Friday's report only noted a small attendance, and retail trade. London was then certainly tending to lower rates.

The fourth Monday occurring after a week's very fine weather, with fair supplies both English and foreign, did not require a large quantity from the near counties to make a heavy market, especially as there was a liberal arrival of American flour. Though Kent and Essex scarcely sent an average quantity, millers held off, and notwithstanding factors were willing to take a reduction of 2s. per qr., only a small portion was sold on these terms, an apprehension apparently prevailing that the breaking up of the frost would soon largely increase the arrivals from abroad. The foreign trade was in a state of stagnation, sales being only possible in retail at a similar decline. In the country about a similar decline took place: Hull, Lynn, St. Ives, Gainsbro', Birmingham, Wolverhampton, Manchester, and Bristol were all is. to 2s. lower, Louth giving way 2s. to 3s. per qr. Liverpool, on Tuesday, was 1d. per 70 lbs. cheaper, with a very small business; but Friday was dull, without change.

The fifth Monday had very short supplies from Kent and Essex, but an extreme dulness prevailed, and prices further receded 2s. per qr.

The arrivals into the port of London during the five weeks referred to were 24,580 qrs. English; 29,551 qrs. foreign; giving a weekly average of 10,826 qrs., and showing a decrease as compared with February, of 1,703 qrs. per week; the falling off being only in foreign qualities.

English 17,087 grs., in foreign 29,075 qrs., making an average of 9,231 qrs. per week, against 13,726 qrs. weekly in February.

The malt trade has been little altered, fair supplies being kept up, and about the same prices realized from the beginning of the month to its close for fine qualities.

The oat trade has been remarkably steady, on short arrivals scarcely any quotable change occurring, and the cause of this grain's not advancing can only be found in the quantity of Russian landed during former gluts, which have served to feed the market in the absence of ship samples, Had it not been, however, for increased supplies from Ireland, it would have been impossible to keep prices down, and even with their help cargoes of sweet Riga and Petersburg qualities have been held at rather more money. From Scotland as well as from foreign ports the supplies have been reduced. On the fifth Monday prices improved 6d. per qr.

The receipts during five weeks have been 5,317 qrs. English, 6,503 qrs. Scotch, 21,880 qrs. Irish, and 27,366 qrs. foreign, giving a total weekly average of only 12,213 qrs., which is 4,991 qrs. weekly below February arrivals.

Beans and peas, in the comparative absence of foreign supplies, till the last week have rather improved in value, especially the former, to the extent of 1s. to 2s. per qr. Boiling peas, which slowly found favour in the cold weather, have again upon its ceasing diminished in consumption: maples and duns remaining scarce have commanded good prices from retail buyers, who prefer them to cheaper substitutes. Of English beans the quantity received has been 4,785 qrs., of foreign 4,593 qrs. Of foreign peas there were only 105 qrs., and 1,663 qrs. English.

In linseed there has been little change the first The flour trade has been in keeping with that of Monday of the month noted a rise of 1s., and at this wheat; the top price of Town-made was reduced improvement the market has remained with a quiet on the 5th Monday to 40s.; Norfolks were un- trade; but cakes all through have been much in changed till the fourth Monday, when they were re-request, and notwithstanding some large supplies duced from the nominal rate, 32s. to 30s. per sack, recently received from the United States, they have with a very limited sale at the quotations. French commanded about former prices. and American also on this day receded fully ls. per sack and brl.; the arrivals of the latter being larger than during any week since the 14th of December, 1857. The closing price of Norfolk was 29s. The supplies from the country have been constantly large, and have greatly interfered with the wheat trade, London millers being thus undersold.

During the five weeks, the receipts have been 93,921 sacks of country made; 8,311 sacks French, &c., and 26,704 brls. American; giving a weekly average of 20,440 sacks and 5,340 brls.

In barley throughout the month there has been scarcely any alteration, London having been very moderately supplied with really fine malting quality, and the seed demand running through the month has taken off all choice lots at full rates. From abroad also less has come to hand, the heavy supplies of low Mediterranean sorts having ceased, and those that were previously stored having been partly worked off in mixture with oats, as cheaper food. Our own stocks of this grain getting reduced, there seems every prospect that whatever foreign arrivals appear they will find a sale, or not remain long in store.

The arrivals during the five weeks have been, in

The cloverseed trade, checked at first by the frost, on the return of fine weather did not meet the expecta tion of holders; the season getting late, those who have stocks of foreign have been uneasy at the slackness of the demand, especially as it appears that the first reports of the English crop were below the reality. A good deal of red seed it now appears was produced, but part of it being badly harvested, the extent of the injury was exaggerated, the bulk being fit for sowing, though discoloured; and as the farmers have not received high prices for their wheat, they have been less disposed to buy too dearly. A fair trade came at the month's close, however, at lower rates; and great prices are not now to be looked for, either in red or white seed, or trefoil. Canaryseed had a start during the intense frost, but with mild weather it seems likely again to recede, as the Dutch ports must have some to spare at present prices; and Hambro', now free, is likely to send some spring tares, which have been scarce and dear. Rapeseed has been a better sale, the plants being reported abroad as partly injured. Mustard, hempseed, carraway, coriander, &c., have very little varied during the month's course.

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CLOVERSEED, red 50s. to 60s.,

.......... white 50s. to 758. ......................................... 178. to 22s. TARES, Spring, per bushel .............. 78. Od. to 7. 6d. HEMPSEED, Small, per qr. .............. Dutch 42s. to 478. CORIANDER, per cwt.................................................... 17s. to 26s. CARRAWAY 19 ................................................................... 448. to 468. LINSEED, per qr., Baltic 59s. to 60s.....Bombay 588. to 60s LINSEED CAKE, perton................ £10 08. to £10 158 RAPESEED, Dutch ............................ 668. to 721 RAPE CAKE, perton ....................£5 08. to £5 10:






23...... Potato...... 25 25...... Potato...... 24

34 32


Irish, feed, white .................. 20 22 fine 24 Ditto, black


....... 19


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BEANS, Mazagan ........ 32

35...... Ticks ...... 33 Harrow 33 36...... Pigeon....... 37 PEAS, white boilers 40 44..Maple .. 41 43..Grey 39 FLOUR, per sack of 280lbs., Town, Households..33s., fine 37 Country ... 30 31...... Households.. 34 Norfolk and Suffolk, ex-ship ........ 28

LONDON, MONDAY, March 29.-The demand for Hops continues exceedingly heavy, and where sales are effected to any extent somewhat lower rates are submitted to. Our cur.

[blocks in formation]

Shillings per Quarter. extra- 51

Konigsberg ......40 46

American, white....42 48 red.... 40
Pomera., Meckbg., & Uckermrk, red 42
Silesian, red............40 42
Danish and Holstein ....

Russian, hard..40


fine.... 47


45 white ...... 41 44 ....... 38 42 French..40 42 white 45 St. Petersburg and Riga ..................................................... 40 Rhine and Belgium





BARLEY, grinding ......24 29........ Distilling.... 32 OATS, Dutch, brew, and Polands..21 28 Feed........ 20 Danish and Swedish, feed...21 25 Stralsund.... 22 Russian ...

BEANS, Friesland and Holstein



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LONDON, SATURDAY, March 27.-There is rather more business doing both in English and foreign Chicory, and, in some instances, prices have an upward tendency. The supply on offer is only moderate.

ENGLISH, per ton £100 to £0 0 ANTWERP ......£100 to £110 HARLINGEN.... 10 15 11 0 DACKUM........

10 15


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0 0 10 10

10 15

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....... 34



35 Egyptian.... 33 PEAS, feeding....................$7 40 fine boilers.. 40 INDIAN CORN, white..............34 35 yellow... FLOUR, per sack..........French 34 37 Spanish .... American, per barrel, sour....18 20 sweet....... 22

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SATURDAY, March 27.-SMITHFIELD.- A fair average supply, and a moderate demand.

CUMBERLAND.-Supply tolerably good, and trade rather dull. WHITECHAPEL.-Both hay and straw moved off slowly, at

Atper Load of 36 Trusses. SMITHFIELD.

50s.to 85s.

708. 100s.

248. 30.


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SOUTHWARK WATERSIDE, MONDAY, March 29.Since our last export supplies have been light coastwise, but heavy from foreign ports. Our markets having been previously pretty clear, there was a ready demand all last week at much the same prices as quoted on Monday the 22nd inst. The following are this day's quotations:

Yorkshire Regents... Lincolnshire do......

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Dunbar do..........

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Do. reds

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Perth, Fife, and Forfar Regents

100s. to 145s.

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90s. to 100s.

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Belgian do..... Ditto reds

80s. to 90s.


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6,695 .. 39 8

From last Friday's Gaz. s. d. From Gazette of 1857.
Wheat......113,805 qrs.,45 6 Wheat......106,868 qrs.,55 10

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39 2

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CLOVERSEED, red 40s. to 60s., extra-s., white 50s. to 758.
18s. to 23s.
TARES, Winter, new, per bushel ......59. Od. to 6s. Od.
MUSTARDSEED, per bush., new 15s. to 17s., brown 13s. to 158.
CORIANDER, per cwt..................................................... 208. to 268.
CANARY, per qr....
84s. to 94s.

LINSEED, per qr., sowing s. to-s... crushing 61s. to 638.
LINSEED CAKES, per ton ............. £10 08. to £10 10s.
RAPESEED, per qr................................................ ...... 688. to 72s.
RAPE CAKE, per ton....................£5 108. to £6 08.

BOROUGH AND SPITALFIELDS. LONDON, MONDAY, March 29.-The arrivals of potatoes, coastwise and by railway, last week, were moderate. The imports were 1,005 tons from Antwerp, 826 tons from Rouen, 837 tons from Dunkirk, 47 tons from Ostend, 80 tons from Tornenzen, 265 tons from Ghent, 270 tons from Calais, and 110 tons from Louvaine. Selected samples are firm and rather dearer, and the value of other kinds is fairly supported.

York Regents
Kent and Essex do.



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COUNTRY POTATO MARKETS.-YORK, March 20: Potatoes sell at 13d. to 14d. per peck, and 4s. to 4s. 3d. per bushel. LEEDS, March 23: We had a middling show of potatoes, which sold at 16d. to 16 d. per 211bs. wholesale, and 17d. to 18d. retail. RICHMOND, March 20: Potatoes, 4s. 8d. per bushel. SHEFFIELD, March 23: Potatoes sell at 128. to 18s. per load of 18 stones. MANCHESTER, March 25: Potatoes, 12s. to 19s. per 252lbs.

Printed by Rogerson and Tuxford, 246, Strand, London.

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