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tation,' ""dissipation," for "usury," "monoply of commerce, "and seeking to create sectional preferences and facilities, by the use of the public purse." It is not for us to say that the General is unacquainted with his employers: but so far as we can perceive, Bishop England has indeed denounced bad practices, but did not attribute them to either of the parties engaged in the contest, that task he has left to those whose better acquaintance with the perpetrators qualifies them better for its discharge.

But suppose the Bishop had "put aside his priestly robes, and entered into the field of politics," as Mr. Green asserts he has done in this instance, why does the General again clothe him in those robes? Why not assail him without thus covering him with what he had put off? Is it not manifest that the object was to mangle the robes under the pretext of merely wounding the politician? To strike Dr. England, would be a poor vengeance; but to strike, and to wound, and to oppress the Catholic body of the United States, is quite another achievement.

Bishop England wrote a letter, the expressions of which were "correct in themselves"-but the State of Illinois thought proper to support a Governor, not of Mr. Green's party-and because a few Catholics happen to be in Illinois, it is a Catholic conspiracy! Therefore it is, that Mr. Green not only clothes Bishop England with the "priestly robes," that he had just laid aside, but has recourse to the paltry trick of insinuating, what even he himself would not have the hardihood to assert, that the Pope gave to Bishop England the office of "InquisitorGeneral of the United States."

The criminality of the Bishop then consists in having written the letter above given, and no more-and that of General Green consists in giving to the letter his interpretations, and in calumniating the Bishop and the Pope, by insinuating a known falsehood, which he was aware would be palpable to his employers. So far for Bishop England. But what an account has the General opened with the Catholic body, not only of the United States, but of Europe.

We must leave its examination for our next number.


Threat of Extirmination: We beg our readers to look to the advice given by General Duff Green, to our fellow-citizens, which is substantially that they should watch the result of the elections in every district, where there was a large number of Catholics, and if in that district there was a majority for Mr. Van Buren, then that the Cath

olics should be extirminated, and their religion proscribed. Nor was this a hasty effusion; the General wrote it some days after he had written another article of a similar character; he wrote and published deliberately. Let us now put a case to illustrate and show the practical effect of his principle.

In this city there is a large Catholic population; there can be no question but that even if every Catholic stayed from the polls, and that there was an election before the citizens to-morrow as to whether General Harrison, or Mr. Van Buren should be President, the almost unanimous vote of the city would be in favour of Mr. Van Buren. Thus without a single vote of a Catholic, the result would be produced. It is probable that Catholics will vote, yet that vote would not change the result. We know that a few Catholics, perhaps three or four, openly avow their preference for General Harrison. They are upon the same standing in their church as their fellow-members are, who avow a different preference, they have the same religious rights and facilities, and are upon the same friendly footing with their clergy; they use without suffering any inconvenience, their unquestionable right of citizens. In what does the crime of the Catholics consist, that they shall be extirminated?

We shall give another instance, and point out not a supposition, but a fact. There is a large body of Catholics in the city of Savannah, in Georgia. An election for municipal officers, was held there about twelve days since, upon each of the two opposed tickets there were the names of two Catholics, each of the four actually was or had been a member of the vestry. We know that at least one of each of the tickets is now in that office, and is a regular partaker of the sacraments, all are intimate friends of their pastor, and of Bishop England. The election turned precisely upon the preference for Van Buren or Harrison: this, and only this, was the ground of contest: the tickets proved that it was a strict party vote. The Van Buren ticket succeeded by an average majority of 81. According to General Green's principle, the Catholics of Savannah should be extirminated and their religion proscribed! -The Catholics of Savannah? No, but the whole body of Catholics. throughout the United States. And this is the republicanism and the toleration of General Duff Green, and his supporters!-We do not charge it upon the party that employs him, though we have long known that it is the principle of vast numbers of that party, yet we also know it is reprobated by a large number who are honestly opponents to the Democratic party, who love republicanism, and who would show, if necessary, their hatred of persecution by rallying even in the field of fight to pre

vent the extirmination of the Catholics. It is, therefore, we do not consider it the principle of the party, though cherisheed and fostered by men high amongst them, but published only by a few.

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We believe, for our own part, that even the General himself would not wage this war of extirmination we look upon his production in another light more insulting but less malevolent. We consider it as intended to work upon the fears of cowards rather than to proclaim what he intended to have done. We may be wrong; perhaps he intended to do what he described. With that we have no concern. The General and his troops may begin as soon as he pleases,-nor need the Catholics lift a finger in their own defence: the spirit of Boston is not that which influences the Union. We are safe under the protection of our Protestant fellow-citizens. We are safe under the guardianship of those who are neither Catholic or Protestant. We are safe under the protecting genius of our free institutions. We have no fears, though it has been fashionable to insult us; and still we are treated with a contumely which is flung upon no other portion of our fellow-citizens; but Catholics themselves are greatly to blame, for they have frequently exhibited too much of the spaniel, and whilst they continue so to do, will receive that obloquy which is due to what is meanness of character, but not the humility of religion.

The Protestants have good sense enough to know that the safety of each sect and the preservation of religious liberty consist, not in the destruction of the Catholics, but in the immediate and uncompromising destruction of such a principle as General Green recommends; a principle which would destroy the Catholic this year, the Methodist the year after the Baptist, the Protestant Episcopalian, and every other would follow, unless each should sustain the heartless partisan politician, with or without his conscientious approval, or he must together with his religion become the victim of the extirminator. Such is the doctrine which Protestants are invoked to carry into practice, that General Harrison may get Catholics votes !


The most insolent passage in General Green's production is that in which he boasts of patronising Catholics-because he sent his children to their schools!

We suppose he paid and they taught, and if he knew of a better school he would have sent the children thither, as he ought.


Catholic Voters: We continue this designation, though the subject

is not now precisely the same as that with which we commenced. We do so without reference to the election of either General Harrison or of Mr. Van Buren, and without any regard to any political party, though, as we before observed, the spirit of which we complain is diffused far more extensively in one of the present parties, than it is in the other,— Yet as it is not an ingredient of the party politics, but an accidental appendage, we do not charge it upon that party.

We complain that an insulting distinction is habitually made between the Catholics and their fellow-citizens; the Catholics are denounced as enemies to their country, as the tools of foreign monarchs, as dangerous to the existence of our liberties. This, even General Green testifies. In his article of September 3d, he has the following passage:

"We are aware that there is a deep and abiding prejudice against Catholicism, and that many believe there is a well-arranged plan on the part of Catholic monarchies in the old world to revolutionize our government by the introduction of Catholic emigrants.''

General Green thus acknowledges what we believe no person who knows this country will attempt to deny, that throughout the United States there is a deep and abiding prejudice against our religion. That is, in plain language, that there exists a deep spirit of hostile bigotry against Roman Catholics. The General goes farther, for he points out the emigrant portion of the Catholics as the most obnoxious, and he gives the cause of that greater hostility, because it is pretended that they have been introduced by the monarchs of Europe, or their agents, into this country, to produce a revolution. This is a serious charge, not made by the editor of the Baltimore Pilot and Transcript, but testified by him as existing.

The charge has been made during years in a variety of ways by the sectarian papers. We now take up the three first which are at hand, merely as specimens.

From a short article in the Christian Intelligencer, we select the following passages. It is headed "Matters for Protestants to Think on."

"That the Romish religion is a corruption of Christianity, superstitious, idolatrous, and tyrannical, and that its predominance is a thing to be deprecated and resisted, are not matters of doubtful disputation with Protestants."

"From the very assumption and claims of the Popish Church, it must of necessity, and as a matter of conscience, be a persecuting church; and such its whole history proves it to be."

"That a mighty effort is at the present time put forth, with great sagacity and perseverance, by the papal authorities, with the view of extending their influence in Protestant countries, no observer of the signs of the times can fail to perceive. The evidences of it are every where apparent.' ""

"Our country is inundated with popish ecclesiastics and emissaries. No effort is spared to gain to the utmost the control of education throughout the length and breadth of the land. There is a deference, on the part of political men, to popish prejudice and projects of a striking and peculiar kind, and of no auspicious omen."'

This is from a New York paper, and after alluding to the claim of the Catholics of that city to get their share of the school fund, with power to educate their own children, or to secure that they shall not in the public schools, be taught to despise their own religion, and after misrepresenting the nature of the claim, it continues

"It is not our wont to indulge in hard words, and it gives us pain to find occasion to speak as we have done-but this project, viewed in its various bearings, and in the manner in which it is prosecuted, appears to us to be monstrous and audacious -and in connexion with other indications, calls for the vigilance of all who prize the perpetuity of our precious liberties, civil and ecclesiastical."

The usual mode of concluding their tirades against us to say that they are not in the habit of using harsh language, but with respect to us it is unavoidable.

The Christian Observer, published in Philadelphia, on the 10th of this month, says

"There is, however, occasion to notice the movements of ecclesiastics of the Romish faith, that Protestants who appreciate the liberties of their country may be awake to the devices and plans prosecuted in the republic by the subjects of a foreign power."

The New York Observer says

"The citizens of this republic cannot be too watchful of the movements of Roman Catholics in their midst. The wiles of Jesuitism are too subtle to be detected by a careless eye, and the progress of Popery may be so slow and insidious that, before we are aware of it, the throne of the beast may be planted on the shores of America, and the religion of Antichrist be the religion established by law. That such are the designs of the emissaries of the Pope we have too much reason to fear. All they ask is the opportunity, and they would fasten on us, by the strong arm of government, the system that kings have shaken off, and which now seeks to enthrone itself in a land of liberty."

We could add thousands of extracts far more strong and explicit, by merely looking back through our files:-but there is no necessity, because it is conceded on all hands that this insulting distinction between Catholics and their fellow-citizens exists.

We again adduce General Green, as a witness, to show more distinctly the nature of the charge. In his first article of September 3d, he says

"The Protestant community have been warned, as well from the pulpit as from the press, that the money expended in getting up schools, as well as that used in sending pauper and other Catholic population to this country, is part of a system which, looking to the nature of our institutions, contemplates a great religious, as well as civil revolution by means of imported Catholic votes.''

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