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then may you adopt the apostle's train of reasoning and chain of consequences: " If children, then heirs-heirs of God, and jointheirs with Christ."

attached; and that next the head of the vessel, for single men, for whose use an hospital-cabin is also provided. Boards, planed smooth, and having an outer rim, run from head to stern in the central space between the ranges of berths, a wide Never forget that God's calling is a holy call-passage being left free on either side: these stand ing. Wherever his call is effectual it is sanc- about four feet above the flooring, and answer the tifying. Holiness is as invariably the means, purpose of a table for meals and other uses. Above as God's distinguishing grace and mercy is this long table, and fixed about eighteen inches the cause, of our salvation. If he has chosen below the upper-deck, a corresponding length of us in Christ before the foundation of the boarding affords a shelf for the deposit of vessels world, it is that we should be "holy, and the hospital-cabins, which are quite inclosed, the in use, and other articles. With the exception of without blame before him in love." "We three compartments above-mentioned are sepaare bound," says St. Paul to the Thessa-rated by feather-edge boarding, with latticed lonians," to give thanks alway to God for you, doors, so as to insure their uniform ventilation. brethren beloved of the Lord, because he In this last respect, the utmost precautions which hath from the beginning chosen you to salva- science and experience could suggest have been tion through sanctification of the Spirit and a hand-wheel, is fixed in the two hospital-cabins, adopted. An apparatus, set in motion by belief of the truth," whereunto he called you by means of which not only is all foul air abby our gospel to the obtaining of the glory stracted, but supplies of fresh air drawn in, and of our Lord Jesus Christ. And, finally, to circulated as need may require. At one point show the nature of Christian assurance, and of the deck above our heads we were asked to the necessity of growth in grace as a means place ourselves underneath the mouth of a funnel, of maintaining it for these very Philippians, carried through and above the main deck, by of whose final perseverance he speaks so con- stantly descending into the thronged quarters bewhich a supply of pure external air is kept confidently in the text, he prays in the verses low; while at another spot we raised our hands following (as I do, beloved brethren, in con- towards a second air-pipe, the atmosphere in clusion for you) "that your love may abound which is kept heated by its passing next the yet more and more in knowledge and in all kitchen fire: this pipe is continually drawing and judgment; that ye may approve those things getting rid of any foul or overheated air which may which are excellent; that ye may be sincere be engendered between-decks. By the operation and without offence till the day of Christ; cation of the atmosphere, breathed by hundreds, of these two pipes, or funnels, a constant purifibeing filled with the fruits of righteousness, is regularly maintained. The emigrants, who, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and when their complement is made good at Plypraise of God." mouth, will, with their officers and crew, number nearly half a thousand, enjoy an abundance of good wholesome food, including meat every day; and they will continue to enjoy it during the whole four months' voyage; better food, and more plentiful, than most of them have probably tasted since they were weaned. It is indeed but justice to the commissioners to say, that, under their careful superintendence, nothing capable of administering to the bodily comfort of the emigrant seems to have been forgotten. A code of excellent regulations, rigidly carried out, secures regularity, good order, and cleanliness among them. We were informed that this little colony is conveyed across the seas at the expense of the inhabitants of Sydney, who have remitted to the commissioners the funds required for the embarkation and support of the emigrants until they reach their destination. I was told by one of them, that, in order, however, to provide for the supply of utensils, &c., each adult passenger had paid a fee of one pound, and half that amount for each child he took with him: this, and the cost of conveying themselves to the place of embarkation, appears to be the whole expense incurred by the passengers. Upon their reaching Sydney, the mattrass, blankets, and utensils, which they have used while on board, becomes their own property; hence they receive much beyond an equivalent for the fee they have paid. Their passage therefore costs them, in vulgar parlance, "less than nothing," in a pecuniary point of view.


Gravesend, July 24. THIS was a day of peculiar interest to us. We were afforded the opportunity of visiting the "General Hewitt," a vessel of twelve hundred tons burden, formerly belonging to the East India company, but now fitted up for the conveyance of emigration and troops. On the present occasion she had been chartered by the commissioners of emigration, for a voyage to Sydney, New South Wales. As soon as we reached her quarter-deck we were accosted by Mr. Cooper, the commissioners' superintendant, to whom we are greatly indebted for the urbane reception, and as welcome information, which he gave us. The ship is well found in every thing that can be required for the health and comfort of her multitudinous passengers; particularly in her internal fittings and arrangements. The whole of her betweendecks, which is some twelve feet high, is supplied with a double range of roomy berths, one above the other, against both her sides; in her centre, or midships, with large berths for the married; and single ones, for the unmarried, at either end of the latter, the compartment next the stern is appropriated to single women, with an hospital-cabin

* From a Correspondent.

We were met on board by the visiting secretary of the Prayer-book and Homily Society, who had attended yesterday (Sunday), and assembled the emigrants to prayers and the reading of scripture, addressed them on the subject of their duties to God and their neighbour, with especial reference to the new relations in which they were now placed, and had held much instructive communion with them generally. Many of them expressed to us their grateful sense of this, his labour of true Christian love. He had again come on board to-day, with a supply of a selection from the liturgy, for morning and evening prayer for every day in the week; and he presented a copy of this useful manual, as a gift from the society, to every individual emigrant who did not, on account of his or her dissent from the rites of the church of England, decline to receive it. He met, I believe, with but one refusal. Besides this, he placed in the hands of the head of each mess of eight emigrants a copy of the "homilies," also a present from that truly church of England society; for it publishes no book or tract but such as are stamped with the authority of the church. The gift is designed for the reading and edification of the whole mess during the voyage, and becomes the property of the individual to whom it is entrusted for that purpose upon disembarkation. The visiting secretary collected, while we were on board, the single women who were in the ship, to the number of forty or fifty; and, having made them take their seats in their own compartments, prefaced his work of distribution with an impressive address: in this, he called their attention to some of the homilies best adapted for their instruction in the practical duties of Christianity, and exhorted them, by apposite reference to the teaching of the great Head of the church and his apostles, to the prayerful and diligent cultivation of that spirit of love, and peace, and unity, which become those who confess Christ, and which would prove the surest guarantee of their comfort and well-being, not only during the voyage, but through their whole after-life. It was delightful to witness the deep and eager attention with which these poor sisters in Jesus listened to his affectionate exhortation: from the eyes of not a few of them fell speaking tears. The emigrants consisted of males and females (some with their whole families) from what is termed the "industrial" class of society; operatives, husbandmen, herdsmen, sempstresses, menial servants, &c. We entered into conversation with many of them; and I was well pleased to find, in the case of those with whom I conversed, that not one of them had embarked without having a bible with them. I had brought with me some small religious books and tracts, which were eagerly accepted by those to whom I gave them. Some of the mothers came up to me, and inquired whether I had any which were particularly suited for children; and many intreated me to give them some book or tract which commented upon the "book of life," or illustrated it. Happily, I had with me several copies of that admirable tract, "Scripture the Guide of Life," published by the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge. My poor alms seemed to be so acceptable, that I had reason to lament that their extent was so slender.

It is deplorable that no provision should have been made for the pastoral superintendence and due administration of public worship among so large a flock. What a blessed opportunity for training them for heaven has been lost! What a work of mercy and blessing to their souls might have been done during the four months of quietude and seclusion from the world! A generous liberality has provided for every reasonable want of the body; but none but a niggardly and irregular provision has been made for the necessities of "the inner man ;" the spiritual as well as medical care of the emigrants being committed to a pious and kind-hearted layman, who has volunteered his services. I doubt not that he will be faithful and zealous in the discharge of his twofold functions; yet how much more efficiently would not both have been performed, had he been released from the other by some chosen servant, ministering in the name and by the appointment of the great Physician of souls! It is possible that the neglect has arisen from the varied persuasions to which the emigrants belong having suggested obstacles to the ministry of any one particular church; but these would have been divinely overruled, had choice been made of one who was really called to be a leader of the flock by the "good Shepherd."

H. *****


IT was the hour for afternoon sernoon, on the first Sunday after the Epiphany: the bell was sounding for prayers; and, in obedience to its silvery tongue, the worshippers were assembling in the house of God. Children, too, were there; children of the Training, National, and other schools-children who, according to the wise directions of the rubric, are accustomed each sabbath, after the conclusion of the public baptismal service at the close of the second lesson, to stand and meekly answer the catechetical questions of God's ordained minister. Highly favoured, indeed, are those little ones; for the chief pastor of that church delights in little children, and loves to lead the lambs of the flock to the good Shepherd, who


gathers the lambs with his arm, and carries them in his bosom." And now, on this blessed sabbath afternoon, when the pastor stood in his accustomed place of catechising, and the assembled children rose to await his questions, very interesting was the scene to all who rejoice to see the tender and pliant mind of childhood taught how to abide in him who is the true and only way of salvation. The selected subject was the gospel of the day (Luke ii. 41); a subject peculiarly suitable for children, since it speaks of the time when our Lord condescended to be a little child like unto them. After various introductory questions, the kind pastor observed that " many have wished to know more events of our Lord's childhood; but we can only say, the sacred narrative is all it has pleased the Holy Ghost to reveal to us; and, though we desire to know more, we must therefore be content: in another world we shall learn many things we do not know now."

And is not this a glorious thought? I cannot


help interrupting my narrative to dwell upon Surely we may humbly hope it will form part of the bliss of heaven to be permitted to view, as in a mirror, the actual life of our Lord upon earth. And O what an inconceivable privilege will that be! what a wondrous study for human glance to scan, even though seen with eye of renovated and exalted humanity! What marvel that only the faint outlines are pourtrayed to us in this our fallen and degraded state? For how should sinful beings venture to gaze on the glorious reality, or contemplate the unimaginable anguish of the actual agonies and death of the incarnate Son of God?

But to return. It would be superfluous to narrate how verse by verse was explained, whether by question or comment, to the youthful | pupils; but I cannot omit the remark offered on the verse: "And he went down with them, and came to Nazareth, and was subject unto them." "He was subject unto them. What a wonderful verse is this! He, who was the mighty God, subject to his earthly parents! Think of all the little details of every-day life which you are required by your parents to perform; and remember that all such Jesus performed for his parents, and was subject unto them as a poor boy: all the duties that would be required of a poor boy, in humble life, Jesus did for his parents. We know they were very poor. When they came to Bethlehem, there was no room for them at the inn, because they were poor. No doubt there was room enough for those who had money; for money can gain admission any where. And therefore they were obliged to repair to a stable and a manger. At the presentation in the Temple, the mother of Jesus offered two turtle-doves. Was that the offering of the rich? No: of the poor. Whenever your parents require you to do any thing you would not like to do, and you feel rebellious, and disposed to murmur, think of Jesus-think of this verse; that Jesus went down with them, and was subject unto them.' O, remember that Jesus was subject to his parents."

But I must not continue to multiply extracts; for I am only quoting from memory. Does not the above passage teach a good and a holy lesson to all-to grown people as well as to children? Assuredly, it must; for who is there among us, even in the most favoured position, that is not sometimes called upon to perform duties that are repugnant and distasteful? and human naturesinful human nature-is at all times far too prone to murmur. Let us look towards the patient, the self-denying Saviour: if he so meekly endured the same trials, the same sorrows as our own, how should such as we presume to complain? O, may we all-aged as well as youthful, rich as well as poor-pray, in his prevailing name, to our Father, that he would graciously vouchsafe to imbue us with the Spirit of Jesus in every trait of our character, in each action of our every-day life and conversation; that, when we are required to perform any unwelcome duty, be it important or be it what the world calls trifling (for nothing is really unimportant), it be sanctified to us by the reflection that Jesus is in it; that Jesus cheerfully underwent the same, and bare the like sorrows, when sojourning for our sake in this trou.. blous world.


And the holy prayers were ended; and the congregation slowly wended their way to their respective homes, pondering, it may be, on the solemn truths they had heard; a few of them, perhaps, nurturing a resolution to bid those holy truths live again in their daily walk of Christian pilgrimage. I, too, must hasten to a close: before I conclude, however, may I be permitted to express a wish that the invaluable practice of public catechizing were adopted in all our churches? When kindly and judiciously performed, it affords instruction not only to the youthful members of the flock, but also to the whole congregation; while, from its familiar and colloquial style, it presents the opportunity of introducing various topics not always entirely suitable to the greater solemnity of a sermon. There are, amongst the poor, many who, having been neglected in their youth, still require to be instructed like children, and yet would shrink from the idea of going to school in their mature age; while listening to the public catechizing of the church, the knowledge they need may be conveyed in the simple language suited to their understanding without inflicting pain on their feelings; for the poor have their sensitive feelings as well as the rich, though perhaps we are sometimes forgetful of this fact. And then, too, amid the inferior portion of the middle classes, there sometimes exists a dearth of religious knowledge as great, or occasionally even greater, than amongst the poor; for these (the poor) have the pastoral calls of their clergyman, and the help of their district visitor, to teach them within their homes; whilst among the others, such visits, unless in times of dangerous illness (I speak, of course, of the irreligious part of the community, for the pious in all ranks are truly thankful for such aids), would be deemed an intrusion. Yet there may be such persons present in the church, and they too may listen; and who shall say that the Holy Spirit may not bless the simple words addressed to babes for the instruction and spiritual improvement of the worldly-wise and prudent? And even the faithful and consistent Christian may cull some flower of comfort-some means of improvement. Yes, such a one will rejoice to sit in spirit as a little child at the blessed Saviour's feet "among the lilies"; for there is the promise of a blessing on the meek and quiet spirit; and, like the bee, we should rejoice to gather sweets from every, even the lowliest blossom.

O let us, one and all, in our several spheres, endeavour, both by precept and example, to display the holy banner of the cross to all mankind; and "God shall bless us :" and, though difficulties arise, the work shall prosper; for do we not read in the sure word of prophecy that a time will come when "all shall know the Lord, from the least even to the greatest"? when real and vital religion shall reign triumphant,

"And all the world, from sea to sea,
One glorious Christian church shall be."


The Cabinet.

THE FREENESS AND FULNESS OF THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST.-If the greater part of those who profess to believe in the Lord Jesus be asked what is their hope as to eternal salvation, they will almost unanimously reply that they expect it from the mercy and grace of God in Jesus Christ, and that it is in order to obtain it, and render themselves worthy of it-at least as much as man is capable of doing-that they attend church, observe the duties of religion, bestow alms, and abstain from all irregular conduct. That is to say, on the one hand, they use the words Saviour, grace, free pardon, the gift of heaven; but, on the other, they study to merit and gain of themselves the remission of their sins and everlasting happiness. Thus they imitate the folly of a bankrupt, who boasts that the king in person has freed him from all his debts; but who, at the same time, economizes even his bread and water, for fear, as he says, of being imprisoned if he does not pay all himself.

Do you not think that, if it pleased the king to grant me a complete and gratuitous pardon for some erime, I should feel certain that the law would no longer affect me, and that, therefore my obedience would henceforth flow from a source totally different from that which produced it before he granted me my pardon? Well; if a sinner believes that God has cancelled his debt, and has given him eternal life, because of the blood of the new covenant which has been shed upon his cross, will he, thus justified, continue to act with a view to obtain pardon? or rather, will he not follow, without alarm or disquietude, the emotions of a heart which the certainty of possessing this blessing will have filled with gratitude? That is very insufficient security, in my opinion, which leaves the debtor in fear of imprisonment. Can it be, for example, that my debt has been paid this morning by a benefactor, and yet remain undischarged, until I shall have offered my friend some token of gratitude? .... If, then, a man can be assured, by examining himself, that he renounces self-justification, and that he confides in Jesus Christ and in the sacrifice which he has accomplished upon the cross, God says then, and declares, that he who thus believeth on the name of the Lord Jesus should know that he is justified by faith, and that he hath eternal life.





(Suggested to the author whilst sheltering from a storm in the porch of St. Ishmael's church, Carmarthenshire).

(For the Church of England Magazine).

HAIL, sacred fane! within thy hallowed walls
May sinners often hear the cheering calls
Of mercy, breathing o'er their souls that peace
Which het, who bade the troubled waves to cease,
Will still impart to every mourner's prayer,
Who contrite seeks him with a heart sincere.
O mayest thou ne'er like her of old‡ be found,
Deserted, sad, and prostrate on the ground;
But may thy table here be often spread,
And humble saints partake the living bread,
And Hagar's God be still for ever nigh,
And streams of living water still supply;

* From Malan's narrative of "The True Cross."
† Mark iv. 39. + Gen. xvi. 7.

[blocks in formation]
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with a very remarkable degree of fertility. My feet
have trod that sacred soil: my eyes beheld many
places eminently sanctified by the abode in poverty
and suffering of the Son of God in the days of his
humiliation, where he spoke and taught as never man
did, raised the dead, poured sight on the eyes of the
blind from their birth (John ix.), made the dumb
speak, again, he caused the cripple to leap, fed
thousands in a moment by a most stupendous act;
he rebuked the enraged elements, laid prostrate
at his feet infernal spirits, healed those who had the
palsy and were grievously tormented; further,
imparted comfort to the broken-hearted, supported
the aged and lonely relict in her distress. With re-
gard to Jerusalem, I have walked its desolate streets,
ascended its hills "round about," stood on the ground
where the Prince of Peace was buffeted, scourged, in-
sulted; when all that could excite our pity and melt
the very heart of man was endured without a murmur;
and surely no sorrow was like his sorrow. He "was
led forth as a lamb to the slaughter; had been hur-
ried to that accursed tree, and shed his peace-speak-
ing, divine blood as a voluntary sacrifice to satisfy
divine justice; hung upon it a public spectacle to
angels and men, and brought in an everlasting righte
ousness (Gal. iii. 13, 14; Heb. ii. 10; Ps. xxiv. 7);
when silent rocks burst asunder, dead came forth
from the dust, universal nature was moved, and the
light of day had vanished. Salvation, may it inspire
our hearts! for to thee, O bleeding Lamb, all praise
I have also trod the sacred pinnacle of
Olivet, where he had ascended to heaven as a triumphal
conqueror, to take possession of his mediatorial throne,
and sits on the right hand of God in the glory of the
Father-a glory infinitely beyond what imagination
can paint; and who reigns transcendent, encircled
with his radiant band through an endless eternity.
"Wonder then, O heavens! and be astonished, O
earth!"-Rae Wilson's Travels.

PALESTINE.-The biblical history concerning the patriarchal ages, the particular providence and miraculous interpositions of God in the government of his ancient people, the promulgation of the divine law upon Mount Sinai, the details given by prophets, the predictions delivered by them of a scheme which infinite wisdom and mercy had framed of man's recovery by the glorious mercy vouchsafed to him in the miracles wrought to astonished multitudes in confirmation of his divine mission and gospel, the divinity of our Lord, his mission upon earth, ministry | among cities, hamlets, and families of this most highly-favoured land, where he at last expired under the bitterest agony on the accursed tree, as a sacrifice for sin, his "glorious ascension" to heaven, the signs DENMARK.-ANTIQUITIES-A remarkable mode and gifts of the Holy Ghost, which ensued, with the is adopted in this country to discover relics: it is consequent proceedings of his ambassadors, sent forth this. The government some years ago being impressed by him to teach all nations, and tell the generations with a belief there were many antiquities that had unborn; I say, the combination of all these stupendous never come to light, which it would be highly desiraevents, and of such vital importance to the human ble to come at, and even an object of national imrace, added to a voice which seemed, as it were, to portance to rescue from oblivion, adopted an excellent sound in my ears, "Go, walk through the land, and plan for the prosecution of such designs. A royal describe it: my presence shall go with thee, and I commission or proclamation was issued; and every will show great and mighty things thou knowest not," clergyman was furnished with a particular set of inmade so powerful an impression on my mind as to structions to give information to his flock of any reexcite an unquenchable desire to visit these illustrious mains of antiquity; and rewards were offered to any regions, in which alone there had been made an of them, or through them to others, who should disauthentic revelation from heaven, and an immediate cover fragments of this description, and carry them and direct intercourse had existed, as though Jacob's to the museum. In consequence of so simple ladder were no more a vision, but a waking and coma mode, the institution in Copenhagen has met mon reality. In the course of this undertaking I with a success equal to the expectations of the most found ample reason to say, in the language of the enthusiastic antiquarian; since numerous relics have wise man, 66 I saw many things-more, indeed, than been obtained, through ploughmen and others turning I can express;" nor was I deceived in apprehensions, up the soil, which have proved highly curious and inhaving been exposed to many perils and dangers by teresting accessions to the collection; and strangers land and sea, in the crowded mart, as in the solitary who visit the capital are astonished to see the place so wilderness from robbers. Hunger, thirst, weariness, much enriched with works of old. Such a proceeding watching, besides numberless privations and bodily was most judicious on the part of the Danish governpains, were among the lesser evils of this pilgrimage, ment, and ought to be adopted in our country, since which, however, by frequency occasioned nearly in- it would stimulate enterprize, and lead to the dissufferable distress, and presented almost insurmount-covery of many striking pieces of antiquity, that will able obstacles to my progress; and the "God and otherwise perhaps remain for ever concealed in the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, blessed for evermore, bowels of the earth.-Ibid. knoweth that I lie not." Palestine is more interesting than any other country, and may still assert its claim to be described as a goodly land, abounding in rich pastures and corn-fields, in picturesque beauty and high sublimity, whose stones are iron, and out of whose hills brass may be dug. Its prominent features are those of a hill-country; enough to exclude tameness, yet not so much so as to be incompatible

and HUGHES, 12, Ave-Maria Lane, St. Paul's; and to be
London: Published for the Proprietors by EDWARDS
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