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PAST, PREsent, future.

appeared. After the expiration of this
time you can be married in this office."
"Must it be here?" I queried.

"Of course;" he said, "this is the only place which the law now recognizes. Poor people are content with civil marriage only, but all who move in good society go from here to the church for a religious ceremony.".

"Is it not possible to shorten the time?" I timidly ventured to inquire. "We had made all the arrangements for an earlier day, and are seriously incommoded by the delay. I did not know the requirements. It takes four weeks to hear from


| America, and then two weeks more here, and-You do not, perhaps, exactly understand, and yet I hardly know how to explain. But there is really haste. We are pressed for time."

"Haste? Pressed for time?" he repeated. "Perhaps I do not understand. I am sorry, but it cannot possibly be sooner. You think we are slow in Germany. True, but we are sure. We require our people to take time to think over the matter beforehand, and divorce with us is far from being the easy matter I have heard it is in America."-January Atlantic.


How many a moon hath passed away,
How many a year hath swept around,
Since a few pilgrims-travel-stained,
Where now this city stands, were found.
They o'er the desert plains had passed,
Had reached this valley, thought it fair,
Although they felt they were at last,

"A thousand miles from anywhere!" A thousand miles from human aid,

A thousand miles from white man's home;
These had by him been robbed, betrayed,
And forced an unmarked land to roam.

No books, or school, or papers here,
No telegraph, or daily mail,
No railway did with whistle cheer;
The thousand miles was but a trail!
But dauntless men led on a host-
Progressive men,
and men of thought;
Though destitute of food almost,
A nation's corner stones they brought!
They laid them deep, and firm as e'er
The mountains which begirt them 'round,
And now in lands afar, as near,

The work those pilgrims wrought hath sound.

We call them Pioneers, 'tis true,
They were in all that makes a state;
The Schoolhouse rose, the Press, it grew,
The Church and Sabbath did not wait.
God prospered them, and blessed their hand,
But for that fact they would have failed,
And perished on the desert sand;
But with it, brave hearts never quailed!

Till now, gaze on the pictured scene,
This central city loved and fair;

With pleasant homes and farms between
The nestling towns of Utah rare!

The railroad binds us to the east,

Its lines grasp firmly to the west;
By spanning wires, this world, at least,
In Utah finds a welcome rest!
And every day there comes from far,
The countless items of mankind,
The rising sun and evening star,

Give each their quota for the mind!
Change-'tis a mighty, mighty change,

Undreamt by those of early times,
And there will come a grander range

E'er thirty more years ring their chimes.
We may not see that crowding host,

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Who shall these valleys fill that day;
But they will not forget to boast,
Of those who dauntless came this way.
O! when these festive times come round,
With gift and gladsome wish to them,
May truthful manhood there abound,
The tide of self and wrong to stem!

So, shall this mountain nation be

To all the world a shining light,
Its Press a force from sea to sea,

Its aims for God, for man and right.

Each sterile waste, strong arms shall wrest,]
Their silence give to bud and fruit,
And life shall swell with tropic haste,
To song of birds and sound of lute.

O land, how blest! O manhood, crowned
Blessings of earth and heaven are thine,
God and His priesthood here hath four.d
Room for a Paradise enshrined! H. W. N.


THE CONTRIBUTOR. | variableness of men, and upon their own

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THERE is among the young men of our community, as well as in the world, a desire for wealth, and the comforts, conveniences, and power that the possession of means secures. This disposition, often amounting to passion, besides being inherent in men of modern times, is stimulated in the breasts of the youth by observing the lives of those, successful in the pursuit of riches, upon whom positions of honor and power are bestowed to crown their triumph in the financial struggle of life. We will offer nothing, in the way of objection, to the accumulation of wealth. We wish, however, to write upon the methods of getting it, and the responsibility of those possessing it.

In Utah the two principal industries are agriculture and mining. The first of these is the primitive and surest occupation in which man can engage for a livelihood; its profits may not be so large as some other industries, but in the long run they are more reliable, and will secure a competence in after life, to the industrious man who faithfully follows it. The husbandman is often spoken of as nature's nobleman, and the most independent character among men. Certainly his labor lies at the root of all other occupations; without it nothing else could be a success. The pleasure the toilers of the soil experience in the possession of lands and the production from the elements of the necessaries of life, is more evenly distributed along their path than in any other pursuit, for they depend upon the elements, which are not subject to the

industry for success, the guardian of pleasure. In our time the proprietorship of lands is the more desirable from the consciousness we have that we are not only dependent upon God for their productiveness, but that we hold our possessions as the dominion of the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

Mining as a legitimate business promises for a small outlay larger returns than any other industry, though it is perhaps. the most precarious of laborious pursuits. The chances are against the masses who engage in it, either as owners or workers of mines. The profits are usually in cash, the most easily dispensed, and therefore the worst commodity, for lasting benefits, that can be placed in the hands of men. The associations characteristic of mining are generally demoralizing, and the pleasure of the pursuit is spasmodic. To such an extent is the latter true, that the ecstacy of hope, which a good lead inspires, is regularly followed by depression that overbalances it. The continual succession of these extreme feelings through life, associated with the intemperance which is almost sure to accompany them, destroys the power of enjoyment, and though a bonanza may finally be struck, the luxurious surroundings of the owners that ensue, will not bear comparison with the peace and plenty which fills the life of the hale and hearty farmer, who has pursued the even tenor of his way, wresting from the soil he has cultivated a competence for old age, and a home for his posterity.

Besides these chief occupations, which employ thousands of people, there are others which the necessities of the times and the universal desire for wealth have established among us: merchandizing, railroading, banking, dealing in stocks and bonds, stock raising and manufacturing may be named as the most successful. The first of these is entirely a speculative industry; it produces nothing, but consists in accumulating the articles of human consumption at one price, and distributing them to the people at an advanced one. Those engaging in it de


rive their profit from the difference in the purchasing and dispensing prices, which is great or small, according to the conscience of the merchant and the competition of his rivals. It is, however, considered a gracious and complimentary thought that attributes conscience to a merchant.

Railroading, in its employment of labor and development of natural resources, is a source of great wealth to any country, and would benefit the people, but for the fact that railroads are generally built and operated in the interests of bondholders and monopo

lists, who not only reap the profits arising from them, but in many cases exert a tyrannical preference for one district over another, that is often oppressive and ruinous. Particularly is this observed where there is no competition, as in Utah. Since the advent of the great Pacific roads in this Territory, the discrimination in charges against our people and in favor of the Pacific Coast, and latterly, of Montana and Idaho, have been most apparent. On principles of justice, nothing could be more dishonest than to charge passengers and freight from Omaha to Ogden the same prices that are required to convey them to the end of the Utah and Northern track in Montana; but "corporations have no souls," and monopolists are sovereign dictators, not servants of the people. In an important respect, railroading is one of the munity; the machine shops which rail


fortunes by speculation upon the people, accountable to the people for the investment of their means? If, by merchandising or other speculative means, large sums are obtained by individuals in the community, and are invested through the

banks in non-taxable bonds out of the Territory, is not an injustice done to the increasing population of the Territory, who require the investment at home, of all accumulated wealth to give them employment and secure their residence within the Territory? We think that it is a shame and uncomplimentary reflection upon the possessors of capital in Utah, that the sons of those from whom they have amassed their fortunes can be spared from home industries, so much needed among us, to go to Colorado and neighboring territories, building railroads. There is no more promising region in our great country for manufac

tures than here in Utah: the facilities of many towns besides Salt Lake, as Provo and Logan, are hardly excelled in the world. Natural location with abundance

of water, railroad connections and a people devoted religiously to the principles of home production, with skilled

mechanics in almost every industry, combine to invite the investment of

capital in manufacturing enterprises; from the converting of the bone, lying on

the plains, into buttons, to rolling out rails from the iron mountains of the south.

If the youth of our people are to

be denied trades and occupation at home

in the future as in the past, we may

spread over more land and enlarge our

young men to learn mechanism, and give domain, but we will remain poor. Utah them employment in that branch, where

cannot expect to be materially benefitted

educated labor is most appreciated and by her sons colonizing Arizona and

best paid.

We will not mention banking and dealing in stocks as inseparably connected, though generally the holding and investment of depositor's money, and speculation in stocks and bonds, go together. There is, however, a question, on the responsibility of capitalists in the em ployment of the means they have accumulated, intimately connected with banking and bonds. It is this: To what capitalists who have amassed

extent are

Colorado. She looks for her growth and the development of her wonderful resources, by harboring the labor of her children and directing it in the production and manufacturing of those things that will make her independent of the

outside world. There is no principle of political economy more sound or essential for the welfare of any people, than that which secures them the balance of trade in favor of their exports, over what they are obliged to import from other

states. It appears to us that the future prosperity and wealth of Utah depends upon the energy which her people display, in establishing home industries, that will not only supply themselves but yield a surplus for exportation to neighboring territories and states. In the single article of clothing, the factories already established are producing goods of such superiority that they can be readily sold beyond the boundaries of Utah; yet this industry is so infantile in its proportions, that here in Salt Lake City there are more merchants engaged in selling imported custom made clothing, than in any other single business, groceries excepted. There can be no doubt as to the profit

ableness of manufacturing. Most articles made abroad, that can be imported into our Territory and sold with a paying margin, can certainly be produced at home at a profit, if we have the facilities and the skilled labor. For the manufacturing of some things we may be deficient in both, but who will pretend to say that we have exhausted either, upon the majority of industries which at present employ the mechanics of the world, at our expense?

Let bygones be bygones; remember how deeply,

To Heaven's forbearance we all are in debt;

They value God's infinite goodness too cheaply
Who heed not the precept-Forgive and forget.


so well what it is to be an exile; but I must return to my subject, New Year's Day and winter pleasures, when the outside world is under the absolute sway of the king of frost and snow, and we depend upon the domain within, for companionship and amusement. The harvest has been gathered, and its fruits garnered away; the husbandman rejoices in the abundance he has reaped from his toil, and the good wife, who shared in the husband's labors, partakes of the enjoy ment, and a spirit of peace broods over the habitation, and contentment sits with them at the hearthstone. New Year's Eve finds the family seated round the fireside the bright warm curtains are closely drawn, and each one tries to in

WHAT associations that phrase recalls! | ing to the Latter-day Saint, who knows What vivid pictures of the past, what prophetic visions of the future! There is no other particular day recognized as a holiday, so significant of happiness to me, as the first day of the new year. The term, a "happy new year," so long and so universally applied, has given it tone and prestige; and a glad response springs from the heart of each recipient, when the accustomed salutations are interchanged. There are few people indeed in civilized countries, who do not observe some special ceremonies on "New Year's Day." Customs change somewhat in detail, but in reality they have been much the same for the last hundred years. The season itself is calculated to conduce to happiness; and happiness is the phantom that all pursue. In winter, fam-terest the other. The little folks in the ilies come into closer accord; a great share of labor which calls one from home is necessarily laid aside, and more time is usually devoted to fireside conversation, to reading, to study, and to employments that savor of the home.

background prattle in childish pastime, and sport their new dolls and Christmas toys, while the older ones recite snatches of verse and sing old-time songs. How many enchanting stories of fairies and genii have been repeated by the winter Home! what a magic word! Is there a fire, when the taper burned low, and human heart that does not feel a thrill of voices were hushed, save the one on pleasure, whenever the word home is whom all were gazing, while they lisuttered? How many tender recollections, tened with strained eyes and bated breath. how many sacred reminiscences it brings The situation has its effect. How often to mind! The word has a peculiar mean- in childhood have I listened to these



marvelous tales, told with a grave lofti- | rich burst; the melody of human voices ness of manner, while, in the reflection in joyous chorus, shouting "A happy new of the flickering fire light, fantastic shad- year!" ows flitted about, and seemed to take on living forms; and every nerve thrilled with the intense excitement, producing an impression never to be effaced. Ah! where was I? At New Year's Eve! Here let me pause awhile, for my heart is full! Is it not needful that we all pause, for one retrospective moment, and look back over the hills of the radiant past, and ask our own hearts some solemn questions, which each one is best prepared to answer for himself? What precious fruit have we garnered for the soul's heritage? What bread cast upon the waters? What evil have we overcome in our own erring natures, and what sacrifices have we made of self? If we have not been seeking wisdom from the living fountain of knowledge, it is a good time now to commence. The year is slipping fast away, soon the New Year will be upon us; it seems almost as though we were parting with an old friend, so strong is the imagination. It is an eve of sadness and yet of joy; there are many pleasant realisms, which fill the lap of life with blessings; and if there are some sorrows, some regrets, some human pain, let us acknowledge God in all things, and, trustful in His providences, look into the bright new year with hopeful glance, never doubting His kind care and protection.

As I sit alone by the fire, and the echo of the far away past dies out in the long distance, another later scene springs up in freshness before my enchanted gaze. Through the sparkle of pearly tear drops, I behold in shadow, a familiar face, all gentleness and smiles; how gracefully she moves, and round her flock a multitude of friends, young and beautiful! She is in the full bloom of perfect womanhood, the purest type of maiden loveliness. A moment more-the vision's fled. Bursts of pent up agony swell to heaven in earnest prayers for strength; for she is with us now no more; she has gone in all her innocence and purity, but her loving manner, her tender words, her characteristic good humor can never be forgotten. These are the visions that haunt one on the threshold of the new year.

The New Year! Yes, I hear the bells ringing, and their echo is answering back, telling such tales! O, those wondrous bells! I linger, pen in hand, to catch the sound; like magic their spell is upon me-are there no bells ringing here to-night? What was it then? I heard the rich tones floating in the air. Ah me! the bells of memory! Is fancy then so powerful? O those merry, merry bells! what a vision they have presented to my view. I am a child again for one brief moment; in an old fashioned house I see familiar faces, I hear them sing-they open the doors, and a flood of music fills the whole house, echoing from room to room; it is the music of the midnight bells; and all at once a

She lives in that beautiful, happy land,

Away on the evergreen shore,
Where temples of beauty immortal stand,
And there's rest forevermore.

Tenderly we take leave of the old; reluctantly we reach out to the future, knowing not what it may bring in its train. We are blest to-day-friends, loving, warm and true are round about


How grateful all should be who are surrounded with the blessed luxuries of home and friends. The new year is a fitting time for re-unions, sweet interchanges of affection, the precious endearments that sweeten the cup of life, the graces that embellish the sanctuary of the heart. There should be no deceit, no affectation at such seasons, but heart speaking to heart without flattery or empty compliment. Let it be one of the fresh, green places in our lives towards which, in after years, we may turn with a sense of infinite restfulness, a refuge of peace'in moments of pain. That which ye sow, ye shall also reap— if we sow seeds of love and kindness in youth, may we not anticipate a rich harvest of blessed love in return, when the winter of age has silvered over the

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