Obrazy na stronie

d'az, au roi Atabaliba, entouré de 7 têtes en orle, le tout de carn: à la bord. d'az. ch. de 8 griffons d'or, sur une chaine du même, chacun tenant de la patte dextre une banniére."

Goussancourt, in his Martyrologe des Chevaliers de Malte (Paris, 1643), tome i. p. 141, gives the arms thus:

"D'argent à un pin de sinople et deux loups rampans de sable, qui est sur le tout de six écartelages," &c.

The quarterings are nearly the same as those given above, but the shield is differently divided. At pp. 155 and 253, he describes the animals as bears instead of wolves. J. WOODWARD.

New Shoreham.

PORTRAITS OF DR. JOHNSON (3rd S. iv. 209.) — I have in my possession a portrait of Dr. Johnson which has been pronounced by competent judges to be a "Sir Joshua," and which I think might possibly be the portrait described by Mr. BOOTH as having been painted for the Doctor's old friend Dr. Taylor. It presents the characteristics of all, without being a copy of any one in particular, of Sir Joshua's portraits of the great lexicographer; and it certainly has never been engraved. Mr. Scharf, of the National Portrait Gallery, did me the honour to inspect this painting, and subsequently intimated to me that he was prepared to submit it to the trustees with a view to its being purchased for the National Collection, requesting me to forward it to the gallery. The portrait, however, after being at the gallery for two months or more, was returned without any reason being assigned for its reception. Should MR. BOOTH or any other reader of "N. & Q." desire to see this portrait, I shall have great pleasure in showing it to anyone

who will take the trouble to call on me.

5, Cumberland Terrace,

Lloyd Square, London, W.C.


SQUAIR MEN OF DUMFRIES (3rd S. iv. 187.) The "squair men" of Dumfries were, doubtless, the carpenters of that ilk :

" Squareman. A carpenter, Dumfr."-JAMIESON. The craftsmen at Dumfries were divided into

Title-page. The Preface, pp. iii.-vi.; and pp. 29, 4to. The text of this astounding Sermon is Matthew ix. 12. A. B. G.

1st Manse, Kinross.

MEDIATISED GERMAN PRINCES (3rd S. iv. 230.)In the Almanach de Gotha, 1863 (p. 241), will be found a

"Liste, d'après les documents fournis en 1829, à la Diète par les gouvernements allemands, des maisons des anciens princes actuellement médiatisés, auxquels on a reconnu un droit au titre d'Altesse Sérénissime' (Durchlaucht), droit confirmé par la Confédération Germanique le 13 août 1825."

In the same work (pp. 95-240), further particulars are given under the head "Familles Princières non-souveraines," where the mediatised princes are distinguished by an asterisk: they are forty-nine in number, among whom occur Esterhazy, Hohenlohe-Langenburg, Hohenlohe-Waldenburg-Schillingsfurst, Metternich, Salm-Salm, Schwarzenberg, Solms-Braunfels, Thurn und Taxis, Windisch-Graetz, &c. T. J. BUCKTON.

QUARTERLY REVIEWS (3rd S. iv. 226.) - I feel

daily the want of an Index to the Quarterlies, such as MR. SHAW suggests. A compilation of this kind was published in America about ten years ago; but the Index to Periodical Literature, by William Frederick Poole, although a very useful book of reference, is not compiled on the best possible plan. It excludes many British reviews, and includes a large number of American publications of little interest on this side the Atlantic. One very

prominent defect is, that the references to several of our periodicals are made to the American reprints; and are, therefore, quite useless to us who can only possess the copyright editions. An Index to our Quarterly Reviews is felt to be so great a want, that I do not despair of seeing such a work carried out; but if it is ever done, it must be by the joint labour of many compilers: for it is in a high degree improbable that any one person will be found willing to devote time to an undertaking which would, at the best, but barely pay the expenses of the printer and publisher.

Such an Index should include every English

seven corporations: "the hammer-men, or black- quarterly review, even those whose issue has only smiths; the squaremen, or carpenters," &c.

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SERMON AGAINST VACCINATION (3rd S. iv. 160.) I add another, and even later, confirmation of Lord Wharncliffe's remark that the "clergy descanted from their pulpits on the impiety of vaccination":

"A Sermon: Innoculation, a Presumptuous Practice, destructive to Man. By Joseph Greenhill, A.M., Rector of East Horsley and East Clandon, in Surry (sic). London: Printed for S. Crowder and H. Woodgate, at the Golden Ball, in Pater-Noster-Row. M.DCC.LVI. Price One Shilling."

been a single number; it should, on the other hand, exclude the quarterly proceedings of learned societies, and all weekly, fortnightly, monthly and bi-monthly magazines. A difficulty would arise in the case of periodicals which at one period of their existence have been issued as quarterly reviews, and at another time in a monthly or weekly form. The Christian Remembrancer and The Rambler are examples of this. Here the proper plan would be to index the quarterly portions only.

An Index such as this would occupy between four and five hundred double-columned octavo pages. GRIME.

UNIVERSITY DEGREES (3rd S. 210.) - If your correspondent LL.D. will refer to the last edition of the Oxford Statutes (1861, p. 134), or the last year's Calendar (p. 126), he will find that Masters of Arts, and Bachelors and Doctors of Civil Law, Medicine, or Divinity, of Cambridge or Dublin, may be admitted comitatis causâ to all the privileges of these several degrees in Oxford, except the right of voting, and the title of graduates of Oxford. The ad eundem is transformed into comitatis causa, amongst many other changes.

S. T. P.

CREST OF PRINCE OF WALES (3rd S. iv. 209.) The coronet with three plumes, and the initials "C. P. 1636," at the back of the chancel in High Laver Church, Essex, and in the front of the chancel the royal arms of Charles I., may be simply accounted for thus: -1636 was about the time when Charles determined to reign without a Parliament, and on all occasions insisted on the divine right of kings. When James I. came to the throne, he issued an order that the previous practice of setting up the royal arms in parish churches, which had in some measure been neglected, should be renewed, with the Scotch unicorn as joint supporter with the British lion. In High Laver parish, there were probably no royal arms in the church; and in many other parishes also. In such places Charles required them to be replaced, as a demonstration of the ruling power in England. And by way of further increasing and perpetuating "the powers that be," he added the crest of the Prince of Wales: C. P. (Prince Charles), afterwards Charles II. I have lately returned from a tour in Essex and the Suffolk coast; and at Ipswich I observed, in St. Margaret's Church, the Prince of Wales's feathers on one of the side walls, the royal arms being on the front of the chancel; but on neither board were there any initials, or date of the reign when there set up. And also, in "Sparrowe's House," which has the royal arms on its front, I observed the Prince's feathers in a quaint old court with a gallery running round it, in the interior of the mansion. Why, how, or when these emblems of royalty came there, I shall offer no opinion. I may simply add, that Prince's feathers with the king's arms in churches are exceptions, and not the general rule. QUEEN'S GARDENS.

LONDON UNIVERSITY (3rd S. iv. 247.) - Your correspondent MR. WYNNE E. BAXTER will find a short historical account of the University from the pen of its late Registrar, Dr. Rothman, in Professor Francis W. Newman's translation of The English Universities of Prof. V. A. Huber, London: Pickering. JOHN W. BONE, Β.Α.

41, Bedford Square, W.C.

FIGURES IN STONES (3rd S. iv. 109.) - In the British Museum is a specimen of Egyptian jasper,

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THE EARL OF SEFTON (3rd S. iv. 148, 198, 257.). Charles William, eighth Viscount Molyneaux, was created Earl of Sefton, November 30th, 1771; and having married Lady Isabella Stanhope, left an only son William, whose son's son is the present and fourth Earl of Sefton. Therefore, notwithstanding MR. REDMOND's reference to Burke's Peerage, I think I was right in questioning his statement, that "the Earl of Sefton, of Croxteth Hall, near this town [Liverpool], was about eighty or ninety years ago a Roman Catholic priest. As you have inserted MR. REDMOND's rejoinder, please give a corner to mine.

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The nobleman who, according to Debrett's Peerage, "entered into the holy orders of the Church of Rome," was Richard, seventh Viscount Molyneux. His nephew, Charles William, ninth Viscount Molyneux, was advanced to the dignity of Earl of Sefton, Nov. 30, 1771, and was, I believe, great grandfather of the present peer. E. H. A.


INSCRIPTIONS (3rd S. iv. 226.) - As to the suggestion of ANTIQUARIUS that copies be made of the inscriptions in city and village churchyards, it does not appear how such could be made available for inspection. I had intended, previously to reading the suggestion of ANTIQUARIUS, to suggest to "N. & Q." the desirableness of copies of all parish registers of marriages, baptisms, and deaths being made up to the date of the Registration Act of 1836, since which time registers of births, deaths, and marriages have been kept by district registrars, and then forwarded quarterly to the General Register Office at Somerset House. If the course taken for the publishing of the Registers of the private chapel at Somerset House were adopted for the registers alluded to, the difficulty would be at once surmounted, and thus would be formed volumes of no ordinary interest and value. No clergyman would suffer any loss in fees, I believe, as a certified copy of any register under his hand would still be required by many persons, and as frequently as at present.


SALT IN BAPTISM (3rd S. iv. 246.) -The use of salt in baptism dates from a very early period in the history of the Christian church. It has been referred by some to Ezekiel, xvi. 4: "As for thy nativity, in the day thou wast born thy navel was not cut, neither wast thou washed in water to supple thee; thou wast not salted at all, nor swaddled at all." Milk and honey were also

given to the new baptised, as typical of the blessings of the heavenly Canaan into which they were by Baptism admitted. Others derive them from Isaiah, vii. 15: "Butter and honey shall he eat, that he may know how to refuse the evil and choose the good." Some writers, as Robertson, Church History, vol. i. p. 319, are of opinion that

the use of salt was introduced in the fourth cen

tury. Honey and milk were familiar symbols to the primitive Church. We find in the Apostolical Canons, can. 2, an order made forbidding these, among other things, to be used in the Holy Sacrament, or as the Canon terms it, "the Sacrifice at the Altar." Cf. SS. Hieron., Cyril, and the ancient Fathers, passim, for the mystical significance of honey and the like symbols.


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I find on referring to my diary that the children are baptised long before circumcision, and that this ordinance is performed by the women dipping the child two or three times in a skin of salt and water, the name being pronounced by the mother, and written down by the scribe of the encampment.

The men take no interest in the ceremony, except to eat during its performance a good slice of halvar, or honied cake, and drink copiously of yoort, or thickened milk. The custom, they say, they brought with them from Central Asia, and is common with many besides themselves; though, on inquiring of the Bedouins when at the Dead Sea, who resemble the Turcomans the most (the Mongolian features excepted), I could learn nothing of the salt and water practice there.

High Orchard House, Gloucester.


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BAAL WORSHIP (3rd S. iv. 168, 251.) - I would refer those of your readers who are interested in this subject to a work which may not be much known to the generality of them, brought out under the auspices of the late Lord John Scott, himself a contributor to your columns. The author is the Rev. A. Hislop, and the book entitled The Two Babylons. It treats very fully of the origin of the worship of Baal, and its connection with several of the festivals of the Roman church.

H. W.

"ΤΟ KNOW NO MORE THAN THE POPE OF ROME" (3rd S. iii. 470, 617; iv. 217.) - In the Oxford Jests, 1706, p. 93, I find another form of this expression:

"A simple fellow being arraign'd at the bar, the judge was so favourable to him as to give him his book, and they bid him read. Read! truly, my lord,' says he, 'I can read no more than the Pope of Rome. ”


JOHN HEATH'S SATIRICAL EPIGRAMS (2nd S. vii. 515.) - In the Bodleian Library, Oxford, press mark " Mason, A. A. 48," the above work, " written by J. H., Gent.," will be found. See Wood's Athena, by Bliss, vol. ii. p. 169, "John Heath."

"On my venture in Sir Walter Rawleigh's Voiage.
"I, Being perswaded (not by reason led),
For Gold vnto Gwyan aduentured;
Great were our hopes of good successe, for none
Expected lesse to gaine then fiue for one;
But following fate (she fickle) thither led,
Where neyther they of Gold nor Siluer sped;
But poore, distrest, homeward return againe,
Mony, liues, labour, all was spent in vaine.
The hopefull necke of their designe was broke;
For all their Gold was vanish't into smoke.
Thus I lost all; wherefore it is a signe,
Tho' found no mine of Gold yet gold of mine.

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and Edward Willes, the English Judge. Per- of Melancholy," were omitted from his later edihaps he will accept the following as an instalment. tions. D. M. STEVENS.

In Beatson's on's Political Index, 1788, in "A List

of Lord Chief Barons of the (Irish) Exchequer, from 1714 to 1784," it is stated that Edward Willes, Esq., was appointed Lord Chief Baron in 1757, "Vice Bowes made Lord Chancellor; " and in 1766 is the following entry; "Anthony Foster, Esq.; vice Willes made Solicitor-General in England." In another part of the same work, I find the date of his appointment as Solicitor-General given as August, 1766. His successor in that office, Jo. Dunning, Esq., received his appointment December 23, 1767; and in the same month and year Willes was constituted one of the puisne justices of the King's Bench. D. M. STEVENS.


MR. SERJEANT BIRCH, CURSITOR BARON (3rd S. i. 29.) - As exactness in matters of detail is and should be a prominent characteristic of "N. & Q.," allow me to point out that Beatson, in the second edition of his Political Index, London, 1788, says that Birch took the degree of Serjeant on the 8th of June, 1705, and became a Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer on the 11th December, 1730; while Mr. Foss places the former event in 1706, and the latter in 1729. Which is correct? D. M. STEVENS.

BEATTIE'S "POEMS" (3rd S. i. 35, 98.) - Your correspondent J. O. appears to doubt the genuineness of the London imprint to Beattie's early poems in 1760; but Sir William Forbes, his friend and biographer, distinctly states that his (Beattie's) first appearance in print, in his own character, "was by the publication in London, in the year 1760, of a small collection, entitled Original Poems and Translations, to which he prefixed his name, and dedicated it to the Earl of Erroll."

The dedication, which is not mentioned by either of your correspondents, taken in connection with the following table of contents, as given in the second edition of Sir William Forbes' Life of Beattie, vol. i. p. 59, should serve to identify the first edition of the poet's works. The contents of this small volume were

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GREEK PHRASE (3rd S. iv. 167, 240, 255.) — The word referred to by Jones, and Liddell and Scott in Plutarch is ἀποσφενδόνητοι. It occurs in the Greek Questions No. 11, and is rendered by Dr. Chauncy, "they that were repulsed with sling stones. I doubt if ἀποσφενδονῖν τὰ χρήματα be a Greek form of expression. Gregory Nazianzen has the form σφενδονᾷ τὰ θηρία. Diodorus Siculus (i. 169, 194), is referred to for ἀποσφεδόναω in Stephen's Thesaurus by Valpy, but I have not been able to verify such reference in my edition (Tauchnitz, 1829). A like instance of difficulty on the word ἀπεσφενδονίσθησαν is in Schleusner's reference to "4 Macc. xvi. 21," instead of "Josephus, Macc. xvi.;" for it is well known that the fourth book of Maccabees does not exist in Greek. It appears, however, that this work of Josephus has been added to two editions of the Septuagint (Bâle, 1545, and Frankfort, 1597), as the fourth book of Maccabees! (Eichhorn, Apok. Schrift. 290.)


COAL (3rd S. iv. 267.) - Before the introduction of mineral coal, wood prepared for fuel was termed coal; hence charcoal = charred wood, and probably coal-harbour, cole-harbour, and coldharbour, meaning the harbour or store-yard of of wood-coal. King Coal, in the line "C was King Coal, of Oxford the pride," I take to be a relative of, if not identical with, "Good King Cole a merry old soul," and not the mineral coal, which when first introduced were called "stones." King Coal may have been the fuel merchant. His name is of the same origin as our boats called heels. If coal, the mineral, exist under Oxford, it will be at such a great depth that for many generations Dr. Buckland's successors may safely undertake to eat the first lump brought up.


DAGNIA FAMILY (3rd S. iv. 209, 257.) - John Dagnia, of South Shields, Gent., bought an estate at Cleadon, in the parish of Whitburn, and county of Durham in the last century. James, son of the above, purchased the shares of three brothers. John, Edward, and Onesiphorus, and two sisters. Evan Deer and Sara Dagnia were married at Whitburn Dec. 4, 1748. (Sharp's Chronicon Mirabile, p. 29). James Dagnia, Esq., of Cleadon Hall, a celebrated amateur in painting, bought Wolsington, near Newcastle-on-Tyne, of the Jennisons, and sold it to the ancestor of the present possessor, Matthew Bell, Esq. I find in the Newcastle poll-books, 1774-1780, Edward and Onesiphorus Dagnia voting as skinners and glovers; and John Dagnia of Newcastle, and Wm. Dagnia of London, voting as merchants. Ε. Η. Α.

* Ceol was King of Wessex (Bede, A.D. 590), and not of Mercia, which included Oxford.

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The Bibliographer's Manual of English Literature, &c. By William Thomas Lowndes. New Edition, revised, corrected, and enlarged, by Henry G. Bohn. Part IX. (Bohn.)

Whatever may be the shortcomings of Mr. Bohn's new edition of Lowndes-and we are not prepared to deny that such may be found in it-there can be little doubt that it is not only an enlargement of, but an improvement upon, the original work. We are glad, therefore, to see it rapidly approaching completion. The present issue, being Part IX., extends from "Simon's Irish Coins" to "Utterson"; and includes of course many important articles, the most prominent being that on "The New Testament," in which Mr. Bohn has been assisted by Mr. Henry Stevens, Mr. George Offor, and Mr. Francis Fry of Bristol. Another Part, which will complete the work, may, we understand, be expected in the course of three or four months.

The Personalities of the Forest of Dean; being a Relation of its successive Officials, Gentry, and Commonalty, &c. By the Rev. H. G. Nicholls, M.A., Perpetual Curate of Holy Trinity, Dean Forest. (Murray.)

Our readers may remember our calling their attention, in very favourable terms, to Mr. Nicholl's Historical and Descriptive Account of the Forest of Dean. To that local description the present is a personal supplement, which gives completeness to a very interesting Monograph.

The Home and Foreign Review. No. VI. October.

The new number of this able journal contains several articles of considerable interest, among which we would particularly notice that on Dante and his Commentators, which almost exhausts the subject; that on the "Mediæval Fables of the Popes;" and that on the "Formation of the English Counties," in which justice is done to the genius and acquirements of the late John Mitchell Kemble. The "Sketch of Contemporary Literature," in which notice is taken of no less than sixty-three books of importance recently published, is far from the least valuable feature of this number of The Home and Foreign Review.

The Journal of Sacred Literature and Biblical Record. No. VII. New Series.

Like the periodical we have just noticed, this new number of The Journal of Sacred Literature renders good service by its numerous notices of new publications. The leading articles in the number before us are: "On Current Methods of Biblical Criticism;" "The Gustavus Adolphus Society;" "The Chronology, Topography, and Archæology of the Life of Christ;" "The Epistle of Barnabas;" "Buddhism;" "Ethiopic Liturgies and Hymns;" "The Bordeaux Pilgrim in Palestine;" and "Renau's Life of Jesus." These, with the Correspondence and Miscellanies, form a valuable and varied mass of Biblical information.

LORD LYNDHURST.-A great and good man has passed away from among us. Ripe in years, rich in honours,

and universally lamented-for it was his happiness to have outlived all political animosity-LORD LYNDHURST diedion Monday last, in the ninety-second year of his age, leaving a name which will be remembered while one page of England's history remains. To the reputation of a profound Lawyer and an enlightened Statesman, which he achieved in the earlier part of his career, he added in his latter days that of a true-hearted Patriot; and those who remember how, when fourscore and eight years had passed over his head, that "old man eloquent," with all the energy of youth and all the wisdom of age, warned the people of England "not to consent to live in dependence on the friendship and forbearance of any country, but to rely solely on their own vigour, their own exertions, and their own intelligence," probably agree with us in regarding the two emphatic words words of solemn and most significant import - "VE VICTIS!" with which he wound up that wonderful oration, as the true war-cry which called into existence our thousands of Volunteers. One word more. Brilliant as was LORD LYNDHURST's intellect, his large-heartedness was quite as striking. We have received at his hands great and unsolicited kindnesses; and his honoured name can never be mentioned by us but with feelings of gratitude and affection. Peace to His Memory!

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Owing to the great number of short Replies waiting for insertion, we have been compelled to postpone many Papers of great interest which are in type. Among others, articles on The Postal System, Bishop Gundult and his Architecture, Bed Gown and Night Dress, the Devil, Sir Robert Honywood, Jack Presbyter, Don Quixote, Bishop's Robes, &c.

C. K. There is no charge for the insertion either of Queries or of Books Wanted.

48. will find in our 1st S. iv. 491, the probable suggestion, that the saying

"Cleanliness is next to godliness,"

arose from the well-known passage in the Epistle to the Hebrews (ch. r. 22), in which a pure conscience a necessary condition to godliness-is imme diately followed by an injunction to cleanliness.

S. NEIL. Consult Gifford's Introduction to Massinger's Plays, edit. 1813; also Collins's Peerage, by Brydges; Burke's Extinct Peerage, and Burke's Extinct Baronetage, 1844.

JOHN WOODWARD. The bishopric of Osnabrück was secularised in 1802, when it was made over to Hanover as a hereditary temporal princi pality. See our 1st S. ii. 447, 484, 500.

H. S. G. The name of John Worrall of Pembroke College, 1724, does not occur in the list of Graduates either of Cambridge or Oxford. There was a John Warrell of Magdalen College, Cambridge, A.B. 1720.

S. Y. R. From the Parliamentary History, viii. 837, it appears that George Heathcote was M.P. for Hindon. Between the years 1731 απί 1745 he was in parliament, according to the same work.

R. F. Henry Baker's letter on the Earthquake of Feb. 13, 1749-50 will be found in Dr. Doddridge's Diary and Correspondence, v. 149, edit. 1829-31.

"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is als issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for Six Months forwarded direct from the Publishers (including the Halfyearly INDEX) is 118. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order in favour of MESSRS. BELL AND DALDY, 186, FLEET STREET, E.C., to pom all COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR should be addressed.

Full benefit of reduced duty obtained by purchasing Horniman's Pure Tea; very choice at 3s. 4d. and 48. "High Standard" at 4s. Ach Jor merly 4s. 8d.), is the strongest and most delicious imported. Agents in every town supply it in Packets.

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