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1-12-56 ms.

Scott Agar



THIS little volume is intended to accompany the map of Jerusalem recently published by the American Sunday-school Union. It has been the object of the writer to embody all that is known with certainty respecting the various scenes in and around Jerusalem, in such a form as would be attractive to the young. Gazetteers and tables of statistics have few charms for persons of any age. In the following pages there is just so much fiction as makes out a probable and consistent narrative, while the facts stated and scenes described are all real. Great pains have been taken to verify them by reference to the best authorities. Reland's Palestine (the grand Thesaurus of Biblical Geography), Calmet's Dictionary, Jahn's Archaeology, Helon's Pilgrimage, and the books of modern travels, have been the chief sources of information. The location and general description of the principal places may be fully relied on; for the minor touches and filling up of the picture, the writer himself is responsible.

A copious index has been added to the volume, so that it really is, after all, and may



be used as a gazetteer or geography of Jerusalem.

In some cases the authorities were so vague and contradictory, that it was difficult, if not impossible, to reduce the chaos to order. In such cases the author has confined himself to the most general description.

Perhaps an objection may be made to swelling the volume by so copious quotations of Scripture. The principal and indeed only object of this little volume being the illustration of Scripture, it has seemed to the writer, that the object would be most effectually gained by associating these portions of Scripture in the minds of youth with the very scenes to which they relate. In this view he apprehends that the psalms and other Scriptures quoted will not be deemed the least interesting portion of the volume. To the Sabbath-school teachers and scholars, for whose benefit it has been prepared, and in the hope that it may serve to illustrate and endear that volume, in which are garnered up all our hopes, this little volume is now affectionately inscribed by the


Andover, (Mass.) Theo. Sem. July, 1833.




"WERE there never any Sabbath schools before 1783, the year in which you told us Mr. Raikes first established his school at Gloucester, England ?"

This question was put by William Appleton, one evening, to his teacher, Mr. Anderson, when he had met the members of his class, as he was accustomed to do every week, to talk with them about missions, and benevolent societies, and other interesting subjects.

"You said that before that time children used to run about the streets and play on the Sabbath, and had no teachers, and were not taught to read. Was it always so? I do not see how Christians could suffer it to be so seventeen hundred years."

Mr. Anderson. I am not surprised, Wil


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