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" The tower that long had stood the crush of thunder and the warring winds, shook by the slow but sure destroyer time, now hangs in doubtful ruins o'er its base ; and flinty pyramids and walls of brass descend: — the Babylonian spires are sunk; Achaia,... "
The British Poets: Including Translations ... - Strona 54
autor: British poets - 1822
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Miscellanies, Tom 1

John Armstrong - 1770 - Liczba stron: 238
...Rome, and Egypt moulder down. 540 Time fhakes the ftable tyranny of thrones, And tottering empires rufh by their own weight. This huge rotundity we tread grows old ; And all thofe worlds that roll around the fun, The fun himfelf, fhall die ; and ancient Night 545 Again involve...
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Miscellanies;, Tom 1

John Armstrong - 1770 - Liczba stron: 246
...Rome, and Egypt moulder down. 540 Time fhakes the ftable tyranny of thrones, And tottering empires rufh by their own weight. This huge rotundity we tread grows old ; And all thofe worlds that roll around the fun, The fun himfelf, fhall die ; and ancient Night 545 Again involve...
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The English Parnassus: Being a New Selection of Didactic, Descriptive ...

John Adams - 1789 - Liczba stron: 376
...Achaia, Rome, and Egypt moulder down. Time makes the liable tyranny of thrones, And tottering empires rum by their own weight. This huge rotundity we tread grows old ; And And all thofe worlds that roll around the fun ; The fun himfelf mall die ; and ancient night Again...
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Elegant Extracts; Or, Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry ..., Tom 1

Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - Liczba stron: 510
...Rome, and Egypt moulder down. Time (hakes the liable tyranny of thrones, And tott'ring empires rufh by their own weight. This huge rotundity we tread grows old ; And all thofe worlds that roll around the fun; The fun himfelf (hall die; and ancient Night Again involve the...
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Roach's Beauties of the Modern Poets of Great Britain: Carefully Selected ...

James Roach - 1794 - Liczba stron: 268
...Rome, and Egypt moulder down. Time fliakesthe liable tyranny of thrones, And tottering empires rufli by their own weight. This huge rotundity we tread grows old, And all thofe worlds that roll around the fun : The fun himfelf fhall die, and ancient Night Again involve...
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Poems of Established Reputation: To Wit: 1st. The Art of Preserving Health

1802 - Liczba stron: 302
...had stood The crush of thunder and the warring winds, 533 Shook by the slow but sure destroyer Time, Now hangs in doubtful ruins o'er its base. And flinty...spires are sunk ; Achaia, Rome, and Egypt moulder down. 540 * In the human body, as well as in those of other animals, the larger blood vessels are composed...
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Elegant Extracts: Or, Useful and Entertaining Pieces of Poetry

Elegant extracts - 1805 - Liczba stron: 1050
...Achaia, Rome, and Egypt moulder down. Time makes the liable tyranny of thrones, And tottering empires rum by their own weight. This huge rotundity we tread grows old, And all thofe worlds that roll around the fun. The fun himfelf (hall die, and ancient night Again involve the...
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The History of the Castle, Town, and Forest of Knaresbrough: With Harrogate ...

Ely Hargrove - 1809 - Liczba stron: 446
...stood, " The crush of thunder, and the warring winds. "Shook by the slow, but sure destroyer— Tune, " Now hangs in doubtful ruins o'er its base : " And..." Time shakes the stable tyranny of thrones, " And tott'ring empires rush by their own weight. " This huge rotundity we tread grows old ; " And, all those...
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The history of the castle, town, and forest of Knaresborough; with Harrogate ...

Ely Hargrove - 1809 - Liczba stron: 454
...stood, " The crush of thunder, aud the warring winds. " Shook by the slow, but sure destroyer— Time, " Now hangs in doubtful ruins o'er its base: " And flinty...brass •" Descend : The Babylonian spires are sunk ; " Acliaia, Rome, and Egypt moulder down.— '• Time shakes the stable tyranny of thrones, " And...
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The Works of the English Poets, from Chaucer to Cowper: Including ..., Tom 16

Samuel Johnson - 1810 - Liczba stron: 666
...bad stood The crush of thunder and the warring winds, Shook by the slow, but sure destroyer, Time, Now hangs in doubtful ruins o'er its base. And flinty...the stable tyranny of thrones, And tottering empires crush by their own weight. This huge rotundity we tread grows old ; And all those worlds that roll...
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