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he thought it improper that a single gentleman | Sire, I could hardly believe my eyes; when I should be sitting quite close to a married lady on found such a fact left in this dark state, without the sofa; and from that situation, and former ob- any further explanation, or without a trace in servations, he thought the thing improper. In the examination of any attempt to get it further this second account, therefore, your Majesty explained. How he got this impression on his perceives he was obliged to bring in his former mind that this was not a thief? Whom he beobservation to help out the statement, in order lieved it to be? What part of the house he saw to account for his having been so shocked with him enter? If the drawing-room, or any part what he saw, as to express his alarm by "start- which I usually occupy, who was there at the ing back." But unfortunately he accounts for it, time? Whether I was there? Whether alone, as it seems to me at least, by the very circum- or with my Ladies? or with other company? stance which would have induced him to have Whether he told any body of the circumstance been less surprised, and consequently less startled at the time? or how long after? Whom he by what he saw; for had his former observations told? Whether any inquiries were made in been such as he insinuates, he would have been consequence? These, and a thousand other prepared the more to expect, and the less to be questions, with a view to have penetrated into surprised at, what he pretends to have seen. the mystery of this strange story, and to have But your Majesty will observe, that in his depo- tried the credit of this witness, would, I should sition before the Commissioners (recollecting, have thought, have occurred to any one; but perhaps, how awkwardly he had accounted for certainly must have occurred to persons so exhis starting in his former declaration), he drops perienced, and so able in the examination of Iris starting altogether. Instead of looking at facts, and the trying of the credit of witnesses, the gentleman only, he looked at us both, that as the two learned Lords unquestionably are, I caught his eye, and saw that he noticed the whom your Majesty took care to have introduced manner in which we were sitting, and instead of into this commission. They never could have his own starting, or any description of the man- permitted these unexplained, and unsifted, hints ner in which he exhibited his own feelings, we and insinuations to have had the weight and effect are represented as both appearing a little confused. of proof.-But, unfortunately for me, the duties, Our confusion is a circumstance, which, during probably, of their respective situations prevented his four declarations, which he made before the their attendance on the examination of this, and appointment of the Commissioners, it never once on the first examination of another most importoccurred to him to recollect. And now he does ant witness, Mr. Robert Bidgood-and surely recollect it, we appeared, he says, "a little your Majesty will permit me here, without of confused."-A little confused!-The Princess of fence, to complain, that it is not a little hard, Wales detected in a situation such as to shock that, when your Majesty had shewn your anxiety and alarm her servant, and so detected as to be to have legal accuracy, and legal experience sensible of her detection, and so conscious of assist on this examination, the two most importthe impropriety of the situation as to exhibitant witnesses, in whose examinations there is symptoms of confusion; would not her confusion more matter for unfavourable interpretation, have been extreme? would it have been so little than in all the rest put together, should have as to have slipped the memory of the witness been examined without the benefit of this accuwho observed it, during his first four declara-racy, and this experience. And I am the better tions, and at last to be recalled to his recollec-justified in making this observation, if what has tion in such a manner as to be represented in been suggested to me is correct; that, if it shall the faint and feeble way in which he here de- not be allowed that the power of administering scribes it? What weight your Majesty will an oath under this warrant or commission is ascribe to these differences in the accounts given questionable, yet it can hardly be doubted, that by this witness I cannot pretend to say. But I it is most questionable whether, according to am ready to confess that, probably, if there was the terms or meaning of the warrant or commisnothing stronger of the same kind to be ob- sion, as it constitutes no quorum, Lord Spencer served, in other parts of his testimony, the in- and Lord Grenville could administer an oath, or ference which would be drawn from them, would act in the absence of the other Lords; and if depend very much upon the opinion previously they could not, Mr. Cole's falsehood must be entertained of the witness. To me, who know out of the reach of punishment. Returning many parts of his testimony to be absolutely then from this digression, will your Majesty false, and all the colouring given to it to be permit me to ask, whether I am to understand wholly from his own wicked and malicious in- this fact respecting the man in a great coat, to vention, it appears plain, that these differences be one of those, which must necessarily give ocin his representations, are the unsteady, awkward casion to the most unfavourable interpretations, shuffles and prevarications of falsehood. To which must be credited till decidedly contrathose, if there are any such, who from precon- dicted? and which, if true, deserve the most ceived prejudices in his favour, or from any serious consideration? The unfavourable interother circumstances, think that his veracity is pretations which this fact may occasion, doubtfree from all suspicion, satisfactory means of less are, that this man was either Sir Sidney reconciling them may possibly occur. But be- Smith, or some other paramour, who was admitfore I have left Mr. Cole's examinations, your ted by me into my house in disguise at midnight, Majesty will find that they will have much more for the accomplishment of my wicked and adul to account for, and much more to reconcile.terous purposes. And is it possible that your -Mr. Cole's examination before the Commissioners goes on thus:-"A short time before "this, one night about twelve o'clock, I saw a "man go into the house from the Park, wrapt up in a great coat. I did not give any alarm, "for the impression on my mind was, that it was not a thief.” When I read this passage,

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Majesty, is it possible that any candid mind can believe this fact, with the unfavourable interpretations which it occasions, on the relation of a servant, who for all that appears, mentions it for the first time, four years after the event took place; and who gives, himself, this picture of his honesty and fidelity to a master,

I had

whom he has served so long; that he, whose nerves he had taken of the improper situation of Sir are of so moral a frame, that he starts at seeing Sidney Smith with me upon the sofa. To this a single man sitting at mid-day, in an open draw- I can oppose little more than my own assering-room, on the same sofa, with a married tions, as my motives can only be known to my woman, permitted this disguised midnight adul- self.-But Mr. Cole was a very disagreeable terer, to approach his master's bed, without servant to me; he was a man, who, as I always taking any notice, without making any alarm, conceived, had been educated above his station. without offering any interruption. And why? He talked French, and was a musician, playing because (as he expressly states) he did not believe well on the violin.-By these qualifications he him to be a thief: and because (as he plainly in- got admitted occasionally, into better company, sinuates) he did believe him to be an adulterer. and this probably led to that forward and ob--But what makes the manner in which the Com-trusive conduct, which I thought extremely of missioners suffered this fact to remain so unex- fensive and impertinent in a servant, plained the more extraordinary, is this; Mr. long been extremely displeased with him; I Cole had in his original declaration of the 11th had discovered, that when I went out he would of January, which was before the Commis- come into my drawing-room, and play on my sioners, stated "that one night, about twelve harpsichord, or sit there reading my books;— o'clock, he saw a person wrapped up in a great and, in short, there was a forwardness, which coat, go across the Park into the gate at the would have led to my absolutely discharging Green house, and he verily believes it was Sir him a long time before, if I had not made a Sidney Smith." In his declaration then, (when | sort of rule to myself, to forbear, as long as he was not upon oath) he ventures to state, possible, from removing any servant who had "that he verily believes it was Sir Sidney been placed about me by his Royal HighSmith." When he is upon his oath, in his depo- ness.-Before Mr. Cole lived with the Prince, sitions before the Commissioners, all that he he had lived with the Duke of Devonshire, ventures to swear is, “that he gave no alarm, and I had reason to believe that he carried because the impression upon his mind was, that to Devonshire House all the observations he it was not a thief!!" And the difference is most could make at mine. For these various reaimportant. "The impression upon his mind sons, just before the Duke of Kent was about was, that it was not a thief!!" I believe him, to go out of the kingdom, I requested his and the impression upon my mind too is, that Royal Highness the Duke of Kent, who had he knew it was not a thief-That he knew who been good enough to take the trouble of ar it was-and that he knew it was no other than ranging many particulars in my establishmy watchman. What incident it is that he al- ment, to make the arrangement with respect Indes to, I cannot pretend to know. But this to Mr. Cole; which was to leave him in town I know, that if it refers to any man with whose to wait upon me only when I went to Carleton proceedings I have the least acquaintance or House, and not to come to Montague House exprivity, it must have been my watchman; who, cept when specially required. This arrangement, if he executes my orders, nightly, and often it seems, offended him. It certainly deprived in the night, goes his rounds, both inside and him of some perquisites which he had when outside of my house. And this circumstance, living at Blackheath; but, upon the whole, as it which I should think would rather afford, to left him so much more of his time at his own dismost minds, an inference that I was not pre- posal, I should not have thought it had been paring the way of planning facilities for secret much to his prejudice. It seems, however, that midnight assignations, has, in my conscience, I he did not like it; and I must leave this part of believe, (if there is one word of truth in any the case with this one observation more-That part of this story, and the whole of it is your Majesty, I trust, will hardly believe that not pure invention) afforded the handle, and if Mr. Cole had, by any accident, discovered any suggested the idea, to this honest, trusty man, improper conduct of mine towards Sir Sydney this witness, "who cannot be suspected of any Smith, or any one else, the way which I should unfavourable bias," "whose veracity in that re- have taken to suppress his information, to close spect the Commissioners saw no ground to ques- his mouth, would have been by immediately tion," and "who must be credited till he re- adopting an arrangement in my family with received decided contradiction," suggested, I say, gard to him, which was either prejudicial or disthe idea of the dark, and vile insinuation con- agreeable to him; or that the way to remove him tained in this part of his testimony.- -Whether from the opportunity and the temptation of be I am right or wrong, however, in this conjec. traying my secret, whether through levity or deture, this appears to be evident, that his ex- sigu, in the quarter where it would be most fatal amination is so left, that supposing an indict- to me that it should be known, was, by making ment for perjury or false swearing, would lie an arrangement which, while all his resentment against any witness, examined by the Commis- and anger were fresh and warm about him, would sioners, and supposing this examination had place him frequently, nay, almost daily, at been taken before the whole four.-If Mr. Cole Carleton House; would place him precisely at was indicted for perjury, in respect to this that place from whence, unquestionably, it must part of his deposition, the proof that he did have been my interest to have kept him as far re see the watchman, would necessarily acquit moved as possible.There is little or nothing him; would establish the truth of what he said, in the examinations of the other witnesses which and rescue him from the punishment of per- is material for me to observe upon, as far as rejury, though it would at the same time prove spects this part of the case. It appears from the falsehood and injustice of the inference, them, indeed, what I have had no difficulty in and the insinuation, for the establishment of admitting, and have observed upon before, that which alone, the fact itself was sworn. Mr. Sir Sydney Smith was frequently at Montague Cole chooses further to state, that he ascribes House-that they have known him to be alone his removal from Montague House to London, with me in the morning, but that they never knew to the discovery he had made, and the notice him alone with me in an evening, or staying

later than my company or the ladies-for, what Mr. Stikeman says, with respect to his being alone with me in an evening, can only mean, and is only reconcilable with all the rest of the evidence on this part of the case, by its being understood to mean alone, in respect of other company, but not alone in the absence of my ladies. The deposition, indeed, of my servant, S. Roberts, is thus far material upon that point, that it exhibits Mr. Cole, not less than three years ago, endeavouring to collect evidence upon these points to my prejudice. For your Majesty will find that he says, "I recollect Mr. Cole once "asked me, I think three years ago, whether "there were any favourites in the family. I re❝member saying, that Captain Manby and Sir "Sydney Smith were frequently at Blackheath, "and dined there oftener than other persons." He then proceeds" I never knew Sir Sydney "Smith stay later than the ladies: I cannot ex"actly say at what time he went; but I never "remember his staying alone with the Princess." As to what is contained in the written declarations of Mr. and Mrs. Lampert, the old servants of Sir John and Lady Douglas (as from some circumstance or other respecting, I conceive, either their credit or supposed importance), the Commissioners have not thought proper to examine them upon their oaths, I do not unagine your Majesty would expect that I should take any notice of them. And as to what is deposed by my Lady Douglas, if your Majesty will observe the gross and horrid indecencies with which she ushers in, and states my confessions to her of my asserted criminal intercourse with Sir Sydney Smith, your Majesty, I am confident, will not be surprised that I do not descend to any particular observations on her deposition. One, and one only observation will I make, which, however, could not have escaped your Majesty, if I had omitted it.-That your Majesty will have an excellent portraiture of the true female delicacy and purity of my Lady Douglas's mind and character, when you will observe that she seems wholly insensible to what a sink of infamy she degrades herself by her testimony against me. It is not only that it appears, from her statement, that she was contented to live in familiarity and apparent friendship with me, after the confession which I made of my adultery (for by the indulgence and liberality, as it is called, of modern manners, the company of adultresses has ceased to reflect that discredit apon the characters of other women who admit them to their society, which the best interests of female virtue may perhaps require); but she was contented to live in familiarity with a woman, who, if Lady Douglas's evidence of me is true, was a most low, vulgar, and profligate disgrace to her sex. The grossness of whose ideas and conversation would add infamy to the lowest, most vulgar, and most infamous prostitute. It is not, however, upon this circumstance that I rest assured no reliance can be placed on Lady Douglas's testimony; but after what is proved, with regard to her evidence respecting my preg. nancy and delivery in 1802, I ani certain that any observations upon her testimony, or her veracity must be flung away.Your Majesty has therefore now before you the state of the charge against me as far as it respects Sir Sidney Smith: and this I understand the Report, one of the Difcotesthich, with its unfavourable interpretations, theppinion of the Commissioners, be credeadedly contradictedAs to the facts

of frequent visiting on terms of great intimacy, as I have said before, they cannot be contradicted at all. How inferences and unfavourable interpretations are to be decidedly contradicted, I wish the Commissioners had been so good as to explain. I know of no possible way but by the declarations of myself and Sir Sydney Smith.Yet, we being the supposed guilty parties, our denial, probably, will be thought of no great weight. As to my own, however, I tender it to your Majesty, in the most solemn manner, and if I knew what fact it was that I ought to contradict, to clear my innocence, I would precisely address myself to that fact, as I am confident my conscience would enable me to do to any from which a criminal or an unbecoming inference could be drawn. I am sure, however, your Majesty will feel for the humiliated and degraded situation, to which this report has reduced your Daughter-in-law, the Princess of Wales; when you see her reduced to the necessity of either risking the danger that the most unfavourable interpretations should be credited; or else, of stating, as I am now degraded to the necessity of stating, that not only no adulterous, or criminal, but no indecent or improper intercourse whatever ever subsisted between Sir Sydney Smith and myself, or any thing which I should have objected that all the would should have seen. I say, degraded to the necessity of stating it, for your Majesty must feel that a woman's character is degraded when it is put upon her to make such statement, at the peril of the contrary being credited unless she decidedly contradicts it. Sir Sydney Smith's absence from the country prevents my calling upon him to attest the truth; but, I trust, when your Majesty shall find, as you will find, that my declarations to a similar effect, with respect to the other gentlemen referred to in this Report, is confirmed by their denial, that your Majesty will think that in a case, where nothing but my own word can be adduced, my own word alone may be opposed to whatever little remains of credit or weight may, after all the above observations, be supposed yet to belong to Mr. Cole, to his inferences, his insinuations, or his facts. Not, indeed, that I have yet finished my observations on Mr. Cole's credit; but I must reserve the remainder till I consider his evidence with respect to Mr. Lawrence; and till I have occasion to comment upon the testimony of Fanny Lloyd. Then, indeed, I shall be under the necessity of exhibiting to your Majesty these witnesses, Fauny Lloyd and Mr. Cole (both of whom are repiesented as so unbiassed and so credible) in flat, decisive, and irreconcilable contradiction to each other.

The next person with whom my improper intimacy is insinuated, is, Mr. Lawrence, the painter.The principal witness on this charge is also Mr. Cole; Mr. R. Bidgood says nothing about him; Fanny Lloyd says nothing about him; and all that Mrs. Lisle says is perfectly true, and I am neither able nor feel interested to contradict it. "That she remembers my sitting to Mr. Lawrence for my picture at Blackheath, and in London; that she has left me at his house in town with him, but she thinks Mrs. Fitzgerald was with us; and that she thinks I sat alone with him at Blackheath." But Mr. Cole speaks of Mr. Lawrence in a manner that calls for particnlar observation. He says, "Mr. Lawrence,

the painter, used to go to Montague Honse about the latter end of 1801, when he was

same which the witnesses call the Blue room) he
does not know whether any person was with her;
but it appeared odd to him, as he had formed
some suspicions." The striking and important
observation on this passage that when he
first talks of the door of the drawing-room
being locked, so far from his mentioning any
thing of whispering being overheard, he express-
ly says, that he did not know that any body
was with me.
The passage is likewise de-
serving your Majesty's most serious considera-
tion on another ground. For it is one of those
which shews that Mr. Cole, though we have four
separate declarations made by him, has certainly
made other statements which have not been
transmitted to your Majesty; for it evidently re-
fers to something which he had said before of
having found the drawing-room door locked, and
no trace of such a statement is discoverable in
the previous examination of Mr. Cole, as I have
received it, and I have no doubt that, in obedi-
ence to your Majesty's commands, I have, at
length, been furnished with the whole. I don't
know, indeed, that it should be matter of com-
plaint from me, that your Majesty has not been
furnished with all the statements of Mr. Cole,
because, from the sample I see of them, I can-
not suppose that any of them could have furnish-
ed any thing favourable to me, except, indeed,
that they might have furnished me with fresh
means of contradicting him by himself. But,
your Majesty will see that there have been other
statements not communicated; a circumstance
of which both your Majesty and I have reason to
complain. But it may be out of its place further
to notice that fact at present.

painting the Princess, and he has slept in the house two or three nights together. I have of ten seen him alone with the Princess at eleven or twelve o'clock at night. He has been there as late as one and two o'clock in the morning. One night I saw him with the Princess in the Blue room, after the ladies had retired. Some time afterwards, when I supposed he had gone to his room, I went to see that all was safe, and I found the Blue room door locked, and heard a whispering in it; and I went away." Here, again, your Majesty observes, that Mr. Cole deals his deadliest blows against my character by insinuation. And bere, again, his insinuation is left unsifted and unexplained. I here understand him to insinuate that, though he supposed Mr. Lawrence to have gone to his room, he was still where he had said he last left him; and that the locked door prevented him from seeing me and Mr. Lawrence alone together, whose whispering, however, he notwithstanding overheard. Before, Sire, I come to my own explanation of the fact of Mr. Lawrence's sleeping at Montague House, I must again refer to Mr. Cole's original declarations. I must again examine Mr. Cole against Mr. Cole: which I cannot help lamenting it does not seem to have occurred to others to have done; as I am persuaded, if it had, his prevarications and his falsehood could never have escaped them. They would then have been able to have traced, as your Majesty will now do, through my observatious, by what degrees he hardened himself up to the infamy (for I can use no other expression) of stating this fact, by which he means to insinuate that he heard me and Mr. Lawrence, locked up in this Blue room, whispering together, and alone. I am sorry to be obliged to drag your To return, therefore, to Mr. Cole-In his third declaration, dated the 30th of January, Majesty through so long a detail; but I am confident your Majesty's goodness, and love of jus- there is not a word about Mr. Lawrence. In tice, will excuse it, as it is essential to the vindi- his fourth and last, which is dated on the 23d of "the person who was alone cation of my character, as well as to the illustra-February, he says, tion of Mr. Cole's.- -Mr. Cole's examination, "with the lady at late hours of the night (twelve "and one o'clock), and whom he left sitting up as contained in his first written declaration of "after he went to bed, was Mr. Lawrence, the 11th of January, has nothing of this. I mean "which happened two different nights." Here not to say that it has nothing concerning Mr. Lawrence, for it has much, which is calculated is likewise another trace of a former statement to occasion unfavourable interpretations, and which is not given; for no such person is mengiven with a view to that object. But that cir- tioned before in any that I have been furnished -Your Majesty then here observes, that, cumstance, as I submit to your Majesty, in- with.creases the weight of my observation. Had after having given evidence in two of his declarathere been nothing in his first declaration about tions, respecting Mr. Lawrence by name, in Mr. Lawrence at all, it might have been ima- which he mentions nothing of locked doors, and gined that, perhaps, Mr. Lawrence escaped his after having, in another declaration, given an acrecollection altogether; or, that his declaration count of a locked door, but expressly stated, had been solely directed to other persons; but, that he knew not whether any one was with me as it does contain observations respecting Mr. within it, and said nothing about whispering beLawrence, but nothing of a locked door or the ing overheard, but, impliedly, at least, negatived whispering within it ;-how he happened at that it. In the deposition before the Commissioners, time not to recollect, or, if he recollected, not he puts all these things together, and has the hardihood to add to them that remarkable circumto mention, so very striking and remarkable a stance which could not have escaped his recolcircumstance is not, I should imagine, very satisfactorily to be explained. His statement in lection at the first, if it had been true,-" of his that first declaration stands thus:-" In 1801,"having, on the same night in which he found "Lawrence, the painter, was at Montague "House, for four or five days at a time, painting "the Princess's picture. That he was frequently "alone late in the night with the Princess, and "much suspicion was entertained of him." Mr. Cole's next declaration, at least, the next which appears among the written declarations, was taken on the 14th of January; it does not mention Mr. Lawrence's name, but it has this passage "When Mr. Cole found the drawing-room, which led to the staircase to the Princess's apartments, locked (which your Majesty knows is the

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"me and Mr. Lawrence alone, after the ladies were gone to bed, come again to the room "when he thought Mr. Lawrence must have "been retired, and found the door locked, and "heard the whispering," and then again he gives another instance of his honesty, and upon the same principle on which he took no notice of the man in the great coat, he finds the door locked, hears the whispering, and then he silently and contentedly retires.And this witness, who thus not only varies in his testimony, but contradicts himself in such important particulars,


is one of those who cannot be suspected of un- | had been left alone with Mr. Lawrence at his favourable bias, and whose veracity is not to be own house; to which she answers, that she, inquestioned, and whose evidence must be credited deed, had left me there, but that she thinks she till decidedly contradicted.These observa- left Mrs. Fitzgerald with me.If an inference tions might probably be deemed sufficient, upon of an unfavourable nature could have been drawn Mr. Cole's depositiou, as far as it respects Mr. from my having been left there alone--was it, Lawrence; but I cannot be satisfied without ex- Sire, taking all that care which might be wished, plaining to your Majesty all the truth, and the to guard against such an inference on the part of particulars, respecting Mr. Lawrence, which I the Commissioners, when they omitted to send What I recollect then is as follows. for Mrs. Fitzgerald to ascertain what Mrs. Lisle He began a large picture of me, and of my daugli- may have left in doubt. The Commissioners, I ter, towards the latter end of the year 1800, or give them the fullest credit, were satisfied that the beginning of 1801. Miss Garth and Miss Mrs. Lisle thought correctly upon this fact, and Hayman were in the house with me at the time. that Mrs. Fitzgerald, if she had been sent for The picture was painted at Montague House. again, would so have proved it, and, therefore, Mr. Lawrence mentioned to Miss Hayman his that it would have been troubling her to no purwish to be permitted to remain some few nights pose, but this it is, of which I conceive myself in the house, that, by rising early he might begin to have most reason to complain; that the exapainting on the picture before Princess Charlotte minations in several instances have not been fol(whose residence being at that time at Shooter's lowed up so as to remove unfavourable impres Hill, was enabled to come early), or myself, sions.I cannot but feel satisfied that the came to sit. It was a similar request to that Commissioners would have been glad to have which had been made by Sir William Beechy, been warranted in negativing all criminality, when he painted my picture. And I was sen- aud all suspicion on his part of the charge, as sible of no impropriety when I granted the re- completely and honourably as they have done on quest to either of them. Mr. Lawrence occu- the principal charges of pregnancy and delivery. pied the same room which had been occupied by They traced that part of the charge with ability, Sir William Beechy; it was at the other end of sagacity, diligence, and perseverance; and the the house from my apartment. result was complete satisfaction of my innocence; At that time Mr. Lawrence did not dine with complete detection of the falsehood of my ac me; his dinner was served in his own room. After cusers. Encouraged by their success in that dinner he came down to the room where I and part of their inquiry, I lament that they did not, my Ladies generally sat in an evening, sometimes (as they thought proper to enter into the other there was music, in which he joined, and some- part of it at all), with similar industry, pursue it. times he read poetry. Parts of Shakespeare's If they had, I am confident they would have plays I particularly remember, from his reading pursued it with the same success; but though them very well; and sometimes he played chess they had convicted Sir John and Lady Douglas with me. It frequently may have happened that of falsehood, they seem to have thought it impos it was one or two o'clock before I dismissed Mr.sible to suspect of the same falsehood any other of Lawrence and my Ladies. They, together with the witnesses, though produced by Sir John and Mr. Lawrence, went out of the same door, up Lady Douglas. The most obvious means, therethe same stair-case, and at the same time. Ac- fore, of trying their credit, by comparing their cording to my own recollection, I should have evidence with what they had said before, seems said, that in no one instance they had left Mr. to me to have been omitted. Many facts are Lawrence behind them alone with me. But I left upon surmise only and insinuation; obvious suppose it did happen once for a short time, means of getting further information, on doubtful since Mr. Lawrence so recollects it, as your Ma- and suspicions circumstances, are not resorted jesty will perceive from his deposition, which I to; and, as if the important matter of the inquiry annex. He staid in my house two or three nights (on which a satisfactory conclusion had been together; but how many nights in the whole, I formed) was all that required any very attentive do not recollect. The picture left my house by or accurate consideration; the remainder of it April, 1801, and Mr. Lawrence never slept in my was pursued in a manner which, as it seems to house afterwards. That picture now belongs to me, can only be accounted for by the pressure of Lady Townsend. He has since completed an- what may have been deemed more important duother picture of me; and about a year and a half ties-and of this I should have made but little ago he began another, which remains at present complaint, if this inquiry, where it is imperfect, unfinished. I believe it is near a twelvemonth had not been followed by a Report, which the since I last sat to him. Mr. Lawrence lives most accurate only could have justified, and npon a footing of the greatest intimacy with the which such an accurate inquiry, I am confident, neighbouring families of Mr. Lock aud Mr. An-never could have produced.If any credit was gerstein; and I have asked him sometimes to dine with me to meet them. While I was sitting to him at my own house, I have no doubt I must often have sat to him alone; as the necessity for the precaution of having an attendant as a witness to protect my honour from suspicion, certainly never occurred to me. And upon the same principle, I do not doubt that I may have sometimes continued in conversation with him after he had finished painting. But when sitting in his own house, I have always been attended with one of my ladies. And, indeed, nothing in the examinations state the contrary. One part of Mrs. Lisle's examination seems as if she had a question put to her, upon the supposition that I

given to Mr. Cole's story of the locked door, and the whispering, and to Mr. Lawrence having been left with me so frequently of a night when my Ladies had left us, why were not all my Ladies examined? why were not all my servants examined as to their knowledge of that fact? And if they had been so examined, and had contradicted the fact so sworn to by Mr. Cole, as they must have done, had they been examined to it, that alone would have been sufficient to have removed his name from the list of unsuspected and unquestionable witnesses, and relieved me from much of the suspicion which his evidence, till it was examined, was calculated to have raised in your Majesty's mind. And to close this state

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