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" Ah! let not Censure term our fate our choice, The stage but echoes back the public voice ; The drama's laws, the drama's patrons give, For we that live to please, must please to live. "
The British Poets: Including Translations ... - Strona 193
autor: British poets - 1822
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The Gentleman's Magazine, Tom 17

1747 - Liczba stron: 686
...bubbles of the day. Ah ! let not Cenfure term our fate our choice, The ftige but echoes back the publick voice. The drama's laws, the drama's patrons give ; For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe to live. Then prompt no mere the follies you decry, As tyrants doom their tools...
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A Collection of Poems in Four Volumes, Tom 1

Robert Dodsley - 1755 - Liczba stron: 356
...bubbles of the day, Ah ! let not cenfure term our fate our choice, The ftage but echoes back the publick voice, The drama's laws the drama's patrons give, For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe, to live. Then prompt no more the follies you decry, As tyrants doom their tools...
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A Collection of Poems ...

Robert Dodsley - 1758 - Liczba stron: 384
...bubbles of the day. Ah ! let not cenfure term our fate our choice, The flage but echoes back the publick voice, The drama's laws the drama's patrons give, For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe, to live. Then prompt no more the follies you decry, As tyrants doom their tools...
Pełny widok - Informacje o książce

A Collection of Poems

1758 - Liczba stron: 352
...bubbles of the day. Ah ! let not cenfure term our fate our choice ; The ftage but echoes back the publick voice, The drama's laws the drama's patrons give, For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe, to live. Then prompt no more the follies you decry,' As tyrants doom their tools...
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The History of the Theatres of London and Dublin: From the Year 1730 to the ...

Benjamin Victor - 1761 - Liczba stron: 288 Bubbles of the Day. Ah ! let not Cenfure term^ur Fate our Choice, The Stage but ecchoes b«K the public Voice, The Drama's Laws the Drama's Patrons give, For we that live to pleafe, rnuft pleafe to live. Then prompt no more the-Foilies you decry, As Tyrants doom their Tools...
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A Collection of Poems: In Six Volumes, Tom 1

1765 - Liczba stron: 396
...And chace the new-blown bubbles of the day. Ah! let not cenfure term our fate our choice ; The ftage but echoes back the public voice, The drama's laws the drama's patrons give, For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe, to live. Then prompt no more the follies you decry, As tyrants doom their tools...
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Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Tom 2

Samuel Johnson - 1774 - Liczba stron: 412
...every Meteor of Caprice muft play, And chace the new-blown Hubbies of the Day. Ah! let not Cenfure term our Fate, our Choice: The Stage but echoes back...Laws, the Drama's Patrons give, For we that live to pleafc, muft pleafc to live. Then 3 Then prompt no more the Follies you decry, As Tyrants doom their...
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Miscellaneous and Fugitive Pieces, Tom 2

Samuel Johnson - 1774 - Liczba stron: 374
...every Meteor of Caprice muft play, And chace the new-blown Bubbles of the Day. Ah! let not Cenfure term our Fate, our Choice: The Stage but echoes back...public Voice, The Drama's Laws, the Drama's Patrons g|ve, For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe to live. Then prompt no more the Follies you decry, As...
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Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick: Interspersed with Characters ..., Tom 1

Thomas Davies - 1780 - Liczba stron: 372
...echoes back the public voice; * A famous rope-dancer and prajjlifer of legerdemain • Picks. : ' TJJF J The drama's laws, the drama's patrons give, For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe to live. Then prompt no more the follies you decry, As tyrants doom their toois...
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Memoirs of the Life of David Garrick, Esq: Interspersed with ..., Tom 1

Thomas Davies - 1781 - Liczba stron: 554
...ecchoes back the public voice ; * A famous rope dancer and praftifer of legerdemain tricks. / 1 3 The The drama's laws, the drama's patrons give, For we that live to pleafe, muft pleafe to live. Then prompt no more the follies you decry., As tyrants doom their tools...
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