Obrazy na stronie

I think he will see the origin of this passage. Not indeed that the wording is the same, nor the names; but the digression in Sir Richard's book is one which perhaps, above all others in it, would be likely to fix itself in the memory of any casual and literary reader, while the passage in the play reads exactly as though it were a chance bit which had SO infixed itself in the writer's memory or struck him as an available waif of information, and been, so to speak, seized upon and worked up and adapted to his purpose. If this be so, we obtain for the probable date of the play the same as that given by MR. DYCE, viz. the close of 1622 or early part of 1623, for though Sir Richard's voyage was made in 1593, he does not appear to have written his Observations long before their publication in 1622. BENJ. EASY.


low me to make a suggestion, which, if not fully carried out by order of the Government (as, in my opinion, it ought to be), may nevertheless be at least partially accomplished by means of private individuals. My suggestion is, to have a complete copy made of all the inscriptions in our city and village churchyards, before the hand of time has further defaced and rendered illegible the only records that we possess respecting many individuals and families whose names, and births, and deaths, often become the subject of inquiry,

and even of litigation.



QUARTERLY REVIEWS. - In "N. & Q." 2nd S. viii. 124, is a list of contributors to the Foreign Quarterly Review; there is, I believe, in one of the old volumes of the Gentleman's Magazine*


similar list of contributors to the early volumes of the Quarterly Review. These lists are valuable, and a continuation of them, or of any of the Quarterly Reviews, would be of great service to the literary public, and could be furnished at but little trouble by the editors or proprietors. I just draw your attention to the subject, and perhaps you could obtain such for insertion in some future "N. & Q."

An index of subjects in the Quarterly Reviews would be of inestimable value to writers employed in literary research. I have actually made one of the Quarterlies, &c., that I possess; nor do I think the labour lost; but a complete one of all the Quarterlies is a work much needed.



MIRABEAU A SPY. - One of the objects for which "N. & Q." was started was the preservation of short and interesting notes which readers are continually meeting with in out-of-the way and unex

[See Gentleman's Magazine for 1844, part i. pp. 137, 578.-ED.]

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"Mirabeau was a spy at Berlin. His letters from thence were published in a book called La Cour de Berlin par un Voyageur,' and much has been said as to whether

they were genuine. In the last leaf of a copy at Heron

Court, the following note by the second Lord Malmesbury decides the question. 'On the 27th April, 1834, I met Prince Talleyrand at dinner at Lord Tankerville's. The Prince was at that time ambassador at our court from that of the Tuilleries. In alluding to this work, I remarked that it was generally attributed to Mirabeau. Prince Talleyrand observed, "Mais oui, c'était bien lui que l'a écrit." I added, that it appeared to me to be the correspondence of an agent at that time of the French

government. Prince Talleyrand immediately replied "C'était avec moi qu'il correspondait." " " - Diary and Correspondence of the First Earl of Malmesbury, vol. ii. p. 187, note.

There have been few more valuable contributions to recent history than these instructive volumes. BOOKWORM.

PAPER. The introduction of the art of paper

making into England is generally placed early in

the sixteenth century, when two mills, one at Hertford, and the other at Dartford, in Kent, are known to have been in existence. I have met with a reference to a third, which seems to have been in operation for some time prior to the 34th year of Elizabeth (1591):


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LADY MADELINA PALMER. - In De Quincey's "English Mail Coach" (Miscellanies, ed. 1854, p. 289), it is stated that Mr. Palmer, M.P. for Bath, the inventor of mail coaches, married the daughter of a duke, and in a note is added "Lady Madeline Gordon." This is, I believe, a mistake. Madelina, daughter of Alexander, fourth Duke of Gordon, and widow of Sir Robert Sinclair, Bart., married Nov. 25, 1805, Charles Fysh Palmer, Esq. of Luckley Park, Berks, who was subsequently M.P. for Reading.


S. Y. R.

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As I am aware that the principal Spanish editions of Don Quixote, as well as the principal French and English translations, have been mentioned in "N. & Q.," my object in sending these few lines is to inquire: 1. What are the titles and dates of the Latin, Danish, and Portuguese translations? In looking over the Catalogue a few days ago, in the reading-room of the British Museum, I was unable to find, under the heading of "Don Quixote," the translations in these three languages.* Ticknor, in his History of Spanish Literature (vol. iii. p. 384, London, 1849), mentions "that translations of Don Quixote have appeared in Latin, Italian, Dutch, Danish, Russian, Polish, and Portuguese," &c.

My next Query is, Can any of your correspondents inform me what are the merits and character of the Spanish edition of Don Quixote, which was published in America under the following title:

"El Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quijote de la Mancha, compuesto por Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra. Nueva Edicion Clásica, illustrada con Notas Históricas, Grammaticales y Criticas, por la Academia Española, sus Individuos de Número Pellicer, Arrieta, y Clemencin. Enmendada y corregida por Francisco Sales, A.M., Instructor de Frances y Español en la Universidad de Havard, en Cambrigia, Estado de Massachusetts, Norte América." (2 tom. 12mo, Boston, 1836.)

This edition I have never seen. It is not mentioned by Ticknor, which is somewhat surprising. My third Query is, Where can I find a short biography of a Rev. John Bowle, a Protestant clergyman, who published a very learned edition of Don Quixote in Spanish, in 1781? I believe he lived in a village near Salisbury.†



[ Our correspondent should have referred to the entry Cervantes Saavedra (Miguel de) in the new Catalogue, where there are nearly twenty pages filled with the various editions of Don Quixote.

† Biographical notices of John Bowle, Clerk, and Vicar of Idmiston, may be found in the Gent. Mag., lviii. 1029, 1122; Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, ii. 553; iii. 160, 670;

THE REV. WILLIAM JARVIS ABDY. - Can any of your readers favour me with a copy of Mr. Abdy's epitaph? He died in April, 1823, and was probably buried in St. John's church, Horslydown, Southwark, where he officiated for more than forty years; the place of his burial is not stated in the memoir published by his son in 1823, and prefixed to a volume of his father's sermons. This son, the Rev. J. Channing Abdy, succeeded him in the rectory of St. John's, Horslydown, and died January 27, 1845, aged 52. Any recollections of them would be acceptable. F. G.

REV. RICHARD BARRY, M.A. - This gentleman was Rector of Upton Scudamore, sometime in the latter half of the last century. It is believed his father was rector and patron of the same living; and said to be a collateral descendant of Chicheley, Archbishop of Canterbury, temp. Henry VI. Of Mr. Barry's family one son, Richard, acted as secretary to General Fox, and was Assistant Quartermaster General with the army in Flanders in 1794-5: this appointment, as appears by a letter from him dated 1795, having been given him by the Duke of York. Another son was Gaius Barry, M.A., Rector of Little Sodbury, from 1819 to 1850.

I should be glad to ascertain: 1. What was his coat of arms? 2. Did he prefer any claim as "of Founder's kin" at All Souls, Oxford? 3. In what year did he die? 4. Are any of his writings known?

The Stemmata Chicheleana would doubtless afford the information upon the third Query; but I am not able to consult it, nor am I aware whether there is any other than the one in the library of All Souls.* J. S. KENSINGTON.

vi. 182, 183; viii. 660, 667; Nichols's Literary Illustrations, vi. 382, 402, 403, 411; vii. 592; viii. 165, 169, 193, 274. Consult also, Letters of the Rev. James Granger, Μ.Α., 8vo, 1805, pp. 37-47. Mr. Bowle edited an edition of Don Quixote in Spanish, for which he was attacked by Baretti, under the title of Tolondrow. (Nicolas's Life of Ritson, p. xxii.) Mr. Bowle also published "A Letter to Bishop Percy, concerning a new and classical edition of Don Quixote, Lond. 1777, 4to."]

[* The name of Barry only occurs in Table No. 276, of the Stemmata Chicheleana, where is given the marriage of James Barry, fourth Earl of Barrymore, who had for his second wife Lady Elizabeth Savage, daughter and heir to Richard, Earl Rivers, and by her (who died 19 March, 1714,) he had the Lady Penelope Barry, who was married to Major-Gen. James Cholmondeley. (See also Lodge's Peerage, i. 311, ed. 1789.) In Hoare's Wiltshire, Hundred of Warminster, p. 52, are the following notices of the Barry family from monumental inscriptions: "Nicholas Barry, M.A., son of Richard Barry, Rector of Upton Scudamore, ob. Aug. 3, 1734. Rev. Richard Barry, M.A., fifty-eight years Rector of the same parish, ob. Nov. 21, 1749. Rev. Richard Barry, Rector of the same parish, and Vicar of Bitton, co. Gloucester, ob. Feb. 21, 1766. Rev. Richard Barry, Rector of Upton Scudamore, ob. Sept. 22, 1779.-ED.]

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SIR THOMAS BARTLET. - He died before 1614; but I should be glad to know the exact date. Was he related to Elizabeth Bartlet, first married to Sir Richard Cave, and afterwards to Dr. Yate, Principal of Brazennose? Wood (F. O., i. 239, ed. Bliss,) says that she died Jan. 11, 1688, aged eighty or more, and was buried near Dr. Yate. Her arms are impaled on his monument. CPL.

BIBLE TRANSLATORS. - Wanted the dates of death, and ages if possible, of the translators of the authorised version of the Scriptures, A.D. 1611; namely, Dr. Francis Burleigh, Dr. Geoffry King, Richard Thompson, William Bedwell,1 Edward Lively, Francis Dillingham, Thomas Harrison, Dr. Robert Spalding, Dr. Andrew Byng, Dr. John Harding, Dr. Miles Smith, Dr. Ralph Hutcheson, Dr. Roger Fenton, Michael Rabbett, Dr. Thomas Sanderson. Χ. Υ. Ζ.

BLOUNT OF BITTON. - Can any of your correspondents oblige me with the descent of Robert Blount, who was seised of the manor of Bitton, co. Gloucester, in the reign of Henry IV.?

Richard le Blount held the manor 20 Edw. II.; but dying without issue, was succeeded by his brother Edmond, who died 36 Edw. III. It was then held by Edmond Blount (4 Rich. II.); and by William Blount (22 Rich. II.), whose daughter and heiress Isabel succeeded him, but died without issue. On her decease the manor came to Robert Blount-the subject of my Query. Atkyns, in his Gloucestershire (p. 148, s. v. "Bitton"), only says he was her "next kinsman."

I should be glad to learn how, and also what was the relationship between, the Edmonds and William ? JOHN WOODWARD.

THOMAS BROOKS.-Having failed to trace either the birth-place or birth-date of this eminent

Puritan, well-known as the author of Apples of Gold, Precious Remedies against Satan's Devices, &c. &c., and being about to conclude a Memoir of him for a collective edition of his Works, I make a forlorn-hope appeal to readers of "N. & Q." to aid me in securing one or both? Will readers familiar with their respective county histories and parish registers kindly let me know of any Thomas Brooks mentioned therein? He died in 1680, in London, in a good old age. A. B. GROSART.

[1 Wm. Bedwell, ob. May 5, 1632, aged seventy. Robinson's Hist. of Tottenham, p. 104, ed. 1818. - 2 Miles Smith, afterwards Bishop of Gloucester, ob. Oct. 20, 1624. Stubbs's Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum, p. 91.5 Roger Fenton, ob. Jan. 16, 1615. Newcourt's Repertorium, i. 197.-ED.]

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CARVED HEAD IN ASTLEY CHURCH. - On a pillar supporting one of the Norman arches on the north side of the nave of Astley church near Stourport, Worcestershire, is a single head in relief, carved by no common artist. Neither inscription nor topographical history tells the tale of this singular monument. From the position of the head in relief, more than halfway up the shaft of the pillar looking downwards, it has been supposed to contemplate grave underneath the pavement; but as extensive alterations were made early in the present century in this fine old church, many traces of its past history have been obliterated. The chancel-arch and nave aisles are of early Norman work, and the church was originally dependent upon at Evreux in Normandy.


alien an priory

Were it not for the admirable workmanship of the head, I should have thought it contemporary with the pillar itself, so little has it the appearance of a later insertion. Do any of your correspon. dents know of a similar monument, or is this curious specimen unique?


GEORGE EDWARDS, F.R.S. - Can any one give me any information as to the ancestors of George Edwards, the naturalist, who was sometime librarian to the Royal College of Physicians. I wish to know if he were connected with a family of Suffolk of the same name.* E.

ENGRAVINGS OF RELIGIOUS RITES. - Wanted, references to books containing engravings of religious rites or customs, throughout the world, ancient or modern. To save trouble the enquirer knows Picart, Gardiner, Calmet, David Roberts,

and most of the professedly illustrated works. What he requires are those in Voyages, Travels,

and Missionary Books.


REV. WILLIAM FELTON. - I extract the following from Musical Biography, 1814, ii. 59:

"The Rev. William Felton, prebendary of Hereford, was celebrated in his day for a neat and rapid execution on the organ and the harpsichord. He published three sets of Concertos for these instruments, in imitation of those of Handel, and two or three sets of Lessons, which have been in considerable request. They are not, however, now to be met with, except occasionally amongst collections of secondhand music."

[* George Edwards was a native of Essex: see a notice on him in our 3rd S. ii. 413.-ED.]

On referring to the index I find it stated that Mr. Felton flourished 1730. In a Dictionary of Musicians, 1824, the preceding article is copied with the substitution of "his time" for "his day," and, absurdly enough, there is nothing in that work which gives any clue to what is meant by "his time," except the allusion to Handel. Mr. Chappell (Popular Music, 682) also mentions the Rev. William Felton, prebendary of Hereford, as a musical composer. I do not find Mr. Felton's name amongst the prebendaries of Hereford enumerated in Mr. Hardy's edition of Le Neve's Fasti. It is to be hoped that some correspondent may be able to give a more precise and accurate account of this gentleman than we now possess.


S. Y. R.

"Whatever games were stirring, at places where he retired, as gammon, gleek, piquet, or even merry main (?) (sic), he made one. - Life of Lord Keeper Guildford, vol. i. p. 17." Southey's Common-place Book, under " Collections for English Manners and Literature."

I presume "gammon" is our backgammon, and "gleek" some sort of game with cards; "piquet" we know, but what was "merry main"? Was it a main of dice, or a main of cocks? I incline to the latter, as there would be no reason for North writing " even before the dicing game. J. D. CAMPBELL.


HEATH BEER. - There is a curious tradition, quickly fading out from the remoter districts in Ireland, where Irish is still the only spoken language, of the Danish invaders having used an inebriating liquor made from heath, the secret of making which was lost at their expulsion. The peasantry term this "beoir-lochlonnach" (loèloñać, literally, strong at sea, an epithet applied to the Northmen generally by the Celtic races), and the sites of the brewing vats are still pointed out in secluded spots. There is a curious and learned paper on this subject in the Ulster Journal of Archæology for July, 1859; but the inquiry has not been answered, whether any similar remains and traditions occur at the British side of the Channel? J. L.

HERALDIC. - I wish to ask the advice of some of the learned correspondents of " N. & Q." under the following circumstances: - My father was the son of a gentleman who bore arms, but having been wildly inclined in his youth he ran away from home, and got his living eventually as a mechanic. I have, by my own exertions, restored myself to that position which my father forfeited. I now wish to know if my right to use the arms of my family is impaired by the fact of his having prac

HERBERT OF CARDIFF. - Barbara, daughter of Harry Herbert of Cardiff, married Harry Moncreiffe, son of David Moncreiffe of Moncreiffe. This David died before 1649. Can any corre spondent give me any information about this family of Herbert, &c. &c.? Were they of Powys or of Pembroke, &c.? How came Cardiff Castle into the possession of the Stuarts, Marquisses of Bute? Can any pedigree of the Herberts of Cardiff be seen? An answer to these queries will much oblige. R. W. BLENCOWE.


printed at London for T. Carnan, at Mr. Newbery's, the Bible and Sun, in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1751, a little book with this title:

"An Index to Mankind; or, Maxims selected from Wits of all Nations for the Benefit of the Present Age and Posterity. By Mrs. Mary Midnight, Author of the Midwife, or Old Woman's Magazine. Intermix'd with some curious reflections by that Lady, and a Preface by her good Friend the late Mr. Pope." *

The maxims are excellent, and it would be desirable to find out the author who in the Preface remarks:

"Many fresh maxims are added to this work-if such an expression may be allowed of: for in propriety of speech there can be no such thing as a new maxim, for maxims are founded upon truth; and Truth, like her Author, is eternally and invariably the same."

Goldsmith was much employed by Newbery. Could he have any hand in the preparation of this little work?

A few instances may be given of the clever way in which these maxims are put. Thus:

" A politician's conscience is like a pair of breeches, to be taken up or let down as it may suit the ease or convenience of the wearer."

"An English malcontent is like a dog shut out of doors on a cold night, who only howls to be let in."

"Debauching a Member of the House of Commons from his principles, and creating him a peer, is not much better than making a woman a whore, and afterwards marrying her."

"The thoughts of freedom make people easy in a republick, though they suffer more than under an arbitrary monarch."

"Many who carry the liberty of the people highest, serve them as they do trout, tickle them till they catch them."

J. M.

"MAY MAIDS" IN IRELAND, FRANCE, AND BELGIUM. In the south-eastern parts of Ireland (and no doubt all over the island) a custom used to prevail - perhaps so still-on Mayday, when the young people of both sexes, and many old people too, collected in districts and localities, and selected the handsomest girl, of from eighteen to twenty-one years of age, as queen of the

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tised a mechanical art, and if it will be necessary for me to get a new grant of arms? I am told that my gentility is done away by his misconduct, and that a new grant is necessary: is this so?

district for twelve months. She was then crowned with wild flowers, and feasting, dancing, and rural sports were closed by a grand procession in the evening. The duties of her majesty were by no means heavy, as she had only to preside over rural assemblies of young folk at dances and merrymakings, and had the utmost obedience paid to her by all classes of her subjects. If she got married before the next Mayday her authority was at an end, but still she held office until that day, when her successor to the throne was chosen. If not married during her reign of twelve months, she was capable of being re-elected, but that seldom happened, as there was always found some candidate, put forward by the young men of the district, to dispute the crown the next year. During a short residence in Normandy and Flanders, I saw processions of Maymaids - exactly like what used to take place in Ireland-crowning with flowers, &c.; but I could not ascertain if a queen were elected. Perhaps some correspondent acquainted with Normandy and Flanders can say something on this subject, as it would be interesting to ascertain how similar practices pre

vail in the three countries.



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KING WILLIAM III. - I have two anonymous volumes relative to King William; one entitled An Impartial History of the Plots and Conspiracies against the Life of His Sacred Majesty, King William III. (18mo, London, 1696); and the other, "by R. K.",* A True History of the several Designs and Conspiracies against His Majesties Sacred Person and Government, 1688-1697 (small 8vo, London, 1698). They are distinct publications, and, if I mistake not, rather uncommon. For a they were written.

MEDIATISED GERMAN PRINCES. - Where can I special purpose I am desirous to know by whom find a list of the mediatised German Princes? Авива. J. WOODWARD.

PHILLIPS FAMILY. - Any information concerning the ancestors of the Rev. George Phillips (who was graduated at Caius College, Cambridge, in 1613, settled as a minister at Boxted, in Essex, and emigrated to Massachusetts in 1630) will be gratefully received by J. C. L.


"What, for instance, are we to understand by the King (James IV.) playing at the prop in Strathbogy, and losing four shillings and fourpence? and what is the difference between the lang bowlis with which his Majesty amused himself at St. Andrews, on the 28th April, 1487, and the row bowlis which contributed to his royal diversion on the 20th June, 1501?... What again are we to understand by the Kiles which the King played at in Glenluce on the 29th March, 1506? and what is the distinction between the game of Irish gamyne (March 17th, 1507) and the 'tables' which occur so constantly.". Tytler's Lives of Scottish Worthies, vol. iii. pp. 341-2, under "Ancient Scottish Games and Amusements."

I am in the dark as to all these queries, but would suggest that "prop" may have been some sort of "Aunt Sally" diversion, or else it may be a contraction of propulsion, and mean something like "putting the stone," or of propounding or asking of riddles.

As to "lang bowlis," I take it golf is meant, especially as St. Andrew's is the scene; or it may have been football, called in Old England balowne or balloon.

May "kiles" be a misprint, or misreading for

Queries with Answers.

BISHOP Cox, oF ELY, AND QUEEN ELIZABETH.In Murray's Handbook to the Cathedrals of England (Eastern Division, "Ely Cathedral," p. 255), occurs the following explanation of the circumstance under which Bishop Cox is said to have received an extraordinary letter from Queen Elizabeth; a copy of which I send to "N. & Q.," though it has often been printed:

"In 1559 Edward Cox, on the deprivation of Bishop Thirlby, was consecrated to the See of Ely; from which, under the pressure of the Queen and Courtiers, he was compelled to alienate many of the best Manors.... The Lord Keeper Hatton subsequently procured the alienation of a portion of the Bishop's property at Holborn; and it was on making resistance to this spoliation that Cox received this celebrated letter from the Queen:

""Proud Prelate,-You know what you were before I made you what you are. If you do not immediately comply with my request, by G- I will unfrock you.


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