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in to temptacion. For when we do so, God heareth oure prayers, he sendeth the Holy Gost, and helpeth vs, that we be not led into temptation.

And now good children, that you maye the better withstande suche temptations, you shal here learne, that there be thre kyndes of temptacions. The first is the temptation of the fleshe, as when we are tempted to do any thing, whiche is pleasant to the fleshe, and yet it is synfull. As when the fleshe dothe prouoke vs to lecherye, adulterye, dronkenes and such lyke. Or when we be tempted to leaue any thinge vndone, which is paynful and greuous to the fleshe, and yet of it selfe it is holy and rightuous, as when we suffer afflictions against our wil, when we do not gladly fast, when we do not gladly gyue almes, fearyng lest we shall lacke our awne selues, and not haue ynoughe to maintayne our pryde and pleasures. The seconde temptation is of the worlde, as when thorowe euel companye, we be corrupted in our awne lyuynge, and prouoked to folow noughty examples. Also when we swarue from that which is right and honest, for feare of persecution, dyspleasure, indignation or threatnynge of men. Or when men thorowe their falsehede, malice or crafte do moue vs to anger, enuy or hatred. The thirde temptation is of the Deuel, as when we feale in our hartes, sodein and vehement motions to do euel, and yet neyther the fleshe nor the worlde doth prouoke vs to the same. But euel thoughtes do so sodenly come into our myndes, that we our selues do not wel knowe from whence they came. Such euyl thoughtes, no doubte of it, come from the Deuel. For the Deuel is a spirit, whom we can neither feal nor see. Wherfore he can set our hartes a fyer so sodenly, that we shall not knowe from whence suche soden fire and sparkes do come. Also when the fleshe and the world do tempte vs, then Satan also taketh occasion therby to enter in at the gate, which they haue set open for hym, and maketh their tempta

tion so strong, that it is harde for vs to withstand and ouer come the same. And all these temptations good children be against Gods commaundementes. Wherefore hereby you shall learne to knowe what is temptation. For whan any thing commeth into youre mynde, by the whiche you are prouoked to do against Gods commaundement, that is temptation. Wherefore beware you do not the same; but desyer of God helpe and assistence against temptation. For in this standeth a Christian, and holy lyfe, that as oure synnes be forgyuen vs by Christ, so we ought euer to withstande synne, that we suffer it not to enter in to vs, or to raigne ouer vs. For what a monstrous thyng shoulde Christen relygion be? yf we that be Christen menne, (whiche confesse synne to be nought and against God, and desier God to forgyue vs our synne) shoulde contynewe still and walke in synne, after that God most mercyefully hath forgyuen vs the


Also we maye easely withstande temptation and sinne, if we beleue truly, and praye ernestly. For we haue lerned in the doctrine of faith, that we can not be rightuous pure and holy of our selues, but the Holy Gost doth purify clense and halow vs. And yf we beleaue this stedfastly, then we ought to pray with a feruent spirite, and saye thus. Lorde our heuenly Father, we beseche the suffer vs not to be led into temptation. And yf we thus praye, then God wil heare vs, and wil gyue vs strength against him that tempteth vs, and against his temptation. For a Christen mans life, is a continual warre vpon earth, and so long as we liue in this world, we maye not loke to haue peace or quietnes, but as in the sea one wawe commeth after an other, so in this worlde one temptation foloweth an other. So that, when we haue ouercome one temptation, by and by an other is at hande peraduenture greater then the first. Wherfore in this sixt petition, we do not praye thus. O heauenly Father, graunt

that we may haue no temptations, but we say thus. O heuenly Father suffer vs not to be led in to temptation. To be led into temptation, is when God suffereth, the greatnes of temptation so to grow, that we be not able to ouercome the same, but be so deceaued and blynded by the Deuel, that synne is pleasant vnto vs, and we see nothyng in the same but pleasure and profit, and consyder not the angre of God due for synne, nor the poysen that lyeth hid in the same, nor the payne that shal folow thereof, and so we perswade oure selues, that we haue no more nede to watche or fyght against synne, but do consent to temptation, and yelde oure selues into the handes of our enemies. This Christ calleth to be léd into temptation, as in our comen speache we are wont to saye. This leadde me, or this brought me, into this myschiefe. And that we be not led into temptation, it is oure part, ernestly to praye to God, as Christ hath taught and commaunded vs.

So ye perceaue good children, the myserye of this transitorye and mortal lyfe, that it is full of temptations and snares. But we muste not gyue place to them, but withstande them, and lyue godly. But this we be not able to do, excepte the Holy Gost do sanctifye vs, and make vs pure and holy. Wherefore we ought to praye to God, that he wyl gyue vs the Holy Gost, and that he wyl vouchesaue, to assiste and strenghten vs, that we may withstande all temptations, and keape his holy commaundementes.

And this is the meanynge and playne vnderstandyng of thys sixt petition. Wherfore good children I pray you dilygentlye learne the same, that when you be asked. How vnderstande you the sixt petition? you maye answer, God tempteth no man. But here we praye, that God wil kepe and defende vs, that the Deuel, the world and the fleshe deceaue vs not, and leadde vs not into vngodlynes, ydolatrie, blasphemie, desperation, or other

horrible synnes. And althoughe we be tempted with these synnes, yet we desier God, that at length we may ouercome them, and triumphe ouer them, by the helpe and assistence of the Holy Gost.

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YE haue hearde in the syxte petition, howe we sue to God, that he wyll rule, gouerne and strengthen vs, by his Holy Ghost, that we maye be able to fyght against synne, to withstande al the perellous tentations of the fleshe, the worlde and the Deuyll, and to ouercome theym, so that we maye become ryghtuous and holy. Nowe foloweth the seventh laste petition, in the whiche we desire God, to delyuer vs from this perelous and continual battail, and frome all other euelles, that thys great daungier may not continew for euer, but that at length we may haue some ende therof. And for this Christ taught vs to pray, and to say Good Lord delyuer vs from euell.

And nowe to the intent, that you maye the better vnderstande thys petition, you shall knowe (good children) that this word, euel, doth not signifie in this place, onelye synne, agaynst Goddes commaundementes, and vnbelefe agaynste Goddes promise, but here it betokeneth all

Matt. ix. d.

and xii. c. Mark iii.

Luke xi. c.

kynde of aduersitie and affliction, whiche we suffer for our synnes, eyther in oure bodies, soules, honors or riches, as ignorance, blyndnes of minde, sadnes, sorow, trouble of conscience, fayntnes of the heart, sickenes of the body, pouertie, sclaunders, dispising, reproches, persecutions, battayle, sedition, hunger, pestilence, and al plages, with the which Satan doth afflict and trouble vs, either by hymself, or by the wicked world, wherof he is prince and gouernoure. The whiche euyls no man can numbre nor reherse, for they be without numbre, and encrease daylye more and more. For the Deuell in this latter tyme doeth dayly more and more rage agaynst the true churche and Apoc. xii. people of God, forasmuche as he perceyuethe, that his

kyngdome draweth to an ende, and a shorte tyme remayneth vntyll the day of iudgemente come, and his euerlastynge damnation.

Furthermore the worlde waxeth dayly worse and worse, and men waxeth more wylde and vnruly, synne, wickednes, malyce and craftines encrease aboue all measure, so muche that it is not possible to numbre the great floodes of euels whiche haue almoste ouerflowed the worlde. Amonge the whiche euels, there is suche blyndnesse and corruption of iudgement, that few therebe, whiche can rightly deserne what is good and what is euell. As for example Many men when they be sycke, iudge bodily sicknes to be a great euell, wheras in dede (yf they woulde take it as they ought to do) it is to theym an occasion of greate goodnes. Who perchaunce (yf they shoulde haue contynuall health) woulde forget God, and runne hedlonge into daungerous perels, both of bodye and soule, from the whiche euyls, theyr bodily diseases do staye and let theym. And so theyr bodyly sickenes, wourkethe in theym theyr soule health and saluation.

Also manye menne sette al theyr mynde vpon ryches, and welth of thys worlde, whiche maketh them proude

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