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from American papers; and the American [ rica, had not the impudence to pretend to believe them to be authentic; but, he puts this question to his readers: 66 Who will deny that it is, in the highest degree sin


that I repeat my surmise, that the base fa-
brication had its origin here, and found its
way into the American newspapers in the
way that I have described.-
After this,
can we believe that a hireling of the press
will stick at any thing? The people of
America would not be deceived by so
clumsy a fraud; but, not so the "most
"thinking people" of England, for whom
nothing is too gross; and, I have not the
smallest doubt, that there are men at this
moment citing this offer of Napoleon as a
proof of his being a sworn foe of freedom,
and of his serious and settled intention to
enslave all the world, and annihilate Eng-
land. In short, it appears to me, that
there is nothing, which, if its purport be
to blacken an enemy, the mass of the people
of this country will not believe. Nay, I
am quite satisfied, that there are people
enough in the lounging-rooms in London to
denounce as "a friend of Buonaparte,"
any one who shall call the authenticity of
these letters in question.

papers say, that they copied them from a London paper. -The letters are sheer fabrications, intended to make people believe, that Mr. JEFFERSON was in negocia-gular, how such fabrications, carrying tion with Napoleon, or, at least, that the such evidence on the face of them, of an latter made him an offer, the end of which" intimate knowledge of the subject and was to make Mr. Jefferson a military despot" persons to which they relate, should over the people of America.- This is FIND THEIR WAY INTO AN only worthy of any notice at all, as it shows" ENGLISH NEWSPAPER?". the lengths to which the vile hirelings of the press will go to effect any purpose, which it is their interest to pursue. It is very true, that we never saw any such letters in any London paper. It is certain that no such letters were ever published here; but, I will not assert, that they had not their origin here; that they were not fabricated here; that they were not even printed here, and that, too, in some newspaper.- -Nothing is more easy than to put such letters into some one copy of an edition of a newspaper, aud to leave them out of all the other copies. That single copy might be sent off to America, while the rest of the edition were circulated here. There are not wanting men to do such a thing on this side of the water, and, I dare say, there are not wanting men to receive and republish on the other side. -Back came these letters in the American papers, and, in republishing of them here, not a word is said to apprize the people of the fact of their having been fabricated. I dare say, that a very considerable part of the people of England will -From a paper, laid take them for authentic documents, and before the House of Commons, not long will, of course, believe, that Napoleon since, it appears, that this is a subject actually proposed to Mr. JEFFERSON to worthy of great public attention; and, as I make him a despot. The propositions said find that it is speedily to be brought for to have been made to him are these: "1.ward in discussion, it may be useful to "That on condition of his declaring war draw the attention of my readers towards "against England, the presidency should it.There is a regulation, which pre"be guaranteed to him by his Majesty the scribes, that Agents of the army shall give "Emperor for life.2. That one mil-security for the due discharge of their trust; "lion of francs, and even more, if found necessary, should be annually placed at "his disposal during the war, to be repaid "after it was ended, or as soon as the in"tended alterations in the form of govern"ment were effected.-3. That three ❝ thousand French officers, instructed to "obey the President implicitly, should be "sent out to serve in the army of the "United States.- -4. That ten ships of "the line, with their proportion of frigates, "should be dispatched to the United States "to be manned and officered exclusively " by American seamen."The corrupt wretch, who published the letters in Ame

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and, certainly, such a regulation is necessary, seeing what large sums pass through their hands.--But, as appears from the above paper, some of them give no security at all, while others do to a large amount. Mr. Ridge and Mr. Shee, for instance, the former of whom is agent to the Recruiting Service, and the latter to the Local Militia, give a security each to the amount of £20,000. Mr. Robinson, who is agent to the 13th Dragoons, gives security to the amount of £10,000. While Messrs. Greenwood and Cox, who are agents to one half of the whole army, give no security at all, except for one regiment, and that only

in the sum of £1,500.-The profits, the | from this "friend of regular government, bare profits of these agents, or, at least," social order, and our holy religion," as their allowance for agency, amounts to up- JOHN BOWLES has it, which paper is also wards of forty thousand pounds a year. worthy of the attention of that "thinking" Between three and four millions of the pub-public. lic money pass through their hands in the course of the year; and yet, all the security they give is £1,500. The money may, perhaps, be very safe in their hands; but, what reason can there be for their not giving security for every regiment, as well as for the one, for which they do give security? The allowance for the agency to the whole of the army is little more than £80,000 a year. This house swallows up more than the half of the sum; and, surely, they ought to give proportional security. -It is said, in answer to this, that the several Colonels are responsible for the agent of their choice; and, that, if the agent fail, the public come upon the Colonel. But, Sir David Dundas, being then Commander in Chief, was asked by the Military Commissioners, whether he regarded the Colonels as being really responsible in such a case, said that he did not think that they were responsible.Now, if he, and in his then situation, could give such an opinion, I leave the reader to guess who would have to pay the piper in case of the failure of an agent. But, suppose the Colonels to be responsible by law, who is to be answerable for their ability? You cannot, as the saying is, get blood out of a flint stone, which is only saying, that you cannot get money from a man who has no money; and, as to the putting of a Colonel in jail, you cannot do that if he be a member of parliament; and, in cases where you can do it, the power could not be exercised without a great injury to the service, supposing the Colonel to be of any use. What, for instance, would be the mode of getting redress for the public if the agent of Sir George Prevost were to fail, and Sir George too poor to pay the debt? Would you send out a writ against him to Canada?

-In short, this "responsibility" of the Colonel must, it is very clear, be merely nominal; and, it is equally clear, that the public ought to have, for the money issued for every corps, a good and real security.

-Whether" the Guardians of the pub"lic purse" will think as I do is another matter, those Gentlemen and I being so very apt to differ in our opinions.


MR. CHINNERY.- -There is a paper respecting the balance due to the public

The amount of this balance exceeds eighty thousand pounds, about equal in amount to the nett produce of the Duty on Hops for three years!But, there are some particular items that I think it right to notice.--He is stated to have received and to have paid £647 15s. 10d. to a Mr. Briarly "for expenses of Merino "sheep." Now, I am yet to learn, that this "public" have ever possessed any. Merino sheep. I have heard of the king having some given him by the Spanish government; I have heard too of his sales of sheep; but, I never observed that any of the proceeds of those sales were carried to the credit of this famous "public;" and, I am yet to learn the reason why this same public should have been charged with any expenses relating to Merino sheep.The king gave some of these sheep away; but, I always understood, that they belonged to him, and not to the public. So that, I say again, that I can see no reason whatever for the public being saddled with this expense, especially as the king's privy purse, exclusive of all the expenses of his household, is so amply supplied by this same "public."--If I were a member` of parliament, I would certainly inquire how the people came to have any thing to do with this expense.--The sheep were given to the king; he did what he pleased with them; he sold them or kept them or gave them away; and, therefore, if the people refrained from all inquiry into the cause or the motive of the gift, they, surely, could have nothing to do with the expense of bringing or managing the sheep. From another item it appears, that Chin-, nery received, from 1805 to 1807, £110,395, and for what purpose, think, you? Why "To be paid to Count Munster for "THE SERVICE OF HANO"VER." Of this he still owes, £5,256. But, the main thing here is, that this great, sum was issued for the service of Hanover; and, bear in mind, that it was issued from, the public treasure, because, as the account states, the balance is "due to the public.”

Now, we see, then, that Hanover has. cost us this sum, and that very recently, too. Here is a sum equal to the nell duty on starch for two years.- -This sum is not to be supposed to have gone to our army in Hanover (if we had any troops there at the time), nor to any part of our service;


for it is expressly stated to have been for the service of Hanover, and to be paid to Count Munster, who is the Hanoverian Resident here.Another item is £41,117, to pay bills drawn from abroad, on ac"count of His Royal Highness the Duke of "Cumberland," from 1798 to 1802. I do not recollect where the Duke was at that time; but, I am sure I cannot discover how this money came to have any thing to do with this enlightened "public," unless the Duke was in some sort of public service at the time. If the money was issued to Chinnery on account of the Duke's pension and allowances, or as the Colonel of a regiment, then the balance not paid by Chinnery, which is £886, would be due to the Duke; but it is stated to be due to "the "public;" so that it must have been the money of the public, and not his own private money, that was issued to Chinnery to the amount of £41,117.-I should like very much to see these matters explained.

We are often reviled for cavilling at such trifles; but, if I were to take all the sums that I think I can show to be expended unnecessarily, and set them against the nett proceeds of different heads of taxes, I should make any thinking reader stare. Great sums are made up of small sums; but, it is so on the one side as well as on the other. However, perhaps, it is hardly worth while to plague one's self about the matter, when not a few of those whom you talk to about it are, perhaps, only thinking all the while how they shall get in for a share of what you wish to save.

The Civil List, however, must come under my fingers. I cannot bring myself to let that pass unexplained. WM. COBBETT.

evening, receive your reply to the present communication, and your determination of executing or relinquishing the demand mentioned in your letter of the 16th instant. If that demand is still insisted upon, I have only to observe to you, that a compliance would be an immediate violation of the laws of my Country, and an eternal stigma, on the nation of which I am a citizen. A compliance, therefore, cannot be acceded to.-I have the honour to be, &c.

JOSEPH HALSET, Governor of the State of Delaware."


His Britannic Majesty's Ship Poictiers,, in the Mouth of the Delaware, March 23, 1813.

"Sir,-In reply to your letter received this day, by a flag of truce, in answer to mine of the 16th inst. I have to observe, that the demand I have made upon Lewistown is, in my opinion, neither ungenerous nor wanting in that magnanimity which, one nation ought to observe to another, with which it is at war. It is in my power to destroy your town, and the request I have made upon it, as the price of its security, is neither distressing nor unusual. I

must, therefore, persist; and whatever sufferings may fall upon the inhabitants of Lewistown, must be attributed to your selves by your not complying with a request so easily acquiesced in.—I have the honour to be, &c.

J. P. BERESFORD, Commodore, and commanding H. B. M. Squadron in the Delaware."



(Continued from page 768.) Magistrate of Lewis.-The respect which generous and magnanimous nations, even when they are enemies, take pride in cherishing towards each other, enjoins it upon me, as a duty I owe to the State over which I have the honour at this time to preside, to the Government of which this State is a member, and to the civilized world, to inquire of you whether, upon further and more mature reflection, you continue resolved to attempt the destruction of this town? I shall, probably, this

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nions saw us again with inexpressible joy, which the happiness of our being useful to them, caused us to partake of in a still more lively degree.I have taken half the Rube's crew on board the Arethusa, and took the Serra in tow until we reached the latitude of Madeira. There I took on board every thing out of the vessel, and then destroyed her, as she retarded my voyage.

-I passed several days in cruizing off the Azore, where I fell in with two flags of truce, which were carrying the crew of the Java frigate to England. I have chased seyeral English corvettes, but which I could not come up with.—On the 19th I entered St. Maloes, having only ten days' provisions left. In the course of my cruize, I have taken 15 of the enemy's vessels. I have every reason to be satisfied with the zeal and progress in instruction made by those

while our fire appeared to me to surpass that of the enemy, and at the close of an hour and a half, our superiority seemed to me sufficiently certain to endeavour to board him. I hauled on the wind, but the braces and bow-lines being cut to pieces, both fore and aft, by the enemy's shot, it was not possible for me to get any closer to him. The enemy on his side made more sail. His fire, which had nearly ceased, became brisker, when he had opened our distance, and did considerable damage to our rigging. At 11 o'clock the fire ceased on both sides.We were no longer in good condition, and the enemy setting a crowd of sail, abandoned the field of battle to us.- -I had nothing more at heart, than to have the necessary work done for making sail, hauling upon a wind, and pursuing our advantage.- -The Arethusa had suffered enormously; 20 men killed out-of our conscripts, who now made their first right, had been thrown into the sea during the engagement; 88 more, grievously wounded, were down in the Surgeon's birth, and excepting the Master Carpenter, all my naval officers were killed or wounded; such men as were only slightly wounded, had not quitted their posts, or had returned to them after having their wounds dressed, and in the midst of this scene of carnage, the fourth part of the crew left wished only for recommencing the attack.

It was calm the whole night, which we passed in repairing the ship.-At break of day, the enemy was laying to the South East of us, at about a league and half distance, standing to the Southward, with all sail set, with a light breeze from the N. E. I then occupied myself solely with the fate of Capt. Olivier, whom I had left with his crew on the Isles de Los, for which islands I shaped my course, and got sight of them the next day, being the 9th.

-In the afternoon we got sight of a three-masted ship coming out from there. I judged it to be the Serra, and passed the night in standing off and on. It proved, indeed, to be that vessel; I joined her in the morning of the 10th. Capt. Olivier, with his whole crew, were on board her. He had embarked in this prize, as I had advised him, after having destroyed the remains of the Rubes, which it was impossible to get afloat again. He was making his passage for France, notwithstanding all the risks and confinement attending a long voyage, with 300 men on board a vessel of 300 tons burden, in bad condition, and exceedingly badly provisioned. This worthy and unfortunate Captain and his compa

campaign, and I cannot bestow sufficient praise on the officers, masters, and seamen of all classes of my company; they have all rivalled each other in giving proofs of their courage and devotion under all circumstances; and the ability with which I have been seconded by the officers, is superior to any eulogium I can bestow on them.

A true Extract.


The Minister of Marine, Duke DECRES.


Proclamation, issued by the Imperial General Baron Von Winzingerode.

It is a usual measure with the enemies of all justice, to treat with the greatest severity all places and persons, which, on the approach of the Allied Army, by word or deed, express the sentiments with which all true Germans are inspired, whenever a change in the position of the troops brings them again into such neighbourhood. This induces me, once for all, to make the express declaration, that I shall put in force the right of retaliation in its greatest latitude, for all such violences which have been committed in the absence of the troops under his command, not only on the dishonourable German mercenaries that are in my power, but likewise for such purpose seize the next Civil Magistrate that shall render himself suspected of disaffection. Every punishment by death will unavoidably and instantly be followed on my side by a similar proceeding; and by such mean every country will receive some compensation for its loss of worthies, by the diminu

the sacred cause of their native country to
foreigners, and, as servants of tyranny, be-
come instruments to the oppression of their
brethren. We, who follow the will of
Providence in the plain road of justice, may
hope in God, that very shortly no such
enemy will farther dare to oppose warriors,
in whom the power of their native country
is made known, and who are only inflamed
to revenge, for dishonoured humanity, by
the sight of such mercenary hordes.
His Imperial Russian Majesty's Lieut.-Gen.
(Signed) Baron Von WINZINGERODE.
Head-quarters at Leipsic, the 6th
718th) April, 1813.

tion of those, who, for a base gain, betray | jesty the Emperor and King, our very dear husband and Sovereign, can only be considered as a special act of the Divine protection. We desire, that on receiving this letter you cause Te Deum to be sung, and return thanks to the God of armies, and that you will thereto add such prayers as you shall judge most suitable for drawing down the Divine protection on our arms, and especially for the preservation of the sacred person of the Emperor and King, our very dear husband and Sovereign. May God preserve him from all danger! His safety is as necessary to the happiness of the empire as to the welfare of Europe, and to religion, which he has raised up, and which he is called to re-establish, He is the most sincere and faithful protector of it. This letter having no other object, we pray God, M. Bishop, to have you in his holy keeping. Given at our Imperial Palace of St. Cloud, this 11th May, 1813. MARIA LOUISA,


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By the Empress Regent,
The Duc De Cadore, Secretary of State.

Paris, May 15.-Her Majesty the Empress Queen and Regent has received the following intelligence respecting the situa tion of the army, dated the 10th, at night:

April 23.-The corps is herewith informed, that an engagement took place in the vicinity of Ottersberg and Rothersburg, between the van-guard under the command of Lieutenant-Colonel Von Benkindorff and the enemy, in which the latter was defeated and put to flight, with the loss of 100 prisoners, his baggage, and several hundreds killed and wounded. By the attack of our cavalry the enemy, who was 3,000 strong, was forced to confine his movements to the high-road, and the well-di--On the 9th, Colonel Lasalle, Director rected fire of our artillery soon compelled him to make a speedy retreat.- -The judicious conduct of Lieutenant-Colonel Von Benkindorff, and the distinguished behaviour of Lieutenant Von Berg, of the Staff, Russmenko, of the Artillery, and Pawlow, of the Issum Regiment of Hussars, which was the principal cause of the successful issue of the battle, deserve my thanks, which I herewith return those Gentlemen,

-It is with peculiar satisfaction that I have received the information, that the squadrons of the Hanseatic Legion, which had a share in the engagement, have behaved themselves in a manner becoming the brave defenders of their country. (Signed) The Imperial Russian Maj. Gen.


Hamburgh, April 23.


Paris, May 14.-In the name of the

The Empress-Queen and Regent to M. the
Bishop of

M. Bishop of --The victory gained on the fields of Lutzen, by his Ma

of the bridge-equipage, began to replace
rafts for a bridge, which was forming
at the village of Prielnitz. There was also
a go-and-come (un va el vient) formed at
the same time. Three hundred voltigeurs
were passed over to the right bank, under
the protection of twenty pieces of cannon
placed on an eminence. -At ten in the
morning the enemy advanced to drive back
these voltigeurs into the river. He thought
that a battery of twelve pieces would be
sufficient to silence our guns.
The can-
nouade began, and the guns of the enemy
were dismounted; three battalions whom
he had pushed forwards were destroyed by
our grape shot. The Emperor hastened to
the spot. General Dulauloi took a station
with General Devaux, and eighteen pieces
of flying artillery, on the left of the vil-
lage of Prielnitz, a position which_com-
mands the whole plain on the right bank;
General Drouet advanced with sixteen
pieces of artillery to the right. The ene-
my brought forward forty pieces of cannon.
We had established a battery to the amount
of eighty. In the mean time a hollow was
traced on the right bank of the river, in
the form of a téte-de-pont, in which our
tiralleurs sheltered themselves. After hav-

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