Speech of the Emperor to the Legislative SELECTIONS FROM OTHER PUBLICA. State of the French army in the North, 30th Proceedings of the Senate, on investing the Empress with the Regency, 632. Report of the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Proceedings of the Conservative Senate, on Proclamation of General St. Cyr, to the in- Military reports transmitted to the Empress, 754, 757, 758, 759, 761, 764, 794, 824, 854, Report made by Capt. Baivit, of the Are- thusa, 790. Proclamation of the Emperor to the army, 796. Orders issued at Hamburgh, 864, 890. GERMANY-Declaration of Bavarian and Order of the Duke of Mecklenburgh to take Proclamation of Gen. Winzingerode, 792. PRUSSIA.-Convention signed by Gen. D'York, Note of the Prussian government, remon- Correspondence on the same subject, be- Addresses of the King of Prussia to his army, Edict, abolishing the Continental System, Account of Gen. Bulow's operations, 858. 859. Account of the defeat of Gen. Lauriston, RUSSIA.-Proclamation of the Emperor Alex- Russian Bulletins, 62, 63, 94, 107, 155, 184, London Gazette Extraordinary, containing 184. Proclamations of the Emperor Alexander, Dispatches from Lord Cathcart, March 6 Proclamation of Gen. Winzingerode, on re- Lord Cathcart's account of the battle of Lnt- zen, 797, 819. SAXONY.-Proclamation of the Saxon Com- SPAIN.-Dispatches from Marshal Jourdan, on Marquis Wellington's retreat, 14, 15, 17. ABBOT, Right Hon. C. 328 Almera, Gen. 111 Ankerstrom, 883 Aplin, Lieut. 702 Arden, Lord, 4, 623 Armagh, Abp. 325 Astell, Mr. 918 Atkins, Alderman, 551 Austin, Sophia, 335, 342, 372, 378, 381, 383, 385, 400, 445 Auvray, Gen. 752 Bibikoff, Lieut. Col. 187 Bidgood, Robert, 335, 373, 377, Sarah, 403 Bigarre, Gen. 15 Bingham, Capt. 34 Buckinghamshire, Lord, 187, Bulow, Gen. 597, 605, 637, Burke, Mr. 586, 740 Butler, Mr. 203, 221, 251, 782 Cadore, Duke, 128, 794 Camasi, Gen. 64 Cambaceres, Prince, 126, 254, 278, 279, 631, 634 Canning, Mr. 33, 36, 73, 133, 351, 357, 364, 749, 784, 924 Carden, Capt. 59 Carew, Mr. P. 919 Birch, Alderman, 137, 161, 168 Cartwright, Major, 172, 616, Blaimont, Gen. 64 Blucher, Gen. 758, 765, 820, 823, 893 Bonnemain, Gen. 15 Brougham, Mr. 6, 77, 235, 548, Brunswick, Duke, 5, 40 Beauharnois, Engene. See Vice- Bubna, Count, 854, 926 roy Buchanan, Lieut. 702 782 Castanos, Gen. 18 Castiglione, Duke, 151 187, 607, 629, 769, 797 Chemienbau, Gen. 759 Chinnery, Mr. 787 Cholmondeley, Lord, 321,395, 511 Christian, Prince, 894 Clarence, Duke, 259 Cobbett, Mr. 12, 31, 46, 80, Combe, Alderman, 578 Crogan, Thomas, 905, 911 Dufour, Gen. 112,631 Eaglestone, Robt. 480, 524 568 Eaton, D. I. 710, 836 Erskine, Lord, 200, 290, 355, Davydoce, Col. 112 Deibetsch, Maj. Gen. 120, 288, De Laparens, Count, 125, 278 Dillon, Rev. Mr. 9087 Dornberg, Maj. Gen. 628 Drouet, Gen. 756, 761, 794,829 Fitzgerald, Harriet, 335, 389, Heiliger, Gen. 112 Fitzgerald, Mr. 375€ Foster, Mr. 22, 25, 48, 87, 316 Galitzyn, Prince, 113 Garth, Miss, 374, 453, 463, 691 Hunerbein, Gen. 822 Geary, Sir W. 210 George III. 32, 356, 526 Gosden, Eliz. 335, 378, 386 Hunt, Mr. H. 663 Hus, John, 247 Ignateef, Maj. Gen. 284 Ignatseff, Maj. Gen. 184 Jacks, Mr. 648, 653 Macdonald. See Tarentum Macdonnel, Major, 851 Marsh, Mr. H. 705 Marsham, Thomas, 32 896, 928 Massenbach, Lieut. Gen, 122, Paine, Thomas, 678, 710 Latour Maubourg, Gen. 795, Milman, Sir F. 336, 388, 592, 829 Lauderdale, Lord, 104 Lauriston, Count, 630,756,758, Mr. S79, 400, 450, 460, 519, Le Febre, Gcn. 155, 187 395 Miloradowitsch, Gen. 108, 111, Montoe, Mr. 4, 25, 54, 58, 317 Lefebre Desnouttes, Gen. 830 Moore, Capt, $94, 450, 484, Lefevre, Capt. 853 509 Morand, Gen. 630 Mordegrasse, Col. 160 Morris, Arthur, 689 Palenca, Count, 108 Paschkewtz, Maj. Gen. 114 ཉྙིཝཱ༣ " Paul, J. 257, 289, 321, 353, 417, 481, 577 Paulucci, Lieut. Gen. 285 108′′ Perceval, Hou, S. 32, 37, 44, Perin, Gen. 827 Perry, Mr. 175, 589, 648, 789, 781 Difcounts 4 |