Obrazy na stronie

In addition to the foregoing, there were Shirley and Pepperell's regiments (disbanded in 1757), a few independent companies, and about 9,000 provincials. THOMAS CARTER.

Horse Guards.

AMERICA (3rd S. iii. 517.) - I desire to correct a very prevalent error in regard to slavery prior to this war. It is a frequent remark that the South was forced into the war by the insecure tenure of its property in slaves. It is incontestible that Congress neither could nor would have attempted to interfere with slavery in the States where it existed; but it is said that the slaves ran away in great numbers, and the North was about refusing to deliver them up. I quote the following from the Official Abstract of the Census for 1860 - a document probably not familiar to your



" From the tables annexed it appears, that while there escaped from their masters 1,011 slaves in 1850, or 1 in each 3165, held in bondage (about of 1 per cent.) during the census year ending June 1, 1860, out of 3,949,557 slaves, there escaped only 803, being 1 to about 5000, or at the rate of of 1 per cent. Small and inconsiderable as this number appears, it is not pretended that all missing in the border states, much less any considerable number escaping from their owners in the more southern regions, escaped into the free states; and when we consider that in the border states not 500 escaped out of more than 1,000,000 slaves in 1860, while near 600 escaped in 1850 out of 900,000, and at the two periods near 800 are reported to have escaped from the more southern slave-holding states, the fact becomes evident that the escape of this class of persons, while rapidly decreasing in ratio in the border slave states, occurs inde

pendent of proximity to a free population, being in the nature of things incident to the relation of master and


Let this fact, then, be understood by your readers, that however much the Northerners may have disliked slavery, still whatever rights were guaranteed to the owners by the law, were scrupulously conceded. The rebellion was not caused by any violation of the law by the North, so far as the ownership of slaves was concerned.

I have before remarked that the records of Virginia are very imperfect, and that the Southern pedigrees are necessarily very obscure. I find a very curious proof of this in the last (July) number of our New England Historical and Genealogical Register. Mr. Isaac J. Greenwood, Jun., therein notices some facts in the Washington pedigree which are hard to reconcile, and copies a letter from the Rev. J. M. Simpkinson of Brington, the author of a work relating to the Washingtons. I believe that I state the point fairly in saying that it is now impossible to identify the emigrants to Virginia with any members of the English family; certainly that there is no proof sufficient to satisfy Heralds' College. As Mr. Simpkinson can tell the story more plainly than I can, I leave it to him. I only wish to show that

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WALDO FAMILY (3rd S. iii. 397.) - M. C. J. is informed that the Brigadier-General Waldo was of Boston, the son of Jonathan Waldo, and grandson, I think, of Cornelius Waldo. He was a large landowner in Maine, where the "Waldo patent is still well remembered. He died May 23, 1756, leaving two sons, Samuel and Francis, and two daughters. Samuel was Judge of Probate in Maine, and died April 16, 1770, aged forty-nine years, leaving issue. Francis was the collector at Portland, Maine, and died unmarried.

The first of the name in this country was Cornelius, of Ipswich, Mass. 1654. I should be very glad to learn from M. C. J. the connection between this branch and any English family, and to send him in return any particulars about the American Waldos: the list would of course be too extensive for publication in " N. & Q."

Boston, U. S. A.


SIR BASIL BROOKE (3rd S. iv. 81.) - Sir Basil was not the son of his namesake as the MESSRS. COOPER suppose, but the eldest son of John Brooke of Madeley, in Shropshire, Esq., and Anne, eldest daughter of Francis Shirley of Staunton Harold, Esq., and Dorothy, daughter of Sir John Gifford of Chillington. See the Visitation of Shropshire, Ad. MS. 14,314, fol. 40 b., where, however, Francis Shirley is called Ralph by mistake. Sir Basil married Etheldreda, daughter of Sir Edmund Brudenell, Knt., as appears by Nichols's Leicestershire, ii. pt. 11. For a view of the present remains of Great Madeley Court, see the first vol. of the Anastatic Society, XII.

For verses addressed "To my much honored and intirely beloved friend Sir Basill Brooke, Knight," see J. Daviess Scourge of Folly, 1611, p. 132. The other Sir Basil Brooke was one of the undertakers for the settlement of the Province of Ulster, who died in 1633. See Archdall's edition of Lodge's Peerage of Ireland, vol. vi. p. 35. This Sir Basil was of Magherabegge and Brooke Manor in the county of Donegal, and built the fine Elizabethan house or castle still remaining at Donegal. What was the relationship between them?


Lower Eatington Park, Stratford-on-Avon.

I have a copy of the Entertainments for Lent, by Caussin, translated by Sir Basil Brooke; but it is a good deal the worse for wear, and has no title-page, the last leaf is also wanting. I cannot therefore say where it was printed, nor determine its date, though it is certainly not older than the end of the last century. The plan of the work is the following. First is given the gospel of each

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ORIGIN OF THE WORD "BIGOT" (1st S. ν. 277, 331; ix. 560; 3rd S. iv. 39, 98.) - In answer to one of the Queries of R. W. (3rd S. iv. 39), I subjoin the following from R. Cotgrave's Dictionary, published in 1611:

"Bigot (an old Norman word, signifying as much as 'De par Dieu,' or our For God's sake,' made good French, and signifying), an hypocrite, or, one that seemeth much more holy than he is; also, a scrupulous or superstitious fellow."

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PEALS OF TWELVE (3rd S. iv. 96.) - OXONIENSIS asks how many cathedrals and churches have peals of twelve bells. The following is, I believe, a pretty correct list:

St. Bride's, Fleet Street; St. Michael's, Cornhill; St. Giles's, Cripplegate; St. Leonard's, Shoreditch; St. Martin's-in-the-Fields; St. Saviour's, Southwark; Christ Church, Spitalfields; St. Clement's Danes; St. Alphage, Greenwich; St. Mary's, Cambridge; St. Nicholas, Liverpool; St. Peter's, Mancroft, Norwich; St. Chad's, Shrewsbury; St. Martin's, Birmingham; St. Peter's, Leeds; Parish Church, Cirencester; Oldham, Lancashire; the Minster, York; Quex Park, Thanet, Kent; Painswick, Gloucester.

As for "poetical effusions" on bells, I have not attempted to include them in my List of Bell Literature. They are more numerous than books and tractates on the subject. A collection would form an interesting volume; beginning, it may be, with Aldrich's "Bonny Christ Church bells." H. T. ELLACOMBE.

BINDING A STONE IN A SLING (3rd S. iv. 9, 96.) We are necessarily in a difficulty when we come to a word in the Hebrew which occurs once only, as is the case with מַרְוּמָה )Prov. xxvi. 8). The most ancient versions, as the Chaldee, Greek, Syriac, and Arabic, understand a sling. The Vulgate, Aben Ezra, Martin Luther, David Martin (in French), Schultens, Gesenius, Augusti, and De Wette, understand a heap of stones. Gesenius renders the word צרור a purse or bag (as in Gen. xlii. 35, Prov. vii. 20), but such version requires the word אֶבֶן a stone, to be in the plural. The term Mercurii, in the Latin, is very objectionable, as this deity was unknown to Solomon. We see then that the version of the Vulgate and of the moderns rests not on the authority of the ancient versions, but is an inference from etymology; but etymology is not trustworthy in this case, for a heap of stones and a sling for throwing stones may both require the same root, רָגַםragam, in

Hebrew, to stone, or ragam in Arabic, to heap up stones. The sense given by Kimchi is אַרְגְמָן, purple, which appears to be the view of R. Levi. I may add the conjecture that מרגמה should be read מרקמה embroidery, party-coloured cloth,* a premasoretic error of the ear of one writing from dictation. There are, however, but two reliable meanings, the one in our text, and the other in our margin; the former having the higher authorities in its favour. I do not consider the

meaning of the text to be to fasten the stone so that it cannot be thrown, but to secure it in the sling for the purpose of being thrown to the injury of some one, as honour is injurious to the fool to whom it is given. T. J. BUCKTON.



(3rd S. iv. 7.) - Q. wishes to know whether, as these terms seem equally applied to knights civil and military, and equally imply knighthood, there is any distinction arising out of them: his query remains unanswered. Jacob van Oudenhoven, who wrote in the early part of the seventeenth century,† says, that a Ridder (knight) was in Latin official documents styled Miles, or Eques, that the latter term denoted a land warrior, and the latter a sea warrior; but it was certainly a curious term to apply to a seaman, unless there were horse-marines in those days. He refers to Hadrianus Junius's Batavia, cap. xix., which I have not at hand; he goes on to say, without mentioning

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Eques Auratus, that it was customary in early times to invest knights who had made themselves conspicuous by their valour with a golden sash or belt, publicly bestowed, whereupon they assumed the highest degree of knighthood. Will this help Q. out of his corner? JAMES KNOWLES.

JAMES SHERGOLD BOONE (3rd S. iii. 510; iv. 98.) Your correspondent Carus mentions a jeu d'esprit written by Mr. Boone, "while an undergraduate, describing the fire at Christ Church, one verse of which I recollect:

And trembling scouts forgot to cap the Dean.” I have not a copy of the piece in question, but four couplets from it are thus quoted in the descriptions to the illustrations in The English Spy, by Bernard Blackmantle (i. e. Charles Molloy Westmacott), 1825.

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BRIDPORT, ITS TOPOGRAPHY, ETC. (3rd S. iv. 75.)-May I ask the new editors of Hutchins not to sanction the error of most compilers of Encyclopædias, Geographical Dictionaries, &c., with reference to this town. Having occasion to seek some important information respecting Bridport,

Gownsmen and townsmen throng'd the water's edge I have consulted various Gazetteers and Cyclo

To gaze upon the dreadful sacrilege;

-There with drooping mien, a silent band, Canons and bedmaker together stand:

pædias under this head; and find them one and all in error with reference to the name of the river upon which Bridport is situated. The description invariably runs:

"Bridport, a town on the river Bride," &c.

In equal horror all alike were seen,
And shuddering scouts forgot to cap the Dean."

P. 15.

The coloured illustration to this, at p. 147, is by Robert Cruikshank, and represents the scene at the fire, with the leaden statue of Mercury, "the gift of Dr. John Radcliffe, which rises from the centre of the basin, on the spot where once stood the sacred cross of St. Frideswide, and the pulpit of the reformer, Wickliffe." At p. 140 of the same work, mention is made of The Oxford Spy as "being written by Shergold Boone, Esq., a young member of the University." My copy of The Oxford Spy is the fourth edition, 1819. The poem occupies 101 pages, the "Introduction" 46 pages. Mr. Boone gained the Newdigate in 1817, with a poem of fifty-two lines, on the subject of The Farnese Hercules. Mr. Boone was also the author of The Welcome of Isis, a poem of thirty-one pages, " occasioned by an expected visit of the Duke of Wellington to the University of Oxford," in 1820, in which year the poem was written, but it was not published until June, 1834, on the occasion of the Duke's memorable visit to Oxford, when the

"Ode for the Encænia at Oxford, June 11, 1834, in honour of his Grace, Arthur, Duke of Wellington, Chancellor of the University,"

was written by the Professor of Poetry, Keble. The titlepage of The Welcome of Isis merely states it to be "by the author of The Oxford Spy."

To this note I would append a query: Was Mr. Boone the author of a very clever satirical poem

There is no such river in Bridport as the Bride. I have resided in that neighbourhood all my life, and can testify to the correctness of the following note, in Mr. Maskell's Lecture on the history of this town:

"Three rivers unite, and fall into the sea at Bridport Harbour:

"1. The Brit, rising at Axnole Hill, and flowing south by Beaminster to Parnham, Netherbury, and Melplaish, thence to Bridport. On reaching Bridport, it flows under West Bridge, dividing the town from Allington.

"2. The Symene, which rises in Symondsbury (dividing that parish from Allington), and joins the Brit to the south of the town of Bridport.

"3. The Asker, from Askerswell, which flows under the East Bridge, and thence south-west to the Harbour Road, under the South Bridge, meeting the Brit near the old brewery.

"These three rivers, thus united, form Bridport Harbour."

By this note it appears that the hasty compilers of Gazetteers, &c., have mistaken the

"Bride" for the "Burt," or "Brit;" which error is to some extent excusable, for inhabitants of Bridport often make the same mistake, so true it is that "we know less of what we daily see than of more remote matters." There is no river Bride nearer to Bridport than Bridehead, in the parish of Littlebredy (ten miles distant), which river falls into the sea at Burton-anciently, Bride


[* The author was George Cox, M.A., Fellow of New College, Oxford. See "N. & Q." 1st S. v. 332, 574,-ED.]


Bridport, from the Brit, or Burt, was formerly written Burtporte. Hence the proverb: "Stabbed with a Burport dagger," periphrase for being hanged, in allusion to the ropes for which the manufactors of Bridport were once famous, and with which Newgate and other places were supplied. See the old morality of Hycke Scorner, in Dr. Percy's Collection, dated 1520 (circ.): "Once a yere the inmates of Newgat have taw halts of Burtporte." E. E. C.

My best thanks are due to W. S. & S. W. H. for their kindly notice of my brochure on this subject, published in 1855. The edition is now exhausted, by the free distribution of copies, not their sale, for my pamphlet met with the customary fate of maiden publications, and was a considerable pecuniary loss to its author, a poor curate! I am rejoiced to learn that the history of this ancient town is likely to be so ably investigated by the new editors of Hutchins. I had no access to such documents as I rejoice to find are placed before these editors; in fact, I well remember with how much want of courtesy an application to search the records was refused. But I am glad to find that the Records are now in more friendly, although, I dare say, not less careful custody. The chief purport of this long note is to call the attention of Messrs. Shipp and Hodson to the following references to Bridport, which I have entered in an interleaved copy of my published lecture. This book is quite at the service of these gentlemen, if they think it worth while to have it on loan, through the post. References to Bridport dport may be found in the Gentleman's Magazine, Ixxxvii. i. 32; lxxxviii. i. 393. Calendar of Stute Papers (Bruce), 1626, 1629, 1631. Dugdale's Monasticon, vi. 759. Roberts's Life of the Duke of Monmouth, i. 262-274. Quarterly Review, cxciii. 189. There are also interesting references to Bridport in the Lords' Journals, v. 310; xxi. 653, 654, 662; xxviii.; xxxi. 60; xxxvii. ; lii. and lv.; and in the Journals of the House of Commons, i. ii. and xevii. J. MASKELL.

Tower Hill.

ISSUE OF LEE, EARL OF LITCHFIELD (3rd S. iv. 113.)-Your correspondent, MR. GEORGE LEE, is under a mistake in supposing that the Lady Elizabeth Lee, third daughter of the first Earl of Litchfield, married Sir George Broon, Bart. According to a pedigree in my possession, she married first Colonel Francis Lee, by whom she had issue one daughter, who married - Temple, Esq.; and secondly, in 1731, the celebrated poet the Rev. Edward Young, D.C.L., who had been appointed Rector of Welwyn, Herts, in 1730.

The Lady Barbara Lee, her Ladyship's sister, the fourth and youngest daughter of the first Earl of Litchfield, married, in 1725, Sir George Browne, Bart., of Kiddington (of the family of

Browne, Viscount Montagu). The issue of which marriage was an only daughter and heiress, Barbara Browne; who married, first, Sir Edward Mostyn, fifth baronet, of Talacre, Talacre, Flintshire, I and had two sons; and secondly, Charles Gore, Esq., of Barrow Court, Somerset; leaving two sons, Colonel Gore-Langton of Newton, and the Rev. Charles Gore. Thus the Mostyns of Talacre, Lord Vaux of Harrowden (George Mostyn), and the Gore-Langtons of Somersetshire, are each representatives in the female line of the ancient family of Lee. F. G. L.

Lady Elizabeth Lee did not marry into the family of the Broons or Brownes, but her sister Lady Barbara Lee did. Lady Elizabeth married first, Colonel Lee; and of that marriage one daughter, Elizabeth, was the first wife of the present Lord Palmerston's grandfather; and another daughter, Caroline, was the first wife of General William Haviland, of Penn, Bucks. Lady Elizabeth married, secondly, Dr. Edward Young, Rector of Welwyn, the author of the Night Thoughts, and some beautiful letters are extant written by him to his favourite step-daughter, Mrs. General Haviland. Lady Barbara Lee was married, in May, 1725, to Sir George Browne, of Kiddington, Bart., the "Sir Plume" of Pope's Rape of the Lock.


MILTON PORTRAIT (3rd S. iv. 26.) - Will the following references be of any service to MR. G. SCHARF? I fear not, but it is just possible.

Writing Wordsworth, in 1815, Lamb tells him that his brother John had picked up a portrait of Milton, "undoubtable" says C. L. "The original of the heads in the Tonson editions" (p. 243). He returns to the subject in another letter (p. 245). - Lamb's Works, &c., by Talfourd, collected edition, in one volume, 1852.

I add a Query: Is anything known of the whereabouts and value of this portrait ?


"BOADICEA" (3rd S. iv. 69.)---The lines quoted are not in Boadicea, a Tragedy, by Charles Hopkins, "as acted by Her Majesty's Servants at the Theatre in Lincoln's Inn Fields," 1697.


LUCRETIA MARIA DAVIDSON (3rd S. iv. 53.) — A long Memoir of this young lady is appended to her Poetical Remains, edited by her mother, and published in Philadelphia, 1841; London, 1843; and New York, 1851. One can hardly think that so circumstantial an account relates to a fictitious and imaginary person."


EXCHEQUER (3rd S. iv. 73.)

"Il est sans doute qu'il vient du mot Allemand Skecken qui signifie envoyer, parceque cette assemblée avoit succédé aux envoyés ou Missis Dominicis, étant composée

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THE "FAERIE QUEENE" UNVEILED (3rd S. iv. 102.)-It is a pity the writer of this article had not recourse to the last and best edition of Spenser (that by Mr. J. P. COLLIER). Had he done this, your readers might have been spared the repetition of the paltry and preposterous insinuation that the illustrious poet was his own commentator and encomiast. We have proved with reasonable certainty, that "E. K.," the author of the Glosse and Scholion on the Shepheard's Calender, was Edward Kirke - a contemporary at Pembroke Hall of Spenser and Gabriel Harvey ("N. & Q.," 2nd S. ix. 42; Athenæ Cantabr. ii. 244); and MR. COLLIER has expressed his opinion, that we have cleared up the matter.



SIR CHARLES CALTHROPE (3rd S. iv. 55.)-Permit me to ask your correspondent MR. TOTTENHAM, whether there is not some omission in his account of this family? He states that Sir Charles, born 1524, was son of Sir Francis; who was son of Sir William, who was high sheriff of Norfolk, 1st Hen. VI. (1422), and was son of Sir Bartholomew, who was son of Sir William; whose • father, Sir Oliver, was son of Sir William, who lived in the time of the Conqueror (1066 to 1087). This makes only six generations generations in about four hundred and fifty years, which is of course impossible.


OLD STAFFORD BALLAD (3rd S. iv. 87.) - The explanation of these lines may perhaps be found in an old rustic sport; which consisted in hauling a waggon wheel to the top of a hill, and then letting it run and jump from the top to the bottom. This within my own memory was an amusement dear to the yokels of Wye, near Ashford, Kent, and I believe elsewhere. In order to make my explanation intelligible, I must crave permission to repeat the lines in question:

"As I wer a gooin oop Whorley Boonk,
Oop Whorley Boonk, oop Whorley Boonk,
Coomin down:

The cart stud still and the wheel went round,
Coomin down,

A gooin oop Whorley Boonk."

Boonk, a bank, still bonk in Scotland. Conf. A.-S. banc; and, in Isl., bunca, "tumor terræ."

"Coomin down" is the rough warning given by the lads at the top of the "boonk," when they have started the wheel; and that seems to be the reason why in singing, as your learned correspondent states, it is "shouted more loudly than

the rest." The latter part of the fourth line I would connect with what follows, not with what precedes. The sense of the passage will then be: As I was going up the Boonk (driving a cart), I heard voices above shouting the warning "Coomin down!" I stopped my cart; "and the wheel went round, coomin down." SCHIN.

THE TERMINATION "OT" (3rd S. iv. 87) forms one of the most frequent diminutives in the French language. Cf. the surnames Bellot (Bell, i. e.

Isabel); Didot; Elliott (Eli or Elias); Gillot (Will); Guizot; Harriot, Heriot (Harry); Jacot, Jacotot, a double dim. (Jacques); Janot, Janotus, Jeanot (Jean); Margot (Marguerite); Marriott (Marie); Nicot (Nicolas); Parrott, Perrott, Pierrot (Pierre); Tiennot (Etienne, i. e. Stephen); Tillot (Matilda). "Ot" takes also the form of at, att, et, ett, it, itt, as in Parratt, Pellatt, Thomasett, Parret, Parritt.




Particulars of Price, &c., of the following Books to be sent direct to the gentlemen by whom they are required, and whose names and addresses are given for that purpose:

BELLAMY'S BIBLE. 2 Vols. 4to.

Wanted by Thos. Millard, 70, Newgate Street.


Wanted by Sir T. E. Winnington, Bart., Stanford Court,

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Notices to Correspondents.

We are compelled to postpone until next week our usual Notes on Books.

PRAY REMEMBER THE GROTTO. Our correspondent will find in our first Number, p. 5, the very probable suggestion, that these grottoes were formerly erected on St. James's Day by poor persons, as an invitation to the pious, who could not visit the shrine of St. James's at Compostella, to show their reverence for the saint by almsgiving to their needy brethren.

Е. М. С. To what address can we forward a letter for this Correspondent?

J. A. C. VINCENT. It is well known that Dr. John Barkham, or Barcham, Dean of Bocking, was the author of Gwillim's Heraldry. See Nicolson's Historical Libraries, Wood's Athenæ Oxon. by Bliss, ii. 297-299;i. 36; Moule's Bibliotheca Heraldica; and the Ceusura Literaria.

T. PURNELL. We were indebted to a Radnorshire gentleman for the version of the epigram given at p. 70. Upon reference to the MS. we do find that Monmouthshire was misread for Merionethshire. We have frequently hinted to our correspondents that all proper names should be written legibly.

"NOTES AND QUERIES" is published at noon on Friday, and is also issued in MONTHLY PARTS. The Subscription for STAMPED COPIES for Six Months forwarded direct from the Publishers (including the Hal yearly INDEX) is 118. 4d., which may be paid by Post Office Order in javour of MESSRS. BELL AND DALDY, 186, FLEET STREET, E.C., to whom all COMMUNICATIONS FOR THE EDITOR should be addressed.

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