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souls. There is no idleness in heaven, where disembodied souls appear every moment before Christ Almighty. The reader's or the writer's soul may be the next summoned. How awful, if unprepared! We must give account for every idle word before Christ's bar, where unbelievers will be condemned by their conscience, or struck speechless. It will be hell indeed to dwell in darkness, if we forfeit Christ's salvation, and are exiled for ever from heaven.

Even if the sun be withdrawn, this world would become hell, as it was before the sun was created, for it was void and without form when the devil was cast down from heaven (before the creation), while the spirit of God moved upon the waters, as it does still, by the regular floods and ebbs. Remember the divine signs and warnings in France,

&c. :

The pope's effigy was burnt at Paris during the Revolution, 1791.

Napoleon plundered Rome, 11 Feb. 1798, and defeated Pius VI. who died in France, 19 Aug. 1799.

Napoleon was crowned at Paris by Pius the VII. on 2 Dec. 1804.

The Virgin Mary's statue at St. Eustache, at Paris, was blessed by him, 28 Dec. 1804, which I saw in 1829.

The Virgin Mary's statue at St. Roche, was also blessed by the pope's agent, 1 March, 1805.

Napoleon plundered Rome the second time, 22 Feb. 1808. The Emperor Napoleon was excommunicated by the same pope, 11 June, 1809. (Vide p. 69). The judgments of God are producing wisdom at home.

passing abroad, but without

"Behold, fire, hail, snow, vapours, winds, and storms, fulfilling God's word." Psalm cxlviii. 8.

On 15 May, 1828, during great mass at Maisoncelles-leJourdan, near Vire, in Calvados, when all the people were assembled, at half-past ten in the morning, a thunderbolt struck the church steeple, and demolished a part; all the

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congregation were struck down, and two hundred hurt; eleven died, and among them Mr. Maisoncelles, the mayor.

On 15 June, 1828, another thunderbolt struck the belfry of the church of Beaumont-le-Vicomté, when the procession had just entered; it threw down the weather-cock, entered the church, and killed one person.

The 21 June, 1828, at seven in the morning, a bolt struck the steeple of North Bierne, destroyed the weather-cock and iron cross, and upset the fountains of holy water.

The 29 June, 1828, thunder fell upon the church of Bourbriac, near Guingamp.

On 8 Sep. 1828, at eight in the evening, a violent storm fell upon the city of Tours, and occasioned great loss of trees, vines, &c.

The church of Chaveignes was destroyed, the bell was melted, and traceless. Shocks of earthquakes were felt at Bruxelles, 23 Feb. 1828; also at Namur and Dunkerque, Avesnes, &c. On 3 Dec. 1828, at Aix-la-Chapelle. In July, at Caen.

How can France be a Christian land, where duellists openly murder each other, before assembled crowds, without fear of God or man? The scavengers remove rubbish in carts from the streets of Paris on Sundays, but never do it upon Roman saint days, appointed by popes.

Between 21 Sep. 1792 and 25 Oct. 1795, there were eighteen thousand six hundred and thirteen persons guillotined in France. A dictionary register is printed, containing the victims' names, filling one thousand octavo pages. Robespierre was publicly worshipped, 8 June, 1794, and executed 29 July following. Sundays or Sabbath-days were abolished, and tenth days kept, during 42 months. This, I repeat (vide p. 59), fulfilled Rev. xiii. 5. literally, in the most extraordinary manner, 1734 years after John saw and wrote the visions in the isle of Patmos, A. D. 96. Here is the finger of the Son of God.

Death by torture is the old French law, revived against all who deface graven images in churches, by Lewis XVIII.

if newspapers speak truth. The French cry encore, as do the English, at great performances.

Behold, God mercifully spared Paris while threatened from Montmartre, by Russians, Austrians, and Prussian canons; but he will not spare all its abominations much longer. The English enter into Parisian depravities at much cheaper rates than London, which tempt emigrants.

All Europe is infected with blasphemers and idolators, anxious to sink all religion, rather than suffer what they do.

The gospel is not allowed to be imported into France, except the Roman edition! All books against the pope are also prohibited on the Continent. Dr. Troy's Irish Bible resembles the beast rising out of the sea, to reign 42 months. This new Bible, and the subjoined excommunication, are curious modern specimens.

“Pie VII. à l'Empereur des Français, Rome, 11 Juin, 1809.

"Par l'autorité du Dieu tout puissant, des saints Apôtres Pierre et Paul, et par la Nôtre. Nous declarons que vous et tous vos co-opérateurs, d'apres l'attentat que vous venez de commettre, vous avez encouru l' Excommunication dans laquelle (selon la forme de nos Bulles apostoliques, qui dans des occasions semblables, s'affichent dans les lieux accoutumés de cette ville) nous declarons être tombés tous ceux qui depuis la derniere Invasion violente de cette Ville qui eut lieu le 22 fevrier del'année dernière, ont commis, soit dans Rome, soit dans l'etat écclésiastique, les attentats contre lesquels nous avons reclamé, non seulement dans le grande nombre de protestations faites par nos secretaires d' Etat, qui ont été successivement remplacés, mais encore dans nos deux allocations des 14 Mars et 11 Juillet 1808. Nous declarons également excommuniés tous ceux qui ont été les mandataires, les Conseilleurs, etc."

BUONAPARTE'S EXCOMMUNICATION TRANSLATED. Pope Pius VII. to the Emperor of France, 11 June, 1809.

BY THE AUTHORITY OF ALMIGHTY GOD, the holy Apostles PETER and PAUL, and by our Authority!!!

We declare that you, and all your co-operators, have, by your outrages, incurred excommunication, in which (according to the form of our apostolical BULLS, affixed upon similar occasions, in the usual places of this city) we declare all those to have fallen, who, since the last violent invasion of this city, on the 22 Feb. 1808, have committed outrages in Rome, or our ecclesiastical state, against which we have frequently protested, not only by our secretaries of state, who have been successively replaced, but by both our decrees, dated 14 March, and 11 July, 1808. We declare equally excommunicated all commanders and counsellors of Napoleon.


Napoleon answered this Romish excommunication by seizing the pope, on 7 July, 1809, and keeping him a prisoner at Fontainebleau, as he deserved, for blaspheming the name of God.

In 1810, Napoleon married Maria Louisa, an Austrian princess, after having extorted a divorce from the pope against Josephine.

Hence may be dated and ascribed all the misfortunes of Napoleon, who marched with nearly a million of warriors to Moscow, who nearly all perished by fire and frost; nevertheless, Napoleon escaped back to Paris, but all his allies shook off his yoke, and Napoleon then made a covenant in favour of the pope, commonly called a concordat; but God deserted Napoleon, because Napoleon deserted God, who struck a terrible panic into the French army in

Popes and cardinals drink rare wine called lachrymæ Christi, or tears of Christ. How blasphemous !

"In the vatican are two superb candelabras presented by Napoleon (on his marriage) to the pope. At the elevation of the host (in profound silence) all present fall prostrate to the earth.

The cardinals chat afterwards with pretty women, whom they are forbidden to marry by Pope Gregory VII."- Ex Lady Morgan's Italy.

the evening; and while the English and French thought the battle ended, at eve on 18 June, 1815, it was suddenly renewed by the Prussians in the night, with a dreadful havoc and carnage, which overthrew Napoleon, like Pharaoh, although all the powers of Christendom had acknowledged the French republic and empire, by twenty-three treaties. "The Lord hath purposed it to bring ALL the honourable of the earth into contempt." Isaiah.

How vain are all human laws if made in opposition to the Almighty standard, offered for the peace and happiness of all men. "There is no king can be saved by the multitude of a host." Napoleon survived to confess his apostacy and disgrace, in exile, at St. Helena, viz. "It (the concordat) was consecrated by Pope CHIARAMONTI, in the famous concordat of Fontainebleau, in spite even of my disasters at Moscow. From that time I intended to exalt the pope beyond measure; to surround him with grandeur and honour. I should have made an IDOL of him. I should have governed both the religious and political world"! Ex LAS CASES' Journal, vol. iii. p. 214.

Serious readers are here invited to refer to Chapter IV. page 46, there to see how all Christendom have been cajoled between the pope and Napoleon, who both assumed divine authority, in the most blasphemous manner, to render the gospel (if possible) subservient to their mutual tricks, ambition, and caprice!!!

"God is a discerner of men's hearts and thoughts," and here we have a most marvellous instance, if mankind were not perfect dunces in God's school. Napoleon and Chiarimonti are both gone, where they will be rewarded according to their works. Alas! *

Ancient and modern revolutions and histories lose their effects. Revolutions begin and end in blood generally.

Here we see the two RINGLEADERS of the battle of ARMAGEDDON against JERUSALEM, in which all Christendom, or devildom, is this day engaged, consisting of two hundred million people, called locusts, according to Rev. ix. Serious readers are invited to refer to Chapter II. where JERUSALEM is proved to mean CHRIST and his gospel. Yea, all Europe is up in arms against God, who will scatter his enemies as dust forthwith.

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