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utpote, qui falsi sint atque hæ-being false and heretical, and as beretici [als unrecht, falsch, ketze- ing inconsistent with the Word of risch], et qui Verbo Dei, tribus God, with the three approved Symapprobatis Symbolis [den dreien bols, the Augsburg Confession, with Symbolis], Augustana Confes- the Apology of the same, the Smalsioni, ejusdem Apologiæ, Smal- cald Articles, and the Catechisms caldicis Articulis, et Catechismis of Luther; which errors also all Lutheri repugnent: quos etiam the godly, high and low alike, errores omnes pii summi atque ought to beware of and avoid, uninfimi cavere et vitare debent, less they wish to hazard their own nisi æternæ suæ salutis jacturam eternal salvation. facere velint [so lieb ihnen ihrer Seelen Heil und Seligkeit ist].

Quod autem hæc sit omnium Now that this is the faith, docnostrum fides, doctrina et con- trine, and confession of us all (confessio (de qua in novissimo illo cerning which we are prepared to die Judici Domino nostro Jesu render account at the last day to Christo rationem reddere parati sumus), et quod contra hanc doctrinam nihil vel occulte vel aperte dicere aut scribere, sed per gratiam Dei in ea constanter perseverare velimus: in ejus rei fidem, re bene meditata, in vero Dei timore et invocatione nominis ejus [wohlbedächtig in wahrer Furcht und Anrufung Gottes] hanc epitomen propriis manibus subscrip- scribed this Epitome.2 simus.2

our Lord Jesus Christ the Judge), and that against this doctrine we are minded to speak or write nothing either hiddenly or openly, but by the grace of God steadfastly to persevere therein: in attestation of this thing, having well advised of the matter, in the true fear of God and calling upon his name, we have with our own hands sub

That is, the Apostles', the Nicene, and the Athanasian Creeds, which are incorporated in the Lutheran Book of Concord.

* The list of subscribers is added to the Preface of the Book of Concord, and embraces eighty-six names, headed by three Electors—John of the Palatinate, Augustus of Saxony, and John George of Brandenburg.



[The Four Articles of Visitation, prepared by Ægidius Hunnins and other Lutheran divines against Crypto-Calvinism in Electoral Saxony, 1592, never acquired general authority, and have now ceased to e binding even in Saxony. But they are historically important as a condensed and authoritative state.nent of the differences between orthodox Lutheranism and Calvinism concerning the doctrines of the sacraments, the person of Christ, and predestination. It should not be forgotten that they are the prodact of a fierce polemical age, which could hardly do justice to an opponent. Calvinists would not accept the views in the extreme form here ascribed to them, least of all the horrible doctrine that God created the greater portion of mankind for eternal damnation.' Luther (in his book against Erasmus) taught the same doctrine on the subject of predestination as Calvin.

The German and Latin texts are taken from Müller's edition of the Symbolical Books of the Lutheran Church, pp. 779-784. The Latin text is also given in Hase's Libri Symb. Comp. Vol. I. p. 345.]

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De Sacra Cœna.
Pura et vera doctrina no-
strarum ecclesiarum de
Sacra Cana:

I. Quod verba Christi:


For the Electorate aud Provinces of Upper Saxony, published A.D. 1592. ART. I.

Of the Lord's Supper.

The pure and true Doctrine of our Churches on the Lord's Supper.

I. That the words of

I. Daß die Worte Christi : Nehmet und eßet, das ist mein AcCIPITE ET COMEDITE, HOC Christ, 'Take and eat, this Leib; trinket, das ist mein EST CORPUS MEUM; BIBITE, is my Body;' 'Drink, this Blut, einfältig und nach HIC EST SANGUIS MEUS, sim- is my Blood,' are to be dem Buchstaben, wie sie lau- pliciter et secundum litte- understood in the simple ten, zu verstehen sind. ram, sicut sonant, intelli- and literal sense, as they genda sint.


II. Daß im Sacrament zwei II. Quod in sacramento II. That, in the SacraDinge sind, gegeben und mit duæ res sint, quæ exhiben- ment, there are two things einander empfangen werden: tur et simul accipiuntur: which are exhibited and ein irdisches, das ist Brot una terrena, quæ est panis received together: one, und Wein; und ein himm et vinum; et una cœlestis, earthly, which is bread lisches, das ist der Leib und quæ est corpus et sanguis Blut Chrifti. Christi.

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and wine; the other, heavenly, which is the body and blood of Christ.

III. That these things [this union, exhibition, and sumption] take place here below on the earth, and not above in heaven.

IV. Daß es der rechtes IV. Quod exhibeatur et IV. That the true and natürliche Leib Christi accipiatur verum et natu- natural body of Christ sei, der am Kreuz gehangen, rale corpus Christi, quod which hung on the cross, und das rechte, natürliche in cruce pependit, et verus and the true and natural Blut, das aus Christi Seite ac naturalis sanguis, qui ex blood, which flowed from gesloßen. Christi latere fluxit. the side of Christ, are exhibited and received.

V. That the body and blood of Christ are received

V. Daß der Leib und Blut V. Quod corpus et sanChristi nicht nur mit dem guis Christi non fide tanGlauben geistlich, welches tum spiritualiter, quod eti- in the Supper, not only auch außerhalb dem Abend am extra cœnam fieri po- spiritually, which might mahl geschehen kann, sondern test, sed cum pane et vino be done out of the Supallda mit Brot und Wein oraliter, modo tamen imper- per; but by the mouth, mündlich, doch unerforsch scrutabili et supernaturali with the bread and wine; licher und übernatürlicher illic in cœna accipiantur, yet in an inscrutable and Weise empfangen werde, zu idque in pignus et certifi- supernatural manner; and einem Pfand und Versicher- cationem resurrectionis no- this for a pledge and asung der Auferstehung unserer strorum corporum ex mor- certainment of the resurLeiber von den Todten. rection of our bodies from the dead.


VI. Quod oralis percep

VI. That the body and

VI. Daß die mündliche Nießung des Leibes und tio corporis et sanguinis blood of Christ are reBlutes Christi nicht allein Christi non solum fiat a ceived orally, not only by von den Würdigen geschehe, dignis, verum etiam ab in- the worthy, but also by the sondern, auch von den Un dignis, qui sine pœniten- unworthy, who approach würdigen, die ohne Buße tia et vera fide accedunt; them without repentance und wahren Glauben hinzu- eventu tamen diverso. A and true faith; though geben; doch zu ungleichem dignis enim percipitur ad with different effect. By Ende von den Würdigen salutem, ab indignis autem the worthy, they are rezur Seligkeit, von den Un- ad iudicium.

würdigen aber zum Ge


ceived for salvation; by the unworthy, for judg ment.

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Die reine und wahrhaf- Pura et vera doctrina no- The pure and true Doctrine

tige Lehre unserer Kirchen dieses Artikels von der Person Christi:

I. In Christo sind zwei

strarum ecclesiarum de
hoc articulo de Persona

I. In Christo sunt duæ

unterschiedene Naturen, die distinctæ naturæ, divina et

of our Churches on the Article of the Person of Christ.

I. In Christ there are two distinct natures, the divine

göttliche und die mensch- humana. Hæ manent in and the human. These re

liche; diese bleiben in Ewig æternum inconfusa et inse- main eternally unmixed keit unvermenget und un- parabiles (seu indivisa).


II. Hæ duæ naturæ per

and inseparable (or undivided).

II. Diese beide Naturen II. These two natures are sind persönlich also mit sonaliter ita sunt unitæ, ut personally so united that einander vereiniget, daß nur unus tantum sit Christus, there is but one Christ ein Christus, eine Person ist. et una persona. and one person.

III. Um dieser persönlichen III. Propter hanc perso- III. On account of this Bereinigung willen wird recht nalem unionem recte dici- personal union it is rightgesagt, ist auch in der That tur, atque in re et veritate ly said, and in fact and und Wahrheit also, daß Gott ita se habet, quod Deus truth it really is, that God Mensch, und Mensch Gott Homo et Homo Deus sit, is man, and man is God; ist, daß Maria den Sohn quod Maria Filium Dei that Mary begat the Son Gottes geboren, und Gott genuerit, et quod Deus nos of God, and that God reuns durch sein eigen Blut per proprium suum sangui- deemed us by his own erlöset hat. proper blood. IV. By this personal

nem redemerit.

IV. Per hanc unionem

IV. Durch diese persönliche Bereinigung und darauf er- personalem et, quæ eam union, and the exaltation folgte Erhöhung ist Christus secuta est, exaltationem which followed it, Christ, nach dem Fleisch zur Rech- Christus secundum carnem according to the flesh, is ten Gottes gesetzet, und hat ad dexteram Dei collocatus placed at the right hand empfangen alle Gewalt im est, et accepit omnem po- of God, and has received Himmel und auf Erden, ist testatem in cœlo et in terra, all power in heaven and auch aller göttlichen Ma- factusque est particeps om- in earth, and is made parjestät, Ehre, Kraft und nis divinæ majestatis, hono- taker of all the divine Herrlichkeit theilhaftig wor- ris, potentiæ et gloriæ. majesty, honor, power, and glory.


Der dritte Artikel.

Von der heiligen Laufe.

Die reine, wahrhaftige Lehre unserer Kirchen von diesem Artikel der heiligen Taufe:

I. Daß nur eine Taufe sei

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Pura et vera doctrina no- The pure and true Doctrine
strarum ecclesiarum de
hoc articulo s. baptisma-

I. Quod unum tantum

of our Churches on this Article of Holy Baptism.

I. That there is but one Baptism, and one Ablu

und eine Abwaschung, nicht baptisma sit et una abluwelche die Unsauberkeit des tio, non quæ sordes cor- tion: not that which is Leibes pfleget hinweg zu neh- poris tollere solet, sed quæ used to take away the

men, sondern uns von Sünden nos a peccatis abluit.

filth of the body, but that which washes us from our sins.

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II. By Baptism, as a bath

Bad der Wiedergeburt und Er- quam lavacrum illud re- of the regeneration and neuerung des heiligen Geistes generationis et renovatio- renovation of the Holy machet uns Gott selig, und nis Spiritus Sancti salvos Ghost, God saves us, and wirket in uns solche Gerechtig- nos facit Deus et operatur works in us such justice keit und Reinigung von Sün- in nobis talem justitiam et and purgation from our den, daß, wer in solchem Bund purgationem a peccatis, ut, sins, that he who perseund Vertrauen bis an das qui in eo fœdere et fiducia veres to the end in that Ende beharret, nicht verloren usque ad finem perseverat, covenant and hope does wird, sondern das ewige Leben non pereat, sed habeat vi- not perish, but has eternal hat.

tam æternam.


III. Alle, die in Christum III. Omnes, qui in Chri- III. All who are bapJesum getauft sind, die sind stum Jesum baptizati sunt, tized in Jesus Christ are in seinen Tod getauft, und in mortem ejus baptizati baptized in his death; durch die Taufe mit ihm in sunt, et per baptismum and by baptism are buried seinen Tod begraben, und ha- cum ipso in mortem ejus with him in his death, ben Christum angezogen. consepulti sunt, et Chri- and have put on Christ. stum induerunt.

IV. Die Taufe ist das Bad IV. Baptismus est lava- IV. Baptism is the bath oer Wiedergeburt, darum, daß crum illud regenerationis, of regeneration, because in in derselben wir von neuem propterea, quia in eo re- it we are born again, and geboren, und mit dem Geist nascimur denuo et Spiritu sealed by the Spirit of der Kindheit versiegelt und adoptionis obsignamur ex adoption through grace begnadet werden. gratia (sive gratis). (or gratuitously). V. Es sei denn, daß jemand V. Nisi quis renatus fueV. Unless a person be geboren werde aus dem Wasser rit ex aqua et Spiritu, non born again of water and and Geist, so kann er nicht in potest introire in regnum Spirit, he can not enter das Reich Gottes kommen. cœlorum. Casus tamen ne- into the kingdom of Doch ist der Nothfall hiemit cessitatis hoc ipso non in- heaven. nicht gemeinet.


This is not intended, however, for cases of necessity.

VI. Whatever is born


VI. Was vom Fleisch ge- VI. Quidquid de carne boren ist, das ist Fleisch, und nascitur, caro est, et na- of the flesh is flesh; and, von Natut sind wir alle Kin- tura sumus omnes filii iræ by nature, all of us der des Zornes Gottes; denn divinæ, quia ex semine children of divine wrath: aus fündlichem Samen sind peccaminoso sumus geniti because we are born of wir gezeuget und in Sünden et in peccatis concipimur sinful seed, and we are all werden wir alle empfangen. omnes. born, in sin.

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