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sincere and ardent prayer of your faithful, dutiful, and loyal Fellow-Subjects, the Freemen, Burgesses, and Inhabitants of the ancient City of Bristol.

Signed on behalf of the Meeting,


To which Her Royal Highness returned the following Answer:

that he confides the care of repulsing any attack of our enemies on the coasts of the Empire. You have not forgotten, Gentlemen, with what ardour the inhabitants of our coasts marched against the expedition directed to the port of Antwerp.But it is necessary to direct this zeal, and what happened in 1809, has shewn how important it is to organize the service of the National Guard, in such parts of the Empire where it may be deemed necessary.— Those departments which are especially called upon to concur in the defence of the National Guard shall be organized in the ports, are designated in Title IV.The

"I return my best thanks to the Freemen, Burgesses, and Inhabitants of the City of Bristol, who have been pleased to send me this handsome testimony of their approbation of my conduct, and their congratulations on the failure of that conspiracy which was wickedly contrived by per-departments, if it shall be found needful, jured and suborned Traducers against my Life and Honour."



CONSERVATIVE SENATE. (Continued from page 640.) the corps as soon as they shall have received the preliminary instructions.--The cohorts formed by the first call on this Ban have already proved what we may promise ourselves from the new call proposed. We do not dissimulate how painful this appeal must be to the last classes; but what French Citizen does not feel it preferable to make a present effort, to avoid making greater ones, and from which the same results could not be expected?-Exclusive of this, the calls, and their fixed times, should be determined by arrets of the Council, and these executive measures shall be taken in the most proper manner to prevent all injustice and difficulty.You well know, Gentlemen, the spirit of foresight which always guides his Majesty's designs, and thus to prevent every kind of danger and even of inquietude, he has deemed it necessary to organize an Army of Reserve, which encamped on our frontiers, will, at the same time, watch for their defence, and maintain order among our Allies. Title IV. renders disposable the 90,000 men of the Conscription of 1814, who had been destined for the defence of our western and southern frontiers; they will form the Army of Reserve on the eastern frontiers, where they will fill this new destination. - -To the honour and courage of the National Guard, the Emperor confides the defence of the six great ports of the military marine; it is to the National Guards

and the companies of grenadiers and chasseurs completed in such a manner as to present a force of from 15 to 30,000 men, in every circle, effective, present, and always disposable.It is from the bosom of the Senate, Gentlemen, that his Majesty will select the Generals whom he will charge to preside over the organization of these companies, and to take the command of them. In giving the citizens such chiefs to guide them in those sentiments of honour as have so many claims on the general esteem, it was his Majesty's wish to encourage the confidence of the National Guards; to render their obedience more easy, and to secure to them such regard and esteem as may be consistent with the duties of the service. Not more than from 1,500 to 3,000 men from each circle will be called into activity, and these will be placed at those points where their services may be deemed necessary, and will be relieved every three months, in order that they may not be too long detained from their оссираtions and business.- -The contingent of every circle shall be in readiness to march to such points as may be attacked; but will not be parted from their families, excepting in such cases, and then only for the time the danger may exist. This contingent reduced to the lowest number of 15,000 men for each circle, will give 90,000 men, to which, when we join 20,000 Garden Cotes, 60,000 of the marine troops, 20,000 workmen employed in the great ports; the local national guard, about 40,000 men in the depots of the land army, who are within reach of the coast, and lastly 6,000 men of the Gens d'Armes distributed in the same arrondissement, the defence of our coasts will be found to be secured by upwards of 250,000 men, independent of the reserve of grenadiers and chasseurs, who are not entered in the first contingent, and

ment, which, by despoiling it of an important part of her States, offers her nothing in return but a chimerical hope, and the certainty of an eternal war with the Empire. A wise and enlightened Prince has not forgotten the outrages of England, he has felt his true interest, and remained faithful to us. -Nevertheless the enemy has approached our Hanseatic departments, and has there sown the seeds of trouble and revolt. Could he have blended to such a

have withdrawn them from the obedience they owe to his Majesty ?——How, because a tempest which prudence could not foresee, has dispersed a part of our victorious army, our enemies flatter themselves that they may, at their pleasure, dispose of our territories according to their ambition! They believed that they can dictate the law to us, and draw us into a disgraceful peace.

which will besides amount to upwards of 120,000 men more. -It is nevertheless by means of this measure, which does not call out more than a thousandth part of the population of the six arrondissement, and merely for a temporary service, that the 90,000 men of the conscription of 1814 have been rendered disposable. The actual situation of Europe, the necessity our enemies are under of dividing their forces in Sicily, in Portugal, and in Canada, banishes every idea of our coast being attack-point as to persuade them that he could ed, but however improbable an attack may seem to be, it is sufficient that it is not impossible, to induce his Majesty, in his great wisdom, not to hesitate in applying the measures which have been proposed to you. By giving your sanction, Gentlemen, to them, you ensure the defence of our coasts and our ports, and thus the Empire will have an army of 40,000 men on the Elbe, one of 200,000 in Spain, and 200,000 partly on the Rhine, partly in the 32d military division, and in Italy.—And it is in the view of such forces that our enemies conceive the ridiculous idea of dismembering the empire, and to allow our departments to be given as indemnities, in their political calculations. This struggle is the last. Europe will take a definitive situation, and the events of the winter of 1813 will at least have been of advantage to France, by causing her to know her friends and her foes, the extent of her own means, the devotion of the people, and their attachment to the Imperial dynasty.

[This project, after having been referred to a special commission, was adopted and decreed by the Senate, in the sittings of the 3d of April.]

Count Boulay followed Count Defermon, and thus developed the motives of the 2d projet of the Senatus Consultum. After going over all the recent events in the North, he thus proceeded :

-Without doubt it would soon become necessary to burn our fleets, destroy our docks, and reduce our navy to thirty vessels, as they have dared to propose to us.

Deprived of our Colonies, and the advantages of a maritime commerce, we should furthermore renounce our continental power, and suffer our manufactures and our national industry to perish, and become in every respect the servile tributaries of England! No, no, the nation is of the same sentiments with her Sovereign; full of confidence in the firmness of his character, and the resources of his genius, she will never suffer the least attempt to be made against the dignity of his Crown; she will deplore that it may require all his energy to repulse such vain pretensions.She has already made known her noble sentiments, and we shall see her persevere in them with unshaken constancy.- -You, Gentlemen, who are the principal organs of this generous people, you will shew yourselves its worthy interpreters by sanctioning the measures Such, Gentlemen, was the condition of proposed to you. What we are especially those countries, when the misfortunes which charged to present to you is, as we said at a rigorous and premature season occasioned the commencement, in the cases provided the Grand Army, reanimated among our for by our constitution. Since the enemy enemies those hopes which our victories had has defiled the territory of the Hanseatic disconcerted.- -All kind of intrigues have Departments, since he has excited these been listened to. A new coalition is formed disorders and seditions, and that he has in the North; and Russia, believing that there raised culpable hopes, it is evident she could shew her hatred with impunity, that the empire of the constitutional and has set the world the example of an odious common law, the exercise of which preperfidy. The coalesced, in their trans- supposes a regular and peaceable state of actions, have ceded Norway to Sweden, and affairs, should be there suspended, and promised our Hanseatic possessions to Den- make way for whatever extraordinary meamark, as an indemnification.The Da-sures may be commanded by circumstances. nish Government has rejected an arrange- This suspension is, however, only for three

months; every thing leads us to believe that it will not require more than that time to bring these departments again under perfect submission; and we have no doubt that we shall see all the good citizens, all the enlightened people of those countries concur of themselves to the successes of the measures which his Majesty will take to restore there the government of order and law.

[This project, after having been referred to a special Commission, was adopted, and decreed by the Senate in the sitting of 3d April.]


The King of Prussia's Address.


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It is unnecessary to render an account to my good people of Germany of the motives. for the war which is now commencingthey are evident to impartial Europe.We bent under the superior power of France-that peace, which deprived me of half my subjects, procured us no blessings; it, on the contrary, hurt us more than war itself. The heart of our country was impoverished. The principal fortresses were occupied by the enemy; agriculture was neglected as well as the industry of our cities, which had risen to a very high degree. Liberty of trade being interrupted naturally clouds all the sources of ease and property. By the most exact observance of the stipulated treaties, I hoped to obtain an alleviation for my People-and, at last, convince the French Emperor that it was his own interest to leave Prussia independent; but my intentions, my exertions to obtain so desirable an object, proved fruitless. Nothing but haughtiness and treachery were the result! We discovered, but rather late, that the Emperor's conventions were more ruinous to us than his open wars.

Often have you expressed your wishes of fighting for the liberty and independence of your country. The moment for doing it is now arrived. He is no member of the nation by whom this is not felt. Youth and men voluntarily fly to arms. What in them is free will, is to you who belong to the standing army a call. From you, ordained to defend the native country, she is entitled to demand what is offered by the others. -See! What numbers forsake every thing they hold most dear, to venture their lives with you in their country's cause: you will, therefore, doubly feel your sacred duty. May all of you, on the day of battle, or in time of trouble, keep in mind moderation and due discipline. Let individual ambition, be it either in the highest or the lowest of the army, sink before that of all. He that feels for his country, does not think of self. May the envious meet contempt, when the general welfare only is considered. Every thing else must now The moment is now arrived give way to this. Victory proceeds from in which no illusion respecting our condiGod! Shew yourselves worthy of this high tion can remain. Brandenburghers, Prusprotection, by obedience, and fulfilling your sians, Silesians, Pomeranians, Lithuanians! duties. Let courage, constancy, loyalty, you know what you have suffered during and good discipline be your renown. Fol- the last seven years—you know what a milow the example of your forefathers; be serable fate awaits you, if we do not howorthy of them, and remember your poste- nourably finish the now commencing conrity!- -A sure reward will fall on him test. Remember former times! Rememwho distinguishes himself; deep disgrace ber the illustrious Elector the Great FREDEand punishment on him who forgets his RICK! Remember the benefits for which duty.Your King will always be with our ancestors contended under their direcyou, and with him the Crown Prince and tion, the liberty of conscience, honour, inthe Princes of his house. They will fight dependence, trade, industry, and knowalong with you. They and the whole na- ledge. Bear in mind the great example of tion will combat with you, and at our side our allies the Russians. a valiant race come to our assistance, and niards and Portuguese; small nations have to the assistance of all Germany; a people even gone to battle for similar benefits, that by glorious deeds have secured their against a more powerful enemy, and obtain

Think of the Spa

ed victory. Remember the Swiss and the Netherlands !

(Signed) FREDERICK WILLIAM. Breslau, March 17, 1813.

Berlin, March 13.-The 11th of March was the day appointed for the public entry of his Excellency Count Wittgenstein. The procession began about ten in the morning. His Royal Highness Prince Henry of Prussia rode by the side of his Excellency the General of Cavalry, Count Wittgenstein, attended by a great number of Russian and Prussian guards, a regiment of dragoons, two regiments of infantry, and several batteries of artillery, of twelve pieces each: in the whole 48 pieces of artillery, with 96 powder waggons, martial music playing the whole time, and the spectators waving their hats and handkerchiefs, with a continual huzza! in honour of the Emperor Alexander, which was answered by the Russians, with shouts of "Long live Fre"derick William."- -In the afternoon Prince Henry of Prussia gave a dinner to Prince Wittgenstein, Prince Repnin, General and Military Governor of this capital, and a great number of other Russian guards and officers. His Excellency afterwards went to the Opera, and at night the whole city was voluntarily illuminated.- -The next day his Excellency caused the following acknowledgment to be inserted in the public Gazettes of this city:

"By the enthusiasm with which the inhabitants of Berlin have received the Imperial Russian troops; by the affection and high respect which they have on this occasion expressed for his Majesty the Emperor my Master; by the esteem and gratitude with which they have treated the troops, whom they consider as their deliverers from an insupportable yoke, I feel myself required to express the warmest thankfulness in the name of my Sovereign, to the inhabitants of the capital of the Prussian Monarchy, for these sentiments; I shall not fail to state them to his Majesty the Emperor, and I doubt not that they will make the same impression upon him as they have made upon myself,

The Correspondent contains addresses from the Russian General Baron Tittenborn to the inhabitants of the left bank of the river Elbe, and to the inhabitants of the city of Lubeck, exhorting them to take up arms in this sacred war, telling them they know the fate of the Grand French Army, which has been entirely destroyed on the plains of Russia, and assuring them that powerful armies are hastening to their support. There is also a notification signed by the same Baron (Tittenborn), for the meeting of a volunteer corps in Hamburgh, which is to bear the name of the Hanseatic Legion, and form a part of the Army of the North of Germany.

Berlin, March 18.-By his Majesty's special direction the undersigned Commission has published the following order of the day, relative to Gen. Von York:

"After having been fully convinced of the justification of Gen. Von York, relative to the convention concluded with the Russian Gen. Debitsch, and by the judgment of the Commission appointed to inquire into this transaction, consisting of Lieut. Von Diezicke, and Major-Generals Von Scholer and Von Sanitz, that General Von York was entirely free from blame, with respect to that convention, which was occasioned by the delayed march of the tenth by the total dispersion of that corps, and corps d'armee from its position before Riga, by the advantageous conditions offered him by the Convention, I hereby make known the same to the army, with the addition, that I not only confirm General Von York in the command of the corps intrusted to him, but also in proof of my satisfaction and perfect confidence in him, have given to him the chief command of the troops under Major Von Bulow. Breslau, March 11.

FRED, WILLIAM, Berlin, March 16.-Royal High Commission of Government,

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Proclamation of the Saxon Commissioners. The Commission of Government appoint"Count WITTGENSTEIN, General of ed by his Majesty the King of Saxony to re


(To be continued.)

Published by R. BAGSHAW, Brydges-Street, Covent-Garden.

LONDON: Printed by J. M'Creery, Black-Horse-Court, Fleet-street.

VOL. XXIII. No. 19.]




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"a large annuity for undertaking to screw 66 up persons' assessments to the extent of MR. CREEVEY'S CASE.This is a case "his own imagination. The learned Counof considerable interest, and, indeed, of" sel added, that the libel went on to insult great public importance. The charge" the memory of the late Mr. Perceval, by against this gentleman was that of Libel on "asserting, that he had given Mr. Kirka Mr. KIRKPATRICK, an inspector of Taxes" patrick this appointment, merely in conat Liverpool, or in that neighbourhood."sequence of his having been his client. This man prosecuted Mr. Creevey by " The learned Counsel then referred to the criminal process, and, by a Special Jury; "case of the King against Lord Abingdon, the latter was found guilty at the last as- "to shew that the publication of a libel sizes at Lancaster.- I shall first insert" against an individual was not to be justithe report of the Trial, as I find it in the "fied by the circumstance of its being a news-papers; and, having done that, I "report of a speech made in Parliament. shall offer to my readers a few remarks on "He concluded by expressing his convicthe subject." Mr. PARK, the Attorney "tion, that the verdict would confirm the "General for the county, stated, that this "doctrine for which he contended.66 was a prosecution against Mr. Creevey," The publication from Mr. Creevey's "a Member of Parliament, for having" manuscript having been clearly proved, "published in the Liverpool Mercury, a "Mr. BROUGHAM first submitted to his "most scandalous and defamatory libel," Lordship, upon the authority of the case "highly injurious to the character of a "of the King v. Wright, that he was not "Gentleman of the name of Kirkpatrick," called upon to address the Jury. He in"filling the important office of Inspector "sisted generally that a Member of Parlia"General of Taxes. He did not mean to "ment could not be held accountable for "deny the Hon. Member's right to state "publishing a true report of what passed "what he pleased in the House of Com-" in Parliament.- The Judge over-ruled "mons-the exercise of that privilege," this point, and the learned Gentleman "however it might affect the feelings of in-" then addressed the Jury. He said, that "dividuals, could not be called in question;" Mr. Creevey had been urged by many "but he contended, that if a Member of" Members of both Houses, justly alarm"the House of Commons afterwards sented at this prosecution, to insist upon his "to the editor of a news-paper his own" privilege, but the learned Judge having report of his speech, he was answerable" decided against him, he should now pro"if it contained libellous matter just the "ceed to the other ground of his defence. "same as for the publication of a libel of" He then in a very eloquent and ingenious any other description. The learned speech contended, that there was nothing "Counsel then stated, that the libel pur- "libellous in the publication-that matters ported to be the report of the Honourable" reflecting in a much higher degree upon "Member's speech made upon the occasion" the characters of individuals, had been "of presenting a petition to the House of "published as the speeches of Mr. Burke, "Commons against the East India Com-" Mr. Pitt, Mr. Windham, and other emi- "pany's monopoly. He seemed to have "nent parliamentary characters. He in"gone wholly out of his way in order to "ferred the injurious operation of impose "vilify the prosecutor, for he represented "ing any restraint upon the publication of "the distresses of the people of Liverpool. reports of what passed in Parliament, "as having been aggravated by his ap- "and on this ground principally trusted "pointment to the office of Inspector Ge- his client would be acquitted. SIR "neral of Taxes-he designated the office" SIMON LE BLANC stated his clear opinion "of Mr. Kirkpatrick as that of a common "that it was no extenuation of a libel to “informer, and insinuated that he received" say that it was the report of a speech in



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