WORDS OF ANTHEMS. 1 A PRAYER. O LORD, the Maker of all thing, Good LORD, with dream or fantasy; O Father, through Thy blessed Son, To Whom, with the Holy Ghost always, In heaven and earth be laud and praise. 2 Attributed to HENRY VIII. PHILIPPIANS iv. 4. Rejoice in the LORD alway; and again I say, Rejoice. 5. Let your moderation be known unto all men. The LORD is at hand. 6. Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. 7. And the peace of GOD, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD. Amen. MILLER, PURCELL, REDFORD, STATHAM. B 3 PSALM C. (Old Version). All people that on earth do dwell, Sing to the LORD with cheerful voice, The LORD, ye know, is GOD indeed, For why? the LORD our GOD is good, His mercy is for ever sure; His truth hath always firmly stood, And shall from age to age endure. Amen. W. HAYES, LUTHER, TALLIS. 4 Great GOD! what do I see and hear! The end of things created; The Judge of mankind doth appear, The trumpet sounds! the graves restore 5 LUTHER. PSALM lv. I. Give ear unto my prayer, O LORD my GOD, and hide not Thyself from my supplication. 2. Attend to me and hear me: I mourn in my complaint and make a noise. O hear my 4. My heart is sore pained within me. prayer. Hide not Thyself. I mourn, I mourn, O hear me. LORD GOD, hear my prayer. Amen. 6 ARCADELT. ST. LUKE i. 28. Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the LORD is with thee. Blessed art thou among women. 30. And the Angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with GOD. 46, 47. My soul doth magnify the LORD, and my spirit hath rejoiced in GOD my SAVIOUR. 48. For He hath regarded the low estate of His hand-maiden: for, behold, from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed. 49. For He that is mighty hath done to me great things; and holy is His Name. 50. And His mercy is on them that fear Him, from generation to generation. Amen. ARCADELT, OSBORNE. 7 *PSALM XXX. I. I will exalt Thee, O LORD, for Thou hast defended me, and not suffered mine enemies to have their pleasure upon me. 2. O LORD my GOD, I have cried unto Thee, and Thou hast healed me. 3. LORD, Thou hast brought my soul out of hell: Thou hast preserved me from them that descend into the pit.* *4. Sing unto the LORD, ye that are His Saints and give thanks with a remembrance of His holiness. II. The LORD hath heard me, and hath taken mercy upon me the Lord is made my helper. 12. Thou hast turned my sorrow into joy; Thou hast put off my sackcloth, and hast compassed me with gladness, that my glory may sing to Thee without grief. 13. O LORD my GOD, I shall evermore give thanks to Thee.* • Sometimes sung as separate Anthems. TYE. 8 PSALM CXXXiv. Laudate Nomen Domini, vos servi Domini, ab ortu solis usque ad occasum ejus. Decreta Dei justa sunt, et cor exhilarant. English Version. O come, ye servants of the LORD, His laws are just, and glad the heart; Another Version. Sing to the LORD in joyful strains, Thou city of the LORD, begin The universal song; Let all combined with one accord The cheerful notes prolong. Another Version. PSALM CXix. 85. The proud have digged pits for me, which are not after Thy law. 86. They persecute me falsely: O be Thou my help. 79. Let such as fear Thee and have known Thy testimonies be turned unto me. TYE. 9 PSALM CXIX. 41. Let Thy loving mercy come also unto me, O LORD: even Thy salvation, according unto Thy word. 44. So shall I alway keep Thy law, yea, for ever and ever. 45. And I will walk at liberty, for I seek Thy commandments. 49. O think upon Thy servant, as concerning Thy word, wherein Thou hast caused me to put my trust. 50. The same is my comfort in my trouble: for Thy word hath quickened me. 64. The earth, O LORD, is full of Thy mercy: O teach me Thy statutes. TYE. 10 PSALM CXIX. 89. O LORD, Thy word endureth for ever in heaven. 90. Thy truth also remaineth from one generation to another. Thou hast laid the foundation of the earth, and it abideth. 91. They continue this day according to Thine ordinance, for all things serve Thee. 11 TYE. Hide not Thou Thy face from us, O LORD, and cast not off Thy servants in Thy displeasure: for we confess our sins unto Thee, and hide not our unrighteousness. For Thy mercies' sake, deliver us from all our sins. 12 ALDRICH, FARRANT. LORD, for Thy tender mercies' sake, lay not our sins to our charge, but forgive that is past, and give us grace to amend our sinful lives; to decline from sin, and incline to virtue, that we may walk with a perfect heart before Thee now and evermore. [Amen.] FARRANT, VICARS. |