After Confession. (From Ps. cii.) BLESS the Lord, O my soul: and let all that is within me bless His holy name. Bless the Lord, O my soul: and never forget all He hath done for thee. Who forgiveth all thine iniquities: Who healeth all thy diseases. Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: Who crowned thee with mercy and compassion. The Lord is compassionate and merciful: longsuffering and plenteous in mercy. He hath not dealt with us according to our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. As far as the east is from the west; so far hath He removed our iniquities from us. As a father hath compassion on his children; so hath the Lord compassion on them that fear Him. For He knoweth our frame; He remembereth that we are but dust. Bless the Lord, all His angels: ye ministers of His that do His will. Bless the Lord, all His works in every place of His dominion: bless thou the Lord, O my soul. Glory be to the Father, etc. PRAYER OF ST. FRANCIS OF SALES. O MY GOD, I, a miserable creature, come before Thee, devoid of meritorious works, and possessing nothing wherewith to atone for my sins; but I offer Thee the merits of Jesus, Thy beloved Son, which are infinitely greater than all the offences committed against Thee by me and all other creatures. Eternal Father, I offer Thee the price of redemption which Thy beloved Son laid down for me when dying on the wood of the cross. Look down, O Lord, on the face of Thy Christ; hearken to the voice of His blood, imploring mercy for me; and if now my eyes are tearless to weep over my sins, and if my heart detests them only inwardly, look much rather on the tears of Thy only-begotten Son, and on all the drops of blood which He has shed for me both in life and in death. Through the unspeakable humility of Thy most beloved Son, forgive me, O my God, my pride and my vanity. Through His most holy truth and love, forgive me all my insincerity, and through His perfect poverty forgive me all my covetousness. Through the virginal purity of His body forgive all the impurity of my heart and senses; through the hunger and thirst which He suffered in the desert and on the cross, pardon all my intemperance and concupiscence. Through the meekness and mildness of the immaculate Lamb, take not into consideration my anger, stubbornness and and vengeance. Through the patient, loving care and diligence with which He worked out my salvation, forgive me all my negligence and tepidity. Through all His merits and infinite perfections, forgive me my countless shortcomings and frailties. In order to make satisfaction for so many faults, I will readily bear all troubles, afflictions and contradictions whether they come to me directly from Thee or through Thy creatures, according to the decrees of Thy divine providence. To this Thy providence I submit with all my heart, and even to my last breath. All and everything, O my God, but no more sin! Devotions for Communion: Before Boly (St. Alphonsus.) ACT OF FAITH. MY BELOVED REDEEMER, in a few moments Thou art coming to me. O hidden God, unknown to the greater part of men, I believe, I confess, I adore Thee in the Most Holy Sacrament as my Lord and Saviour! And in acknowledgment of this truth, I would willingly lay down my life. Thou comest to enrich me with Thy graces and to unite Thyself wholly to me; how great, then, should be my confidence in this, Thy so loving visit! ACT OF CONFIDENCE. EXPAND thyself, O my soul, for thy Jesus can do thee every good, and love thee exceedingly. Hope then for great things from thy Lord, Who, urged by love, cometh all love to thee. Yes, my dearest Jesus, my only hope, I trust in Thy goodness, that, in giving Thyself to me this morning, Thou wilt enkindle in my poor heart the beautiful flame of Thy pure love, and a real desire to please Thee; so that, from this day forward, I may never will anything but what Thou willest. ACT OF LOVE. Aн, my God, my God, Thou true and only Love of my soul! what more couldst Thou have done to be loved by me? To die for me was not enough for Thee, my Lord; Thou wast pleased to institute this great Sacrament in order to give Thyself all to me, and thus bind and unite Thyself heart to heart with so loathsome and ungrateful a creature as I am. And what is more, Thou Thyself invitest me to receive Thee, and desirest so much that I should do so! O boundless love! incomprehensible love! infinite love! a God would give Himself wholly to me! My soul, believest thou this? And what doest thou? what sayest thou? O God, O |