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have raised and indulged this notion, till the Gentiles also now expect the same; but, certainly, CHRISTIANS look not to JEWS for true interpretations of Scripture allegories and mysteries, seeing how Jews have been once deceived, and remain confounded; therefore, the last errors of both Jews and Gentiles are worse than the first. "Woe unto ye, fools and blind guides; ye strain at gnats, and swallow camels." Let us examine these points in a separate chapter.

A double miracle appears performed before our eyes!!! Had both the last harvests been destroyed by the incessant rain and storms, it would have been a NATURAL effect, from a NATURAL cause, but the wheat is generally saved, and the crop as abundant as ever was known !!!

Consequently, the miracle is twofold; yet it is wonderful to see the indifference with which the dispensation is treated. Few, or none, thanking God for daily bread, and special mercy once more ordained, apparently to try whether mankind (disobeying the laws) will accept the gospel of salvation before the next vials of death be poured out, at the next sound of the next trumpet.

"In the last days I will pour out my SPIRIT upon all flesh." Joel.

"Lo, I [Christ] am with you always, even unto the end of the world!"

" Where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

Here is conclusive declaration that Christ will never reign PERSONALLY, but spiritually, for he is sat down at the right hand of God, the only mediator between God and man; many souls entering and departing the world every minute at births and deaths.

Here is the divine promise of universal peace, or universal PENTECOST, beyond what our eyes have seen or hearts conceived; for it will be the kingdom of GOD on earth. Christ is both God and man, reconciling the world to himself.

THE LAST PERSECUTION of Christ's church is, notwithstanding, at hand, throughout Christendom. The Roman Catholics and heathens must reign and prosper A VERY SHORT TIME*; but, now when popery appears firmly reestablished over the ruins and blood of all the saints and martyrs; while popes, cardinals, &c. cry 66 peace and safety," the Lord's spirit shall confound and exterminate every man, woman, and child, who do not accept and obey the gospel.

This evil hour is at hand; the earth must be smote with a curse that shall leave no survivors but real Christians. The temple must now be purified; the TRADITIONS and ordinances of men (the same crime as the Jews) must be abolished, which make the law of God without effect.

Sundays are openly profaned; saint's days kept holy, because the pope ordains it. Alas! "Woe to the inha

bitants of the earth."

Christ's character is misunderstood; he is called ALL MERCIFUL, but he is also JUST and TRUE; therefore, he made a scourge, and drove the money changers and dealers out of the temple. This is a sign that he will chastise sinners who defy and deny his power to save or condemn them.

Hear Christ's decree: "All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven, except the sin against the Holy Ghost;" which sin, our Lord explains, is not so much a denial of his divinity, as a declaration and belief that his miracles were wrought by the power of the DEVIL. "This will never be forgiven in this world, nor the world to come." St. Mark iii. 30.

Annanias and Sapphira committed unpardonable crimes by wilful preconcerted lies against the Holy Ghost.

I know a Unitarian, holding a crown office and mayoralty, who vowed his family should never worship Joseph, the carpenter's son. Now, the Gentiles openly and secretly

"Ten kings receive power as kings one hour with the beast." Rev. xvii.

repeat the very denial of Christ, which the Jews committed!!!

Napoleon's reign was " the beginning of sorrows."

"God, who at sundry times and divers places spake unto the fathers, by the prophets, hath in these latter days, spoken unto us by his Son."

"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood."

The doctrine of the holy and blessed Trinity has been notoriously blasphemed or impugned since 1813 in Babylon the Great, Britain.

Christ is called " the Sun of Righteousness." We see Christ's gospel rejected by Gentiles, as bad as Christ was himself by JEWS, especially in Christendom.

The sun is thus turned into darkness, as far as human power can do so. Princes, priests, and people, devise and uphold the most horrid murders, called JUST AND NECES


"Thou shalt do no murder; do violence to no man; we ought to obey God rather than man.”

“The seven stars are the angels of the seven churches."* Rev. i." The stars shall fall from heaven."

The stars typify church doctors of divinity.† The church falls divided; even eight English bishops voted for graven images of Christ and Saint Mary, while the people pray for war, plunder, and destruction, who have lost all Christian charity!! The people are equally depraved, as canibals or tigers, devouring one another. How often do men imprison, starve, poison, or murder men, worse than wild beasts?

The seven churches then existing have fallen, but the prophecy attaches to all churches serving God and mammon. "It is impossible to serve two masters."

These titles appear as blasphemous as the pope's, for divinity needs no doctors or physicians.

"The Sun of Righteousness [Christ] shall arise with healing in his wings," as our king, lawgiver, and judge; and what will ye do, in the end, O ye proud doctors and lawyers!




WOE to the isles."

The Bible contains histories and prophecies of all things from the first to the last day. The Bible is the true history of kings and nations who obeyed and were blessed; also, nations who disobeyed and were punished for idolatry.

The 18 chapter of the great prophet Isaiah has never been understood, nor interpreted. Certainly, Isaiah did not understand the remarkable words uttered 2588 years ago. Several bishops declare it incomprehensible.


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Time appears to have UNSEALED what God meant by a NATION PEELED.' Such a thing has never been conceived possible, but we have heard of certain victims being peeled or flayed alive by the Spanish inquisition; when things are peeled, they are ready to be devoured. Alas!

"There is one come out of thee, a wicked counsellor."


Tidings out of the east and north shall trouble him." "The Lord hath purposed it to bring ALL THE HONOURABLE of the earth into contempt."

“Let them fall by their own counsels." Psalm v. 10.

The prophecy is against all apostate princes, priests, and people. As if to stamp it with a divine seal, one (like Judas who betrayed Christ with a kiss) has been expelled by covetous priests, adding house to house, and field to field, more apprehensive of losing TITHES, &c. than of God's horrible judgments against idolatry. Alas!

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The CORN, CURRENCY, and CATHOLIC bills have all been passed or sanctioned during Peel's administration. The abolition of one pound notes, was called PEEL'S BILL, which became a law on the 5 April, and the Catholic Bill on the 21 April, 1829.

The roads are called Macadamized, after the inventor's name, and serve to illustrate the prophecy, to the meanest capacity, more than volumes!!

"Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light." A strange Resolution. On Monday, 4 May, 1826, Mr. Hume proposed a resolution in parliament, viz. :—

That between Oct. 1792 and Jan. 1817, the public expenditure exceeded the revenue by about 393,000,000l. and loans contracted during that period of 618,000,000l. leaving 225,000,000l. applicable to the reduction of the national debt.

Whereas little more than 188,000,000l. have been paid to the commissioners of the sinking fund, leaving above 36,000,000l. wholly unaccounted for by his Majesty's ministers.

This stands uncontradicted by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, therefore, we are bound to believe the facts. Then one of two things follow; either this 36 millions have been detournè, i. e. purloined from the exchequer, and applied to corrupt purposes, or else it was never received, and false returns have been made up of the revenue.* If things be come to this pass, we may be quite sure the end is nigh!


Honfleur, 2 April, 1827.

One of your humblest subjects dares approach Your Majesty's throne, according to the irresistible dictates of humanity. Your Majesty's heart would melt in compassion and sorrow if the truth reached Your Majesty's ears, or the sad spectacles of poverty and misery once met Your Majesty's eyes, in cottages where health, peace, and content, were formerly companions of honest industry and hospitality.

Land owners and aristocrats exact redoubled rents, while ploughmen and labourers receive not one penny more wages than formerly, although the necessaries of life are thereby much enhanced, and particularly by monopolies in corn!!!

* Ex "The Times," 3 July, 1826.

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