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35. Of the booke of Praiers and Ceremonies of the Churche of Englande.

The Booke whiche of very late time was geven to the Churche of Englande by the Kinges aucthoritie and the Parlamente, conteining the maner and fourme of praiying 5 and ministring the Sacramentes in the Churche of Englande, likewise also the booke of ordring ministers of the Churche, set foorth by the forsaied aucthoritie, are godlie and in no poincte repugnaunt to the holsome doctrine of the Gospel, but agreable thereunto, ferthering 10 and beautifiyng the same not a litle, and therfore of al faithfull membres of the Churche of Englande, and chieflie of the Ministers of the worde, thei ought to be received, and allowed with all readinesse of minde and thankes geving, and to bee commended to the people of 15 God.

36. Of civile magistrates.

The King of Englande is Supreme head in earth, nexte under Christe, of the Churche of Englande and Irelande.

The Bishoppe of Rome hath no jurisdiction in this 20 realme of Englande.

The civile magistrate is ordeined and allowed of God: wherefore we must obeie him, not onely for feare of punishment, but also for conscience sake.

The civile lawes maie punishe Christien men with 25 death, for heinous and grievous offences.

It is lawefull for Christians, at the commaundement of the magistrate, to weare weapons, and to serve in laweful


37. Christien mennes gooddes are not commune.

The richesse and gooddes of Christians are not commune as touching the right title and possession of the same (as certain Anabaptistes dooe falslie boaste) not


withstanding every man ought of such thinges as he possesseth, liberallie to geve almes to the pore, according to his habilitie.

38. Christien menne maie take an Othe.

As we confesse that vaine and rashe swearing is forbed 5 Christien men by our Lorde Jesu Christe and his Apostle James; so we judge that Christien religion doeth not prohibite but that a man maie sweare, when the magistrate requireth in a cause of faith and charitie, so it bee doen (according to the Prophetes teaching) in justice 10 judgemente and trueth.

39. The resurrection of the dead is not yeat brought to


The resurrection of the dead is not as yet brought to passe, as though it only belonged to the soulle, whiche by 15 the grace of Christe is raised from the death of sinne, but it is to be loked for at the laste daie: for then (as Scripture doeth moste manifestlie testifie) to all that bee dead their awne bodies, fleshe and bone shal be restored, that the whole man maie (according to his workes) have 20 other rewarde or punishment, as he hath lived vertuouslie, or wickedlie.

40. The soulles of them that departe this life doe neither die with the bodies, nor slepe idlie.

Thei which saie that the soulles of suche as departe 25 hens doe sleepe, being without al sence, fealing, or perceiving, until the daie of judgement, or affirme that the soulles die with the bodies, and at the laste daie shal be raised up with the same, doe utterlie dissent from the right beliefe declared to us in holie Scripture.


41. Heretickes called Millenarii.

Thei that goe aboute to renewe the fable of Heretickes called Millenarii, be repugnant to holie Scripture, and caste themselves headlong into a Juishe dotage.

42. All men shall not bee saved at the length.

Thei also are worthie of condemnacion who indevoure at this time to restore the daungerouse opinion; that al menne, be thei never so ungodlie, shall at lenght bee saved, when thei have suffered paines for their sinnes a certaine time appoincted by Goddes justice.

God save the King:

Richardus Graftonus typographus Re

gius excudebat. Londini. mense Junii.

An. do. M.D.LIII. Cum priuilegio ad imprimendum solum.





[blocks in formation]

De fide in Sacro-sanctam Trinitatem.

NUS est vivus, et verus Deus, æternus, incorporeus,


impartibilis, impassibilis, immense potentiæ, sapientiæ ac bonitatis, Creator et Conservator omnium, tum 20

Articuli de quibus] These Articles are taken from the edition printed by R. Wolfe in the year 1563. and published by the authority of the queen. It will appear in the sequel that there are circumstances of peculiar interest attaching to this edition.

Dr. Parker had been appointed archbishop of Canterbury in Decem- 25 ber, 1559, and immediately issued, in conjunction with other bishops, instructions for the direction of the clergy founded upon the queen's injunctions, and intended to be used provisionally, until the state of the church should have been fully considered in convocation. In the mean time the visitors appointed by the queen were making their 30 progress throughout the kingdom, and under the exercise of their

visibilium, tum invisibilium. Et in unitate hujus divinæ naturæ tres sunt personæ, ejusdem essentiæ, potentiæ, ac æternitatis, Pater, Filius, et Spiritus sanctus.

Verbum Dei verum hominem esse factum.

Filius, qui est Verbum Patris, ab æterno a Patre geni-5 tus, verus et æternus Deus, ac Patri consubstantialis, in utero beatæ Virginis, ex illius substantia naturam humanam assumpsit: ita ut duæ naturæ, divina et humana, integre atque perfecte in unitate personæ fuerint inseparabiliter conjunctæ: ex quibus est unus Christus, verus 10 Deus, et verus homo, qui vere passus est, crucifixus, mortuus, et sepultus, ut Patrem nobis reconciliaret, essetque hostia, non tantum pro culpa originis, verum etiam pro omnibus actualibus hominum peccatis.

De descensu Christi ad inferos.

Quemadmodum Christus pro nobis mortuus est, et sepultus, ita est etiam credendus ad inferos descendisse.


authority the Church of England was rapidly contracting a bias in favour of the reformed faith. It followed therefore as a natural result, that the convocation which met on the 12th of January, 1563, though 20 it contained persons of different religious sentiments, and some who had imbibed extreme opinions from their residence on the continent, consisted entirely of reformers, and was disposed in general to adopt such cautious measures as the archbishop, acting under the strict control of the queen, would be likely to recommend. It appears that 25 he had himself been recasting the forty-two Articles of king Edward, assisted probably by his constant friends bishops Grindal (of London), Horne (of Winchester), and Cox (of Ely); and that he added to the Articles which had been mainly derived from the earlier Lutheran creeds, some new clauses obtained from the more recent confession of Wurtem- 30 berg. (Laur. Bampt. Lect. p. 233.) He took the earliest opportunity after their assembling, of bringing his corrected copy before the house of bishops. But the lower clergy were equally anxious that the church should be provided with some distinct and authoritative confession of faith; for on the same day when we learn for the first time that the 35 bishops were themselves employed upon the subject (Synod. Anglic.

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